.Well, I agree with your sentiment here; the issue I have is, God does, in fact, at least threaten torture of said own infant. The mother's compassion in this example, isn't a practical mirror of God's. I do not see how his love is as great, when the example here is not what He emulates.
Why are our plans discarded for his? Why is our suffering more important that our own relief, since it appears God's plan for us to suffer? Why is such a vile plan more important than the protection of his loved ones' well being above all other things? God cannot answer these questions in any moral way.
Indeed; so, if humans cannot achieve such perfection, how is it just that such a thing is expected of us, and that so much of value to us hinges on it?
There's no rush, so off to bed with you. The good thing about forum conversations is that they stay fresh for weeks
Jeremiah [ 32v35] mentions how the pagan peoples sacrificed their children in the fire to Molech.
God never commanded that, nor did such an abomination enter into his mind.
Where was it written that Adam was going to suffer ?
Sinless Adam would life forever on a paradisaic garden of Eden free from sickness and death.
It was Adam's disobedient choice to disobey God.
Adam was forewarned that eating from that one tree meant death.
Disobedience meant > death.
If Adam and Eve would have never had children we would not be here.
Time was needed for us to be born and think who we would like to have guide and govern us.
Also, the passing of time shows that mankind can not successfully direct his step. We need God to step in, and he will.
In other words, we can not obtain human perfection on our own.
If we could stop sinning we would not die.
We can not stop sinning so we die.
We can not resurrect oneself or another. We need someone who can do that.
Jesus can and he will. Resurrect some to heaven to reign with Jesus for a 1000 years [Rev 20v6; 14v4; 5vs9,10], but the majority of mankind will be resurrected on earth during Jesus millennial reign over earth.
Jesus will help mankind gain the healthy sound physical and spiritual perfection that sinless Adam originally had at his creation.