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6000 years


Veteran Member
Premium Member
How do we know the 7th day is longer than 1000 years? .....

How do we know we are not dreaming? LOL.

The history of Man is longer than 1000 years. How do we know The Lord did not start The Lord's day of rest 1000 years ago? I don't understand the question. Is it a real question?


Veteran Member
How do we know we are not dreaming? LOL.

The history of Man is longer than 1000 years. How do we know The Lord did not start The Lord's day of rest 1000 years ago? I don't understand the question. Is it a real question?

Well, for me yes.

Because what I said in my previous posts is that I believe what Bible is saying is a day is 1000 years.
The Bible in some cases have an inner meaning (spiritual) as well as an outward meaning.
Thus, on one hand the creation story outwardly is talking about physical creation, but its inner meaning is creation of human which took 6000 years from Adam.
now counting from when Adam lived, now it has passed just more than 6000 years. so, the sixth day just ended in the middle of 19th century, and we are in the 7th day. just about 160 years in the 7th day.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Well, for me yes.

Because what I said in my previous posts is that I believe what Bible is saying is a day is 1000 years.
The Bible in some cases have an inner meaning (spiritual) as well as an outward meaning.
Thus, on one hand the creation story outwardly is talking about physical creation, but its inner meaning is creation of human which took 6000 years from Adam.
now counting from when Adam lived, now it has passed just more than 6000 years. so, the sixth day just ended in the middle of 19th century, and we are in the 7th day. just about 160 years in the 7th day.

Is this in concordance with your calendar?


Well-Known Member
Savagewind answered that already. Though she interpreted that as poetry, but I interpret that literally.

Well, basically most people would agree that since the middle of 19th century, a new age started, in which humanity has been advancing very rapidly, in terms of science, technology as well as social and economical structures....which generally speaking can be seen as the appearance of a new human. I interpreted the Bible human creation on the 7th day, as the end of 6000 years from Adam, all of which, I believe, altumately has its root in God's "Progressive Revelations"

"Well, basically most people would agree that since the middle of 19th century, a new age started, in which humanity has been advancing very rapidly, in terms of science, technology as well as social and economical structures....which generally speaking can be seen as the appearance of a new human. "

The new age would be the industrial revolution perhaps is what your talking about. But throughout mans history there have been a lot of advances. This was just one, because of science.

"which generally speaking can be seen as the appearance of a new human"

This would be incorrect, same humans for that time.

There was a time when more then one "human" ancestor walked the earth at the same time. Neanderthals, homo sapiens, Denisovians and Homo floresiensis.


Well-Known Member
Actually what is interesting is in 2 Peter 3:5... we see it refers to the creation story:

"But they deliberately forget that long ago by God's word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water."

"the earth was formed out of water and by water" goes back to genesis 1.

thus it is fairly clear, a day is 1000 year in genesis.

The universe has existed for 13.7 billion years with a margin of error of 1%. Our slar system formed about 5 billion years ago, the Sun Earth moon and planets. When the solar system formed there were more planets then we have now. Our moon formed from a planet the size of mars that slammed into the early earth.

There was material flying all over the place, ever notice all those craters on the moon. They have been there for billions of years. The earth would look like that if it weren't for erosion.

"the earth was formed out of water and by water" goes back to genesis 1

The Earth was formed from gas dust and rocks, which is how all stars and planets form.


Well-Known Member
"day is 1000 years"

Gen 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Gen 1:8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
Gen 1:13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.
Gen 1:19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
Gen 1:23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
Gen 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

So it takes a thousand years to go from evening to morning?