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"Allah will surely fill Hell with jinn and men all together"


Active Member
Greetings all:

Allah says in Quran 11:119:

Allah to Mohammed via Jebriel said:
But the word of your Lord is to be fulfilled that, "I will surely fill Hell with jinn and men all together."

Why is Allah going to fill Hell with jinn? Who are Jinn? Also, no women in Hell?


Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
I thenk men reffers to hummanity. And yes why is allah gonna send so many to hell? Not so good is he?


Active Member
The Jinn is a creature. They have been created by smokeless fire. They live in a different frequence so we are unable to see them in their real format.
There are male and female jinns. The Evil also is a Djinn. There are muslim, christian, jewish and atheist jinns and many other also.
They can't hurt human beings directly we see sometimes jinns in our dream as an ''Incubus''.
The degree of intelligence of a jinn has the same as a human being of 10-12 years old.
The jinn can change the form and we can see it as an animal for exemple

Same is valid for angels also but the angels have no gender, they don't eat and drink and they obey all of them to the God. Then they don't do progress but human and djinn people have ''free willing'' then they have responsibilities

Most of Ghost and UFO stories are made by Djinns

I will soon reply your other question also ''Why there are so many people in the Hell''?

but before pls read the text below to understand better

''Religion is an examination. a test, proposed by God so that in the arena of competition elevated spirits and base spirits may be distinguished from one another. Just as materials are plunged in the fire so that diamonds and coal, gold and earth, separate out from one another, so too, religion is a trial concerning the obligations placed on man by God and a driving to competition, which is what this abode of examination consists of, so that the elevated jewels in the mine of man's abilities may become separated out from the dross. Since the Qur'an was revealed in this abode of examination for man to be perfected through trial in an arena of competition, for sure, it will only allude to the hidden events of the future pertaining to this world which everyone will see, and will only open the door to the reason to a degree that proves its argument. If it mentioned them explicitly, the mystery of proposal would be spoilt. Simply, it would become as self-evident as writing There is no god but God clearly with stars on the face of the skies. Then everyone would have to affirm it whether they wanted to or not. There would be no competition, and the examination too would be lost. A spirit like coal would remain together with a spirit like diamonds''''​

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Active Member
I guess my questions are:

(1)Will there be homo sapiens women in hell? I thought there was just mention of jinns and men in the Quranic verse cited in the OP.
(2)What wrong did Jinns do to deserve hell? I know I will not accept Allah or Mohammed. Allah sealed my heart. In any case, Allah also needs me to fill up hell. If I convert to Islam, Allah is going to need someone else to fill hell with. But what is the test for Jinns and where did they go wrong?


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Robo, maybe Allah is all-knowing and therefore knew that hell would eventually be filled with men and jinn.
But then everything is by His will, so really everything that happens is because he wants or wills it. Include our eternal suffering. Yay.


Active Member
There will be women also in the Hell (Homo Sapien). The men refer to male and female beings

Jinn people also have a world like us and there is a kind of life. They make ''sins'' also they are able to choose the good and bad and they have ''free willing''

It depends, I am not sure if you will see the Jinn in the Hell but I heard that some people in the Hell (maybe all of them) I am not sure, will be alone.

Here the reason of the Hell:

How can incarceration in Hell for an infinite duration in return for unbelief for a short duration be justice?
T h e A n s w e r : Reckoning a year to be three hundred and sixty five days, the law of justice requires for a one-minute murder seven million eight hundred and eighty-four thousand minutes imprisonment. So, since one minute's unbelief is like a thousand murders, according to the law of human justice, someone who lives a life of twenty years in unbelief and dies in that state deserves imprisonment for fifty-seven billion, two hundred and one thousand two hundred million years. It may be understood from this how conformable with Divine justice is the verse,
They will dwell therein for ever.
The reason for the connection between these two numbers, so far from one another, is this: since murder and unbelief are destruction and aggression, they have an effect on others. A murder which takes one minute negates on average at least fifteen years of the victim's life, so the murderer is imprisoned in their place. While since one minute of unbelief denies a thousand and one Divine Names and denigrates their inscriptions, violates the rights of the universe and denies its perfections, and gives the lie to innumerable evidences of Divine Unity and rejects their testimony, the unbeliever is cast down to the lowest of the low for more than a thousand years, and "dwells" in imprisonment.

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Active Member
Jinn people also have a world like us and there is a kind of life. They make ''sins'' also they are able to choose the good and bad and they have ''free willing''

Oh ok. So, Jinns also have Jinn-Adam, Jinn-Eve, Jinn-Jesus and Jinn-Mohammed. Their Shahadah is "La Ilaha Il Allah, Jinn-Mohammedurrasool Allah."

Those Jinns that recite the above get to heaven. Those Jinns whose hearts Allah has sealed will be unable to recite this Jinn-shahadah and go to hell.

Got it.


Active Member
There will be jinn in the heaven also

Jinn and Human being are different so there is no jinn-adam or jinn-jesus


Active Member
Why are Jinn evil? And what is their purpose?

Why are devils created? Almighty God created Satan and evils; what is the wisdom in it? Isn't the creation of evil, evil, and the creation of bad, bad?
T h e A n s w e r : God forbid, the creation of evil is not evil, the desire for or inclination towards evil, rather, is evil. For creation and bringing into existence look to all the consequences, whereas such desire looks to a particular result, since it is a particular relation. For example, there are thousands of consequences of rain falling, and all of them are good. If through ill choice, some people receive harm from the rain, they cannot say that the creation of rain is not mercy, they cannot state that the creation of rain is evil. Rather, it is due to their ill choice and inclination that it is evil for them. Also, there are numerous benefits in the creation of fire, and all of them are good. But if some people receive harm from fire through their misuse of it and their wrong choice, they cannot say that the creation of fire is evil, because it was not only created to burn them. Rather, they thrust their hands into the fire while cooking the food through ill choice, and made that servant inimical to themselves.
In Short: The lesser evil is acceptable for the greater good. If an evil which will lead to a greater good is abandoned so that a lesser evil should not be, a greater evil will then have been perpetrated. For example, there are certainly some minor material and physical harms and evils in sending soldiers to fight a jihad, but in the jihad is a greater good whereby Islam is saved from being conquered by infidels. If the jihad is abandoned due to those lesser evils, then the greater evil will come after the greater good has gone. And that is absolute wrong. And for example, to amputate a finger which is infected with gangrene and has to be amputated is good and right, although it is apparently an evil. For if it is not amputated, the hand will be amputated, and that would be a greater evil.

Thus, the creation and bringing into existence of evils, harms, tribulations, satans, and harmful things, is not evil and bad, for they are created for many important results. For example, satans have not been set to pester the angels, and the angels cannot progress; their degrees are fixed and deficient. However, in the world of humanity the degrees of progress and decline are infinite. There is an extremely long distance through which to progress, from the Nimrod's and Pharaoh's as far as the veracious saints and the prophets.
Thus, through the creation of satans and the mystery of man's responsibility and the sending of prophets, an arena of trial and examination and striving and competition has been opened so that coal-like base spirits may be differentiated and separated out from diamond-like elevated spirits. If there had been no striving and competition, the potentialities in the mine of humanity which are like diamonds and coal would have remained equal. The spirit of Abu Bakr the Veracious at the highest of the high would have remained on the same level as that of Abu Jahl at the lowest of the law. This means that since the creation of satans and evils looks to great and universal results, their being brought into existence is not evil or bad. The evils and instances of bad that arise from abuses and the particular causes known as inclination or choice pertain to man's choice, not to Divine creation.
If you ask? The majority of humanity become unbelievers due to the existence of Satan and embrace unbelief and suffer harm, despite the sending of prophets: If, according to the rule, "the majority has the word," the majority suffers evil as a result, then the creation of evil is evil, and it may even be said that the sending of prophets is not a mercy. Is that not so?
The Answer: Quantity has no importance in relation to quality. The true majority looks to quality. For example, if. there are a hundred seeds of the date-palm and they are not put beneath the earth and watered and so do not undergo a chemical reaction and manifest a struggle for life, they are only a hundred seeds worth virtually nothing. But If they are watered and are subject to the struggle for life, and then eighty out of the hundred rot due to their faulty make-up, but twenty become fruit-bearing trees, can you say, "watering them was evil because most of them ratted?" Of course, you cannot say that, for that twenty have become like twenty thousand. One who loses eighty and gains twenty thousand suffers no harm and it cannot be evil.
And for example, if a peahen lays one hundred eggs, and they are worth five hundred kurush. If the hen sits on the hundred eggs and eighty are spoilt and twenty hatch into peacocks, can it be said that there was a high loss and the affair was evil; that it was bad to put the broody hen on the eggs and an evil occurred? No, it is not thus, it is rather a good. For the peacock species and egg family lost eighty eggs worth four hundred kurush, but gained twenty peacocks worth eighty liras.
Thus, through the sending of prophets and the mystery of man's responsibility, and through striving, and fighting with satans, in return for the hundreds of thousands of prophets and millions of saints and thousands of millions of purified scholars they have gained, who are like the suns, moons, and stars of the world of humanity mankind has lost the unbelievers and dissemblers, who are numerous in regard to quantity, insignificant in regard to quantity, and like harmful beasts.

Risale-i Nur Collection
I didn't read all of ankarali's answer cause it's long but just wanted to say that not all jinn are bad. There are both good and bad ones. They also have free will like humans.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
Your point is? I think Atheist and Agnostics can place themselves in a position that they belief in a god and vice versa.
ohh why do you say that? i was just discussing similar phenomena paradigm shifting and all that