As primally natural a social order as is available: the tribe, the clan, the hunter-gatherer group, the pack, the pride…whatever it is…but alas, that is impossible unless there is a near extinction event. I detest human society and its artifice. My choice would not be the modern liberally democratic state, or the modern socially democratic state, or the modern politically communist state…none of that. I can tell you one thing about capitalism, and that’s that it breeds extremes of jealousy and resentment. If I were to be working some crap mundane job at an Amazon distribution center making crap pay (I don’t, and wouldn’t), and I were to regard Jeff Bezos as rich as he is, why then I would want to find a way to get to Jeff Bezos and kill him (perhaps not everybody is as vehement in this as I, who am vehemently competitive by nature), but would be frustrated by the interposition of the government and its “legal code”, which would prevent me from so doing. I would, frankly, prefer to live in an archaic state among hunter-gatherers than live with that hatred and frustration.Tell me....If capitalism is so very bad, what
do you prefer?
EDIT: NOTE: Please, all Amazon employees, don’t desire to kill Mr. Bezos, but accept your current lot and work for a brighter day…I do not advocate the killing of anybody, but I am only illustrating the feelings involved above. Got it?
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