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6000 years


Well-Known Member
They have dug up old houses in Israel older then 6000 years.

Archeologists discover 8,000-year-old building in Tel Aviv

Archeologists discover 8,000-year-old building in Tel Aviv - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

So they must have been building on earth before there was an Earth yes?

Not to mention
Big Five mass extinction events

BBC Nature - Big Five mass extinction events

There were a TON of animals BEFORE the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs evolved from the animals before them.

Not to mention plate tectonics which takes millions of years. Every four hundred million years all the continents come together. Hence Rodina and Pangea in the past.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The Tel Aviv discovery must have been exciting.

Thank you for posting that shawn.

There exists so much real evidence that the Earth and life on it are older than 6000 years it is amazing that there are still people who believe everything we know is so young. The reason why I think they do, is the same book that says God created the earth in seven days says the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. Believers in a seven day creation are also believers in Satan, that he blinds the eyes of everyone not believing in a literal creation account. They must believe most of the world is lying to them. What a way to go. It's so so sad.


Coincidentia oppositorum
The Bible doesn't state that the world is only 6,000 years old. Some extreme literalists will claim that, but they are a minority. As in, even most creationists do not take the 7 days of creation to be literally 7 days.
I'm glad to hear they're a minority. But it seems like they're the ones most outspoken. I think this is a trend in all beliefs and unbeliefs (not just Christianity).

The 6,000 years age comes from Bishop Ussher in the 16th century. It's calculated from the genealogies in the OT.


Well-Known Member
The evidence for the earth being 4.57 billion years old is Overwelming with billions of individual facts.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
The Tel Aviv discovery must have been exciting.

Thank you for posting that shawn.

There exists so much real evidence that the Earth and life on it are older than 6000 years it is amazing that there are still people who believe everything we know is so young. The reason why I think they do, is the same book that says God created the earth in seven days says the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. Believers in a seven day creation are also believers in Satan, that he blinds the eyes of everyone not believing in a literal creation account. They must believe most of the world is lying to them. What a way to go. It's so so sad.

Hey, it's from the Bible right? Isn't that where you're getting your beliefs from? ;)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Hey, it's from the Bible right? Isn't that where you're getting your beliefs from? ;)

"We both had dreams," they answered, "but there is no one to interpret them." Then Joseph said to them, "Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams." Genesis 40:8

I believe the Bible is not an eye witness account. It is a record of the visions of the visionaries. The interpretation of visions like dreams belongs to God.

Most of my beliefs come from the Bible, but not all. I think the Bible should not be believed under the influence of one's own understanding.

World English Bible
Trust in Yahweh with all your heart, and don't lean on your own understanding Proverbs 3:5

Thank you for commenting. You did not answer my question. Did you receive it?


Well-Known Member
Disciple your very welcome.

The Gobekli Tepe Temple at 11,000 years old is 6000 years older then Stonehenge.

Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Temple?
Predating Stonehenge by 6,000 years, Turkey's stunning Gobekli Tepe upends the conventional view of the rise of civilization

Gobekli Tepe: The World

9 miles from the temple is the city where Abraham is said to have come from called ŞANLIURFA.

Its even older then the 11,600 years of the temple Gobekli Tepe.

Göbekli Tepe - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine

These are people who had not developed agriculture, stone age people.


Veteran Member
The Bible intimates that life began 6000 years ago.

The fossil record seems to do a good job disproving that.

There are remains of life forms embedded deep within Earth's crust. The life was covered and over time uncovered. There is evidence that the process of covering and uncovering is much longer than 6000 years. 6000 years is a real short time. What the physical record shows needed much more that 6000 years imo. How is it explained by believers in the literally inspired Genesis account please?

In other words how are the remains of ancient life explained in harmony with the scriptural account? Does believing in a literal interpretation of Genesis require calling Earth researchers liars?
The 6 day of creation, and then human was created on the 7th day, is the 6000 years period of spiritual creation of human civilization. OT states a Day of God is 1000 years. So, human generally in the sense of civilized and understanding was begin just about 160 years ago. (6000 years after the Adam)
The OT does not state there was no human before Adam.
Now the problem is that, it is often interpreted that the Sin of Adam caused Death. Now, thus before Adam, no body died!
However if it is interpreted that Sin causes spiritual death, then there won't be contradiction between Bible Creation and Science.
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Well-Known Member
The 6 day of creation, and then human was created on the 7th day, is the 6000 years period of spiritual creation of human civilization. OT states a Day of God is 1000 years. So, human generally in the sense of civilized and understanding was begin just about 160 years ago. (6000 years after the Adam)
The OT does not state there was no human before Adam.
Now the problem is that, it is often interpreted that the Sin of Adam caused Death. Now, thus before Adam, no body died!
However if it is interpreted that Sin causes spiritual death, then there won't be contradiction between Bible Creation and Science.

Ingenious dodge! Since propositions about spiritual things cannot be tested, one can say whatever one likes about them.

"The metaphysicist has no laboratory."


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The People for the belief in Young Earth must also believe in sudden appearance. Correct? Evolution is the process by which all things were build up over time. The very literal interpretation of genesis requires the believer to mentally acknowledge all the different species and nonliving things sprung up suddenly like magic. The many bits of evidence that exists and that directs the thinker to believe in an older earth must have sprung up too. But why? Why would God design dead things to mislead a world into rejecting the belief of a literal 6000 year old earth? Or for the bold revolutionary thinkers, a six thousand year old human species? Why would Someone who is for Truth and Peace arrange things to look much older, please? For instance, the Grand Cannon. Surely it looks older than six thousands years. What about the human brain? Is it really only six thousand years old? Has anyone who believes in the 6000 years actually tried to imagine how short that is?


Veteran Member
fantôme profane;3226068 said:
Perhaps not, but “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”.
Actually, i think there are evidences to support SOME OF what I said from a hisorical point, and SOME Part can also be backed up using scriptures.
But, as long as a statement cannot be proved to be false, any claim to say it is false, is not logically justified.
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Veteran Member
Sure it does. Your statements were so full of wild cards as to be nearly meaningless.
Well, which parts of my statements, do you think are nearly meaningless?
If time allows I make them clear. I mean it's not fun just to say they are meaningless. I prefer to discuss....
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CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Is it really only six thousand years old? Has anyone who believes in the 6000 years actually tried to imagine how short that is?
I tried. 40 people, one dying while the next is being born gets us to around the time of the supposed flood. Before that 2 or 3 nine hundred year olds would get us to creation day. Two bristle cone pine trees. One 2000 years old to get us to the flood, the other 4000 years old to get here. And speaking of trees, the grandparents of today's trees are a day older than the Sun and stars. Too bad God had to drown them, because of man's sin. So I tried. It don't make sense. I'm not sure, but I think the stars might have been around longer than trees.


Well-Known Member
The 6 day of creation, and then human was created on the 7th day, is the 6000 years period of spiritual creation of human civilization. OT states a Day of God is 1000 years. So, human generally in the sense of civilized and understanding was begin just about 160 years ago. (6000 years after the Adam)
The OT does not state there was no human before Adam.
Now the problem is that, it is often interpreted that the Sin of Adam caused Death. Now, thus before Adam, no body died!
However if it is interpreted that Sin causes spiritual death, then there won't be contradiction between Bible Creation and Science.

"OT states a Day of God is 1000 years."

where does it say that?

"So, human generally in the sense of civilized and understanding was begin just about 160 years ago."

What, please explain?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
"OT states a Day of God is 1000 years."

where does it say that?

"So, human generally in the sense of civilized and understanding was begin just about 160 years ago."

What, please explain?

Psalm 90:4 For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.

2 Peter 3:8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.

See that it does not say a day is equal to a thousand years. It says "as" or "like" a thousand years. It's poetry.