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African Americans can be white supremacist apparently.


Well-Known Member
Oh I agree. But you have to admit, in comparison American politics is pretty extreme. Both our sides are basically miliquetoast compared to the politics in America. Probably even in comparison to Europe these days.

I sympathise with liking someone who is in essence a trouble maker. Someone who will shake sense into people.
I’m quite devil may care myself. I will encourage trouble making even on this site.

But I don’t know, Trump still comes off as skeevy to me.

Then again, maybe that’s just the political climate where you live.
I’m really not making any judgements. I just find it all amusing in a demented kind of way.

Oh, Australia is great. It wouldn't let ME immigrate, but hey. That's OK. A country should be able to decide who gets to come in, permanently live there, and eventually become a citizen...
See? So why so incredulous?

I think....

Because the leftists I have come across won't say, or write, the words "I disapprove." They tie themselves in knots attempting to excuse those actions, deny that they actually happen, or do the 'No True Democrat' or "No True Liberal/Progressive/Socialist" thing.

It would be so nice if someone would just say....yeah, I disapprove of people assaulting 81 year olds wearing MAGA hats, instead of "MAGA hats are absolutely symbols of white supremacy...OF COURSE people will get upset!"


Well-Known Member
Oh I agree. But you have to admit, in comparison American politics is pretty extreme. Both our sides are basically miliquetoast compared to the politics in America. Probably even in comparison to Europe these days.

I sympathise with liking someone who is in essence a trouble maker. Someone who will shake sense into people.
I’m quite devil may care myself. I will encourage trouble making even on this site.

But I don’t know, Trump still comes off as skeevy to me.

Then again, maybe that’s just the political climate where you live.
I’m really not making any judgements. I just find it all amusing in a demented kind of way.

Oh, Australia is great. It wouldn't let ME immigrate, but hey. That's OK. A country should be able to decide who gets to come in, permanently live there, and eventually become a citizen...

Ah, well, never mind. I suppose that 'skeevy" (wait...define 'skeevy?") might apply.


But I have seen some really off putting things coming from the other side of the political aisle, too.....I don't think politicians who get that far up the food chain care much about normal morals that the REST of us get unhappy about.


Still learning to be wise
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Premium Member
Oh, Australia is great. It wouldn't let ME immigrate, but hey. That's OK. A country should be able to decide who gets to come in, permanently live there, and eventually become a citizen...
I agree. Though doesn’t America share borders with like Mexico or whatever? Forgive my ignorance I didn’t take geography past grade 7.

I agree about politicians. Morally bankrupt lot, those people.

Edited to add. To me skeevy is kind of akin to slimy. I suppose one could use that term to describe practically every politician in office. But something about The Donald just gives me the willies, in particular. Maybe that’s just me, I dunno.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
That's only if you look at twitter. Everyone I know irl loved it. Most people online loved it. About the only people disapproving is the woke crowd. And you know what they say. "Go woke, get broke!"
I wasn’t talking about Twitter (aka the tenth circle of hell.) I was more taking about international media. But sure, the twitter outrage was a thing I suppose. Now that site is a cesspit if ever I saw one.

Uhh god, the whole go woke and go broke thing. I remember they said that about the Captain Marvel movie before it came out. And then it made like 1 billion dollars. All I could think of was a Dr Evil meme. Meanwhile the cringe train was all “Disney bought all the tickets.” o_O
No one cares about woke media irl. Hell no one cares about SJWs or the anti SJWs in real life, if I’m being completely honest with you.
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Well-Known Member
I agree. Though doesn’t America share borders with like Mexico or whatever? Forgive my ignorance I didn’t take geography past grade 7.

I agree about politicians. Morally bankrupt lot, those people.

Edited to add. To me skeevy is kind of akin to slimy. I suppose one could use that term to describe practically every politician in office. But something about The Donald just gives me the willies, in particular. Maybe that’s just me, I dunno.


It's just you. :)

The only difference between Trump and Bill Clinton (other than some of the political stances) is that Clinton was charming and said all the right things....and was a rapist, and Trump is loud, obnoxious and annoying...and not a rapist.

I know which one I prefer.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member

It's just you. :)

The only difference between Trump and Bill Clinton (other than some of the political stances) is that Clinton was charming and said all the right things....and was a rapist, and Trump is loud, obnoxious and annoying...and not a rapist.

I know which one I prefer.

I mean the non rapist is a better choice, to be sure. But if one has to defend a politician by saying, well at least he’s not a rapist, is that really a ringing endorsement?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy he’s not a rapist, good for the Donald. But that sort of sounds like you had even a worse choice of candidates than even we did. And you guys actually choose to vote. We have to be literally coerced into it.

I might be a bit young to remember Clinton. He’s the source of the “I did not have sexual relations with those women” soundbite, right?


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Well Capt Marvel wasn't all that woke tbh.

Still didn’t stop the Antis from claiming it was an SJW woke conspiracy to promote feminism and social justice. And that it would never make any money.

It also made me realise that a lot of the so called geeks defending their hobbies (ostensibly) actually had no idea about geeky things in general. I swear some idiot on YT claimed that her cat was evidence of shoehorned feminist propaganda. I can only hope he was being satirical.

Now me, I was honestly just kind of disappointed it wasn’t a black widow movie. Or scarlet witch. But it was fine. I’m not going in expecting high art, but you know, it’s a superhero popcorn flick. It’s fine.
Actually at the cinemas I went to there were a lot of proud Marvel dads taking their young daughters. It was honestly adorable.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
And that it would never make any money.

Tell that to Gawker, or Gillete which just lost billions of dollars going woke. ThinkProgressive, Vox, Vice, Feminst Frequency, and many more companies that's have either taken a huge hit or gone out of business.


Veteran Member
You're a jackal, you know that? You can make any statement seem benign if you edit out the part that people take issue with.

"Jewish people, unfortunately for them, have got to drop the identity politics. I'm sorry about the Holocaust but I don't give a s***."


Now go watch the video. He is pointing out using the "Holocaust card" or calling any criticism antisemitism. A good example is Ben Sharpio as he will attack identity politics of non-Jews but goes right to 11 when it comes to Jews and Israel.




It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
A good example is Ben Sharpio as he will attack identity politics of non-Jews but goes right to 11 when it comes to Jews and Israel.

That's just intellectual dishonesty.

Identity politics the identity rules/determines all.

Ben Shapiro being a Orthodox Jew and defending his people is not Identity politics.

If Ben Shapiro thought Jews were better than everyone else and everyone should bow to them because they are not Jewish, that wpuld be Identity politics. White supremacy is identity politics, radical feminism is identity politics, radical Islam is identity politics. Anyone that thinks an identity is the most important/valuable part of you is playing identity politics.


Veteran Member
That's just intellectual dishonesty.

Identity politics the identity rules/determines all.

Ben Shapiro being a Orthodox Jew and defending his people is not Identity politics.

No as he often takes issue with Jews on the left for their views of Israel.

If Ben Shapiro thought Jews were better than everyone else and everyone should bow to them because they are not Jewish, that wpuld be Identity politics.

That isn't identity politics.

White supremacy is identity politics, radical feminism is identity politics, radical Islam is identity politics.

Yes? So? Supremacy views are not required for identity politics.

Anyone that thinks an identity is the most important/valuable part of you is playing identity politics.

Yes. Hence why I think Ben is a good example when it comes to hitting targets that are close to his heart. He slips into it when it comes to specific topics.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Tell that to Gawker, or Gillete which just lost billions of dollars going woke. ThinkProgressive, Vox, Vice, Feminst Frequency, and many more companies that's have either taken a huge hit or gone out of business.
The only business I know of from that list is honestly Gillette.
Wasn’t that kerfuffle over some ad telling guys not to be douchebags or something? I remember seeing the ad and was like, that’s why everyone is so pissy? Honestly men are such fragile easily triggered snowflakes.

(Now see does that engender discussion? Just calling someone taking issue with something triggered? Personally I think it’s an exceptionally easy way to get your opponent on the defensive. Just an observation.)

Now me, I take issue with so called “woke brands” for a few reasons. Probably different ones than you, I dunno you tell me.
Firstly a lot of them are just kind of obnoxious.
You know that holier than thou approach the religious right use. The Helen Lovejoy approach, if you will.
I also think the discussions surrounding certain issues have become so muddied thanks to this supposed “culture war” that when people hear certain phrases they just shut down. Which is a shame, but what are ya gonna do?
Secondly I think a lot of these “woke” brands are often being shallow or disingenuous. I googled woke brands out of curiosity, apparently they’re still a thing.
Oh American capitalism.
I also think the public in general are ****ing lazy sods who just want to feel better about buying (or indeed boycotting) products instead of doing something productive. (Granted I am most definitely a lazy sod, but I’m not pretending to be a warrior for either side.) That’s a generalisation of course. Some people are doing their part in whatever their cause is, I’m sure. This woke brand thing is just encouraging that laziness to me.

I dunno, maybe this is more of an American thing or maybe I just don’t care about this stuff anymore. Except to curiously check in.

Random question, do you consider yourself either Alt Right or Anti SJW or do you just dislike PC culture?


Veteran Member
Daryl Davis revolutionary anti-racist who once convinced 200 KKK members to lay down their hoods/robes and reject white supremacy. Has been accused of now being a white supremacist himself by the far left.

Left Wing Activists Call Black Man a White Supremacist

How is the nation expected to heal if people don't lay down their arms and simply talk to each other?

They are not interested in talking or compromising. They are radical to the point that if you are not with them you are against them. Focus on moderates due to being more open and forming a greater part of the population. Moderates being those that do not hold with us or else views.

Are we really at the point of such decisiveness that issues can't be discussed in a civilized manner without being accused of being a sell out or even worse converting to the "other side"?

No as not everyone is a radical.
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It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
No as he often takes issue with Jews on the left for their views of Israel.

Jews on the left that support Palestine are traitors. They should be criticized.

That isn't identity politics.

It would be if he thought so.

Supremacy views are not required for identity politics.

Uh yes, that's why it's a bad thing.

Hence why I think Ben is a good example when it comes to hitting targets that are close to his heart.

Having love for people of his faith isn't identity politics. You can defend people without being an Identitarian.
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It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
No as not everyone is a radical.

I agree, but we have the left, center, and right all meeting to discuss possible ideas to combat racism. Yet the far left tried to stop it. So that's what I'm talking about. Most folks are tired of the fighting, but some do not want peace.