Sorry didn't see this one. If you mess up the quote, I don't think it sends me the alert.
Says Jesus would be the one who loved God from his mother's breast. What you think, did Israel ever do this or not?
Psa. 22:10 doesn't say anything about loving G-d. It says:
Because you took me out of the womb; [you] secured me on my mother's breasts.
This is Israel who G-d is said to have drawn out of the womb and then provided us with food in the desert.
The words ALL in Shema and UTTERLY YOU in Shema mean exactly what is plainly said. How can I say it plainer?
Yes, but it is not referring to something measurable. Obviously it is not referring to the physical heart. Therefore there is no way to quantify who is and is not fulfilling this verse with all their heart. Perhaps every Jew is already fulfilling this commandment.
What is the difference between a lawyer who dissects scripture to apply to the variables at hand, and the prophet who has the Word of God upon his lips? Not knowing this is your liability sir.
There is a great difference. Once Moses has prophesied his prophecy, there will never be a prophet as great as him, therefore no prophet may contradict or add to, what Moses has already said. However, a 'lawyer' can dissect Moses' prophecy to apply
it, to the variables at hand.
What customs? Orthodox Jewish custom? Or one of the other major denom Judaic customs? See your problemo? These are disputed from the git-go. I.e. they do not exactly match up.
This is not a problem. For me (and for the various customs of the various denominations of Orthodox Jewry) it is the individual customs that I have, that I may not abolish. For them, if they follow this Law, then it is their customs.[/QUOTE]