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"Allah will surely fill Hell with jinn and men all together"


Well-Known Member
Well I k ow that I meant what did you mean by your words and atheist can believe and vice versa.

I meant that Atheist, Theist and Religious people can imagine believing in something or rather nothing to understand the other's point.

For example if we were talking about God-related stuff then we would need both to have a understand that for example ''God can do everything'' and argue that he needs to ''Be'' before even talk about the other stuff.

If we were going to talk about God's existence then a religious person should look it on a atheist perspective and give arguments without being biased.


Well-Known Member
You've define djinns. Now...

Define "hell".

What and where is "hell"?

There is no exact mention from the Quran or the sayings of Prophet Muhammad which pinpoint the location of Hell. No one knows its exact place except God. Due to some linguistic evidence and context of certain hadeeth, some scholars have stated that Hell is in the heavens, yet others say it is in the lower earth.

Its Size, Hell is huge and immensely deep. We know this through several ways.
First, innumerable people will enter Hell, each, as described in a hadeeth, with the molar teeth as large as a small mountain. The distance between the shoulders of its inhabitants has also been described as being equivalent to three days of walking. Hell will house all the unbelievers and sinners from the beginning of time and there will still be room for more. God says:

“On the Day when We will say to Hell: ‘Are you filled?’ It will say, ‘Are there any more (to come)?’” (Quran 50:30) <<This is off-course not literally but a example

The Fire of Hell is likened to a mill that grinds thousands and thousands of tons of grain and then waits for more to come.
Second, a stone thrown from the top of Hell will take a very long time to reach the bottom. One of the companions of the Prophet, may God praise him, describes how they were sitting with the Prophet and heard the sound of something falling. The Prophet inquired if they knew what it was. When they expressed their lack of knowledge, he said:

“That was a stone thrown into Hell seventy years ago and it is yet in the way (the other side) of Hell until now.”

Another report states:

“If a stone as big as seven pregnant camels was thrown from the edge of Hell, it would fly through it for seventy years, and yet it would not reach the bottom.

I also belief the more you sin and dissobey the higher the punishment we can see some examples here:

“Surely, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths (grade) of the Fire.” (Quran 4:145)

The lower the level of Hell, the greater is the intensity of heat. Since the hypocrites will suffer the worst punishment, so will they be in the lowest part of Hell.
God refers to the levels of Hell in the Quran:

“For all will be (ranked) by degrees according to what they did.” (Quran 6:132)

And more information can be found here
Don't think it looks anything like you have seen on tv or read in books that satan, you and your friends are chilling over there its a punishment.



Well-Known Member
Uhm there are two kind of punishments one Eternal and the second one is for a Amount of time, what do you mean ''What is the point'' you dissobeyed and therefore your punished simple as that.


Well-Known Member
I think I'll believe in a planet with intelligent purple crystals. I'll believe they make music which only pure-hearted people can hear. Then I will imagine I can hear that music perfectly clearly, and that I can also hear words being sung.

I'll believe those words are eternal ideas stored in the modulated orbits of electrons, and that hearing them is dissolving my pain and sorrows.

If, after many years of hearing these songs, I don't find that I have been transformed into a heavenly being, I believe I'll be really annoyed, and possibly very embarrassed. But with a little luck, my beliefs will last right up until I die, and I will never know the truth.

Bob Dixon

Uhm there are two kind of punishments one Eternal and the second one is for a Amount of time, what do you mean ''What is the point'' you dissobeyed and therefore your punished simple as that.

OK, but what's the point of an eternal punishment? It won't improve me. It won't help anyone in any way! So why is there such a thing? Does God like it when people are eternally punished with little justification?
OK, but what's the point of an eternal punishment? It won't improve me. It won't help anyone in any way! So why is there such a thing? Does God like it when people are eternally punished with little justification?

Because in this life is the chance to improve. After death it is too late and the test is over. There are some exceptions for this but mostly it's this way.


Well-Known Member
OK, but what's the point of an eternal punishment? It won't improve me. It won't help anyone in any way! So why is there such a thing? Does God like it when people are eternally punished with little justification?

First of all your assuming that everything needs a point or an exist that isn't the case.
Hell is not made for improvements your time is already come and you had your time on earth to ''Improve'' yourself.

Your second statement i will just ignore for the benefit of co-existing because i can bring forth the ''Sacrifice of Jesus(p)'' based on Justified rules and then you will have a larger problem.

Wikipedia Christian views on Hell:

Hell is generally defined as the eternal fate of unrepentant sinners after this life.Hell's character is inferred from biblical teaching, which has often been understood literally.Souls are said to pass into Hell by God's irrevocable judgement, either immediately after death (particular judgment) or in the general judgment.Modern theologians generally describe hell as the logical consequence of the soul using its free will to reject union with God. It is considered compatible with God's justice and mercy because God will not interfere with the soul's free choice.

This is the same thing that muslims belief in general after reading i see that Jehovah's witnesses only belief in Particular judgement, either way i just told you what muslims believed in i never said you were wrong or right.
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Active Member
You've define djinns. Now...

Define "hell".

What and where is "hell"?

Where is Hell?
T h e A n s w e r:
Say: the knowledge is with Allah alone * None knows the Unseen save Allah.
According to some narrations, Hell is beneath the earth. As we have explained in other places, in its annual orbit, the globe of the earth traces a circle around an area that in the future will the place of the Great Gathering and Last Judgement. It means Hell is beneath the area of its orbit. It is invisible and unperceptible because it consists of veiled and lightless fire. In the vast distance travelled by the earth are many creatures that are invisible because they are without light. Like the moon loses its existence when its light withdraws, we are also unable to see numerous lightless globes and creatures which are in front of our eyes.
There are two Hells, the Lesser and the Greater. In the future, the Lesser will be transformed into the Greater and is like its seed; in the future it will become one of its habitations. The Lesser Hell is under the earth, that is, at the earth’s centre. It is the inside and centre of the globe. It is known in geology that in digging downwards, the heat for the most part increases one degree every thirty-three metres. That means that since half the diametre of the earth is around six thousand kilometres, the fire at the centre is at a temperature of around two hundred thousand degrees, that is, two hundred times hotter than fire at the circumference; this is in agreement with what is related by Hadiths. This Lesser Hell performs many of the functions of the Greater Hell in this world and Intermediate Realm, and this is indicated in Hadiths. Just as in the World of the Hereafter, the earth will pour its inhabitants into the arena of the resurrection within its annual orbit, so too at the Divine command will it hand over the Lesser Hell within it to the Greater Hell.
Some of the Mu’tazilite imams said that “Hell will be created later” but this is mistaken and foolish, and arises from Hell not having completely opened up at the present time and developed into a form entirely appropriate to its inhabitants. In order to see with our worldly eyes the dwelling places of the World of the Hereafter within the veil of the Unseen and to demonstrate them, either the universe has to be shrunk to the size of two provinces, or our eyes have to he enlarged to the size of stars, so that we can see and specify their places. The knowledge is with Allah, the dwelling-places of the Hereafter are not visible to our worldly eyes, but as indicated by certain narrations, the Hell of the Hereafter is connected with our world. In a Hadith it is said of the intense heat of summer, “It gives an inkling of Hell.” That is to say, that Greater Hell is not visible to the tiny and dim eyes of the minds of this world. However, we may look with the light of the Divine Name of All-Wise, as follows:
The Greater Hell beneath the earth's annual orbit has as though made the Lesser Hell at the earth's centre its deputy and made it perform some of its functions. The possessions of the All-Powerful One of Glory are truly extensive; wherever Divine wisdom pointed out, He situated the Greater Hell there. Yes, an All-Powerful One of Glory, an All-Wise One of Perfection Who is owner of the command of ‘Be!’ and it is has tied the moon to the earth before and eyes in perfect wisdom and order, and with vast power and perfect order tied the earth to the sun, and has made the sun. travel together with its planets with a speed close to that of the annual rotation of the earth, and with the majesty of His Dominicality, according to one possibility, made it travel towards the sun of suns, and like a feet decked out with electric lights has made the stars luminous witnesses to the sovereignty of His Dominicality. It is not far from the perfect wisdom, tremendous power, and sovereignty of Dominicality of one thus All-Glorious to make the Greater Hell like the boiler of an electric light factory and with it set fire to the stars of the heavens which look to the Hereafter, and give them heat and power. That is, give light to the stars from Paradise, the world of light, and send them fire and heat from Hell, and at the same time, make part of that Hell a habitation and place of imprisonment for those who are to be tormented. Furthermore, He is an All-Wise Creator Who conceals a tree as large as a mountain in a seed the size of a finger-nail. It is surely not far then from the power and wisdom of such an All-Glorious One to conceal the Greater Hell in the seed of the Lesser Hell in the heart of the globe of the earth.
I n S h o r t : Paradise and Hell are the two fruits of a branch of the tree of creation which stretches out towards eternity. The fruits’ place is at the branch’s tip. And they are the two results of the chain of the universe; and the places of the results are the two sides of the chain. The base and heavy are on its lower side, the luminous and elevated on its upper side. They are also the two stores of this flood of events and the immaterial produce of the earth. And the place of a store is according to the variety of the produce, the bad beneath, the good above. They are also the two pools of the flood of beings which flows in waves towards eternity. As for the pool's place, it is where the flood stops and gathers. That is, the obscene and filthy below, the good and the pure above. They are also the two places of manifestation, the one of beneficence and mercy, the other of wrath and tremendousness. Places of manifestation may he anywhere; the All-Merciful One of Beauty, the All-Compelling One of Glory, establishes His places of manifestation where He wishes.
As for the existence of Paradise and Hell, they have been proved most decisively in the Tenth, Twenty-Eighth, and Twenty-Ninth Words. Here, we only say this: the existence of the fruit is as definite and certain as that of the branch; the result as the chain; the store as the produce; the pool as the river; and the places of manifestation as definite and certain as the existence of mercy and wrath.

Risale-i Nur Collection


Active Member
OK, but what's the point of an eternal punishment? It won't improve me. It won't help anyone in any way! So why is there such a thing? Does God like it when people are eternally punished with little justification?

Hello Bob Dixon, if you ask a man in jail
''The judge gave the decision you will be condamned to death penalty''
This murderer will do his best to change this decision as an eternal life imprisonment, like this the eternal punishment not a bad thing in the text below you will understand better this:

How can incarceration in Hell for an infinite duration in return for unbelief for a short duration be justice?
T h e A n s w e r : Reckoning a year to be three hundred and sixty five days, the law of justice requires for a one-minute murder seven million eight hundred and eighty-four thousand minutes imprisonment. So, since one minute's unbelief is like a thousand murders, according to the law of human justice, someone who lives a life of twenty years in unbelief and dies in that state deserves imprisonment for fifty-seven billion, two hundred and one thousand two hundred million years. It may be understood from this how conformable with Divine justice is the verse,
They will dwell therein for ever.
The reason for the connection between these two numbers, so far from one another, is this: since murder and unbelief are destruction and aggression, they have an effect on others. A murder which takes one minute negates on average at least fifteen years of the victim's life, so the murderer is imprisoned in their place. While since one minute of unbelief denies a thousand and one Divine Names and denigrates their inscriptions, violates the rights of the universe and denies its perfections, and gives the lie to innumerable evidences of Divine Unity and rejects their testimony, the unbeliever is cast down to the lowest of the low for more than a thousand years, and "dwells" in imprisonment.

Risale-i Nur Collection


The Lost One
f0uad said:
The Fire of Hell is likened to a mill that grinds thousands and thousands of tons of grain and then waits for more to come.

If a hell is a place of fire, then how is that punishment for the evil jinns, since they are made of smokeless fire?


Active Member
Very good question ''Gnostic''
The hell of jinns is different. It is a place very cold.
For human being the first punishment is ''fire'' but there is some other kind of punishment also as ''the hole with snakes and scorpions'' and a place very very cold also

According Islamic Savant Bediuzzaman after a long period the bodies of unbeliever people will have the habit (the rote) to the pain in the Hell but it is not valid for the Pharaons and some other big unbeliever people etc.

Allah knows better!


Freedom Of Mind
Very good question ''Gnostic''
The hell of jinns is different. It is a place very cold.
For human being the first punishment is ''fire'' but there is some other kind of punishment also as ''the hole with snakes and scorpions'' and a place very very cold also

According Islamic Savant Bediuzzaman after a long period the bodies of unbeliever people will have the habit (the rote) to the pain in the Hell but it is not valid for the Pharaons and some other big unbeliever people etc.

Allah knows better!

What is your source for this information,first time in my life that i hear there is one hell which is very cold.


Active Member
What is your source for this information,first time in my life that i hear there is one hell which is very cold.

Of course there is one Hell but in the Hell there are some places, you already know the place of Hypocrites, it is the worst.


Veteran Member
Of course there is one Hell but in the Hell there are some places, you already know the place of Hypocrites, it is the worst.

Apparently there is more than one hell because there is a big difference between the teachings of the Bible's hell [sheol] and the other hells.

What would be the 'some places' that Jesus was in while Jesus was in hell ?

- Acts 2 vs 27,31; Psalm 16 v 10


Active Member
In the Hell there are places of pain, most popular is the fire but we see some other places where we find the cold, the big snakes and scorpions etc., Of course our knowledge is limited and there may be some differencies in islam and christianity.


Freedom Of Mind
If a hell is a place of fire, then how is that punishment for the evil jinns, since they are made of smokeless fire?

Did the water hurt us,of course not,but what if over heated,what if we drowned in
the water,then it will hurt us of course.

There is a believe that earth was inhabitants with fire breathing creatures but some
believe it was just a myth.

Even some believe that we are ourselves an illusion.

God states in Job 41:15, 18-21:
“His strong scales are his pride, shut up as with a tight seal. . . . His sneezes [breathings] flash forth light, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. Out of his mouth go burning torches; sparks of fire leap forth. Out of his nostrils smoke goes forth, as from a boiling pot and burning rushes. His breath kindles coals, and a flame goes forth from his mouth.”


Freedom Of Mind
Greetings all:

Allah says in Quran 11:119:

Why is Allah going to fill Hell with jinn? Who are Jinn? Also, no women in Hell?


The correct translation for the verse is as follow
Verily I shall fill hell with the jinn and mankind together.--11:119


[That] I will surely fill Hell with you and those of them that follow you all together.&#8221;38:85

So it is not only men.

Why god promise to fill the hell with all of sinners.

Let us imagine a police officer say i will fill the prizon with all criminals.
so it make sense.


Veteran Member
Did the water hurt us,of course not,but what if over heated,what if we drowned in
the water,then it will hurt us of course.
There is a believe that earth was inhabitants with fire breathing creatures but some
believe it was just a myth.
Even some believe that we are ourselves an illusion.
God states in Job 41:15, 18-21:
“His strong scales are his pride, shut up as with a tight seal. . . . His sneezes [breathings] flash forth light, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. Out of his mouth go burning torches; sparks of fire leap forth. Out of his nostrils smoke goes forth, as from a boiling pot and burning rushes. His breath kindles coals, and a flame goes forth from his mouth.”

The ^above^ vivid description of Leviathan in Job aptly fits the crocodile.