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An Issue Of Valuing The Lives Of Others


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
For starters, I would hope that we're not still using military tactics from 78 years ago, that are questionable, at best. And immoral, at worst.
Eventually robots might eliminate danger for troops, for better or for worse. I don't look forward to that. Flying drones are scary enough.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
It is a deadly military response to an attack. Should USA in WWII not have bombed any targets? We had to bomb Berlin. To win. This is the same situation where targets are a necessity. To win.

Don't reduce the meaning of genocide to meaningless drivel by using it inappropriately.
WOW! Amazing statement and sooo true. Thank you!


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I find it astounding that a mature human can
see what Israel does to Palestinians, & say
that it is not oppression.
We really have no common ground.

Replace “genocide” with “oppression”.

PS - Every innocent life, whether Israeli or Palestinian, is an important life.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
That is EXACTLY what i have been trying to relay to you. You preach one thing but you really are not living it out.
You invert the point.
I don't advocate brutal deadly repression of Palestinians.
Your ilk preaches peace & valuing all lives, but supports
policies to the contrary, ie, devaluing Muslim lives.
Shame on you.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
You invert the point.
I don't advocate brutal deadly repression of Palestinians.
Your ilk preaches peace & valuing all lives, but supports
policies to the contrary, ie, devaluing Muslim lives.
Shame on you.
Spoken by the one who ignores and remains completely silent on a pregnant mom, split open to remove the baby, then stabbing baby in from of the mom, and then killing the mom.

There is no comparison between you and me. added (if comparison needed)
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Spoken by the one who ignores and remains completely silent on a pregnant mom, split open to remove the baby, then stabbing baby in from of the mom, and then killing the mom.

There is no comparison between you and me. added (if comparison needed)
I'll attribute your error to inability to read posts
that disprove your claims, rather than outright
Your posts keep proving my theme of this thread,
ie, that the lives of an Israeli mother & baby matter
so very greatly, but you've no criticism of Israel for
bombing & killing more than a thousand times as
many Muslim women their babies.
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Well-Known Member
It is a deadly military response to an attack. Should USA in WWII not have bombed any targets? We had to bomb Berlin. To win. This is the same situation where targets are a necessity. To win.

Don't reduce the meaning of genocide to meaningless drivel by using it inappropriately.

I didn't .. you the one "innappropriate" in the house ... how about "Ethnic Cleansing" --- an even more appropriate word than "Genocide" I agree .. from the River to the Sea.

Your comparison to WW2 is really silly nonsense friend - Hamas is not some massive army taking over the world .. attacking Israel .. a threat to its very existence such that the rules of war go out the window ... as was the case with Dresden .. Carpet Bombing of civilians.

What is "innapropriate" - is you not able to figure this one out on your own Brother Brick .. I find it truly offensive .. since you brought up the topic.. ..an offense to Humanity if you think about it. .. this apology for this present Genocide -"Ethnic Cleansing" - War Crime -- just a continuation of a long history - 7 decades of crimes against humanity.

Israel is not playing the part of David in this story --- It is Israel who is the Goliath -- the Occupier .. the foreign invader - been persecuting the Palestinians like the German's persecuted those they didn't like -- Gays - Gypsies - .. Gaza was an open air concentration camp .. just instead of gas chambers the Israeli's would Occasionaly "mow the lawn" .. their term .. not mine .. when they would go in to the prison and commit War crimes ... crimes against humanity .. Blowing up the water treatment Plant "OH .. a hamas guy was there" .. regular target assasination of the Media .. and medics .. one of their favorite ploys was to bomb a building .. .. then when the medics com ... bomb them .. .. too funny aye mate .. ..

and it goes on and on .. Protesters .. how many of them they kill .. in the weekly marches .. on the other side of the fence .. snipers .. playing target shoot .. then they thought a new fun tactic .. shooting at the ankles . such fun.

You don't understand the rules very well mate - them Ukrainians .. have a foreign occupier .. Stealing Land that is not theirs .. just like Israel doing .. We should be helping those Palestinian freedom fighters just like we helping those Ukrainian freedom fighters .. fightig against the evil occupier.

What a joke to be sure -- WW2 -- a bit ironic ... as in this story it is the Palestinians in the position of the Jews -- the holocaust raining down on their heads as we speak.. "Collective Punishment" -- Did you know what that means friend ? .. from the Bible you should know not to punish the children for the sins of the father..

Sup friend ? don't you know the "Rule of Law" come from the Bible ? .. Jesus's most famous verse .. and the only one you need know for salvation.. but blind don't see very good .. stepped into the wrong ring .. all drunk on the kool-aid .. didn't know it was spiked :)


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I didn't .. you the one "innappropriate" in the house ... how about "Ethnic Cleansing" --- an even more appropriate word than "Genocide" I agree .. from the River to the Sea.

Your comparison to WW2 is really silly nonsense friend - Hamas is not some massive army taking over the world .. attacking Israel .. a threat to its very existence such that the rules of war go out the window ... as was the case with Dresden .. Carpet Bombing of civilians.

What is "innapropriate" - is you not able to figure this one out on your own Brother Brick .. I find it truly offensive .. since you brought up the topic.. ..an offense to Humanity if you think about it. .. this apology for this present Genocide -"Ethnic Cleansing" - War Crime -- just a continuation of a long history - 7 decades of crimes against humanity.
Ethnic cleansing would require moving a million people out of Gaza and replacing them. It would not please most people living in Israel. In the news you can see that Israelis are opposed to that idea.
Israel is not playing the part of David in this story --- It is Israel who is the Goliath -- the Occupier .. the foreign invader - been persecuting the Palestinians like the German's persecuted those they didn't like -- Gays - Gypsies - .. Gaza was an open air concentration camp .. just instead of gas chambers the Israeli's would Occasionaly "mow the lawn" .. their term .. not mine .. when they would go in to the prison and commit War crimes ... crimes against humanity .. Blowing up the water treatment Plant "OH .. a hamas guy was there" .. regular target assasination of the Media .. and medics .. one of their favorite ploys was to bomb a building .. .. then when the medics com ... bomb them .. .. too funny aye mate .. ..

and it goes on and on .. Protesters .. how many of them they kill .. in the weekly marches .. on the other side of the fence .. snipers .. playing target shoot .. then they thought a new fun tactic .. shooting at the ankles . such fun.
Israel is where Christian zionists put many Jews. We would create the scene for Jesus to return by recreating ancient Israel. Most of the Jewish people thought this was ridiculous, however they needed a place to go.
and it goes on and on .. Protesters .. how many of them they kill .. in the weekly marches .. on the other side of the fence .. snipers .. playing target shoot .. then they thought a new fun tactic .. shooting at the ankles . such fun.

You don't understand the rules very well mate - them Ukrainians .. have a foreign occupier .. Stealing Land that is not theirs .. just like Israel doing .. We should be helping those Palestinian freedom fighters just like we helping those Ukrainian freedom fighters .. fightig against the evil occupier.

What a joke to be sure -- WW2 -- a bit ironic ... as in this story it is the Palestinians in the position of the Jews -- the holocaust raining down on their heads as we speak.. "Collective Punishment" -- Did you know what that means friend ? .. from the Bible you should know not to punish the children for the sins of the father..

Sup friend ? don't you know the "Rule of Law" come from the Bible ? .. Jesus's most famous verse .. and the only one you need know for salvation.. but blind don't see very good .. stepped into the wrong ring .. all drunk on the kool-aid .. didn't know it was spiked :)
The main problem seems to be that aid is not used to build up the place and help people get established. Instead its invested in tunnels and bombs. The people aren't allowed to protest against Hamas. Israel does allow protest against itself. It does this all the time. Lots of people protest against Israel. Its perfectly safe. Even now people are doing it.


Woke gremlin
Your point I was responding to, was this, "the claim that Palestinians are noncombatants seems like a stretch to me, they voted for Hamas to lead them and Hamas was very clear on its agenda."
What I find especially exposing about this particular argument is that, if we're using this logic consistently, then we cannot even condemn what Hamas did because "civilians" as a category basically don't exist.

It's very telling when people use this kind of selective morality. It's almost as if these people will do anything to remove the humanity of a particular group, rather than holding genuine, principled positions. The needless slaughter of Israeli civilians is a crime worthy of violent retribution - the needless slaughter of Palestinian civilians is... "What civilians? They don't count."
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Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
It's very telling when people use this kind of selective morality. It's almost as if these people will do anything to remove the humanity of a particular group, rather than holding genuine, principled positions. The needless slaughter of Israeli civilians is a crime worthy of violent retribution - the needless slaughter of Palestinian civilians is... "What civilians? They don't count."

This is so creative as to be quite funny. Of course children matter. What it doesn’t address...

1) Are the Israelis purposefully targeting children?
2) What solutions have you presented?
3) Why use the words “needless slaughter” as if the deaths of the children was the target?
4) What should have Israel done after the atrocities were committed?


Woke gremlin
This is so creative as to be quite funny. Of course children matter. What it doesn’t address...

1) Are the Israelis purposefully targeting children?
2) What solutions have you presented?
3) Why use the words “needless slaughter” as if the deaths of the children was the target?
4) What should have Israel done after the atrocities were committed?
Four wonderful questions that haven't even the slightest hint of a response to what I wrote.

My post was specifically about the logic that Palestinian civilians "don't count as non-combatants", and not once did I mention children. Read my posts properly before responding, please.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Four wonderful questions that haven't even the slightest hint of a response to what I wrote.

My post was specifically about the logic that Palestinian civilians "don't count as non-combatants", and not once did I mention children. Read my posts properly before responding, please.
I’m sorry… I didn’t know that children weren’t civilians...

So, as it seems more like a dodge… do you want to change the civilian children to just civilians?


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Can you meaningfully respond to my actual argument, which is about regarding civilians as combatants?

Do you or do you not agree that all Palestinian citizens are combatants?
maybe I am misunderstanding your point.

Are all Palestinians are combatants? Of course not. If they all were, there wouldn’t be people leaving the cities.

Are you saying all Palestinians are combatants?