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Am I going to Hell??


Well-Known Member
I do not believe in anything. I believe that there is no god, and that life has no meaning.

You'll be sent back here, reincarnated, interned for a another round in this realm.

You'll be told because of your beliefs, "There is no place for you elswhere, but where you were. You need to rethink, find a cause, a purpose".

You'll be told the design is "Go from being WhereIsMyNoteCard" to "I'vefoundMynoteCard".

Of course, you may or may not realize you have a choice...


Treasure Hunter
You'll be sent back here, reincarnated, interned for a another round in this realm.

You'll be told because of your beliefs, "There is no place for you elswhere, but where you were. You need to rethink, find a cause, a purpose".

You'll be told the design is "Go from being WhereIsMyNoteCard" to "I'vefoundMynoteCard".

Of course, you may or may not realize you have a choice...

So...... I might find my notecard in my next life?!? :eek:

I'm so egscited!! :D


Enlightner of the Senses
Would be good to lock onto a definition of hell. If ur talking about the fire and brimstone hell with the horned devil torchering you for eternity id say its a safe bet that it wont happen. But if you use one of my models of what hell could be realistically, then it would depend on the way you lived your life. Hopefully will make sense when u read what i defined hell as below:

As far as conciousness is concerned, one theory or interpretation i have created is that at the point of death, your conciousness slowly converges to zero. So as death sets in, and hypoxic damage to the brain starts, your sense of time and ur surroundings for example start to slow. Due to the stresses of death, the brain will start firing random synapses which would account for the 'life flashing before your eyes' phenomenon. This can be compared to the nervous response to huge fear, where the classic and un-intentional urination occurs. With these 2 concepts in mind, i can create a realistic situation of heaven and hell, where as your brain function slows and converges to zero, alongside your flashbacks, u will effectivly life forever in your past experiences. (As far as the conciousness is concerened). This new dimention of existance lasting forever and yet ony for an instant, could be simply classed as a good or bad experience. In effect a version of heaven and hell as far as the person in question.


Treasure Hunter
Eh... I don't believe in hell... I was just wondering about what other people believed would happen to someone like me when they die. I'm fairly confident that I will just be dead, and nothing will happen... I was just wondering what you guys all thought.

So, what I mean to say is that I cannot define hell, because I don't even believe in it. :D


New Member
I don't believe that you'll go to hell. Actually I don't believe anyone will go to hell. I'm muslim and pray occassionally (but more importantly i really mean it when i pray). And i don't think god is that cruel to send any one of their children to hell..


Enlightner of the Senses
Eh... I don't believe in hell... I was just wondering about what other people believed would happen to someone like me when they die. I'm fairly confident that I will just be dead, and nothing will happen... I was just wondering what you guys all thought.

So, what I mean to say is that I cannot define hell, because I don't even believe in it. :D

yeah i dont believe it either but its just a word, and just out of interest what do u make of the idea i posted above?(in italics) From a nihlist point of view.

Its more to try and imagine the experience of death for the person in question, because obviously to everyone els you just dead.


Not your average Mormon
I should make a "Brutally Honest" thread... How would that go, I wonder...??
I'm going to be brutally honest with you, NoteCard. No, you are not going to hell. I hope it won't bug you too much to hang out with all us religious types for all eternity. :D


Treasure Hunter
yeah i dont believe it either but its just a word, and just out of interest what do u make of the idea i posted above?(in italics) From a nihlist point of view.

Its more to try and imagine the experience of death for the person in question, because obviously to everyone els you just dead.

I don't know... I guess that could happen... I'll never know until right before I die though... Probably different people's brains do different things prior to death, depending on how they feel about dying...

I'm going to be brutally honest with you, NoteCard. No, you are not going to hell. I hope it won't bug you too much to hang out with all us religious types for all eternity. :D



Let's go racing boys !
I, personally, don't know who or who is not is going to "hell". That would be something that God alone knows. I don't believe in a literal hell, anyway, but a separation from God, which can be even if you are still alive. I don't believe in eternal torment at all.
In reading several of your posts I am really concerned that you are confused and don't know exactly what you believe...You say you are a Christian, Do you belive the Bible?Then if you do why do you not know the answers to these questions. The Bible says there is a hell. The Bible tells you distinctly who will be going to hell. Yes God knows who is going there, but if you read you can have a fairly good idea yourself.


And For all of you nonbelievers have a good day anyway

If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything!


Premium Member
In reading several of your posts I am really concerned that you are confused and don't know exactly what you believe...You say you are a Christian, Do you believe the Bible?Then if you do why do you not know the answers to these questions. The Bible says there is a hell. The Bible tells you distinctly who will be going to hell. Yes God knows who is going there, but if you read you can have a fairly good idea yourself.


And For all of you nonbelievers have a good day anyway

If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything!

Please do not question my faith, That is definitely a pet peeve for me. I know what I believe, I am not confused about anything I believe in. I would rather an atheist or agnostic tell me I am worshiping a flying spaghetti monster than be told by a fellow Christian that I don't even know my own beliefs. Of course I believe in the Bible. I have read it and studied it and all that, and what I believe comes from that study. I am sorry you don't think so.

I don't believe in some place that people hung upside down with flames all around with the devil poking them with pitch forks. I find that to be a ludicrous story at best. Hell to me is a separation from God from what I have gathered by reading the Bible.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
In reading several of your posts I am really concerned that you are confused and don't know exactly what you believe...You say you are a Christian, Do you belive the Bible?Then if you do why do you not know the answers to these questions. The Bible says there is a hell. The Bible tells you distinctly who will be going to hell. Yes God knows who is going there, but if you read you can have a fairly good idea yourself.


And For all of you nonbelievers have a good day anyway

If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything!

Charity, maybe you should read the Bible before you go off like that!!! :slap:

Romans (10:6-7)But the righteousness that is by faith says: "Do not say in your heart, 'Who will ascend into heaven?'[b]" (that is, to bring Christ down) 7"or 'Who will descend into the deep?'[c]" (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead).

Nobody, except for God, has the Biblical authority to say anyone is going to Hell.


Let's go racing boys !
Charity, maybe you should read the Bible before you go off like that!!! :slap:

Romans (10:6-7)But the righteousness that is by faith says: "Do not say in your heart, 'Who will ascend into heaven?'[b]" (that is, to bring Christ down) 7"or 'Who will descend into the deep?'[c]" (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead).

Nobody, except for God, has the Biblical authority to say anyone is going to Hell.
I didn't GO OFF like that, I merely made an observation from her statements and from quotes she has made on other threads....Everyone all wants to jump when you are saying something that is trying to be constructive criticism. I didn't say who was going to hell, I said the Bible tells you plainly who will be going to hell...Not what Charity said but what God said.....

I didn't claim to have any authority so why are you bringing up only the bible says you have biblical authority.... All I said was it is there so read it for yourself...And why are you all so defensive?


Let's go racing boys !
Please do not question my faith, That is definitely a pet peeve for me. I know what I believe, I am not confused about anything I believe in. I would rather an atheist or agnostic tell me I am worshiping a flying spaghetti monster than be told by a fellow Christian that I don't even know my own beliefs. Of course I believe in the Bible. I have read it and studied it and all that, and what I believe comes from that study. I am sorry you don't think so.

I don't believe in some place that people hung upside down with flames all around with the devil poking them with pitch forks. I find that to be a ludicrous story at best. Hell to me is a separation from God from what I have gathered by reading the Bible.

Maybe you need to go back and read it again. I have read about a burning hell and the Lake of Fire, but I never read where you would be hung upside down and punched with pitch forks...Sounds more like a movie to me....And like you said I personally would rather talk to an atheist because they at least know what they believe.

I was trying to give constructive criticism not be mean to you. Do you believe in God? the trinity? Heaven? Jesus is the Christ, the Saviour?. Then if you believe these things how can you not believe in hell...It's all there in the bible...How can you believe part of it and not believe it all? Thats the point I was trying to make...

Amen I do agree with you that Hell is indeed, separation from God but you don't have to go there.........:banghead3


Premium Member
You made me very upset. Not because you had a different opinion but because you question whether I am a Christian or not because I did not agree with you (at least that is what it sounded to me). I have read the New Testament over and over again over the past 25 years and I don't think "reading it again" is going to change my opinion.
Only God knows who is or isn't going to what people call hell. Only God knows each man (and the man himself). We don't know each man's heart, only God knows.
As for this lake of fire that Revelation talks about, I believe it is symbolism like the rest of Revelation is.
When Jesus talks about it, it is in a parable. A parable to me also means symbolism.
You certainly have every right to disagree with me and say so, but please don't publicly come and question whether I am a Christian or not anymore.

There is a chance either you or I could be wrong in our interpretations but until I know for sure that is what I gather from the Bible.

This is all I am going to say to you on this subject.


Let's go racing boys !
You made me very upset. Not because you had a different opinion but because you question whether I am a Christian or not because I did not agree with you (at least that is what it sounded to me). I have read the New Testament over and over again over the past 25 years and I don't think "reading it again" is going to change my opinion.
Only God knows who is or isn't going to what people call hell. Only God knows each man (and the man himself). We don't know each man's heart, only God knows.
As for this lake of fire that Revelation talks about, I believe it is symbolism like the rest of Revelation is.
When Jesus talks about it, it is in a parable. A parable to me also means symbolism.
You certainly have every right to disagree with me and say so, but please don't publicly come and question whether I am a Christian or not anymore.

I'M very sorry you viewed my post as saying you weren't a Christian. I said I believe you are confused on some of your beliefs...Sorry if that offends. You said you had read the New Testament, better read the old, it's all one Bible and it goes together...Jesus said I come not to change the law, but that it might be fulfilled...As you know the law is in the Old testament.

Hell is real the bible says it enlarges itself everyday......

In all Biblical fairness I will shake the dust off my feet and leave this conversation up to God.
IICor 2:10 NIV
If you forgive anyone, I also forgive him. And what I have forgiven-if there was anything to forgive-I have forgiven int the sight of Christ for your sake, in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes ;) AMEN

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I'M very sorry you viewed my post as saying you weren't a Christian. I said I believe you are confused on some of your beliefs...Sorry if that offends. You said you had read the New Testament, better read the old, it's all one Bible and it goes together...Jesus said I come not to change the law, but that it might be fulfilled...As you know the law is in the Old testament.

Hell is real the bible says it enlarges itself everyday......

In all Biblical fairness I will shake the dust off my feet and leave this conversation up to God.
IICor 2:10 NIV
If you forgive anyone, I also forgive him. And what I have forgiven-if there was anything to forgive-I have forgiven int the sight of Christ for your sake, in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes ;) AMEN

Ok, here's the problem. She's not confused in what she believes. She believes certain things, and those things apparently differ from the things you believe. That doesn't mean she is confused. She does not have to follow the Bible to the letter to be a Christian. She does not have to believe exactly what you believe to be a Christian. When you say things like "better read the old [testament]", that implies that she needs to believe everything in the Bible or else she is confused. That is not the case. Please stop trying to "correct" her just because you disagree with her beliefs.


Let's go racing boys !
Ok, here's the problem. She's not confused in what she believes. She believes certain things, and those things apparently differ from the things you believe. That doesn't mean she is confused. She does not have to follow the Bible to the letter to be a Christian. She does not have to believe exactly what you believe to be a Christian. When you say things like "better read the old [testament]", that implies that she needs to believe everything in the Bible or else she is confused. That is not the case. Please stop trying to "correct" her just because you disagree with her beliefs.
I am so sorry mball I didn't realize you had a horse in this race ! Who died and put you in charge? Are you such an expert on the Bible that you are telling me that we don't need all of it. Just pick out parts of it and let the rest go...I think we already have a thread on that one.......How do you know she is not confused? Do you know scriptures that well.....She and I have settled this so go pick on some men. Buzz off go let the Gadfly bite you......You seem to always want to analyze everything I say...And I have made nice comments about you.....Now how fair is that?