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African Americans can be white supremacist apparently.


Well-Known Member

You forgot to mention that a good number of people who voted for him due to a perceived overreach and intrusion of PC culture from Liberals. Liberals who say all white people are racist, get upset over costumes, and demand certain words never be said do send people to the ballots to vote Republican. Did you forget people loved Trump on the campaign because he said basically whatever he wanted to without regards to it upsetting people?
There was also a good deal of xenophobia playing into it, false beliefs and hopes that manufacturing and coal and all other industries would boom, his alliance with Pence that dragged the Religious Right into supporter status, and people voted for Trump, because, yes, it pissed off Liberals.

They feel empowered and validated with Trump as president.

You nailed it, I think. People were not voting FOR Trump so much as voting AGAINST Clinton...and all she stands for. The "Deplorables" weren't all that happy about a Hillary Clinton presidency.

In fact, that's why I voted for Trump.

It's precisely why I voted for Trump...because the goal for me was to keep a Democrat out of the Oval Office. In particular, it was to keep Hillary Clinton out. Voting for anybody BUT Trump would have been the same thing as a vote FOR Clinton. So I held my nose and voted for Trump.

And if the Democrats don't get their acts together and field someone who will NOT send us down Socialist Road, I'll vote for him again. Still holding my nose...but better him than anybody running so far, that I know much about.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Fascinating. Seems like in politics anyone can be anything.

Ideology works that way.

The target of the joke is being thought of only in terms of an object of sexual violence.

That's the strawman. Where is the violence in not rape?

His technique is being called into question, essentially.

Only because of the strawman.

He can not apologise to his heart’s content.

Nothing to apologize for.

Almost makes me wish our trolls would run for government.

Let me introduce you to Mr.Trump.


Well-Known Member
You gotta admit, it is funny! No matter how drunk he gets he refuses to rape her! What a monster!

I'm sorry, but the levels of that particular statement of his are so incredibly varied...and incredibly insulting, that 'vile' is an understatement.


He hints that rape would be acceptable in some fashion, but that a target must meet SOME standard of beauty before he would do that....knowing that rape is one of the nastiest acts anyone can commit. There is nothing honorable about it, nothing funny about it...and to hint that someone wasn't even worthy of that level of horror...as if rape were even a tiny bit a compliment to someone for meeting some standard of acceptability/beauty...

No. There was absolutely nothing funny about that, and the whole idea was, you need to admit, that he is saying that if the victim were even a tiny bit more attractive, that he WOULD have raped her....as if that rape was a compliment, a good thing and acceptable...




Well-Known Member
There isn't an Antifa to invite. It exists, but not as an organized or cohesive group. It's not like the Boy Scouts, who are organized and would have a representative to speak on behalf of the organization when invited to such a function.

You are quite right. It's more like a mob, which doesn't have a central authority and by-laws. But mobs are still groups, and still act badly, and still commit terrorism, and THIS mob calls itself 'antifa."

I don't see an excuse here, do you?


Well-Known Member
Where did I say I took offence? I found the whole thing amusing. Especially the British public at large throwing fish and milk at him. Hahahahaha!

Anyway to quote actual veteran comedian David Baddiel, who has long joked about dark and controversial material. (And incidentally Carl claimed would defend his joke.)
“As I’ve always said. Deconstruct the “joke.” The one about not enough beer. The target is Jess Phillips, objectified as having value only in terms of sexual violence. Any laughter provoked excludes and alienates women, in order to confirm male power.”

Believe or not comedy is a technique, it’s not just ****posting in real life. Comedians hone their craft, not just post random edgy memes.

It was indeed hilarious to watch Sargon self emulate in front of the public at large. “Wank Lord of arrogant” is forever my favourite nickname of the man.

Y'know, I'm a (very) right leaning libertarian. However, there are some things that...well...

I don't think any woman has found that funny. I could be wrong about that, but as far as I can tell, only men do think it's funny...and not even all men.

Doesn't matter what sex the target is/was.

It was, basically, saying that the target 'really' wanted to have sex with the speaker, but gee...even a whole bunch of alcohol wouldn't make the target an acceptable sexual partner, even if he was so far out of control that rape was a possibility, if only the target was better looking. Or something.

As if it were the responsibility of the target to get dressed up enough to be worthy of being raped. I'm sorry...not a funny joke..


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
He hints that rape would be acceptable in some fashion, but that a target must meet SOME standard of beauty before he would do that....knowing that rape is one of the nastiest acts anyone can commit.

No standard of beauty justifies rape. How dare you!

There is nothing honorable about it,

Indeed vowing to not rape is extremely noble!

nothing funny about it.

Its hilarious!

and to hint that someone wasn't even worthy of that level of horror

Nobody is worthy of rape. How dare you insist that someone cam be worthy of rape!

as if rape were even a tiny bit a compliment

Apparently some people think rape is compliment. Because they can't stand it when someone vows to not rape!

No. There was absolutely nothing funny about that, and the whole idea was, you need to admit, that he is saying that if the victim were even a tiny bit more attractive, that he WOULD have raped her....as if that rape was a compliment, a good thing and acceptable...

Again, no standard of beauty justifies or requires rape. I find it disgusting that anyone thinks it should.




All the yes!


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Ideology works that way.

Politics seem like mud slinging contests to me. Especially American politics.

That's the strawman. Where is the violence in not rape?

Only because of the strawman.
I don’t know how to break it down any further.
What the actual comedians reacted to was him joking that rape is an acceptable everyday thing and that to not rape someone was a joke. To your average human being with, you know, empathy, this sentiment is disgusting.
Now to me Carl’s an idiot, which is why I merely cringed and left it at that. The public at large reacted the way I knew they would. With abject disgust. I have seen many comedians joke about rape successfully. The millionaires you cited, in fact (IIRC.) But the target of the laughter is always directed at the rapist exclusively, not the victim or even potential victim. Carl directed laughter at the potential victim. Haha you’re not even worthy of rape, is something a 12 year old would laugh at. I mean I went through my edgy anti sjw phase myself. I still enjoy very sick dark humour and even I could tell his joke was in poor taste, to say the least.
And to do that as a supposed electable government official running for office is beyond stupid. Anyone with the faintest hint of PR sense would have smacked him upside the head for even thinking about doing something that off putting to the public. Wank Lord of arrogant is a triggered snowflake, perpetually triggered at Political Correctness. I find it humorous because I’m a sick mother****er. But I can still tell how it is perceived by “normies.”
I mean come on. It was pretty dumb.


Nothing to apologize for.

Except being an ***. His troll humour is just not acceptable in civilised society. He has to just own that. Or ignore it and cry like a baby. Whatever. I’m not his mother.

Let me introduce you to Mr.Trump.

Well I’ll grant you that Trump is a massive troll. But given how American politics is perceived, at least outside the US, it wasn’t that surprising.
More like a “wow, wtf America?”


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Y'know, I'm a (very) right leaning libertarian. However, there are some things that...well...

I don't think any woman has found that funny. I could be wrong about that, but as far as I can tell, only men do think it's funny...and not even all men.

Doesn't matter what sex the target is/was.

It was, basically, saying that the target 'really' wanted to have sex with the speaker, but gee...even a whole bunch of alcohol wouldn't make the target an acceptable sexual partner, even if he was so far out of control that rape was a possibility, if only the target was better looking. Or something.

As if it were the responsibility of the target to get dressed up enough to be worthy of being raped. I'm sorry...not a funny joke..
I enjoy really screwed up dark humour. And I cringed hard when he did that. Like instinctively. I wasn’t offended. (Mostly because I don’t think highly of Carl in the first place.) But it was more like “oof, mate. Don’t cut yourself on that edge now.”
I think some people have become so invested in the anti sjw crusade that they will justify anything as long as the opponent finds it even mildly distasteful. I know, I was once one of those people. Now I cringe at past me. What started as an amusing twisted game of let’s all laugh at the random crazies has become trolls embarrassing themselves in front of the public in politician campaigns. What a time to be alive.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Politics seem like mud slinging contests to me

Has been for years. Can't even debate on here with someone stating in with personal attack because you are attacking their idea/ideology.

The millionaires you cited, in fact (IIRC.) But the target of the laughter is always directed at the rapist exclusively, not the victim or even potential victim.

You'd be wrong but I can't post video to prove it. For example Chappelle recently joked that he is not a pedophile, but if he was Macauley Culkey would have been his boy.

Except being an ***.

Meh that's subjective.

His troll humour is just not acceptable in civilised society. He has to just own that. Or ignore it and cry like a baby.

It is acceptable, of you don't like it. Tough cookie.

More like a “wow, wtf America?

Well the rest of the works is just jelly. :p


Well-Known Member
Daryl Davis revolutionary anti-racist who once convinced 200 KKK members to lay down their hoods/robes and reject white supremacy. Has been accused of now being a white supremacist himself by the far left.

Left Wing Activists Call Black Man a White Supremacist

How is the nation expected to heal if people don't lay down their arms and simply talk to each other? Are we really at the point of such decisiveness that issues can't be discussed in a civilized manner without being accused of being a sell out or even worse converting to the "other side"?
Angry people are unreasonable.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Antifa is far left. :rolleyes:

And no, he was accused of being a white supremacist for meeting with people of all political persuasions in a meeting called "Ending Racism". Yet they accused it of being a white supremacist meeting and threatened to burn down the venue.

I don't consider Antifa far left. I just consider them spoiled brat rabble rousers and vandals.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
That's a them problem.
It's a problem with those who have a problem in realizing that groups like Antifa do not exist in any formal or organized ways to have someone to invite. It's more of an ideological thing, as the Left is not into orderly hierarchy the way the Right is.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
It's more of an ideological thing, as the Left is not into orderly hierarchy the way the Right is

Doesn't matter, they could have attended to educate themselves they chose violence.

That's not the definition of "far left" you have given me.

No but socialism and communism are predominantly left disciplines nowadays. Combined with the fact they promote violence in their political beliefs it makes them extremist or zealots hence the "far left".

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Re: Atheist 'humanist' types who advocate against trans-rights, intentionally misgender and think that any level of trans advocacy is just 'being PC.'
Such things are still rooted in dogmatic ideology, but the religious are far more numerous and problematic. There are some TERFs out there, but there are tons of Conservative Evangelicals. And it's just one example. History is over run with examples where, all for religion, people turn into psychotic monsters against their fellow human. Christians, Muslims, Mayans, Shinto, it often gets ugly. As for Christians and LGBT, the Christians of course aren't the only culprits, but they are a majority shareholder of the guilt and blame, especially as their hatred spread to cultures that previously didn't have such bigotries. In the case of parents disowning children, the act is just downright psychotic, and so very often it is religious induced. Not always, but more than often enough to clearly be a problem.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Has been for years. Can't even debate on here with someone stating in with personal attack because you are attacking their idea/ideology.
Hmm. I think people interpret literally everything through their own political lens. Opponents become whatever you want them to be. Arguments devolve into playground tactics and everyone wants to be the righteous one.
It’s kind of tiring. I now just watch curiously from the sidelines.

You'd be wrong but I can't post video to prove it. For example Chappelle recently joked that he is not a pedophile, but if he was Macauley Culkey would have been his boy.
I think he joked that if he were Micheal Jackson, Macauley Culkin would be his choice. Or something along those lines. I had the same reaction to that as Carl’s “joke.”
Oof mate. Careful of that edge.
It’s instinctual. I’m no SJW, I hate identity politics. Neither do I look to be outraged or look to be outraged at the outrage even. (Seriously it’s such a vicious cycle if you think about it.)
But man, even I took a quick tug at my collar at that one.

Meh that's subjective.
When even the pros say, mate wtf? I don’t know if you can necessarily say that. You could say that outside edgy alt right circles, regular people are not used to such blunt humour I guess. I don’t know. There’s something almost subconsciously “eww-y” about the joke that you just have to cut your losses and take it on the chin.

It is acceptable, of you don't like it. Tough cookie.

I could just as easily say, well if you don’t like the backlash, tough titties.
(Presuming RF doesn’t censor what I just said, I freaking love that phrase.)

Well the rest of the works is just jelly. :p
We’re too busy stockpiling our popcorn, mate. ;)


Well-Known Member
No standard of beauty justifies rape. How dare you!

Indeed vowing to not rape is extremely noble!



Well, if the only reason someone is vowing not to rape is because the target is too ugly, well.....that's a problem. And not particularly noble. I'll choose to think that you are exercising incredible humor yourself here, in an incredibly sarcastic manner, pointing out that the opposite of your stated point is actually true.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Hmm. I think people interpret literally everything through their own political lens. Opponents become whatever you want them to be. Arguments devolve into playground tactics and everyone wants to be the righteous one.
It’s kind of tiring. I now just watch curiously from the sidelines.

Agreed, which is why pointing it out is a secondary motive for any post I make.

I think he joked that if he were Micheal Jackson, Macauley Culkin would be his choice. Or something along those lines. I had the same reaction to that as Carl’s “joke.”

Well we just different then, I thought both jokes were hilarious!

When even the pros say, mate wtf?

Well if comedy was about purely objectivity it wouldn't be funny would it!

I could just as easily say, well if you don’t like the backlash, tough titties.

It is tough titties. But the majority of people agree with me at least. Hence Chappelles 99% audience approval rating on rotten tomatos.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Well, if the only reason someone is vowing not to rape is because the target is too ugly, well.....that's a problem.

Thinking someone is ugly is not a crime. I mean Jess Philip's thinks men being raped in prison is funny. So why wouldn't a joke about her looking like a man and being too ugly to rape not be funny as well?