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Abortion as method is too outdated to be discussed

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I believe that nowadays abortion has gained an oversized importance in the political debate, especially in the ongoing presidential campaign.

After all, Trump has stated that abortion can be a solution to extreme and rare cases, and each state should determine those cases. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/tr...ned-by-us-states-gives-no-details-2024-04-08/

Nevertheless I believe we are not in the seventies any more. We are in the twenties of the 21st century and medicine has made giant leaps, since then.
Nowadays, it's almost impossible to have an unwanted pregnancy with all the countless contraception methods available in wealthy countries like the US.

So...really...I am not understanding why abortion is still an issue.
I consider it something very, very outdated as method and as topic.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
This is just to cute.
I don't know the situation in the US...but in my country is already a miracle to find a man who is both heterosexual and aesthetically passable...
imagine the odds of getting pregnant by mistake. :)

Maybe American women are luckier...I don't know.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I believe that nowadays abortion has gained an oversized importance in the political debate, especially in the ongoing presidential campaign.

The history of why that is might be interesting to you.
I'd be interested on your thoughts, assuming you research it.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I believe that nowadays abortion has gained an oversized importance in the political debate, especially in the ongoing presidential campaign.

After all, Trump has stated that abortion can be a solution to extreme and rare cases, and each state should determine those cases. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/tr...ned-by-us-states-gives-no-details-2024-04-08/

Nevertheless I believe we are not in the seventies any more. We are in the twenties of the 21st century and medicine has made giant leaps, since then.
Nowadays, it's almost impossible to have an unwanted pregnancy with all the countless contraception methods available in wealthy countries like the US.

So...really...I am not understanding why abortion is still an issue.
I consider it something very, very outdated as method and as topic.

At least in terms of actual numbers, relatively few people actually have abortions as a percentage of the population. I don't see abortion as a good thing, although I don't see it as murder, nor do I believe that outlawing it is in the public interest. I think the complications to civil liberties, the expense, and the resources required for enforcement outweigh whatever supposed societal benefit might be derived from outlawing abortion.

As far as the methods go, I'm not a doctor so I can't really say much on that. As far as I'm concerned, such decisions should be left between doctor and patient. There is no public interest to be served by interfering in that relationship.

Regarding the topic of abortion itself, I do tend to agree that it seems to occupy a greater prominence in the media, and for some, it appears to the most important, make-or-break issue of all.
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Not Religious
I believe that nowadays abortion has gained an oversized importance in the political debate, especially in the ongoing presidential campaign.
Nevertheless I believe we are not in the seventies any more. We are in the twenties of the 21st century and medicine has made giant leaps, since then.
Nowadays, it's almost impossible to have an unwanted pregnancy with all the countless contraception methods available in wealthy countries like the US.

So...really...I am not understanding why abortion is still an issue.
I consider it something very, very outdated as method and as topic.
That's because the issue has been settled for decades. Conservatives are the ones bringing it back up.
Conservatives are going after contraceptives as well. So there goes that argument.
This is what happens when you want to legislate your religion on the American public.
The founders left religion out of our laws on purpose. Respect the founders please.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Nevertheless I believe we are not in the seventies any more. We are in the twenties of the 21st century and medicine has made giant leaps, since then.
Nowadays, it's almost impossible to have an unwanted pregnancy with all the countless contraception methods available in wealthy countries like the US.

They aren't necessarily that available.

Along with campaigning against legalized abortions, anti-choicers are also often involved in campaigns to encourage unplanned pregnancy, such as taking proper sex ed out of schools and enshrining the right for doctors and pharmacists to refuse to be involved in contraception.

Also, aside from enabling practitioners to impose their religious beliefs on everyone else, the US's for-profit healthcare system creates major systemic barriers for many people to access any sort of contraception that needs a prescription or is installed by a medical professional.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Regarding the topic of abortion itself, I do tend to agree that it seems to occupy a greater prominence in the media, and for some, it appears to the most important, make-or-break issue of all.
Greater than what? Just how much "prominence" to you think is warranted?
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Active Member
I believe that nowadays abortion has gained an oversized importance in the political debate, especially in the ongoing presidential campaign.

After all, Trump has stated that abortion can be a solution to extreme and rare cases, and each state should determine those cases. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/tr...ned-by-us-states-gives-no-details-2024-04-08/

Nevertheless I believe we are not in the seventies any more. We are in the twenties of the 21st century and medicine has made giant leaps, since then.
Nowadays, it's almost impossible to have an unwanted pregnancy with all the countless contraception methods available in wealthy countries like the US.

So...really...I am not understanding why abortion is still an issue.
I consider it something very, very outdated as method and as topic.
I don't even know what to say to such ignorant tripe? Do these fools also believe that medicine is so perfect that people seldom catch diseases, and that anyone who does is just a filthy slob who refuses to look after their health?

Forced birthers are in the same category as anti-vaxxers. Willfully ignorant, belligerent, harmful and to be scorned and mocked loudly at every turn.

if it bothers anyone that i say so, and i get banned for saying it, so-be-it and too bad! Forced birthers need to shut up and stop playing doctor with other people's lives. They are not trained in gynecology, pregnancy, and all that it entails, and all they know how to do is hurt and kill other people, because they refuse to so much as open a book.
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Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
That's because the issue has been settled for decades. Conservatives are the ones bringing it back up.
Conservatives are going after contraceptives as well. So there goes that argument.
This is what happens when you want to legislate your religion on the American public.
The founders left religion out of our laws on purpose. Respect the founders please.
Conservatives unfortunately should understand that their approach harm themselves and the welfare of the citizens.
Especially when they fight against available contraception and sex education for high-schoolers.
Religion does harm society. That's for sure.


Active Member
Conservatives unfortunately should understand that their approach harm themselves and the welfare of the citizens.
Especially when they fight against available contraception and sex education for high-schoolers.
Religion does harm society. That's for sure.
I wish they would, but that's really not their end goal. At this point sex education needs to be made mandatory. People gave them a chance, by giving them a choice about whether to let their children learn, and even that wasn't enough for them. Just because education hurts their puritanical fee-fees does not mean it's not useful, or to be denied.
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Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
The history of why that is might be interesting to you.
I'd be interested on your thoughts, assuming you research it.
I know a prostitute who lives next door.
She has never had an abortion in her entire life. How do you think she managed not to get pregnant with the work she does?


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
Conservatives unfortunately should understand that their approach harm themselves and the welfare of the citizens.
Especially when they fight against available contraception and sex education for high-schoolers.
Religion does harm society. That's for sure.

Maybe you can understand, then, the perspectives from those who want the freedom to choose given that people are actively trying to take more and more of their freedoms away. Maybe this is why it's becoming a bigger issue to people in this day and age


Veteran Member
I believe that nowadays abortion has gained an oversized importance in the political debate, especially in the ongoing presidential campaign.

After all, Trump has stated that abortion can be a solution to extreme and rare cases, and each state should determine those cases. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/tr...ned-by-us-states-gives-no-details-2024-04-08/

Nevertheless I believe we are not in the seventies any more. We are in the twenties of the 21st century and medicine has made giant leaps, since then.
Nowadays, it's almost impossible to have an unwanted pregnancy with all the countless contraception methods available in wealthy countries like the US.

So...really...I am not understanding why abortion is still an issue.
I consider it something very, very outdated as method and as topic.
It is still an issue because many of these US laws ban abortion outright ... even if the health of the mother is at risk, even if the woman has been raped, incest, deformed fetuses, etc.
We pro-choice supporters are not 'for' abortion; we just don't want it taken off the table and criminalised.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
It is still an issue because many of these US laws ban abortion outright ... even if the health of the mother is at risk, even if the woman has been raped, incest, deformed fetuses, etc.
We pro-choice supporters are not 'for' abortion; we just don't want it taken off the table and criminalised.
You're right.
But I was speaking of medicine.
It really seems we are still like in the Middle Ages...given that so many people can't avoid unwanted pregnancies.
Hormonal pill, morning-after-pill...IUD...

I mean... prostitutes never get abortions and yet they can have up to 20 men a day.
How is that?