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against intelligent creator?


Veteran Member
I Jn 5:13 says we can know that we have eternal life.
God says if we search for Him with all our heart, He will let us find Him---2 Chronicles 15:15.
God has given you a rough road to walk. I don't know what I would do walking in your shoes, but one thing I know, God is real and He is good.

What Scripture blames God for giving anyone 'a rough road to walk'.
God is also Father, and the word father means: life giver. Not meaning a father giving a rough road, etc.
At Ecclesiastes 9:11 I find that it is just time and un-expected events that befall people.
God gives us the hope of a good future according to Jeremiah 29:11
That future coming through Christ's millennium-long day of governing over Earth which will include ' healing ' for earth's nations according to Revelation 22:2. So, at that soon coming time No one will say, " I am sick....." -Isaiah 33:24.


Veteran Member
Everyone in heaven will be complete. There will be no need to grow.
Wouldn't spirituality be living through the sadness and not trying to relieve it?
In my personal opinion, spirituality for me teaches me how to die because we are all in a cycle of life................
My other question is, why would you (or any christian) feel another person must have eternity with god for them to feel better?
What about their lives and spirituality do you know of them, that they do not know outside of your personal opinion/belief?
No one knows for certain what heave will be like. Those who get there will not be disappointed.[/QUOTE]

I find those in Heaven have two (2) jobs to do according to Revelation 5:9-10
They will serve mankind ( the meek who inherit the Earth ) as being both kings and priests for them.
As Kings they will take care of governmental responsibilities for those living on Earth.
As Priests they will take care of spiritual duties towards those living on Earth.
Jesus will have earthly subjects (citizens) from sea to sea according to Psalms 72:8.
Jesus will rescue, deliver, save those of Psalms 72:12-14.
Then, at that millennial time, even the blind will see according to chapter 35 of Isaiah.
No one will say, " I am sick......." according to Isaiah 33:24. Even enemy death will be No more - Isaiah 25:8.
There will be ' healing ' for earth's nations according to Revelation 22:2; 1 Corinthians 15:24-26.
So, the Bible really teaches how to LIVE. Live forever on a beautiful paradisical Earth as Eden originally was.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Jesus' follower Philip helped the Ethiopian official to know (have more faith) according to Acts of the Apostles 8:30-35. Also, as Jesus said at Matthew 24:14, good news (gospel) would be proclaimed world wide.

I would venture to guess that you might find the words of Jeremiah 29:11 to be encouraging because he speaks of God having thoughts of peace, and Not of calamity, in order to give you a future and a hope.

Since Jesus resurrected the dead back to happy-and-healthy physical life on Earth, then Jesus was showing us a preview, or coming attraction, of what he will be doing on a grand-global scale during his millennial reign over Earth when No one will say, " I am sick......." according to Isaiah 33:24. No more death on Earth - Isaiah 25:8
Even while Jesus was on Earth No one could talk to Moses or Abraham, but God promised father Abraham that ALL families of Earth will be blessed, and that ALL nations of Earth will be blessed. Blessed with the benefit of healing for earth's nations according to Revelation 22:2 ( Genesis 12:3; Genesis 22:18 ).
Since the majority of mankind (John 3:13) will have a physical resurrection then, at that coming time, people will be able to talk to Moses and Abraham. That is why the ' future tense ' is used at Acts of the Apostles 24:15 that there ' is going to be ' a resurrection...... Via physical resurrection is a way the humble meek people will inherit the Earth.
Those of us still alive at the soon coming ' time of separation ' of Matthew 25:31-33 will have the opportunity to remain alive on Earth, and continue to live on Earth, right into the start of calendar Day One of Jesus' coming 1,000-year governmental rulership over Earth begins.

I appreciate the scripture. The bible does not help me spiritually. I get a nasty feeling when I read it. Its linked to so much negativity influncing society and where I live to where if I read it 'again' it will make me more sick.

It is like handing me Nazi writing and saying it will help because hilter wrote nice poetry in his younger years. Dont mind what happened and is still ingraved in the lives he killed and family. But he is pretty inspirational.

The difference is hilter is an actual person. God is not. It is a passive way of indoctrination because god cant be proven so there it feeds on more belief and more negativity on it. Like feeding an invisible fire and saying it will keep me warm when I see people burning up, not because of the fire but because of what they are taught ingraved in them so much they mentally are "gone."

I cant find empathy in the bible. Genesis, hebrews, romans, psalms, proverbs, and the gospels are a good read but thats on surface level only.

I cant relate god to real life. Jesus words do not help.

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
I think God's will, His purpose, for heaven is: good conditions. No crime, violence, pollution, sickness nor death.
LOL. God can't even stop an angelic rebellion in heaven. Clearly, there are some bad days there.

Since Jesus resurrected the dead back to happy-and-healthy physical life on Earth, then Jesus was showing us a preview, or coming attraction, of what he will be doing on a grand-global scale during his millennial reign over Earth when No one will say, " I am sick......." according to Isaiah 33:24. No more death on Earth - Isaiah 25:8
When Jesus resurrected, he still had wounds on him.


Well-Known Member
It can be proven that god, an entity, does not exist. The problem is not the claims. You say he does but then say no one can prove he doesnt. That isnt a good defense to stand on.

Your opinion is noted and rejected.

You cant defend your point by saying "you're wrong."

Unless they can prove I am wrong I can.

You hsve to come up with your own proof and discuss it. If this is what you believe, proof should be easy to give. Not just "I see a tree, god exists." Thats sycronizing. You can give experiences. Those count as proof that

Once I was lost and now I am found.

God exists through peoples experiences

No He doesn't. He exist outside of any personal experience.

But once you take experience, culture, and tradition out, there is no god. Its hard to prove nothing does not exist. Though when you say something Does exist, it should be logical to prove,


At least for sake of discussion.

No. Experience, culture and tradition have no value in explaining he existence of God. Those things are the reason we have so many different concepts of God .


Well-Known Member
To me John 5:24 means that the genuine ' wheat ' Christians will Not have an 'adverse' judgement.
Since both the figurative ' sheep' and 'goats ' are judged according to Matthew 25:31-33 the haughty ' goats' have an 'adverse' judgement, meanwhile the humble ' sheep ' receive a 'favorable' judgement - Matthew 25:37.
They are part of the humble meek who will inherit the Earth as Jesus promised at Matthew 5:5.
They inherit the Earth starting with calendar Day One of Jesus' coming 1,000-year governmental rulership over Earth begins.

It is encouraging that you recognize wheat seeds as symbolizing Christians(Mt 13:38). Seeds also represent the world of God(Lk 8:11). Since things equal to the seem thing are equal to each other, Christians are the world of God. There is a lot of good "seed theology" in the Bible.

When Christians stand before God in His final judgment, God will say, "not guilt, enter into the joy of your master."


Well-Known Member
LOL. God can't even stop an angelic rebellion in heaven. Clearly, there are some bad days there.

When Jesus resurrected, he still had wounds on him.

Babylon has fallen---Rev 18:2

After Satan is released from his 1000 year imprisonment, he and his demons surround God's people, but fire comes down from heaven(I'll let you guess who sent it) and devours them. Then Satan is thrown in the lake of fire. Now the fat lady sings. ;)


Well-Known Member
No one knows for certain what heave will be like. Those who get there will not be disappointed.

I find those in Heaven have two (2) jobs to do according to Revelation 5:9-10
They will serve mankind ( the meek who inherit the Earth ) as being both kings and priests for them.
As Kings they will take care of governmental responsibilities for those living on Earth.
As Priests they will take care of spiritual duties towards those living on Earth.
Jesus will have earthly subjects (citizens) from sea to sea according to Psalms 72:8.
Jesus will rescue, deliver, save those of Psalms 72:12-14.
Then, at that millennial time, even the blind will see according to chapter 35 of Isaiah.
No one will say, " I am sick......." according to Isaiah 33:24. Even enemy death will be No more - Isaiah 25:8.
There will be ' healing ' for earth's nations according to Revelation 22:2; 1 Corinthians 15:24-26.
So, the Bible really teaches how to LIVE. Live forever on a beautiful paradisical Earth as Eden originally was.[/QUOTE]

Good summary.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
There is no fear of punishment for Christians. In fact we will not be judged---Jn 5:24

Isn't that *convenient*? That sounds like a made-up fear fixed by a made-up soluti

That's the main reason God doe snot require it.
No, what God requires is a certain belief, not certain actions. In other words, mind control.

There is no mind control. Where did you get that idea? God tells us what is sin and what is not. Then we get to MAKE UP OUR OWN MIND, if we will try to obey what He tells us.

And you get punished if you think the wrong thing, right? Isn't that the very definition of thought control? You can believe whatever you want, but you will be punished mercilessly if you believe the wrong thing?

A lack of understanding always lead to a misunderstanding.

Apologetics twists logic to lead to misunderstandings. Thought control (punishment if you don't believe the right things) is the act of a tyrant.

Cynicism and skepticism are the crudest form of quasi-intellectualism... Let the cynic become cynical of his cynicism and the skeptic skeptical of his skepticism and join the battle. R.C. Sproul

Fine with me. A simple test shows that faith is a poor method for finding truth, while skepticism of conclusions leading to further testing is a proven method.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I don't even know what to think now.

Unless they can prove I am wrong I can.

Are you actually thinking about what I'm saying or sticking with your opinion?

That does not make sense. You're avoiding something that clearly should be easy to prove. Unless you do not know god exist, it should be easy to say "here is the evidence" and we can discuss the evidence.

We can't discuss what does not exist until you present something to talk about.

Get it?

It's logic. It has nothing to do with religion and god at all.

Once I was lost and now I am found.

Okay. That's an experience that I said can be proof. Expand. What were you found from? What is the proof (or experience) that leads you to know god exists?

The quote does not say anything.

It has nothing to do with religion. It's a statement that shares no information. If I had not read the bible, I'd have no idea what you're talking about.

Religion aside.

No He doesn't. He exist outside of any personal experience.

So, you were not "lost and then you were found." Your experiences have nothing to do with god. That would mean, your view of god and experience of him is an illusion since you don't know his nature other than he exists outside of you?

Religion aside.

That is like saying a married couple's love does not exist within the couple and their commitment but outside their commitment as a separate feeling detached from them.

Does that make sense at all?

No. Experience, culture and tradition have no value in explaining he existence of God. Those things are the reason we have so many different concepts of God .

Where are you from?

The Bible, history, people before, people today, believers all make up the existence of god. Without these things (traditions, culture, language) god cannot exist.

Try to explain who god is without referring to the bible.

It is full of traditions and culture.

Get it?

Religion aside.

That is like saying a Cherokee Tribe who has brought up their child in their culture and their love exists because of their traditions does not exist embedded in their culture but separate from it.

How can love exist separate from the people who experience it?

You're making god impersonal. That is a deist position not christian. Not even the people in the bible would claim god that impersonal.


Please please actively read this.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
IMO a creation requires a Creator. The universe is the evidence of God that I accept.

IMO a creation that works perfectly all the time, requires an intelligent Designer. Gravity and many other scientifically proved process is my evidence that God was the designer of ur universe.

The fact that you don't accept this evidence, does not make it not evidence. unless you can prove all of these things happened or are eternal.

IMO, I have much more evidence than you do for what you believe, which is nothing.

1. Wouldn't it be in god's opinion not your own?

2. You said proof cannot be verified. Therefore, you are expressing your opinion (aka above) not a fact. Your proof is based on your experiences (I was lost and now I'm found)

3. If you do not share your experiences, we cannot prove they are true or not.

4. Unless you can explain the tree outside my window means there is a creator of that tree,
it's just a tree.

5. Explain how there is a creator.

6. I put the seed in the soil. I water it. It grows into a mini tree. Where did the creator come into this?

7. Am I missing something here?

Please respond to this post with explanation of your own.

(This is a summary of the longer post. I don't think you're reading and responding to my posts. Maybe you think I'm debating you or something.)
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Well-Known Member
Isn't that *convenient*? That sounds like a made-up fear fixed by a made-up solut

It is a convenient truth rejected by those ignorant of the Bible.

No, what God requires is a certain belief, not certain actions. In other words, mind control.

If God controlled minds, everyone would believe in Him.

And you get punished if you think the wrong thing, right? Isn't that the very definition of thought control? You can believe whatever you want, but you will be punished mercilessly if you believe the wrong thing?

I don't where your getting your information, but you need a different source. You statements get sillier each time.

Apologetics twists logic to lead to misunderstandings. Thought control (punishment if you don't believe the right things) is the act of a tyrant.

Ignorance produces more ignorance.

Fine with me. A simple test shows that faith is a poor method for finding truth, while skepticism of conclusions leading to further testing is a proven method.

Another silly statement. Faith doesn't find truth. Study finds the truth and faith helps us to belieive it.


Well-Known Member
Yup once upon a time a bunch of guys wrote a book to discredit their enemies and draw support from the gullible sheep in their tribe.

And despite the millennia past, some people are just as gullible

You won't find out who is gullible until the fat lady sings.


Veteran Member
why atheists attack on the idea of an intelligent creator? isn't it possible that an intelligent creator might exist? most atheists act like this is absurd.
I don't think it's impossible. But, the notion that an intelligent creator is absolutely necessary absolutely is.