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against intelligent creator?


Well-Known Member
I don't even know what to think now. Are you actually thinking about what I'm saying or sticking with your opinion


That does not make sense. You're avoiding something that clearly should be easy to prove. Unless you do not know god exist, it should be easy to say "here is the evidence" and we can discuss the evidence.

We can't discuss what does not exist until you present something to talk about.

Get it?

Every born again Christians know for sure that God does exist. Our proof is internal. Several things convince me. First a creation needs a Creator. Some of the language in the Bible is beyond man's ability to originate: to gain your life you must lose it---to be strong you must become weak---love your enemies and do good to those who hate you---although He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.

It's logic. It has nothing to do with religion and god at all.

I disagree it is logic. It is illogical to believe our universe is an accident or eternal.

Okay. That's an experience that I said can be proof. Expand. What were you found from? What is the proof (or experience) that leads you to know god exists?

The quote does not say anything.

It has nothing to do with religion. It's a statement that shares no information. If I had not read the bible, I'd have no idea what you're talking about.

Religion aside.

So, you were not "lost and then you were found." Your experiences have nothing to do with god. That would mean, your view of god and experience of him is an illusion since you don't know his nature other than he exists outside of you?

No true. My experiences has everything with God revealing Himself to me. When I was in college I made a vow that if I ever graduated, I would never read another book. I hate to read and i hat to study even more. Well I graduated and I kept that vow for over 20 ears.

Once I was converted God stuck my nose in the Bible, and I can't get it out. He is stronger than I am. I read some almost every day. When I was working, I would get up ate 4:00Am and red and study for 2 hours. When I retired, I would get up and read and study for 4 to 6 hours every day. God gave me a gift that contrary to my nature. My wife use to say, me reading anything was a greater miracle than God parting the Red Sea.

Religion aside.

That is like saying a married couple's love does not exist within the couple and their commitment but outside their commitment as a separate feeling detached from them.

What I believe is just the opposite of that.

Does that make sense at all?

Nothing about religion makes sense o me unless it has a Biblical basis.

Where are you from?

Originally from a small town in North Carolina. I have lived in Tennessee for the past 55 years. I now live in Knoxville and have lived here for 40 years.

The Bible, history, people before, people today, believers all make up the existence of god. Without these things (traditions, culture, language) god cannot exist.

I think you really know better than that. God's existence does not depend on anything. Either He exist or He doesn't

Try to explain who god is without referring to the bible.

Don't care to try. The Bible does a much better than mere man can.

It is full of traditions and culture.

Actually it isn't, Some have made traditions from what they understand about the Bible. Some culture have developed for the Bible.
Get it?

Religion aside.

That is like saying a Cherokee Tribe who has brought up their child in their culture and their love exists because of their traditions does not exist embedded in their culture but separate from it.

Speak for your self, not for me.

How can love exist separate from the people who experience it?

Love exists. It doe snot depend on people experiencing. Someone can be love and not eve know it,

You're making god impersonal. That is a deist position not christian. Not even the people in the bible would claim god that impersonal.

No, you are. Conservative Christians call God their Father. That is as personal as it gets. You Are making Him depend on emotion, etc.

Please please
actively read this.

I think you see that I did.


Well-Known Member
1. Wouldn't it be in god's opinion not your own?

I don't need an opinion that exists and neither does God.

2. You said proof cannot be verified. Therefore, you are expressing your opinion (aka above) not a fact. Your proof is based on your experiences (I was lost and now I'm found)

I told you my experience with God in my last post. If it wasn't convincing, that
s fine with me. My experience is mine alone. If you don't find it convincing, that is your problem.

3. If you do not share your experiences, we cannot prove they are true or not.

We can't tell if another's experience is true. I gave you my experience, was it true?

4. Unless you can explain the tree outside my window means there is a creator of that tree, it's just a tree.

It is just a tree no mater how it got there.

5. Explain how there is a creator.

Since we have creation, either God did it or it is eternal. I choose God did it. You can take you pick.

6. I put the seed in the soil. I water it. It grows into a mini tree. Where did the creator come into this?

He created the seed.

7. Am I missing something here?

Of course. Everyone who tries to explain the universe without its Creator is missing something---the truth.

Please respond to this post with explanation of your own.

(This is a summary of the longer post. I don't think you're reading and responding to my posts. Maybe you think I'm debating you or something.)

I may miss one occasionally but not on purpose.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Thank you for reading my post. I write long post so I can tell when someone isn't reading it in full.
Every born again Christians know for sure that God does exist. Our proof is internal. Several things convince me. First a creation needs a Creator. Some of the language in the Bible is beyond man's ability to originate: to gain your life you must lose it---to be strong you must become weak---love your enemies and do good to those who hate you---although He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.

How I experienced god is both external and internal (to compare). For example, although a lot of protestants cannot stand Catholicism, without looking at it from a pagan view, here is what I experienced.

When you believe in god (for me god is a spirit not christ himself), you experience and become the body of like-believers. It's not supernatural but a interconnection or, some say love, that binds all people of like-minds together. The worship is built on bringing the body of christ present (more than one here I am) in order to celebrate the nature of his spirit which is a reflection of the experience and nature of god. That is communion.

Physically and traditionally, communion is between people. Jesus did not have a metaphysical view of salvation. He was actually lived, actually died, and was actually resurrected back to christ as spirit. So the traditions and physical nature of the body brings people to christ just as the commitment of saying I Do brings two people together in matrimony. It isn't an abstract relationship. It is a physical one.

When I experienced baptism, it was not just internal. I don't understand separating internal from external. When you are washed with water, you are physically cleaning yourself from dirt of the flesh. This also mirrors each other in cleanings oneself from the dirt of the spirit. Thereby, in Catholicism, no one can just "not be christian anymore." It's an eternal relationship with god.

When you confess, you go to repentance and confess to god. The priest is an authority of the church (lower c) but not of the Church (body of christ). So, he hears confessions but he does not forgive. Only god, spirit, forgives in christian faith. So repentance is important to get to baptism. This physical and traditional means of repentance is important to spiritual growth.

The Eucharist or communion is not mystical as many Othorodox Catholics say. It is actually a communal meal that within it (blood/sacrifice bread/life) of christ brings people together in like worship. We commune of actual food and by that as the Lord's Super, we commune in the spirit of christ. The spirit of christ is the body. The body is the people.

To celebrate in one body through these sacred acts (sacraments) is a tradition. Without these sacraments there is no god. Without the body coming together, god does not exist.

He exist when more than one person comes together. He cannot exist outside of that unless you are saying he is like casper the ghost floating around finding people to enter and denying people he calls children.

That makes no sense.

Also, southerners believe differently than northerners. In Catholicism, we live the bible. Studying the bible and seeing it as an idol is find for some but actually living the bible makes christ, his spirit-the body-the service to others-more alive than studying it and finding inner solace without outer traditions (actions passed down through generation) to practice it.

I disagree it is logic. It is illogical to believe our universe is an accident or eternal.

I never said it was an accident. The analogy or the example I made, I tried to take religion out so you can see the logic in what I'm saying. If you understand the logic, perfect. If you don't, that makes me more inquisitive because a lot of people get it just some people don't and it's elementary knowledge.

No true. My experiences has everything with God revealing Himself to me. When I was in college I made a vow that if I ever graduated, I would never read another book. I hate to read and i hat to study even more. Well I graduated and I kept that vow for over 20 ears.

I can't really reply to that. When I read the bible, I fell further away from christ. When I'm in the church and live the bible, I'm pulled back to living spirit of christ through the body of people making him present. It's a totally different viewpoint that you can read all the books in the world and it won't change your faith. People can spit at catholicism all they want but that doesn't change many Catholics live the bible and Catholicism is based on it.

My great aunt who passed away didn't want electricity, didn't read anything but the bible, and spoke only about the bible when we last visited her. She lived in Alabama, in the outskirts bible belt. She said she wanted to live as close to jesus time as possible.

I know the nature of love and being one with the body of christ but not to the point of taking my life or isolating myself from the knowledge of the world. From this student of life, I just can't get that.

Once I was converted God stuck my nose in the Bible, and I can't get it out. He is stronger than I am. I read some almost every day. When I was working, I would get up ate 4:00Am and red and study for 2 hours. When I retired, I would get up and read and study for 4 to 6 hours every day. God gave me a gift that contrary to my nature. My wife use to say, me reading anything was a greater miracle than God parting the Red Sea.

Cool. I thought you were a female for some reason. Nothing wrong with reading the bible. That's pretty extensive. I always wondered how people of the book can have so much passion for christ just from reading the book. Wouldn't it be more in service and communion, devotion and prayer?

What I believe is just the opposite of that.

Actually, no. You said love is eternal and not dependent on external things. The people committed and experiencing love are external. Without their external commitment, the love would not exist. The love is dependent on their external commitment. Internal and external are both equally important.

If you saw god as external, than you can give proof of his existence without sharing your experiences (which is what many atheist want). Since I know god is an experience not something you can externally prove, when you say you know god-you know him internally.

You can't say "god does exist" as a fact. Facts are external. They can be tested and they can be verified all over the world. Beliefs and opinions cannot be verified beyond the person and people who believe in it.

Nothing about religion makes sense to me unless it has a Biblical basis.

Fair enough.

I think you really know better than that. God's existence does not depend on anything. Either He exist or He doesn't

He sure does. That's why god is internal. You can't have an internal experience if you only limit god to being an external being. That's deism not christianity and definitely not the bible and any christian sect I know both in the south where my family are from and in the midsouth here in VA.

God does exist. He just cannot exist until more than one comes together in christ (from a christian point of view). That's the point of jesus' teachings. It's not a solo belief. It's a communal belief. It is an oral tradition written down (for convenience) so that all who hear and speak his word would be one his body.

Once you make him external, he cease to exist. I don't understand the creator concept just the presence of god in the body of christ.

Don't care to try. The Bible does a much better than mere man can.

I don't understand that. If it is a fact, everything should point to it without synchronizing it with experiences. You said no one can prove god does not exist. By the same token, no one can prove that he does. It's all in experiences and communal worship. This is in many god-religions not just christianity.

Though, I do have a co-worker who feels the same way as you. To me, it's like cutting yourself from the rest of the knowledge god has provided you to learn from. Beats me.

Actually it isn't, Some have made traditions from what they understand about the Bible. Some culture have developed for the Bible.

When jesus went to the temple to pray to his father, that "going to the temple" is a tradition. When he broke bread at the lord's supper and told others to do the same, that is tradition. When people commit to fasting that is tradition. When jesus did his ministry and told his disciples to do the same in his name, that is tradition. The book of Acts is tradition.

Tradition is just practices, teachings, and beliefs orally and written carried down from one generation to the next. Nothing more.


Speak for yourself, not for me.
I never mentioned you in that comment. I was giving an example of how some christians separate love from the people who give love. Love is embedded in traditions. Outside of that, it's all new age.

Love exists. It does not depend on people experiencing. Someone can be love and not eve know it,

Love is an abstract emotion. I cannot go outside and "see" love. It's something you experience. We label it love but in and of itself it doesn't need a label. You discount experiences yet base your belief on them.

That I don't understand.

No, you are. Conservative Christians call God their Father. That is as personal as it gets. You Are making Him depend on emotion, etc.

Without us, he doesn't exist. If christ is the body of people and he is only present when more than one person comes together in his name, technically, he cannot be present unless more than one person is there.

If he was not dependant on your experiences, you can give proof that he exists without referring to your experiences.

However, that can't happen. Remember, you said god is internal and all christians now this. I know this. So, how can he be separate from you when you are his creation and you just as christ are a mirror of him both in spirit and in deed?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I don't need an opinion that exists and neither does God.

An example: "IMO a creation requires a Creator. The universe is the evidence of God that I accept." (your quote)

According to god, a creation requires a Creator. The universe is the evidence of god that I accept.​

Is that wrong to take you out of the picture and focus on god?

I told you my experience with God in my last post. If it wasn't convincing, thats fine with me. My experience is mine alone. If you don't find it convincing, that is your problem.

I replied to your last post before I saw this one.

We can't tell if another's experience is true. I gave you my experience, was it true?

Yes, of course. My experience is true too. Experiences are verified by our (or in your case god's) criteria no anyone else. Why would I say your experiences are not true?

It is just a tree no mater how it got there.

No matter--that's a step from seeing everything coming from god.

Since we have creation, either God did it or it is eternal. I choose God did it. You can take you pick.

It's not creation. It's formation. Something can't pop into mid-air. Everything already exist, formed, and created the earth from rocks and stuff. That energy/spirit/breathe/god formed everything to who and what we are today.

You choose to personify it as a being. To me, that's just creepy. It's more personal, to me, to see nature for what it is. Personifying it, to me, is idolism. It makes me think of worship. I see equality. So, worship doesn't match with my morals.

He created the seed.

How? The seed is created just as everything else is created, by formation not popping from thin air. Just because we don't understand it doesn't mean it's just "got there." The world doesn't revolve around us.

Of course. Everyone who tries to explain the universe without its Creator is missing something---the truth.

No. Remember, you said the tree is there regardless. Just some people see the truth that the tree is there without needing it to have a source. Others feel they need a source to see the beauty of the tree. Multiple truths not just one.

I may miss one occasionally but not on purpose.

why atheists attack on the idea of an intelligent creator? isn't it possible that an intelligent creator might exist? most atheists act like this is absurd.

Atheists typically require evidence and rational arguments to except things. Since claims about the supernatural have no evidence or rational arguments to support them atheists are going to reject them. It isn't personal, at least it isn't personal for me. Think about it. If someone made supernatural claims that directly contradict your beliefs you'd need them to give you evidence and rational arguments before you entertained anything they said, right?


Well-Known Member
Thank you for reading my post. I write long post so I can tell when someone isn't reading it in full.

How I experienced god is both external and internal (to compare). For example, although a lot of protestants cannot stand Catholicism, without looking at it from a pagan view, here is what I experienced.

When you believe in god (for me god is a spirit not christ himself), you experience and become the body of like-believers. It's not supernatural but a interconnection or, some say love, that binds all people of like-minds together. The worship is built on bringing the body of christ present (more than one here I am) in order to celebrate the nature of his spirit which is a reflection of the experience and nature of god. That is communion.

Physically and traditionally, communion is between people. Jesus did not have a metaphysical view of salvation. He was actually lived, actually died, and was actually resurrected back to christ as spirit. So the traditions and physical nature of the body brings people to christ just as the commitment of saying I Do brings two people together in matrimony. It isn't an abstract relationship. It is a physical one.

When I experienced baptism, it was not just internal. I don't understand separating internal from external. When you are washed with water, you are physically cleaning yourself from dirt of the flesh. This also mirrors each other in cleanings oneself from the dirt of the spirit. Thereby, in Catholicism, no one can just "not be christian anymore." It's an eternal relationship with god.

When you confess, you go to repentance and confess to god. The priest is an authority of the church (lower c) but not of the Church (body of christ). So, he hears confessions but he does not forgive. Only god, spirit, forgives in christian faith. So repentance is important to get to baptism. This physical and traditional means of repentance is important to spiritual growth.

The Eucharist or communion is not mystical as many Othorodox Catholics say. It is actually a communal meal that within it (blood/sacrifice bread/life) of christ brings people together in like worship. We commune of actual food and by that as the Lord's Super, we commune in the spirit of christ. The spirit of christ is the body. The body is the people.

To celebrate in one body through these sacred acts (sacraments) is a tradition. Without these sacraments there is no god. Without the body coming together, god does not exist.

He exist when more than one person comes together. He cannot exist outside of that unless you are saying he is like casper the ghost floating around finding people to enter and denying people he calls children.

That makes no sense.

Also, southerners believe differently than northerners. In Catholicism, we live the bible. Studying the bible and seeing it as an idol is find for some but actually living the bible makes christ, his spirit-the body-the service to others-more alive than studying it and finding inner solace without outer traditions (actions passed down through generation) to practice it.

I never said it was an accident. The analogy or the example I made, I tried to take religion out so you can see the logic in what I'm saying. If you understand the logic, perfect. If you don't, that makes me more inquisitive because a lot of people get it just some people don't and it's elementary knowledge.

I can't really reply to that. When I read the bible, I fell further away from christ. When I'm in the church and live the bible, I'm pulled back to living spirit of christ through the body of people making him present. It's a totally different viewpoint that you can read all the books in the world and it won't change your faith. People can spit at catholicism all they want but that doesn't change many Catholics live the bible and Catholicism is based on it.

My great aunt who passed away didn't want electricity, didn't read anything but the bible, and spoke only about the bible when we last visited her. She lived in Alabama, in the outskirts bible belt. She said she wanted to live as close to jesus time as possible.

I know the nature of love and being one with the body of christ but not to the point of taking my life or isolating myself from the knowledge of the world. From this student of life, I just can't get that.

Cool. I thought you were a female for some reason. Nothing wrong with reading the bible. That's pretty extensive. I always wondered how people of the book can have so much passion for christ just from reading the book. Wouldn't it be more in service and communion, devotion and prayer?

Actually, no. You said love is eternal and not dependent on external things. The people committed and experiencing love are external. Without their external commitment, the love would not exist. The love is dependent on their external commitment. Internal and external are both equally important.

If you saw god as external, than you can give proof of his existence without sharing your experiences (which is what many atheist want). Since I know god is an experience not something you can externally prove, when you say you know god-you know him internally.

You can't say "god does exist" as a fact. Facts are external. They can be tested and they can be verified all over the world. Beliefs and opinions cannot be verified beyond the person and people who believe in it.

Fair enough.

He sure does. That's why god is internal. You can't have an internal experience if you only limit god to being an external being. That's deism not christianity and definitely not the bible and any christian sect I know both in the south where my family are from and in the midsouth here in VA.

God does exist. He just cannot exist until more than one comes together in christ (from a christian point of view). That's the point of jesus' teachings. It's not a solo belief. It's a communal belief. It is an oral tradition written down (for convenience) so that all who hear and speak his word would be one his body.

Once you make him external, he cease to exist. I don't understand the creator concept just the presence of god in the body of christ.

I don't understand that. If it is a fact, everything should point to it without synchronizing it with experiences. You said no one can prove god does not exist. By the same token, no one can prove that he does. It's all in experiences and communal worship. This is in many god-religions not just christianity.

Though, I do have a co-worker who feels the same way as you. To me, it's like cutting yourself from the rest of the knowledge god has provided you to learn from. Beats me.

When jesus went to the temple to pray to his father, that "going to the temple" is a tradition. When he broke bread at the lord's supper and told others to do the same, that is tradition. When people commit to fasting that is tradition. When jesus did his ministry and told his disciples to do the same in his name, that is tradition. The book of Acts is tradition.

Tradition is just practices, teachings, and beliefs orally and written carried down from one generation to the next. Nothing more.


I never mentioned you in that comment. I was giving an example of how some christians separate love from the people who give love. Love is embedded in traditions. Outside of that, it's all new age.

Love is an abstract emotion. I cannot go outside and "see" love. It's something you experience. We label it love but in and of itself it doesn't need a label. You discount experiences yet base your belief on them.

That I don't understand.

Without us, he doesn't exist. If christ is the body of people and he is only present when more than one person comes together in his name, technically, he cannot be present unless more than one person is there.

If he was not dependant on your experiences, you can give proof that he exists without referring to your experiences.

However, that can't happen. Remember, you said god is internal and all christians now this. I know this. So, how can he be separate from you when you are his creation and you just as christ are a mirror of him both in spirit and in deed?

This one is way to long for me.


Well-Known Member
An example: "IMO a creation requires a Creator. The universe is the evidence of God that I accept." (your quote)

According to god, a creation requires a Creator. The universe is the evidence of god that I accept.​

Is that wrong to take you out of the picture and focus on god?

Absolutely not. That is what I prefer.

I replied to your last post before I saw this one.

Yes, of course. My experience is true too. Experiences are verified by our (or in your case god's) criteria no anyone else. Why would I say your experiences are not true?

I don't remember the comment you made that made me put in that remark.

No matter--that's a step from seeing everything coming from god.

At least seeing every goo thing as coming from Him---Jas 1:17

It's not creation. It's formation. Something can't pop into mid-air. Everything already exist, formed, and created the earth from rocks and stuff. That energy/spirit/breathe/god formed everything to who and what we are today.

Matter, energy and life did not exist until God created them ex nihilo

You choose to personify it as a being. To me, that's just creepy. It's more personal, to me, to see nature for what it is. Personifying it, to me, is idolism. It makes me think of worship. I see equality. So, worship doesn't match with my morals.

God is not an "it." God is not an idol.

How? The seed is created just as everything else is created, by formation not popping from thin air. Just because we don't understand it doesn't mean it's just "got there." The world doesn't revolve around us.

God is omnipotent. He creates something out of nothing just by speaking.

No. Remember, you said the tree is there regardless. Just some people see the truth that the tree is there without needing it to have a source. Others feel they need a source to see the beauty of the tree. Multiple truths not just one.


Everything has a source, except God.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Absolutely not. That is what I prefer.

I don't remember the comment you made that made me put in that remark.

Actually nothing has a source. It's an illusion because some of us feel without an origin, we are lost. A lot of religions based on ancestral veneration have a high reverence for ancestors because the past links to the present which tells our future.

Everything is in formation. A child wasn't created but is a combination of two things already in existence. Creation is an illusion, really. Instead, life goes in a cycle. We are born from formation, we age, we decay, we die and become part of the earth and from the earth back to the water.

To say an external god did anything in our favor and that of creating earth is putting the earth and ourselves at the center as if we are the only people in the galaxy of galaxies. It's really self-centeredness.

When we think of god as the active spirit of formation, then we see our deeds and what we do, say, and believe is always fluent and changing with the nature of spirit or god. Then, as we are flowing in the cycle of life, we see life as part of an endless ebb and flow. It's beautiful actually. It also helps because when thinking of a destination, it's almost as if some people are trying so hard they can't reach and get discouraged. When life is a cycle, there a sense of continuity that goal-related religions don't have.

When everything has no source, all are interconnected and the body of people continues to live in flesh, in spirit, and however be so after. When there is a destination, the ebb and flow stops as if freezing a movie rather than naturally letting it play.


Veteran Member
It is encouraging that you recognize wheat seeds as symbolizing Christians(Mt 13:38). Seeds also represent the world of God(Lk 8:11). Since things equal to the seem thing are equal to each other, Christians are the world of God. There is a lot of good "seed theology" in the Bible.
When Christians stand before God in His final judgment, God will say, "not guilt, enter into the joy of your master."

I agree the genuine ' wheat ' Christians are judged as Not guilty, whereas the fake ' weed/tares ' Christians will have an adverse judgement as according to Matthew 7:21-23 because they are part of the MANY who prove false.
The genuine ' wheat ' Christians would then also be the ones of Luke 8:15.

As far as Jesus' illustration of Matthew 25:31-33,37 the figurative ' sheep ' people are favorably judged because of how they treat Jesus' spiritual brothers (wheat Christians) of Matthew 25:40. To me that judgement is the final separation to take place on Earth at the coming time of the great tribulation of Revelation 7:14 before the humble meek will enter into the joy of their master, the joy of remaining alive on Earth, the joy of staying alive on Earth, right into the start of joyful calendar Day One of Jesus' 1,000-year governmental rulership over Earth begins.


Veteran Member
And you get punished if you think the wrong thing, right? Isn't that the very definition of thought control? You can believe whatever you want, but you will be punished mercilessly if you believe the wrong thing?

If I may take the liberty to add there is No being punished mercilessly because the wicked will be destroyed forever according to Psalms 92:7. So, there is No post-mortem punishment nor penalty for wrongdoing or wrong thinking.
At 2 Peter 3:9 we are given two (2) choices to either 'repent' or 'perish' (be destroyed as in being annihilated forever)


Veteran Member
LOL. God can't even stop an angelic rebellion in heaven. Clearly, there are some bad days there.
When Jesus resurrected, he still had wounds on him.

Agree, clearly there were some bad days in heaven, and 'were' as in meaning 'past' tense, or past times.
I find Revelation 1:10 is written for our day or time frame, and angelic Archangel Michael and his angels rid the heavens of rebellion according to Revelation 12:7-9,12.
God did Not start that angelic rebellion but He sure put a final heavenly stop to it according to Jude 1:6.

You are right about the resurrected Jesus showing wounds, but please keep in mind that after God resurrected Jesus ( back in his pre-heavenly spirit body ) that Jesus used more than one materialized body to appear before people.
It was only once in the case of doubting Thomas that Jesus materialized in that wounded body for Thomas' sake.

If we are favorably judged as humble sheep-like ones at the separating time of Matthew 25:31-33,37 we will keep our physical bodies to become part of the humble meek to inherit the Earth. The people Jesus' resurrected all were resurrected back to life in healthy physical bodies. Thus, Jesus was giving us a preview, or coming attraction, of what he will be doing on a global scale for the majority of mankind still asleep in the grave, and they will be awakened from death's sleep to also become part of the humble meek to inherit the Earth forever such as Daniel 12:2; Daniel 12:13.

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
Actually nothing has a source. It's an illusion because some of us feel without an origin, we are lost. A lot of religions based on ancestral veneration have a high reverence for ancestors because the past links to the present which tells our future.

Everything is in formation. A child wasn't created but is a combination of two things already in existence. Creation is an illusion, really. Instead, life goes in a cycle. We are born from formation, we age, we decay, we die and become part of the earth and from the earth back to the water.

To say an external god did anything in our favor and that of creating earth is putting the earth and ourselves at the center as if we are the only people in the galaxy of galaxies. It's really self-centeredness.

We have an ear on an entire galaxy- and hear nothing but the 'great silence'. We are the only means we know of, by which creation can ponder it's own existence, appreciate itself-
So if it's 'self centered' to appreciate how special we are in creation, what is it to insist we are not special- an insecurity complex?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
We have an ear on an entire galaxy- and hear nothing but the 'great silence'. We are the only means we know of, by which creation can ponder it's own existence, appreciate itself-
So if it's 'self centered' to appreciate how special we are in creation, what is it to insist we are not special- an insecurity complex?

How do you know "we're the only" creation to ponder it's own existence? There are many suns and many moons outside our galaxy and the universe is vast. Who is the say we are the center of the universe only because we want to appreciate our own existence.

It's self-centered (centered or focused on ourselves rather than the vastness of things) and this has caused wars thinking "we're the only ones"... and things like "the bible is only written for us." That just bugs the mess out of me. Words that place humans at a superior level is, in nice words, self-centeredness.

You can appreciate life just I don't agree with hierarchy thinking.


Well-Known Member
Actually nothing has a source. It's an illusion because some of us feel without an origin, we are lost. A lot of religions based on ancestral veneration have a high reverence for ancestors because the past links to the present which tells our future.

The source principle: Everything is the product of its source: Every grain of wheat contains the life and characteristics of the seed from which it came, from its source. Wheat today contains the life and characteristics of the wheat seed in the Garden of Eden.

Everything is in formation. A child wasn't created but is a combination of two things already in existence. Creation is an illusion, really. Instead, life goes in a cycle. We are born from formation, we age, we decay, we die and become part of the earth and from the earth back to the water.

Decay is not a form of formation. It is just the opposite. Most of what we see in completely formed, nothing will be added. When we die or body does return to the earth, but our spirit returns to God(Eccl 12:7). Our spirit is not in formation. When God gave it to us, it was complete.

To say an external god did anything in our favor and that of creating earth is putting the earth and ourselves at the center as if we are the only people in the galaxy of galaxies. It's really self-centeredness.
Just the opposite. If we say "God did it," we acknowledge Him and His omnipotence. If we say He did it out of love, we glorify Him, and according to Presbyterians the chief end of man is to glorify God and fully enjoy Him forever.

When we think of god as the active spirit of formation, then we see our deeds and what we do, say, and believe is always fluent and changing with the nature of spirit or god. Then, as we are flowing in the cycle of life, we see life as part of an endless ebb and flow. It's beautiful actually. It also helps because when thinking of a destination, it's almost as if some people are trying so hard they can't reach and get discouraged. When life is a cycle, there a sense of continuity that goal-related religions don't have.

It is easy if you understand the Bible. Jesus said, if you are weary and heavy laden come to Him and He will give you rest for you soul.

When everything has no source, all are interconnected and the body of people continues to live in flesh, in spirit, and however be so after. When there is a destination, the ebb and flow stops as if freezing a movie rather than naturally letting it play.

Everything has a source. There is a destination and it flows faster and truer when one know the truth.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
The source principle: Everything is the product of its source: Every grain of wheat contains the life and characteristics of the seed from which it came, from its source. Wheat today contains the life and characteristics of the wheat seed in the Garden of Eden.

Decay is not a form of formation. It is just the opposite. Most of what we see in completely formed, nothing will be added. When we die or body does return to the earth, but our spirit returns to God(Eccl 12:7). Our spirit is not in formation. When God gave it to us, it was complete.

To say an external god did anything in our favor and that of creating earth is putting the earth and ourselves at the center as if we are the only people in the galaxy of galaxies. It's really self-centeredness.

Just the opposite. If we say "God did it," we acknowledge Him and His omnipotence. If we say He did it out of love, we glorify Him, and according to Presbyterians the chief end of man is to glorify God and fully enjoy Him forever.

It is easy if you understand the Bible. Jesus said, if you are weary and heavy laden come to Him and He will give you rest for you soul.

Everything has a source. There is a destination and it flows faster and truer when one know the truth.

Everything goes in a cycle. An origin is an illusion. Everything is born from what ready exist to something new we are not familar with. It ages, it decays, it goes back to the earth and repeats the cycle. Stars do the same and so do planets.

Our spirit id always in formation. We gain k owledge for each lifetime and nature we are here. Everything is part of the circle of life. Spirits included.

I understand the bible. It doesnt speak to my soul as it does yours. Maybe thats hard for you to fatham and its true. I understand why you cherish the bible. Im not you.

I lived the bible. That is different than studying it.

One truth is an illusion as is the word humanity when everyone is different without a silver lining connecting us.

If I used the word god, I would define It as energy or an active spirit of life. This active spirit did not create but IS life itself.

God IS life. Life was not created but brought into action by spirit.


Well-Known Member
I agree the genuine ' wheat ' Christians are judged as Not guilty, whereas the fake ' weed/tares ' Christians will have an adverse judgement as according to Matthew 7:21-23 because they are part of the MANY who prove false.

IMO, because of Jn 6:37, those people were not Christians.

The genuine ' wheat ' Christians would then also be the ones of Luke 8:15.


Since we are on wheat and you seem to understand figurative language, let me give you a bone to chew on. When the wheat was harvested, it was threshed then winnowed. Threshing involved running a threshing sledge over the grain. That is is the painful times we have in life. Winnowing involved throwing the crushed grain into the air and the wind (the Holy Spirit) would separate the seeds(God's children) from the chaff, outward body. This was probably done several times. Then one day the good seed will not fall back to the ground. We will meet the Lord in the air and be with Him forever(the rapture).

As far as Jesus' illustration of Matthew 25:31-33,37 the figurative ' sheep ' people are favorably judged because of how they treat Jesus' spiritual brothers (wheat Christians) of Matthew 25:40. To me that judgement is the final separation to take place on Earth at the coming time of the great tribulation of Revelation 7:14 before the humble meek will enter into the joy of their master, the joy of remaining alive on Earth, the joy of staying alive on Earth, right into the start of joyful calendar Day One of Jesus' 1,000-year governmental rulership over Earth begins.

Agreed. I like your term, "wheat Christians." I am going to try an work that into a lesson the next time I teach.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
If I may take the liberty to add there is No being punished mercilessly because the wicked will be destroyed forever according to Psalms 92:7. So, there is No post-mortem punishment nor penalty for wrongdoing or wrong thinking.
At 2 Peter 3:9 we are given two (2) choices to either 'repent' or 'perish' (be destroyed as in being annihilated forever)

OK, so you don't believe in a hell?

I've never understood the desire for immortality. Anything past around 100,000 years would quickly get boring.