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Abortion is murder


Wonder Woman
You think its a daft commandment?

I don't, I think it's very sensible.

Whether anyone thinks it's sensible or not, a religious rule or "commandment" is nothing legally. ANY religious rule or commandment is a matter of belief in that religion. There are plenty of "rules" put out by Christianity that contradict those of other religions and general welfare for a society. I never said anything was "daft". I said it doesn't make a difference to the larger picture.

I am not a Christian, and I will think you will find American Law is based on English common law, ask a judge or lawyer...

Just because some things were kept the same doesn't mean that any idea of something being derived from Christianity is accurate. The fact is...most people that came to this country from there were escaping religious persecution, so therefore a big part of the concept of creating a government for this country was secularism. There are things that, pretty much the world over, can be agreed upon that are normally best for a society. Just because some of those things may coincide with certain religious beliefs does NOT mean that that is the reason that they are law.

Saying that murder is against the law because of Christianity is just about as wrong as if I were to say that environmental laws are in place because of Paganistic Earth-centered religions such as mine. Just because certain ideals may match, doesn't mean one caused the other. You know...correlation doesn't prove causation. ;)


Well-Known Member
Saying that murder is against the law because of Christianity is just about as wrong as if I were to say that environmental laws are in place because of Paganistic Earth-centered religions such as mine. Just because certain ideals may match, doesn't mean one caused the other. You know...correlation doesn't prove causation. ;)

You utterly misunderstand me.

I am not saying murder is wrong because Christianity says so...LOL how absurd, especially as I am not a Christian and have repeatedly said so.

I am saying that that particular commandment is in line with my philosophy (as well as the basis for our laws that prohibit murder) which is normally totally alien to Christianity.

Correlation is a good sign though...;)

I was also using it as an example of where the bible could be interpreted to prohibit abortion.

I don't give a damn about the bible, I just happen to agree with it on that point.


Wonder Woman
You utterly misunderstand me.

I am not saying murder is wrong because Christianity says so...LOL how absurd, especially as I am not a Christian and have repeatedly said so.

I am saying that that particular commandment is in line with my philosophy (as well as the basis for our laws that prohibit murder) which is normally totally alien to Christianity.

Correlation is a good sign though...;)

I was also using it as an example of where the bible could be interpreted to prohibit abortion.

I don't give a damn about the bible, I just happen to agree with it on that point.

But if you don't "give a damn" about the bible and you are not a Christian...why in the world do you keep bringing it up as some sort of basis for your arguments???

Correlation is not a good sign though. Excuse me, but Christianity isn't the only religion on the planet that has a problem with murder. But they are one of the few ones I know of that while they say that it shouldn't be done, sure find a lot of ways to justify it.

If you are NOT using Christianity or the bible for any sort of defense of your stance...why do you keep bringing it up in this thread and in others?


Well-Known Member
But if you don't "give a damn" about the bible and you are not a Christian...why in the world do you keep bringing it up as some sort of basis for your arguments???

Correlation is not a good sign though. Excuse me, but Christianity isn't the only religion on the planet that has a problem with murder. But they are one of the few ones I know of that while they say that it shouldn't be done, sure find a lot of ways to justify it.

If you are NOT using Christianity or the bible for any sort of defense of your stance...why do you keep bringing it up in this thread and in others?

By your own admission other faiths have equal views on murder as Christianity in principle does, that is correlation of a view that exists within our entire species, regardless of culture or religion...it is an all encompassing ideology common to most non sociopathic humans (in varying degrees).

That is why I highlight the Bible's take on murder, it is a striking example your culture can relate to...THOU SHALT NOT KILL, if I was raised by or was addressing a Buddhist culture I might quote a slightly different string of characters that basically mean the same thing, after all Buddhists think killing any animal life is morally reprehensible, a far more conservative standpoint to the Bible's commandment that only prohibits killing humans, all other life forms being fair game.

Actually as a vegetarian and supporter of animal welfare pressure groups I am more inclined to follow the Buddhist definition.

My religion is a kaleidoscope vision of shifting perceptions...where there is common ground there is truth, I reckons anyway.


The Devil's Advocate
Actually as a vegetarian and supporter of animal welfare pressure groups I am more inclined to follow the Buddhist definition.
That's an extremely distorted view of the Buddhist tradition. Especially if you give money to PETA, which in turn supports the ALF, which is on the FBI's terrorist watchlist.


Wonder Woman
By your own admission other faiths have equal views on murder as Christianity in principle does, that is correlation of a view that exists within our entire species, regardless of culture or religion...it is an all encompassing ideology common to most non sociopathic humans (in varying degrees).

That is why I highlight the Bible's take on murder, it is a striking example your culture can relate to...THOU SHALT NOT KILL, if I was raised by or was addressing a Buddhist culture I might quote a slightly different string of characters that basically mean the same thing, after all Buddhists think killing any animal life is morally reprehensible, a far more conservative standpoint to the Bible's commandment that only prohibits killing humans, all other life forms being fair game.

Actually as a vegetarian and supporter of animal welfare pressure groups I am more inclined to follow the Buddhist definition.

My religion is a kaleidoscope vision of shifting perceptions...where there is common ground there is truth, I reckons anyway.

The "striking example" is taken from a religion that a lot in our culture feel oppressed or discriminated by, so it really isn't the best "example" to use for general population.

Anyway, it's "Thou Shalt Not Murder" not Kill. And with that you have to define what murder is. Most consider the definition to be, at the least, the unwarranted taking of a human life. Most societies can agree though, that regardless of any religion's thought or rules, that going around murdering people isn't quite the best thing for a peaceful or condusive society, so that is a given even if no religion existed at all. Now you have to define human life. This is where it becomes tricky especially when you are dealing with the breakdown of human life to the cells that make it up. Not everyone agrees on what can and cannot be fully considered human "life" as a complete human with complete human rights....including that not to be murdered.

Fact of the matter is...you can stomp your feet and scream up and down that any zygote in any stage is a full fledged human being all you want. At this point that is merely your opinion and you know what they say about opinions. People will always disagree and therefore you will always have differing opinions on the subject of abortion and that makes it a lot more difficult to regulate any particular laws about restrictions on it when everyone sees things differently.


Well-Known Member
That's an extremely distorted view of the Buddhist tradition. Especially if you give money to PETA, which in turn supports the ALF, which is on the FBI's terrorist watchlist.

The definition of terrorist is debatable, I do not trust US gov interpretations on this subject at all as they (The USA) are international law breakers themselves, the USA is currently being closely monitored by Amnesty International and other human rights lobbyists as it employs the torture and illegal detention of so called terrorists and illegal combatants, I do not know who PETA are exactly but I have heard of them, my support is more vocal than financial.


Well-Known Member
Fact of the matter is...you can stomp your feet and scream up and down that any zygote in any stage is a full fledged human being all you want. At this point that is merely your opinion and you know what they say about opinions. People will always disagree and therefore you will always have differing opinions on the subject of abortion and that makes it a lot more difficult to regulate any particular laws about restrictions on it when everyone sees things differently.

We shall see about that.
Opinions matter, some more than others depending on the status of the individual in question...we have differing opinions on absolutely everything, its down to a tiny minority (The Government) to decide on these issues via legislative processes.

Paradigms change, all is flux.

Nessa Nenharma

Goddess of my Domain
I highly doubt that just because they make a law banning abortions that people won't get them.

We have laws against drugs and people still smoke it, inject it, snort it, sell it, make it, and grow it. Even though there are stiff consequences to drug use people still do it.

People will always find a way to get what they want. If they can't get an abortion here they will only try to have a crooked doctor perform one, or try to abort it themselves. They could even take a "vacation" to another country and come back a little "different".




Admiral Obvious
My bible says Thou Shalt Not Kill.

Mine is the Roman Catholic version (I think), the 'proper' version
That promotes real confidence in your opinion.
You do not even know what version your Bible is, yet claim it is the "proper" version all the while shouting from the roof tops that you are not Christian....
Yep, loads of confidence


Wonder Woman
That promotes real confidence in your opinion.
You do not even know what version your Bible is, yet claim it is the "proper" version all the while shouting from the roof tops that you are not Christian....
Yep, loads of confidence


I'm not a Christian but I have the RIGHT bible! I'm not a Christian, but I use Christian arguments in practically all my debates! I'm not a Christian, but I know the proper bible versions and translations and quotes! I'm not a Christian...but they are right!



Depends Upon My Mood..

I'm not a Christian but I have the RIGHT bible! I'm not a Christian, but I use Christian arguments in practically all my debates! I'm not a Christian, but I know the proper bible versions and translations and quotes! I'm not a Christian...but they are right!


Maybe he's a Christian wannabe? :shrug:




Liebe ist für alle da
My bible says Thou Shalt Not Kill.

Mine is the Roman Catholic version (I think), the 'proper' version

Really, ask a Jew what it's really spoused to be and the will tell you it Not Murder not kill. And it is from there Holy Book first(I think I would trust them).