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another **** page.


Mother Heathen
Including about YOU!

Of course, Dallas. And you're well aware that I get it all the time. But, there's a difference between taking it when it's unprovoked...and lifting up your shirt and exposing your breasts and then bellyaching about being called a ****.

If you can't see the difference there, there's absolutely NOTHING that I can say to you to help you understand my point of view.

I don't hate people for their opinions. I've always respected people who don't want to date overweight women or aren't attracted to overweight women. My irritation has always been with those who make false assumptions about my abilities and character without knowing my abilities or character.

People can say whatever they want. I've been mooed at, taunted, hissed at, etc. At the end of the day, I understand that people have the right to be jerks.

They don't however, have the right to touch me or oppress me in a tangible way.
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Depends Upon My Mood..
I wouldn't be in this thread if I didn't identify as a feminist. I absolutely support the advocacy of equal rights for women.

Then talk about rights for women equal to men.Not about how women are "equally" responsible for abuse perpetrated again't themselves.


Depends Upon My Mood..
f you can't see the difference there, there's absolutely NOTHING that I can say to you to help you understand my point of view.

I understand your point of view.You blame victims .


Mother Heathen
I understand they should be the jerks and the victims not responsible.

This is where you and I are very different.

I'm NOT a victim. I'm stronger than that and far more intelligent to allow ******** to get to me in that way. I know who I am and some jerk saying "moo" isn't going to break me.

This is my problem with modern day feminism. Women who WANT equal rights need to be able to assume responsibility for their decisions.

Lifting up your shirt for the camera is a choice. A woman shouldn't feel like she can't express herself in such a way. But, she also doesn't fall to pieces if someone calls her a ****. She doesn't care.

An opinion shouldn't oppress you. A comment below a photograph shouldn't oppress you, unless you weren't really confident about the choices you made in the first place, which makes your actions a ficade to begin with.


Agnostic Theist
Men who are raped by women..Men who are abused by women..Men being exploited by women??? Widespread victimization of men by women? Where have you been? We need to bring awareness.

I don't think we should make this into a thread belittling men who also suffer from the same problems (even if its often to a lesser extent), that women face. Men are also abused, they also are raped, and they also suffer severe consequences.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I don't think we should make this into a thread belittling men who also suffer from the same problems (even if its often to a lesser extent), that women face. Men are also abused, they also are raped, and they also suffer severe consequences.

I never said to a lesser extent they didn't".


Depends Upon My Mood..
O.K lets make the women's rights movement about abused boys..How men are raped by women.How boys are specifically targeted by women as sex objects and are castrated from birth to ensure no fun in sex...how boys hand over fist are sold into sex slavery for women to enjoy//..I think it makes sense..to draw attention away from what happens mostly to girls to point out "sometimes it happens to boys"..So boys don't feel left out.
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Depends Upon My Mood..
But you did belittle the situation. It wouldn't be right if I did it to women, and neither should it be done to men. The issues are the same.

I never said it was right..

If 1,000 people are being abused because they are a gender...it doesn't mean that I don't care about 100 that are being abused because they are the other gender..they are both wrong.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Just so everyone knows, I identify as a feminist, meaning someone who believes in equal rights for women.

Is there an assumption that misogynists are everywhere, given your example of foolish behavior based largely on location and geography? If it's safe to walk around a public neighborhood that isn't a ghetto with your money hanging out, then is there a safe place for women to present themselves provocatively in public?

I'm saying committing certain actions within certain environments and situations (such as among a drunken crowd of dubious characters) elicits typical reactions which, while not excusable, are to be expected. No, degrading attitudes aren't acceptable, and yes we as a society should work to change things, but considering the current state of things, placing faith in the lowest common denominator is folly. Also, these comments, as horrid as they were, weren't made to the women directly. They were made on a site where lecherous misogynists jabber among themselves. A site were people make the choice to visit. There is a big difference between that and actual harassment, stalking, assault, etc. No one is actually being oppressed by their immature, ignorant babble. Their words, as nasty and vile as they are, are only as "harmful" as those who decide to seek out and read their commentary allow them to be. Words, unless in the form of threat or harassment, are not something people need to be "safe" from. While their commentary is indeed very asinine and contemptible, it doesn't actually violate anyone's rights.
As someone who loves freedom, I prefer education over censorship as a means of combating ignorance and bigotry.
Illegally obtaining pictures, however, is a violation of privacy and a legitimate concern.

But regarding the pictures that were submitted by the girls themselves, It's probably safe to assume that they self identify as "festival sluts" and hunger for that sort of attention considering that they're knowingly feeding it.

Also, there is probably a line between genuine misogyny, and what might be immature, tonque-in-cheek sexual comments made in the exact same spirit of what the pictures depict themselves.
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Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Sure. Misogynists are everywhere. As are people who falsely accuse others of misogyny.

Women aren't entitled to a safe place, free of opinion and possible ridicule from others.

The comparison is where FH regarded letting his money hang out in a dangerous place like a ghetto as foolish. Now, I don't know how many people actually go out of their way to tell somebody how much of a rotten fool they are when they actually do that. Do you? And would a victim of such a crime as theft be deserving of that ridicule? AND should that victim refrain from "bellyaching" about being shamed after being attacked?

I find it odd that you believe women aren't entitled to a safe place. I believe women deserve respect as much as men deserve respect regardless of unconventional behavior. Perhaps if you offered a male equivalent of the FB page, I might see the validity in your argument. As of now, it seems your argument validates ****-shaming and telling women to shut up about it. I may be wrong, but I'm willing to see how you can suggest that women should just stop bellyaching about being called a **** if they "act" like a **** that doesn't qualify as ****-shaming.

If anyone values freedom and expression, they get that. There's a marked difference between genuine misogyny and labeling a woman a **** because she chooses to dress provacatively or act in a manner that is characteristic of the stereotypical "slutty" girl.

If women have a problem with these types of stereotypes, we have the responsibility of looking internally and adjusting our behavior to eradicate such stereotypes.

How about putting the onus on the people who are calling them sluts? I don't see that as being unreasonable to expect.

People are free to say what they want. Holding a negate opinion doesn't translate to hatred.

Of course not. I don't think the FB page is simply having a negative opinion, however. I think it goes far beyond that and resorts to objectionable behaviors (e.g. "sl#ts get cut" pics and such).

Perhaps you can clarify how your position doesn't include the mindset of "Well if she didn't want to get attacked, then she shouldn't have put herself out there asking for it." I'm having difficulty seeing otherwise.


Depends Upon My Mood..
AND all over the world women need to recognize the sexual abuses against males.And how unfair it is ..that women would talk about male against female abuse???Its completely unfair.Women need to stand up for men too.!