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African Americans can be white supremacist apparently.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
He joked that there wasn’t enough beer to potentially rape a political opponent.

You gotta admit, it is funny! No matter how drunk he gets he refuses to rape her! What a monster!

Carl claims he made the “joke” to show how triggered the sensitive feminists would freak out at an “obvious non threat.”

And it worked flawlessly as proven.

The guy amusingly thought that his troll humour works in real life.

Proven by yours and others reactions.

Spoilers, it doesn’t translate at all and comes across as vile

Just more proof his concept is correct. People looking to be offended will take offense even to something non-offensive.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
It's not perceived as that. However, the methods as to ending it were disagreed with.

That's why there was multiple points of view, not just Daryl Davis'. Antifa was invited in to have a say in the discussion even, they chose to make threats of violence and arson instead.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Antifa was invited in to have a say in the discussion even, they chose to make threats of violence and arson instead.
There isn't an Antifa to invite. It exists, but not as an organized or cohesive group. It's not like the Boy Scouts, who are organized and would have a representative to speak on behalf of the organization when invited to such a function.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
You gotta admit, it is funny! No matter how drunk he gets he refuses to rape her! What a monster!

And it worked flawlessly as proven.

Proven by yours and others reactions.

Just more proof his concept is correct. People looking to be offended will take offense even to something non-offensive.
Where did I say I took offence? I found the whole thing amusing. Especially the British public at large throwing fish and milk at him. Hahahahaha!

Anyway to quote actual veteran comedian David Baddiel, who has long joked about dark and controversial material. (And incidentally Carl claimed would defend his joke.)
“As I’ve always said. Deconstruct the “joke.” The one about not enough beer. The target is Jess Phillips, objectified as having value only in terms of sexual violence. Any laughter provoked excludes and alienates women, in order to confirm male power.”

Believe or not comedy is a technique, it’s not just ****posting in real life. Comedians hone their craft, not just post random edgy memes.

It was indeed hilarious to watch Sargon self emulate in front of the public at large. “Wank Lord of arrogant” is forever my favourite nickname of the man.


Veteran Member
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I never stated otherwise. However, those particular ones who condemn Davis, how many people have they brought out of racism? How many people have they even had a productive and serious conversation with about it? They want to condemn Davis, but chances are they are white, live a rather white life, and don't actually do anything for the causes they fuss about. And, it's also a decent chance, that despite the diversity the antifa clowns talk about and claim to support, when it comes to race relations and politics, their life is probably overall very homogeneous
I don't know what they've done, because the 'they' is a broad reaching group of people which includes everyone from teaching activists to facebook trolls. The idea that criticism of him can only be had if you've 'done as much' doesn't work to me though. Any more than the 'what triple A games have you produced' when criticizing what a title may have done. There is criticism to be had about 'nothing but talking' styles of combat of racism. After all, it's talking about racism which you think set off these Trump followers.
No matter what, we're all human. You spend enough time with someone, chances are it's going to be hard to dehumanize them in your mind and not see them as having some sort of relationship status in your life.
Tell that to all the kids with shunning and disowning parents due to being gay or trans or liberal or atheist, etc. One of the people Davis 'talked out of his robe' still assaulted people after he did so.
You forgot to mention that a good number of people who voted for him due to a perceived overreach and intrusion of PC culture from Liberals. Liberals who say all white people are racist, get upset over costumes, and demand certain words never be said do send people to the ballots to vote Republican. Did you forget people loved Trump on the campaign because he said basically whatever he wanted to without regards to it upsetting people?
There was also a good deal of xenophobia playing into it, false beliefs and hopes that manufacturing and coal and all other industries would boom, his alliance with Pence that dragged the Religious Right into supporter status, and people voted for Trump, because, yes, it pissed off Liberals.
Xenophobia, transphobia, homophobia, and sexism were the things they were angry about having social repercussions, yes, I agree. It caused them to come up with all sorts of strawmen like 'they think white people are racist' or 'now they're ruining halloween costumes!'
They feel empowered and validated with Trump as president.
I'm sure they do, but it was growing before Trump was president. The Obama lynching demonstrations, for example.
Then why did it empower them instead of shame them?
Why do you think it was empowering them? From my perspective they were doubling down on toxic group-think defensiveness. Rather, they lashed out because they were ashamed. Not unlike what happened after Charlottesville.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
There isn't an Antifa to invite

There was 40+ of them outside protesting the ending racism conferrence....

It exists, but not as an organized or cohesive group


It's not like the Boy Scouts, who are organized


and would have a representative to speak on behalf of the organization when invited to such a function.

Not my problem. They were invited to participate and see for themselves what the meeting was about. Had they accepted they would have seen left, right, and center all getting along discussing possible solutions to takle racism. Instead they chose to remain willfully ignorant, hateful, and threaten violence.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Where did I say I took offence? I found the whole thing amusing. Especially the British public at large throwing fish and milk at him. Hahahahaha!

I never said you took offense. But that the SJW types would take offense at something that is non-offensive. Which was proven.

The target is Jess Phillips, objectified as having value only in terms of sexual violence.

What is violent about not raping someone?

Believe or not comedy is a technique, it’s not just ****posting in real life.

That's why George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Red Foxx, Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle and many many more are millionaires from doing it.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Tell that to all the kids with shunning and disowning parents due to being gay or trans or liberal or atheist, etc.
I'm aware that happens. It's a pretty good reason for claiming the effects of religion can mimick mental illness, as in this case it is severing parental empathy towards a child. That just is not normal, not really anywhere in nature where we find such parental/child bonding. They may not meet the diagnosis criteria for being psychotic, but they are definitely lacking empathy in a similar fashion.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
I never said you took offense. But that the SJW types would take offense at something that is non-offensive. Which was proven.
So British conservatives in their late 50s and 60s are SJW types?
Interesting. I had no idea just how broad the term was.

What is violent about not raping someone?
I don’t think you understood what he was saying. But whatever.

That's why George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Red Foxx, Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle and many many more are millionaires from doing it.

Yes, and I love them all dearly.
But the millionaire comedians who Carl claimed would run to his aid, essentially told him he made a bad joke and should take the backlash like a man.
Wank Lord is a mouth breathing idiot who can’t read the room.
But he did manage to essentially destroy UKIP. Keep triggering the left to own the left, Carl. It’s such an amusing circus to watch.
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Veteran Member
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Premium Member
I'm aware that happens. It's a pretty good reason for claiming the effects of religion can mimick mental illness, as in this case it is severing parental empathy towards a child. That just is not normal, not really anywhere in nature where we find such parental/child bonding. They may not meet the diagnosis criteria for being psychotic, but they are definitely lacking empathy in a similar fashion.
I think it's easy to use religious traditionalism as a tool to keep the status quo on social beliefs, sure. But I think it's a symptom, not the cause. Re: Atheist 'humanist' types who advocate against trans-rights, intentionally misgender and think that any level of trans advocacy is just 'being PC.'


Well-Known Member
Daryl Davis revolutionary anti-racist who once convinced 200 KKK members to lay down their hoods/robes and reject white supremacy. Has been accused of now being a white supremacist himself by the far left.

Left Wing Activists Call Black Man a White Supremacist

How is the nation expected to heal if people don't lay down their arms and simply talk to each other? Are we really at the point of such decisiveness that issues can't be discussed in a civilized manner without being accused of being a sell out or even worse converting to the "other side"?

Oh, that doesn't surprise me a bit. ANYBODY who has a problem with the extremist left will be called a racist, no matter how insane it is. The sad thing is, pretty much everybody on the left goes along with it.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
So British conservatives in their late 50s and 60s are SJW types?

Anyone can be.

I don’t think you understood what he was saying.

What so hard to understand that not raping someone is a non-violent act.

Yes, and the millionaire comedians who Carl claimed would run to his aid, essentially told him he made a bad joke and should take the backlash like a man.

You mean bend the knee and apologize for promising to not rape someone. I would never apologize for that either.


Well-Known Member
You know what else contributes to the divisiveness? Pretending that the words and actions some idiotic fringe group like AntiFA speak for anyone and everyone who happens to lean left.


Then prove that you, over there on the left, DISAPPROVE of what the far left extremists say or do. When that happens, I'll believe you.


Well-Known Member
Sizeable part of the congress was far-right propagandists.
Even if Mr Davis' was there to fight racism, a sizable amount of speakers were not.

Sargon of Akkad, a UKIP candidate from the UK, known for spreading racist conspiracy theories.
Roaming Millenial, who's known for anti-sjw pseudo-intellectualism.
Karen Straughan, famous anti-feminist
Blaire White, Token Trans for the MAGA crowd, focus on anti-sjw content.
Hunter Avallone, anti-sjw youtuber.
Andy Ngo- no comment needed, far-right misinformation journalist.
I could go on.

So...you have no problem with someone calling Davis a white supremacist?


Well-Known Member
No, they're not. They are devoted to freedom and liberty, both of which are compromised when fascists are around. As for peaceful solutions, they have the right idea. Peaceful solutions are for the ones too weak to fight for what they believe in.

You are officially scary.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Anyone can be.
Fascinating. Seems like in politics anyone can be anything.

What so hard to understand that not raping someone is a non-violent act.
It’s not the “non rape act” that the actual professional comedians took issue with. It’s the techniques employed. The target of the joke is being thought of only in terms of an object of sexual violence. Like if I joke.
“Mate, You’re not even worthy of a beat down.” Whether or not that violence comes to pass is essentially irrelevant. The target is thought of only as a punching bag in that scenario.
The joke is begging the question, would you **** her? I’d **** her? Actually on second thought, she’s a horse.
His technique is being called into question, essentially.

You mean bend the knee and apologize for promising to not rape someone. I would never apologize for that either.
He can not apologise to his heart’s content. It only makes him look like an *******, but I’m not his PR manager. So his public image is his own responsibility. Meanwhile I am eagerly awaiting his next folly, popcorn on standby.

Almost makes me wish our trolls would run for government. But we’d probably just throw beer cans at them and call them wankers.