No religious beliefs
That's true, there are horrific things that go on in the world, but how are those God's fault? Almost all of them can be traced back to human free will choices. Granted, there are other horrible things like accidents, injuries, and diseases that are not a choice, and these can be considered our fate. They are not things that God does to us but rather things that happen to us as a result of living in a material world.
A material world that God supposedly created.
You are very fortunate if you have your health at your age. I have learned that is nothing to take for-granted.
I agree.
That's true, a sadistic God would want us to suffer longer, but how much sense does that make that God is sadistic. Moreover, such a belief runs contrary to scriptures of all the religions.
It makes as much sense as any description of God that lacks evidential support. Unless you are counting the scriptures as support? I do think that humans writing scriptures would very much prefer God to be benevolent, as do I!