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against intelligent creator?


Veteran Member
reply to post # 119 in connection to Jesus' work history.

While on Earth Jesus was giving us a preview, or a coming attraction, of what he will be doing on a global scale.
In other words, I find the fulfillment of Matthew 24:14; Acts of the Apostles 1:8 was future.
The work history of Luke 4:43 was to be continued on past the time Jesus' was on Earth until what Jesus' illustrated as the ' harvest time ', or the soon coming ' time of separation' on Earth as mentioned at Matthew 25:31-33,37.


Veteran Member
But this still logically contradicts the premise of ID. It just pushes the question back a stage and calls it a mystery.
"Where did God's intelligence come from? ".

I find that God is also Creator, so God's intelligence comes from God being the Creator.
'Everlasting' to some is also a mystery, but for each day we can count we can count endlessly both forwards and backwards without ever coming to an end. So, since God is our Creator, than our intelligence comes from God who is from 'everlasting to everlasting' according to Psalms 90:2 meaning No beginning and No end.


Veteran Member
What does "I find that" mean in that sentence?
It sounds like a passive voice assertion that you are an expert on God and don't have to explain yourself.

The forum seems to require saying: I find, I think, my understanding is, etc.
By making reference to Scripture I am explaining why I am saying what I am saying.
Saying, ' this is what I believe because......' because of this verse or that passage in connection to the topic at hand.

I don't understand what your being a Catholic from hell means since that is Not found in Scripture.

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
Atheism teaches no such thing. Although atheists in general will consider a theme before forming an opinion which is why most have considered the god concept and rejected it on absolute lack of evidence.

Atheist: a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.

Any other belief an atheist holds is irrelevant to the term atheist.

My point exactly


The Lost One
I think they need a creator. think god(s) as the entire universe's DNA, god has the blueprint and the stars and atoms simply carry out commands that are programmed with in the first place. that's why everything works like a clock.
You are making things up, syo.

You are merely projecting you belief. Unless you have physical evidences that there are creators or gods, the whole creationism (eg YEC) and Intelligent Design are farces.


The Lost One

You do realise that not every atheists have the same background, don't you?

Some atheists may have been brought up by parents who were atheists, but most atheists were former believers and were brought up on their religions.

Why they left their respective religions can also be different.

You cannot lump all atheists in one basket, as they were all the same. Until you meet an atheist, who take the time to tell you why he or she stop believing in his or her religion, then you cannot jump to the conclusion they are all the same.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
It is not uncommon for someone to refer to the future as tomorrow. It is not scarcasim, it is poetic.

:oops: Thank you. I'm a poet at heart; so, I understand religious concepts by analogies if it doesn't hit me as part of any reality I know of.

I have a chronic illness and it took away most my childhood to where anything "spiritual" or extra curricular thoughts didn't get past creative writing, poetry, drawing, and some painting. Anything outside of that-religious or otherwise-I never "got." My religious life started five years ago. I still haven't figured it out since I live in a god-filled environment that it's rare that I meet anyone who actually does not believe in god and doesn't have a grudge on christianity and god because of it. I have met people like that, who know nothing of christianity. Another gentleman, never heard the word god before. So, there is hope. I just need money to travel to distant lands where god does not exist.

Because of my illness, I really did not look to the future because even today (with epilepsy) I "don't know" what will happen in the next moment or hour. It's a guessing game. So, right now (literally), I'm listening to music and thinking of getting my work done while talking to you rather than rummage in my head where I will be in the afterlife. It's too much of a headache.

:herb: That's my background.

I read the bible (finally) but cannot take what I read and actually see it in reality. When I walk out my door, I can't judge from whom I interact has the light of god or just had a beautiful day. It's not in my subconsicous to syncronize the two.

So, I can only go by people's opinions and experiences. I can't talk to Moses, Abraham, John, and Peter. I can only talk to the individual christian or believer.

On that note,

Christians believe in the future (as do many god-religious). I believe in the present.

The only reason I can think of wanting a good future is because of fear (healthy fear) of "not knowing" and needing something to help you to know (or have faith) so you won't go crazy.

I live my whole life, not knowing.

So, what other reasons you look forward to the future besides the blissfulness of eternity you have faith you will have but you don't have today?​

Please read.


Well-Known Member
So, might makes right?

Not in Christianity.

I do as good as I can in every situation I am in.

I doubt if that i s 100% true.

If I make a mistake, I try to make up for it. If that pisses of a deity, then that deity can punish me, but not expect more.

It is snot what we do that makes God angry, i t is what we believe about Him.

Cynicism and skepticism are the crudest form of quasi-intellectualism... Let the cynic become cynical of his cynicism and the skeptic skeptical of his skepticism and join the battle. R.C. Sprole


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
So, might makes right?
Not in Christianity.
So there is no fear of punishment? That *is* the expression of *might*.

I do as good as I can in every situation I am in.
I doubt if that i s 100% true.
Of course not. It isn't 100% true for anyone. To require 100% would be unreasonable.

If I make a mistake, I try to make up for it. If that pisses of a deity, then that deity can punish me, but not expect more.
It is snot what we do that makes God angry, i t is what we believe about Him.
I see, so it isn't our actions, but whether we believe what 'He' wants? So, it isn't just might makes right, but there is a requirement of mind control also. We must be perfect little robots in our thinking, or God gets mad.

That sounds more and more like a tyrant all the time.


Well-Known Member
:oops: Thank you. I'm a poet at heart; so, I understand religious concepts by analogies if it doesn't hit me as part of any reality I know of.

I have a chronic illness and it took away most my childhood to where anything "spiritual" or extra curricular thoughts didn't get past creative writing, poetry, drawing, and some painting. Anything outside of that-religious or otherwise-I never "got." My religious life started five years ago. I still haven't figured it out since I live in a god-filled environment that it's rare that I meet anyone who actually does not believe in god and doesn't have a grudge on christianity and god because of it. I have met people like that, who know nothing of christianity. Another gentleman, never heard the word god before. So, there is hope. I just need money to travel to distant lands where god does not exist.

Because of my illness, I really did not look to the future because even today (with epilepsy) I "don't know" what will happen in the next moment or hour. It's a guessing game. So, right now (literally), I'm listening to music and thinking of getting my work done while talking to you rather than rummage in my head where I will be in the afterlife. It's too much of a headache.

:herb: That's my background.

I read the bible (finally) but cannot take what I read and actually see it in reality. When I walk out my door, I can't judge from whom I interact has the light of god or just had a beautiful day. It's not in my subconsicous to syncronize the two.

So, I can only go by people's opinions and experiences. I can't talk to Moses, Abraham, John, and Peter. I can only talk to the individual christian or believer.

On that note,

Christians believe in the future (as do many god-religious). I believe in the present.

The only reason I can think of wanting a good future is because of fear (healthy fear) of "not knowing" and needing something to help you to know (or have faith) so you won't go crazy.

I live my whole life, not knowing.

So, what other reasons you look forward to the future besides the blissfulness of eternity you have faith you will have but you don't have today?​

Please read.

I Jn 5:13 says we can know that we have eternal life.

God says if we search for Him with all our heart, He will let us find Him---2 Chronicles 15:15.

God has given you a rough road to walk. I don't know what I would do walking in your shoes, but one thing I know, God is real and He is good.


Well-Known Member
So there is no fear of punishment? That *is* the expression of *might*.

There is no fear of punishment for Christians. In fact we will not be judged---Jn 5:24

Of course not. It isn't 100% true for anyone. To require 100% would be unreasonable.

That's the main reason God doe snot require it.

I see, so it isn't our actions, but whether we believe what 'He' wants? So, it isn't just might makes right, but there is a requirement of mind control also. We must be perfect little robots in our thinking, or God gets mad.

There is no mind control. Where did you get that idea? God tells us what is sin and what is not. Then we get to MAKE UP OUR OWN MIND, if we will try to obey what He tells us.

That sounds more and more like a tyrant all the time.

A lack of understanding always lead to a misunderstanding.

Cynicism and skepticism are the crudest form of quasi-intellectualism... Let the cynic become cynical of his cynicism and the skeptic skeptical of his skepticism and join the battle. R.C. Sproul

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I Jn 5:13 says we can know that we have eternal life.

God says if we search for Him with all our heart, He will let us find Him---2 Chronicles 15:15.

God has given you a rough road to walk. I don't know what I would do walking in your shoes, but one thing I know, God is real and He is good.

I am serious. Why is the future better than the present?

Arent you happy with being with god now?

I would love to love life with no pain, but thats not the focus of my spiritual walk. Not knowing helped me a lot in life.

What about the future takes more presendence in what you dont know today?


Well-Known Member
I am serious. Why is the future better than the present?

Arent you happy with being with god now?

I would love to love life with no pain, but thats not the focus of my spiritual walk. Not knowing helped me a lot in life.

What about the future takes more presendence in what you dont know today?

In heaven I will not be a sinner. I will know the pure love of God. None of my loved ones will die. There will be no more sadness and for you no more pain.