I would not be against the sort of election that other countries have. Not only is it time to get rid of the electoral college, if there was no clear majority in the election a "top two" runoff election could be held so we would not have complaints about spoiler candidates. But of course without the electoral college both Gore and especially Clinton would have won. Perhaps the second is not necessary.
Maybe....without Perot, we might've had another Bush term,
thereby providing a possibly very different alternative future.
I agree with you about changing the system, but I don't expect
that this or that party will benefit, nor do I think we'd have any
better results. The primary process looks to be a far more
troubling part of the system.
I also favor at large voting for representatives. But I know the
risk that not only will Libertarians win a seat or two, but so will
commies. It would be interesting.