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6000 years


Veteran Member
"day is 1000 years"

Gen 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Gen 1:8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
Gen 1:13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.
Gen 1:19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
Gen 1:23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
Gen 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

So it takes a thousand years to go from evening to morning?
I don't believe to read those literally. In the Writings of Prophets, Light and Morning are symbols of guidance...Night and darkness symbols of ignorance. Each day (Age) represents a period in which guidance appeared (Morning) and gradually faded to black (Night). For example, "roughly" speaking, from Adam to Noah was 1 day. From Noah to Abraham day 2, from Abraham to Moses day 3...etc.


Veteran Member
The universe has existed for 13.7 billion years with a margin of error of 1%. Our slar system formed about 5 billion years ago, the Sun Earth moon and planets. When the solar system formed there were more planets then we have now. Our moon formed from a planet the size of mars that slammed into the early earth.There was material flying all over the place, ever notice all those craters on the moon. They have been there for billions of years. The earth would look like that if it weren't for erosion.

"the earth was formed out of water and by water" goes back to genesis 1

The Earth was formed from gas dust and rocks, which is how all stars and planets form

"the earth was formed out of water and by water"

I don't believe to read it literally.
Here, by forming the earth, is meant in a spiritual sense. It is not a physical creation of earth, but the "Life" of mankind on earth. Not a physical life of mankind. But the process of "Training" mankind by Word of God.

Jesus said, man cannot live only with earthly food, but also needs the heavenly food. He meant the guidance.
"Water" is a symbol of heavenly food, which came to give life.

Gen 1:7 "And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so."

The waters which were under firnament, signify "the earthly waters" which cause slip and error. In OT, Water is also used as symbol of Sin and Slip (2)
The waters above, signifies "Heavenly Water" which is the cause of Heavenly life (1)
Separating them means, defining what is wrong, and what is right. guidance from ignorance.

For example:

(1) Water of life, saves mankind:

"...eight souls were saved by water." 1 peter 3:20

(2) Water causing slip and error:

"Wherefore their way shall be unto them as slippery ways in the darkness"Jerm. 23:12
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Veteran Member
"Well, basically most people would agree that since the middle of 19th century, a new age started, in which humanity has been advancing very rapidly, in terms of science, technology as well as social and economical structures....which generally speaking can be seen as the appearance of a new human. "

The new age would be the industrial revolution perhaps is what your talking about. But throughout mans history there have been a lot of advances. This was just one, because of science.

"which generally speaking can be seen as the appearance of a new human"

This would be incorrect, same humans for that time.

There was a time when more then one "human" ancestor walked the earth at the same time. Neanderthals, homo sapiens, Denisovians and Homo floresiensis.

The new age would be the industrial revolution perhaps is what your talking about. But throughout mans history there have been a lot of advances. This was just one, because of science.

Yes. I am talking about appearance of the civilized human starting from 19th century.
It's true that throughout mans history there have been a lot of advances, but from 19th century there has been a sudden jump in comparison to past times. Though not only in terms of science and technology, but also in terms of social and economic system.
For example, in previous ages "Slavery" was explicitlly a normal thing to do. The racism was explicitlly normal, even in North America (against blacks for example). Women did not have right to vote even in Europe..etc. All these changes happend very rapidlly starting from 19th century. So, in comparison, I think it can be said, human (in terms of being civilized and ability to understand) appeared just recently. (offcource I am not taling about physical human which even existed perhaps a million years ago)
So, now going back to 6000 years interpretation, I believe the whole bible is about how gradually human was formed (trained) through interection of God with him.
It's like making them, then training them. So, in the writings of Prophets, creation of human is not limited to "physical" creation, but also how to make this physical monster to actually be a "human" in terms of virtues and understanding...and this happend gradually taking 6000 years from Adam by the interection of Prophets to define for them what is good and what is bad in terms of being human.
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Well-Known Member

"the earth was formed out of water and by water"

I don't believe to read it literally.
Here, by forming the earth, is meant in a spiritual sense. It is not a physical creation of earth, but the "Life" of mankind on earth. Not a physical life of mankind. But the process of "Training" mankind by Word of God.

Jesus said, man cannot live only with earthly food, but also needs the heavenly food. He meant the guidance.
"Water" is a symbol of heavenly food, which came to give life.

Gen 1:7 "And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so."

The waters which were under firnament, signify "the earthly waters" which cause slip and error. In OT, Water is also used as symbol of Sin and Slip (2)
The waters above, signifies "Heavenly Water" which is the cause of Heavenly life (1)
Separating them means, defining what is wrong, and what is right. guidance from ignorance.

For example:

(1) Water of life, saves mankind:

"...eight souls were saved by water." 1 peter 3:20

(2) Water causing slip and error:

"Wherefore their way shall be unto them as slippery ways in the darkness"Jerm. 23:12

Explain how our solar system ACTUALLY formed and how the earth and moon formed? Are you able too? Not using the bible, but the science we use.


Well-Known Member
Yes. I am talking about appearance of the civilized human starting from 19th century.
It's true that throughout mans history there have been a lot of advances, but from 19th century there has been a sudden jump in comparison to past times. Though not only in terms of science and technology, but also in terms of social and economic system.
For example, in previous ages "Slavery" was explicitlly a normal thing to do. The racism was explicitlly normal, even in North America (against blacks for example). Women did not have right to vote even in Europe..etc. All these changes happend very rapidlly starting from 19th century. So, in comparison, I think it can be said, human (in terms of being civilized and ability to understand) appeared just recently. (offcource I am not taling about physical human which even existed perhaps a million years ago)
So, now going back to 6000 years interpretation, I believe the whole bible is about how gradually human was formed (trained) through interection of God with him.
It's like making them, then training them. So, in the writings of Prophets, creation of human is not limited to "physical" creation, but also how to make this physical monster to actually be a "human" in terms of virtues and understanding...and this happend gradually taking 6000 years from Adam by the interection of Prophets to define for them what is good and what is bad in terms of being human.

It might REALLY help to read through this entire site on Human origins.

Human Evolution by The Smithsonian Institution's Human origins program

Human Evolution by The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program

Rev Hydrogen

Continuity Guru
Age of the earth may be one thing Abrahamic believers can
make slide as required but... later in genesis the creation of Humans is meant to be taken as literal since without this dialogue in the garden on eden , entire faiths founder. IE No Fall of Man., no sin etc.


Veteran Member
Explain how our solar system ACTUALLY formed and how the earth and moon formed? Are you able too? Not using the bible, but the science we use.

I don't think the role of Bible is to teach how the earth and moon was formed. That is the role of science to discover, not religion.


Well-Known Member


Psalm 90:4 For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.

2 Peter 3:8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.

See that it does not say a day is equal to a thousand years. It says "as" or "like" a thousand years. It's poetry.
The verse from Peter basically says that there is no difference in a day or a thousand years to God.

You can notice he says that a day is like a thousand years AND a thousand years is like a day. Just like with us humans, 1 millisecond is like 2 milliseconds, and 2 milliseconds is like 1 milliseconds. We need technology to tell the difference because the values are so small compared to how we perceive time.

So we shouldn't use Gods terms about time as correct science, because he doesn't perceive time the same way we do. :)


Age of the earth may be one thing Abrahamic believers can
make slide as required but... later in genesis the creation of Humans is meant to be taken as literal since without this dialogue in the garden on eden , entire faiths founder. IE No Fall of Man., no sin etc.
My faith doesn't stand or fall on that. I don't read the Garden of Eden as a literal place, it's just a description of the time before we became intelligent (i.e. the tree of knowledge). I believe religion has twisted the words from its original meaning. :)


There is no God but Allah
The real Bible doesn't state that the Earth is 6000 years old, and Prophet Adam (as) was not the first human either, but he was a prophet of God sent to his people. Yes, there were people already living at that time, all around the Earth.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Uh responding to posts removed makes me feel a little naked. So I took it off.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The real Bible doesn't state that the Earth is 6000 years old, and Prophet Adam (as) was not the first human either, but he was a prophet of God sent to his people. Yes, there were people already living at that time, all around the Earth.

I agree the Bible doesn't state that the earth is only 6,000 years old. Genesis 1:1 simply says "In the beginning." However, according to the Bible, Adam was the first human. Books that teach otherwise are in error. (1 Corinthians 15:45)


New Member
Of course the Universe is 13 billion years old, we have proof, actual physical proof which you can see and touch. Unlike the young Earth creationists view which have NO PROOF!!!!


Active Member
The Bible doesn't state that the world is only 6,000 years old. Some extreme literalists will claim that, but they are a minority. As in, even most creationists do not take the 7 days of creation to be literally 7 days.

If you are to read the Bible literally, it does indeed make an ancient Earth impossible:
Genealogy of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Genealogy of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many millennia can 76 or 41 generations be? And the Bible clearly states that people were created only 6 days after the Universe and the Earth. And we today do know that not to be the case.

You can of course say that it was not 7 literal days, but the order is all wrong as well. For example creating plants before creating day and night.


Active Member
Even the figure of 6,000 years is silly if you look at the 76 generations since God created the Universe, Earth and Adam and Eve. That's only because people supposedly lived to silly old ages at that time.

In order for people to actually believe this in spite of all the evidence in the world, I will make the claim that Young-Earth Creationists aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. You have to concentrate hard on ignoring all the evidence. Evidence of a large and old cosmos, evidence of evolution, evidence of humans living more than 6,000 years ago, evidence of geology happening over larger timescales than that etc.