Religious animal sacrifice seems to be out of practice, at least in my part of the world.
If you read the Old Testament, numerous characters partake in copious amounts of animal scarifice, such as David and Solomon. I was also reading that animal sacrifice use to be a pagan practice as well.
So, first off, with the Jews, they simply don't sacrifice amymore because there is a mosque in place of where they think their temple for sacrificing should be, right? But, if they had their proper temple, they would resume animal sacrifice. Do I have that right?
What about Pagans? Pagan practice was interrupted for centuries so we aren't really sure the exact mechanics of old school paganism. But they use to sacrifice animals, at least according to my book. My book was saying "We DON'T sacrifice animals nowadays!" And it got me thinking... Why?
I would never want to sacrifice animals. Hell, I eventually want to be vegan or vegetarian so I can live a life where I'm not partaking in animal murder.
Perhaps society has evolved more? There are arguments for this. Slavery is a thing of the past and stuff like that. Society would no longer accept mass animal sacrifice to an imagined deity probably. I don't know for sure.
Are humans in a position to dictate what practices are acceptable? Let's say a god wants animal sacrifice, are we in a position to say no? I think so.