I have recently encountered several interviews with Muslims in Europe.
A common thread in the interviews was a desire to outbreed native Europeans and impose Muslim religion and culture.
We have seen what muslim-majority countries look like.
Should the rest of the civilized world prepare for a flood of refugees from Europe as their countries descend into barbarity?
Yep, those darn Muslim countries just up and descending into barbarity for no reason. If only there was some sort of cause we could identify...
If OP is still here, I'll point out that the more outrageous an interview is, the more likely it is to get spread around. This is why the plural of anecdote isn't data. Europe has always had migration, with very few exceptions there are hardly any places in Europe where the current dominant ethnic group has been the dominant ethnic group in that place for more than a thousand years, in many places more recently than that. Cultures have always changed and adapted. It will continue to do so. No culture has ever been able to freeze and be exactly the same forever and ever.
Ask yourself this. If you were magically transported back in time to your great great grandfather's heyday, would his contemporaries find your ideas and cultural expectations reasonable?
So two main points:
A) cultures change over time. Modern European culture will too. Accept it.
B) most Muslims just want to live and let live, no matter what you saw in highly cherrypicked interviews. And even the ones who don't, will have children who want to fit in with their local surroundings, and by the second or third generation, be more or less indistinguishable from the locals, just like every other time in history when immigrant groups have been declared the harbinger of the end of civilisation. There seems to be a new group every 15 years or so. The really interesting thing is the way the group who was demonised two or three iterations back are often some of the loudest demonisers of the current one.