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African Americans can be white supremacist apparently.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Agreed, which is why pointing it out is a secondary motive for any post I make.
I think we all do it, even unintentionally, when we involve ourselves in any political discussion.

Well we just different then, I thought both jokes were hilarious!

Well if comedy was about purely objectivity it wouldn't be funny would it!

It is tough titties. But the majority of people agree with me at least. Hence Chappelles 99% audience approval rating on rotten tomatos.
I’m beginning to side with the idea that this is largely like a Rorschach test. What you see as successfully triggering the left, I see as tasteless bafoonary. What you see as scathing political satire, I see as a set perhaps needing a little less tone deaf approaches. What you you see as a majority agreement, I see as reactionaries upvoting something just to score some points.

But for what it’s worth, I don’t think that makes you a bad person or even my political opponent. I agree with your RF tag. It’s all just one big sick joke.

I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree on matters to do with humour in this instance.
You do you, mate.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
being too ugly to rape not be funny as well?
It shows a fundamental lack of knowledge of why rape happens, and basically that women get raped for being attractive. Jokes involving rape can be funny, but even Ricky Gervais won't make a joke about rape.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
’m beginning to side with the idea that this is largely like a Rorschach test.


What you you see as a majority agreement, I see as reactionaries upvoting something just to score some points.
30,000 that approve vs 13 that disapprove is a bit more than reactionaries upvoting.
Screenshot_20190908-202009_Samsung Internet.jpg


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
It shows a fundamental lack of knowledge of why rape happens, and basically that women get raped for being attractive. Jokes involving rape can be funny, but even Ricky Gervais won't make a joke about rape.

Tell that to Jess Philips for laughing at men being raped in prison. This was the reason Sargon made the not rape joke to begin with. Everyone is fine with her thinking it's funny for men to complain about prison rape, but when someone says she too ugly to be raped it's a travesty!


Well-Known Member
Politics seem like mud slinging contests to me. Especially American politics.

Hmn....There was that incident in Australia just this last February,

And, oh, this was fun...CANADA! "Elbowgate' and the thing between Peter van Loan and Tom Mulcair,

...and the shoe throwing incident in Egypt (let's not mention Kruschev's little tantrum...that was not, after all, an American throwing anything)

The European Parliament, with people throwing things at each other,

and the Greek Parliament in 2017,

And Italy in 2010,

and Mexico was REALLY fun...in 2006,

and Peru is really known for it.

In the UK...1938; Shinwell v Bower, ended in a draw and an apology:
1972: Devlin v Mauding ...resulted in a punch by Devlin to Mauding's face, with a ban from the Commons for six months. Go Bernadette!
1976: Heseltine threatened a group singing 'The Red Flag,' but didn't land a blow. Didn't land the Prime Minister's slot, either.....

USA; 1985: Dornan v Downey....the great tie grab. Dornan grabbed Downey's tie.

1902: Tillman v McLaurin...major knock down drag out fight. Both men censured.

I went all the way back to 1902 for the USA because I went all the way back to 1938 for others.

Mud slinging is fine; I don't know a single nation that isn't guilty of it, and that most grievously. However, as long as it is only mud....

Remember, 'yellow journalism' has been going on, pretty much everywhere, for a VERY long time. Ever read Suetonius?

In other words, don't get so high falutin' about this, Politics in EVERY nation has it's, er, interesting moments.

I don’t know how to break it down any further.
What the actual comedians reacted to was him joking that rape is an acceptable everyday thing and that to not rape someone was a joke. To your average human being with, you know, empathy, this sentiment is disgusting.

Yep. Cringeworthy on a LOT of levels.

Now to me Carl’s an idiot, which is why I merely cringed and left it at that. The public at large reacted the way I knew they would. With abject disgust. I have seen many comedians joke about rape successfully. The millionaires you cited, in fact (IIRC.) But the target of the laughter is always directed at the rapist exclusively, not the victim or even potential victim. Carl directed laughter at the potential victim. Haha you’re not even worthy of rape, is something a 12 year old would laugh at. I mean I went through my edgy anti sjw phase myself. I still enjoy very sick dark humour and even I could tell his joke was in poor taste, to say the least.

Yep. I didn't see a single redeeming element, and I'm not all THAT politically correct about things.

And to do that as a supposed electable government official running for office is beyond stupid. Anyone with the faintest hint of PR sense would have smacked him upside the head for even thinking about doing something that off putting to the public. Wank Lord of arrogant is a triggered snowflake, perpetually triggered at Political Correctness. I find it humorous because I’m a sick mother****er. But I can still tell how it is perceived by “normies.”
I mean come on. It was pretty dumb.

Oh, I agree. No argument here.

Except being an ***. His troll humour is just not acceptable in civilised society. He has to just own that. Or ignore it and cry like a baby. Whatever. I’m not his mother.

Well I’ll grant you that Trump is a massive troll. But given how American politics is perceived, at least outside the US, it wasn’t that surprising.
More like a “wow, wtf America?”

(grin) I submit that one of the biggest reasons he was elected is BECAUSE he's a troll. He pokes every politically correct idealogue right in the sensitivities...and most of us are truly tired of having to watch every word that comes out of our mouths for fear that they will offend someone...knowing that it doesn't matter. No matter what we say it WILL offend someone.

I am still shaking my head over that video of Trump being a total A** with someone about a woman, being disrespectful and insulting, doing a prime, REALLY prime, performance of the fox in Aesop's 'sour grapes' story. I would have clobbered him. Still want to...but the left went NUTS over it, claiming that this video proved that he was a sexual pervert and a rapist, when the whole point of his rant was that she would NOT go to bed with him, and he wouldn't force her. He insulted the peawaddin out of her for saying 'no,' but he heard 'no,' and he respected THAT.

So this bit of proof that he is NOT a rapist flew over everybody's head. He's a loudmouthed jerk, and someone really needs to take his twitter feed and feed it through a bunch of editors first, if he wants to stop irritating people, but he doesn't want to stop irritating people, and y'know what?

A WHOLE bunch of us like that. A lot.

And he's doing a pretty good job, too, behind all the bluster and noise. At least, I think so.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You nailed it, I think. People were not voting FOR Trump so much as voting AGAINST Clinton...and all she stands for. The "Deplorables" weren't all that happy about a Hillary Clinton presidency.
That was a part of it. But, definitely, people were voting for Trump as a vote against "Snow White Liberals." And they often have a very hard time accepting and dealing with that fact. They think they are necessary and needed, that they're going to fix all the social problems by policing people's interactions, but they refuse to acknowledge that Left or Right, Liberal or Conservative, white or black, people just don't like them or what they do. Now, some Trump supporters are truly deplorable people, however Hillary inadvertently gave a name to pretty much everyone who was voting for Trump who was supporting him for his abrasive behaviors, or support him at all, in general, depending on who you asked. She wanted to shame them, they turned her acknowledgement into a party. Sometimes if you don't like something, the best way to kill is to let it go quietly die off in a corner on its own.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Everyone is fine with her thinking it's funny for men to complain about prison rape,
Except a lot of people don't, and everyone who thinks that is ok and funny has a morbid sense of humor and utterly destroyed moral compass.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Meh, a couple of supportive comments vs like thousands of up votes?
Do forgive me if I at least remain skeptical.

30,000 people rated it 4-5 stars. Vs 13 sjw critics that didn't approve. The data is conclusive.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Except a lot of people don't, and everyone who thinks that is ok and funny has a morbid sense of humor and utterly destroyed moral compass.

When Jess Philip's did it it was completely ignored by the media. Which is why Sargon made the joke to draw attention her inappropriateness. But being the sad effed up world it is, nobody cared about the men getting laughed at while raped, but they damn sure got offended Sargon won't rape Jess Philip's ugly ***.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member

Then prove that you, over there on the left, DISAPPROVE of what the far left extremists say or do. When that happens, I'll believe you.

But I already do. What about you, though? Prove that you disapprove of the far right extremists' words and actions. It goes both ways.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Hmn....There was that incident in Australia just this last February,

And, oh, this was fun...CANADA! "Elbowgate' and the thing between Peter van Loan and Tom Mulcair,

...and the shoe throwing incident in Egypt (let's not mention Kruschev's little tantrum...that was not, after all, an American throwing anything)

The European Parliament, with people throwing things at each other,

and the Greek Parliament in 2017,

And Italy in 2010,

and Mexico was REALLY fun...in 2006,

and Peru is really known for it.

In the UK...1938; Shinwell v Bower, ended in a draw and an apology:
1972: Devlin v Mauding ...resulted in a punch by Devlin to Mauding's face, with a ban from the Commons for six months. Go Bernadette!
1976: Heseltine threatened a group singing 'The Red Flag,' but didn't land a blow. Didn't land the Prime Minister's slot, either.....

USA; 1985: Dornan v Downey....the great tie grab. Dornan grabbed Downey's tie.

1902: Tillman v McLaurin...major knock down drag out fight. Both men censured.

I went all the way back to 1902 for the USA because I went all the way back to 1938 for others.

Mud slinging is fine; I don't know a single nation that isn't guilty of it, and that most grievously. However, as long as it is only mud....

Remember, 'yellow journalism' has been going on, pretty much everywhere, for a VERY long time. Ever read Suetonius?

In other words, don't get so high falutin' about this, Politics in EVERY nation has it's, er, interesting moments.

Yep. Cringeworthy on a LOT of levels.

Yep. I didn't see a single redeeming element, and I'm not all THAT politically correct about things.

Oh, I agree. No argument here.

(grin) I submit that one of the biggest reasons he was elected is BECAUSE he's a troll. He pokes every politically correct idealogue right in the sensitivities...and most of us are truly tired of having to watch every word that comes out of our mouths for fear that they will offend someone...knowing that it doesn't matter. No matter what we say it WILL offend someone.

I am still shaking my head over that video of Trump being a total A** with someone about a woman, being disrespectful and insulting, doing a prime, REALLY prime, performance of the fox in Aesop's 'sour grapes' story. I would have clobbered him. Still want to...but the left went NUTS over it, claiming that this video proved that he was a sexual pervert and a rapist, when the whole point of his rant was that she would NOT go to bed with him, and he wouldn't force her. He insulted the peawaddin out of her for saying 'no,' but he heard 'no,' and he respected THAT.

So this bit of proof that he is NOT a rapist flew over everybody's head. He's a loudmouthed jerk, and someone really needs to take his twitter feed and feed it through a bunch of editors first, if he wants to stop irritating people, but he doesn't want to stop irritating people, and y'know what?

A WHOLE bunch of us like that. A lot.

And he's doing a pretty good job, too, behind all the bluster and noise. At least, I think so.
Oh I agree. But you have to admit, in comparison American politics is pretty extreme. Both our sides are basically miliquetoast compared to the politics in America. Probably even in comparison to Europe these days.

I sympathise with liking someone who is in essence a trouble maker. Someone who will shake sense into people.
I’m quite devil may care myself. I will encourage trouble making even on this site.

But I don’t know, Trump still comes off as skeevy to me.

Then again, maybe that’s just the political climate where you live.
I’m really not making any judgements. I just find it all amusing in a demented kind of way.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
30,000 people rated it 4-5 stars. Vs 13 sjw critics that didn't approve. The data is conclusive.
To be quite honest with you, RT sits just above IMDB for me as far as movie review sites are concerned. Conclusive data? I guess.
But the reviews in the outside wide world seem more mixed than outraged. Some complain that it’s kind of tired and low brow. Others contend that it’s refreshing.
I’m again seeing this more like a Rorschach test.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
But the reviews in the outside wide world seem more mixed than outraged.

That's only if you look at twitter. Everyone I know irl loved it. Most people online loved it. About the only people disapproving is the woke crowd. And you know what they say. "Go woke, get broke!"