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Abortion: The Gory Photos Are Real

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Pro-life Mommy
A while back, a young, innocent pro-choicer on here told me she thought that the gory pictures of abortion that all those pro-life groups show are somehow faked. Well now I finally have bullet-proof evidence that they are in fact, real.

Go here:


This is not a pro-life site. It is a medical library which shows abortion procedures and includes drawings and photographs as a resource for abortionists.

Now, are you still okay with this? Some people support abortion because they don't know it's killing a real, living human being. I feel bad for them, they should at least know the truth. If they are still willing to accept it, Lord have mercy on thier souls.


The cake is a lie
You fail to see that some people don't see those photos and think "Oh, poor dead baby!" As far as I'm concerned, until it can be taken out of the womb without being hooked up to tons of life support systems to survive, it's not a child. And no, kids that are born at 9 months and need life support because of medical problems don't count.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
johnnys4life said:
A while back, a young, innocent pro-choicer on here told me she thought that the gory pictures of abortion that all those pro-life groups show are somehow faked. Well now I finally have bullet-proof evidence that they are in fact, real.

Go here:


This is not a pro-life site. It is a medical library which shows abortion procedures and includes drawings and photographs as a resource for abortionists.

Now, are you still okay with this? Some people support abortion because they don't know it's killing a real, living human being. I feel bad for them, they should at least know the truth. If they are still willing to accept it, Lord have mercy on thier souls.
I personally do not feel that abortion is right; however, being a man, I think I should have little input on the subject. I did not look at the link johnnys4life, because I instinctively know that it would upset me. I will take your word for it. We are however each and severally responsible for our actions, and I think that the final say is to be the woman's; it is her body. My wife and I feel that we are too old and do not want to have more children, and we have talked about the 'what if...' scenario; the conclusion was ':eek:Let's deal with that if and when we have to."


Pro-life Mommy
Typical reaction. You either refuse to look at it, or say "well it's murder, but it should still be a woman's choice." I know exactly where you get your faulty logic comes from. You're absolutely falling into some powerful mind games. The fact is, before Roe VS. Wade, abortion was legal in almost every state in the cases of rape, incest , health risks to mother, or fetal malformation. It was because of the insistance of pro-abortion groups, not because of society as a whole, that the laws were ever changed.

Well, Jensa, these photos may be ON a pro-life site, http://abortionismurder.org/notconvinced.shtml
but they actually come from hospitals where they were sent to pathologists who didn't like what they saw. I'd like you to tell me these are faked, or that these "aren't babies" or that you think it's okay for a woman to go ahead and do this to a child JUST because she wants to. Now, try this, ACTUALLY LOOK at what you are supporting for once. I dare you.



Pro-life Mommy
If you can look at that, and still think abortion is okay, stay the heck away from my family, because you are insane.


The cake is a lie
johnnys4life said:
Typical reaction. You either refuse to look at it, or say "well it's murder, but it should still be a woman's choice."
What's typical is your reaction to anyone who doesn't smile and nod their head at you.

I know exactly where you get your faulty logic comes from. You're absolutely falling into some powerful mind games.
You may have that backwards.

The fact is, before Roe VS. Wade, abortion was legal in almost every state in the cases of rape, incest , health risks to mother, or fetal malformation. It was because of the insistance of pro-abortion groups, not because of society as a whole, that the laws were ever changed.
Funny, I didn't think society had to approve of something for someone to get rights. Silly me.

Well, Jensa, these photos may be ON a pro-life site, http://abortionismurder.org/notconvinced.shtml
but they actually come from hospitals where they were sent to pathologists who didn't like what they saw.
When did I say they were fake?

I'd like you to tell me these are faked, or that these "aren't babies" or that you think it's okay for a woman to go ahead and do this to a child JUST because she wants to. Now, try this, ACTUALLY LOOK at what you are supporting for once. I dare you.

They aren't babies. It's okay for a woman to do what she wants to her body. I have looked at them, and I still support it.

If you can look at that, and still think abortion is okay, stay the heck away from my family, because you are insane.
Don't worry, I have moral issues with associating on friendly terms with people who want to push their agenda in my face. :)


To Save A Lamb
Looked at the pictures. Those fetuses look like no human I've seen, more like aliens.

Fetuses are, for the most part, parasites. If you want a kid, more power to you. If you don't want one, you should not be forced to carry one. If it can't survive on it's own, I don't consider it alive. Yank out a 7 week old fetus and it will die. At the later months it probably can, so that's why I'm not cool with late-term abortion unless the fetus is deformed, dead, or the mother's life is in danger.

If you can look at that, and still think abortion is okay, stay the heck away from my family, because you are insane.
I've been called worse. : )

By the way, johnnys4life, have you ever adopted any unwanted kids?

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Johnny, I'll fully admit to being puzzled. I know that, for a while there, abortion was all you would post about. I was very happy when you began letting us know the other aspects of you, because it seems like there is a wonderful person there. I am saddened that we are no longer getting to know the rest of you. Focusing too much on any one topic, especially one that you view as murder, is simply not good for you, psychologically. (I am tempted to quote Yoda here, since I still find his words true on this subject, although I'm abridging those words. "Hate leads to anger, anger leads to suffering." And if you say you're concerned with the suffering of the babies, then remember that this is actually the anger and suffering you are bringing on yourself, by allowing yourself to concentrate on it. )

Please remember, too, that the asking of the Lord to have mercy on our souls is rather like me saying that I hope my goddess doesn't smite those who don't do what she says. If you don't believe in my goddess, it's an odd request.


User of Aspercreme
Fetuses are, for the most part, parasites. If you want a kid, more power to you. If you don't want one, you should not be forced to carry one. If it can't survive on it's own, I don't consider it alive. Yank out a 7 week old fetus and it will die.
I don't know any five year old kids that would be able to survive on their own without a mother. Can we kill them? I don't think whether an organism can survive without the support of another organism is a very good way to define the validity of life. As far as the parasite comment goes, I would like to know if you can explain what you base that on.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
War photos are gory too, but I don't see anyone calling the military or those who support them, insane. If we did that, we'd be called unPatriotic. So, why is killing in war acceptable and abortion morally wrong? This is the big mystery of the Religious Right movement I've never understood.


User of Aspercreme
While I would disagree with the person who says that abortion should still be considered a constitionally protected right, I don't think flashing pictures of aborted babies in front of them is the best way of showing disagreement. Instead I would prefer to show things like this: http://www.openrecords.org/specials/fetus2.html

You may be familiar with this case of the inutero surgery, wher the baby reached out of the womb and held the doctor's finger in the middle of the surgery. I this not an example of human characteristic? Would you still agree with the mother aborting this baby if she so desired?


User of Aspercreme
War photos are gory too, but I don't see anyone calling the military or those who support them, insane. If we did that, we'd be called unPatriotic. So, why is killing in war acceptable and abortion morally wrong? This is the big mystery of the Religious Right movement I've never understood.
Not a very good comparison. In the military you have an opportunity to defend yourself and you join the military knowing full well the possible consequenses of your actions. Babies have no choice, no right and are innocent and indefensible.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
EEWRED said:
Not a very good comparison. In the military you have an opportunity to defend yourself and you join the military knowing full well the possible consequenses of your actions.
What about the innocent children killed by war? Oops, too bad? Where is the Religious Right's outcry for these children? Your argument doesn't answer the question why some killing is OK and other killing (if that's what you believe it to be) is not.

Babies have no choice, no right and are innocent and indefensible.
So your answer is to regulate what a woman can and cannot do with, to or for her body when the question of when a fetus should have rights is not be answered to satisfation?


Active Member
EEWRED said:
I don't know any five year old kids that would be able to survive on their own without a mother. Can we kill them? I don't think whether an organism can survive without the support of another organism is a very good way to define the validity of life. As far as the parasite comment goes, I would like to know if you can explain what you base that on.
A five year old does not rely on the literal life blood of the mother to live.

The parasite argument is based on the scientific definition of parasite: an unwanted living entity that lives off the life force of another entity. When a baby is wanted, the fetus becomes a symbiont.
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How far are pro life persons willing to go with this will they be willing to do what it takes? For if you are this convicted about pro life i urge you all to petition your local politition to make it a law that all pro life persons have to subsidise the government and take most of the orphans into their homes. And if you are not willing to do this well i guess you arent really too worried about the children that are already alive and suffering because of it. when does it become your mission and why does it seem to me that all of you drop this mission after the birth, should it not be a continueing mission? You should, after making a woman birth this child, continue your struggle for their rights and make life as comfortable for them as you can. Only fighting half the battle is morraly reprehensible.


Active Member
LordZer said:
How far are pro life persons willing to go with this will they be willing to do what it takes? For if you are this convicted about pro life i urge you all to petition your local politition to make it a law that all pro life persons have to subsidise the government and take most of the orphans into their homes. And if you are not willing to do this well i guess you arent really too worried about the children that are already alive and suffering because of it. when does it become your mission and why does it seem to me that all of you drop this mission after the birth, should it not be a continueing mission? You should, after making a woman birth this child, continue your struggle for their rights and make life as comfortable for them as you can. Only fighting half the battle is morraly reprehensible.
I agree completely.


EEWRED said:
I don't know any five year old kids that would be able to survive on their own without a mother. Can we kill them? I don't think whether an organism can survive without the support of another organism is a very good way to define the validity of life. As far as the parasite comment goes, I would like to know if you can explain what you base that on.
Many children in many poorer countries never havee seen their mothers and survive a great deal


To Save A Lamb
I don't know any five year old kids that would be able to survive on their own without a mother. Can we kill them? I don't think whether an organism can survive without the support of another organism is a very good way to define the validity of life. As far as the parasite comment goes, I would like to know if you can explain what you base that on.

You give that five year old food, water, and a cardboard box (let's say he's somewhere warm, like Africa, because they have a lot of hungry already born ALIVE children) and he'll get along just fine.

Give that foot, water, and cardboard box to a five week old fetus and I imagine it would just die. it needs the mother's body to live.

: ) Yep. That's my base for that.
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