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A Universe from Nothing?


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
FACT: I originally said that consciousness was playing itself as the universe in all its myriad forms, to which Polymath knee-jerk responded by equating it with masturbation, to which I protested, and to which you then jumped in with your snide comment 'whatever turns you on'. I am not the initiator of the notion of masturbation, nor the one feeding it.

Story end.

The problem is not masturbation, which is a natural and healthy pass time.

The problem is your childish mockery and giggling behind your hand, which has continues for several days now.

Note my comment was in response to your
"What's that you say? You can relate to such an idea on a personal basis?"

You wanted to personally mock Poly and its backfired on you and now you just don't know how to dig yourself out of the hole you dug


Thou art That
The problem is not masturbation, which is a natural and healthy pass time.

The problem is your childish mockery and giggling behind your hand, which has continues for several days now.

Note my comment was in response to your
"What's that you say? You can relate to such an idea on a personal basis?"

You wanted to personally mock Poly and its backfired on you and now you just don't know how to dig yourself out of the hole you dug

You like to think so. Truth is I am above the hole, watching you and Poly writhe around at its bottom. Can't you see that it is you and Poly who are attached to the notion of masturbation? I never brought it up. He did, and then you knee-jerked to it in tune.

But you are correct: the problem is not masturbation or whether its healthy or not, but that Poly used it to mock the idea that consciousness is playing itself as the universe in all its myriad forms. Had you been paying attention, instead of to what's in your hand, you would have known that. But you did'nt, so you don't, and on and on you go, ad nauseum. I am only here to defend my idea of it NOT being 'masturbatory'. Masturbation is not what is behind the manifestation of the universe. Poly was trying to belittle my idea.

So stop now, before foot gets so deep into mouth that it cannot be dislodged.

BTW, that's 'pastime', and not 'pass time'. LOL, I hardly think of masturbation as a 'pastime'. Too funny. Is that what you do? ha ha ha...at work, or at play, on the subway, bus, or plane, on the street corner, at the drop of a hat, or if you have nothing else to do, why just indulge in your favorite pastime, folks! Anytime; anywhere, with anyone. :eek:.......


"uh...not a problem, officer...it's just a natural and healthy pass time, you see":D
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"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
You like to think so. Truth is I am above the hole, watching you and Poly writhe around at its bottom. Can't you see that it is you and Poly who are attached to the notion of masturbation? I never brought it up. He did, and then you knee-jerked to it in tune.

But you are correct: the problem is not masturbation or whether its healthy or not, but that Poly used it to mock the idea that consciousness is playing itself as the universe in all its myriad forms. Had you been paying attention, instead of to what's in your hand, you would have known that. But you did'nt, so you don't, and on and on you go, ad nauseum. I am only here to defend my idea of it NOT being 'masturbatory'. Masturbation is not what is behind the manifestation of the universe. Poly was trying to belittle my idea.

So stop now, before foot gets so deep into mouth that it cannot be dislodged.

BTW, that's 'pastime', and not 'pass time'. LOL, I hardly think of masturbation as a 'pastime'. Too funny. Is that what you do? ha ha ha...at work, or at play, on the subway, bus, or plane, on the street corner, at the drop of a hat, or if you have nothing else to do, why just indulge in your favorite pastime, folks! Anytime; anywhere, with anyone. :eek:.......


"uh...not a problem, officer...it's just a natural and healthy pass time, you see":D

Methinks you protest too much


Thou art That
See your private messages

Your thoughts not good enough for public viewing so you have to hide them, I see. Stop wasting my time and everyone else's and get back on track, and cease and desist from sending me any more of your stupid, obscene, and juvenile private messages. Bye:p
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The Lost One
Why is saying that the universe is conscious and intelligent putting superstition back into science?
Because your claim of Cosmic Consciousness is baseless superstition, where you are anthropomorphising the universe.

But you have not answered my question: How do you know that consciousness and/or intelligence are not the fundamental realities? How do you know that conscious intelligent beings did not emerge from a conscious and intelligent universe? You don't, because you have been conditioned to think otherwise; that the brain is the source of consciousness.

I don't need to answer your bloody questions, because you already know what my answer would be, in the very last line: the source of consciousness is the brain...

...but I would also include the sensory perceptions, from what we can see with our eyes, hear with our ears, smell with our noses, taste in our mouth and feel what we touch. The thing is, these senses are what make our consciousness possible, and it required the brain to process all those information.

We have evidences for all this.

The universe work fine without consciousness, because it doesn't it. It also don't need intelligence for the universe to function.

What I think, is that you shouldn't be using the word consciousness together with the universe, because you are muddling it with silly superstitions and utterly absurd belief in the supernatural.

Don't ask me questions if you already know my answers. But if you want me to change my mind, then I need to see real tangible and verifiable evidences, and not your insane attempts at logic.


Thou art That
Because your claim of Cosmic Consciousness is baseless superstition, where you are anthropomorphising the universe.

I don't need to answer your bloody questions, because you already know what my answer would be, in the very last line: the source of consciousness is the brain...

...but I would also include the sensory perceptions, from what we can see with our eyes, hear with our ears, smell with our noses, taste in our mouth and feel what we touch. The thing is, these senses are what make our consciousness possible, and it required the brain to process all those information.

We have evidences for all this.

The universe work fine without consciousness, because it doesn't it. It also don't need intelligence for the universe to function.

What I think, is that you shouldn't be using the word consciousness together with the universe, because you are muddling it with silly superstitions and utterly absurd belief in the supernatural.

Don't ask me questions if you already know my answers. But if you want me to change my mind, then I need to see real tangible and verifiable evidences, and not your insane attempts at logic.

Unfortunately, you don't even understand the words and concepts you are using. You have been sold a bill of goods and have swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.

You haven't listened to a word I've said re: anthropomorphism, and continue to persist in your erroneous assessment of what it means, and then foisting your twisted version of it onto me, failing to understand that there is no projection of human characteristics onto the universe in higher consciousness.

The nature of Higher Consciousness is that it is transcendent of the ordinary conditioned mind, and it is the conditioned mind that reacts with fear and then creates superstition based upon that fear. Higher Consciousness is beyond a fear based mentality because it is free of conditioning. That is why it can be called 'higher' consciousness.

There is no supernatural component to higher consciousness as in 'god'. Nature and intelligence are one and the same.

Consciousness is what makes the senses possible. You cannot experience taste, touch, sight, smell, or hearing without it, because you need consciousness to process them. Something has to be able to tell you what it is you are experiencing via the senses, and that something is consciousness.

That the brain is the source of consciousness is just a weak hypothesis, and not a bona fide scientific theory, let alone established fact. That is the reason it is considered the 'hard question' in science. Science doesn't know what to do with it, and so some scientists do away with the issue by simply saying that consciousness is nothing more than the electro-chemical reactions going on in the brain. Completely ridiculous. I want you to show me how a physical brain can create non-physical consciousness; at which point does this occur?

Each species employs sensory apparatus differently, but all are limited by the environment within which they exist and function. All of the senses are faulty to some degree or another, and so cannot be ultimately relied upon when attempting to ascertain the true nature of Reality. Therefore, a consciousness transcendent of the senses must be employed, but the ordinary conditioned mind is not equipped for such a task. Only an unconditioned view can directly apprehend the true nature of things, simply because it is uncontaminated by opinion, belief, dogma, and conceptual thought, and that is why we call it Pure Consciousness.

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The Lost One
Unfortunately, you don't even understand the words and concepts you are using. You have been sold a bill of goods and have swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.

You haven't listened to a word I've said re: anthropomorphism, and continue to persist in your erroneous assessment of what it means, and then foisting your twisted version of it onto me, failing to understand that there is no projection of human characteristics onto the universe in higher consciousness.

The nature of Higher Consciousness is that it is transcendent of the ordinary conditioned mind, and it is the conditioned mind that reacts with fear and then creates superstition based upon that fear. Higher Consciousness is beyond a fear based mentality because it is free of conditioning. That is why it can be called 'higher' consciousness.

There is no supernatural component to higher consciousness as in 'god'. Nature and intelligence are one and the same.

Consciousness is what makes the senses possible. You cannot experience taste, touch, sight, smell, or hearing without it, because you need consciousness to process them. Something has to be able to tell you what it is you are experiencing via the senses, and that something is consciousness.

That the brain is the source of consciousness is just a weak hypothesis, and not a bona fide scientific theory, let alone established fact. That is the reason it is considered the 'hard question' in science. Science doesn't know what to do with it, and so some scientists do away with the issue by simply saying that consciousness is nothing more than the electro-chemical reactions going on in the brain. Completely ridiculous. I want you to show me how a physical brain can create non-physical consciousness; at which point does this occur?

Each species employs sensory apparatus differently, but all are limited by the environment within which they exist and function. All of the senses are faulty to some degree or another, and so cannot be ultimately relied upon when attempting to ascertain the true nature of Reality. Therefore, a consciousness transcendent of the senses must be employed, but the ordinary conditioned mind is not equipped for such a task. Only an unconditioned view can directly apprehend the true nature of things, simply because it is uncontaminated by opinion, belief, dogma, and conceptual thought, and that is why we call it Pure Consciousness.

I understand what you have said is just another one of your loads of crap.


Thou art That
I understand what you have said is just another one of your loads of crap.

Just because something is beyond your limited understanding is no reason to attack it as a 'load of crap'. That will do nothing to resolve ignorance and denial.

If you want to have a discussion, then please address the points I have made. Otherwise, this 'discussion' is over.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Your thoughts not good enough for public viewing so you have to hide them, I see. Stop wasting my time and everyone else's and get back on track, and cease and desist from sending me any more of your stupid, obscene, and juvenile private messages. Bye:p

The thread is testament to your lies.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
What do YOU know? You can't tell the difference between lie and truth, as I have demonstrated over and over again by nailing the fact that it was not I who initiated the notion of masturbation. Was it?

Initiated is bout the problem as the comment was in context, the childish giggling, finger pointing and cowardice are

I have provided posts numbers, you have provided childish foot stomping incredibly. Provide evidence, honest evidence or be honest


Thou art That
Initiated is bout the problem as the comment was in context, the childish giggling, finger pointing and cowardice are

I have provided posts numbers, you have provided childish foot stomping incredibly. Provide evidence, honest evidence or be honest

Evidence already provided. I began by stating that consciousness was playing itself as the universe in all its myriad forms. Only Poly and you responded with allusions to masturbation. That is fact. Deny it if you will, but show evidence to the contrary and stop lying.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Evidence already provided. I began by stating that consciousness was playing itself as the universe in all its myriad forms. Only Poly and you responded with allusions to masturbation. That is fact. Deny it if you will, but show evidence to the contrary and stop lying.

Yet you were the one poking childish taunts about masturbation. Which is the reason i commented in the first place, i really didn't think adults were so pathetic. You live and learn eh?


Thou art That
Yet you were the one poking childish taunts about masturbation. Which is the reason i commented in the first place, i really didn't think adults were so pathetic. You live and learn eh?

You haven't gotten it yet, have you? The 'taunts' were targeted not to masturbation, but to the fact that Poly's comment was designed to discredit. Get it? Live and unlearn, ok?