Jesus in me
Apparently if you get a DNA test, to trace your national heritage, african appears somewhere for everyone. This is linked with the idea that all lines originate from Africa when all the continents were all joined and one.
This kind of relates to the question of why is Adam and Eve depicted as white? They could have been African, they were not white at the very least. Same with Jesus, he was not born in a white country yet every image I see he is depicted as a white man with golden brown hair.
If Adam and Eve really did exist, where would they have resided?
I believe I don't remember seeing any African in my breakdown and I suspect the idea that everyone's origin is in Africa is more fantasy than reality.
I believe that depiction is pure fantasy based on ethnic bias.
If my understanding of the DNA is correct, the origin is Asian.
I believe it is most likely they were red since they might have ancestry in common with American Indians.
I believe every ethnic group tends to picture Jesus as one of their own.
I believe when they left the Garden of Eden they traveled south to Mesopotamia.