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Anti-immigrant rhetoric


Veteran Member
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Oh, Trump has made his bigotry pretty obvious -- just remember his jabber about "s**t-hole" countries, and why can't we get Norwegians, instead. (Norwegians, you may recall, are pretty much solidly white.)

What I meant was that I didn't recall any specific groups being targeted. Trump's comments seemed more generalized and vague.


Well-Known Member
No, I am basically stating the obvious, there aren't even enough criminals in jails to account for all of the supposed criminals being sent if the numbers at the borders are an indication and they still have the overcrowding in mexican and South American jails. Basically every claim that he makes is a lie. Excuse me, he lies in one speech and then makes another speech where he does not lie about that specific thing so that he and his sycophants can claim that see he didn't lie while the other half can still believe the other statement.

Most recent example, His speech to the moms of liberty, find a review and you will see several statements that are not just hyperbole but really outright lies. He is claiming that he is really ahead in all of the polls but the media, all of it including fox is lying, That his daughter was turned down for a UN position and that she hired millions of people and these are just the one's that are so blatantly false that nobody can believe them.

It is called a Gish Gallop where a person spreads so much manure that there is no way anyone can counter all of it with rational answers and so it is accepted by those who wish it to be true with the further assumption that so many things are being said about them that they must be out to get him when in fact, he is that much of a liar.

All that without even getting to his positions which change with every audience and whatever way the wind is blowing. Here is a man who was a pro=choice democrat 20 years ago and then selected on the recommendation of a radical right wing organization justices who overturned Roe v Wade and now that that is a problem for his candidacy is saying that he didn't really mean it that the states should make the decision in that even his own state has gone too far.

Read the bloody news, the man is a liar and a gaslighter who says whatever he feels will get him through a situation and then says something else a day later.
Not only are you responding to my contention that you're just making claims by piling on even more claims, you're also making assumptions. For example, you're assuming that 100% of illegal alien criminals are in jail.

Is your claim that Trump is a liar based on mainstream media content? How do you know it's Trump who's the liar and not the mainstream media that's doing the lying?

Back when Trump first ran for POTUS I was no fan of his; when I watched news reports about Trump that were disparaging about him in its content, it made me angry and despise him; it was giving me TDS. Then when I started to actually dig into these news claims I found that it was BS after BS. Try to tell me that this wasn't my experience.


My own religion
Not only are you responding to my contention that you're just making claims by piling on even more claims, you're also making assumptions. For example, you're assuming that 100% of illegal alien criminals are in jail.

Is your claim that Trump is a liar based on mainstream media content? How do you know it's Trump who's the liar and not the mainstream media that's doing the lying?

Back when Trump first ran for POTUS I was no fan of his; when I watched news reports about Trump that were disparaging about him in its content, it made me angry and despise him; it was giving me TDS. Then when I started to actually dig into these news claims I found that it was BS after BS. Try to tell me that this wasn't my experience.

Is your claim that this video is not edited or something else?
Biden's the one who invited them to surge the border. Don't trust me, listen to it for yourself right from his own mouth:

Have you check according to your own standards?


Well-Known Member
Read the OP again, the question is about the rhetoric used.

What’s the basis for your claim that Trump is only referring to illegal immigration, other than that just being your general feeling? The context of his various comments doesn’t point to any distinction, but rather is directed at people arriving at the border, which is not illegal.
Trump knows the difference between legal and illegal immigrants as well as the difference between a shopper and a shoplifter. It is not a difficult concept to grasp. Legal immigrants will go to a place of legal entry and show their paperwork. They will come in at 100% rate because they have been invited. The illegal immigrant looks for a place to sneak in since they have no paperwork and have not been vetted.

Legal immigration does not have a quota for criminals that they seek; DEI of criminal immigrants. These criminal have to sneak in, illegally. You would not need a border wall, if there was only legal immigrants, since they obey the law and will wait until invited. Most America ancestors were legal immigrants. Ellis Island required paperwork for admission. Only thieves sneak into people's houses, uninvited.

A country cannot just empty its jails by applying for legal immigration status, of its criminals to enter the USA. It does not work that way. Trump is referring to all those people who skip the process of legal entry. It is all those who would not be accepted legally, which include gang members and terrorists. Legal immigrants tend to vote for Trump, since they do not wish to combined with the lawlessness of illegal immigration. Liberals are trying to run another word scam, that only a liberal is unable to figure out, because they are so educated by Liberal schools.


Well-Known Member
Can't see it here.
Now do the same for this post of yours:

That is a 13 second clip from this account on youtube - Speaker Kevin McCarthy

Please apply the same standard to yourself as you demand of others.
Again, I already did; if you're having trouble using your computer then maybe you need to get it fixed or you need to learn how to use it.

One more time, here it is:

It's a video that's 2 hours, 33 minutes, and 27 seconds long, on Youtube, titled "ABC News Democratic Debate - WATCH THE FULL DEBATE (2019)".


My own religion
Again, I already did; if you're having trouble using your computer then maybe you need to get it fixed or you need to learn how to use it.

One more time, here it is:

It's a video that's 2 hours, 33 minutes, and 27 seconds long, on Youtube, titled "ABC News Democratic Debate - WATCH THE FULL DEBATE (2019)".

Yes, you are right. I admit that.
Now do the same for this clip and find the original:
Biden's the one who invited them to surge the border. Don't trust me, listen to it for yourself right from his own mouth:



Well-Known Member
Trump is referring to all those people who skip the process of legal entry.
This is nothing more than an act of your imagination. In some instances Trump refers to individuals who have committed crimes, in other instances he refers to huge numbers of people who haven't even reached the border of yet, and to those attempting to legally enter the country via the designated border crossings.


Well-Known Member
If you have Irish ancestry, they came here without permission and just showed up at the border and and asked to live here because you were persecuted or starving or maybe avoiding jail (debtors prison or some other offense that were sent to the US) in your home country.
Get off your high horse and recognize that this latest variation on your hispanic ancestors is just trying to do the same thing your ancestors did.
Oh, that "green" lady; it's made of copper; was it green back then? The US was getting Irish immigrants for more than a century prior to the construction and unveiling of the Statue of Liberty.

Were my Irish ancestors illegal aliens? Did they sneak into the country like those who are crossing the US borders today without going through a border crossing?

I never mentioned any "variation" on my hispanic ancestors on this thread other than that my mother is a hispanic who immigrated here to the US.

BTW, this thread isn't about me.


Well-Known Member
Is your claim that this video is not edited or something else?

Have you check according to your own standards?
It is an edited a video clip from the full debate that I posted, but not in any way that I'm aware of that grossly distorts the narrative about what Biden has said. I went ahead and posted the full debate for you (twice) so you could judge for yourself.


My own religion
What's new? I have asked you many questions and you won't answer them.

And you won't answer the question I have about this video.
Biden's the one who invited them to surge the border. Don't trust me, listen to it for yourself right from his own mouth:

Now it goes both ways. But I answer you in the positive for at least one post, so it is your turn now to answer me and then you can ask again and I will answer. But first you answer about the video with Biden and if you have checked that one according to your standard.


My own religion
This is the original; the clip is literally a segment from this specific debate.

The one with Biden as per here:
Biden's the one who invited them to surge the border. Don't trust me, listen to it for yourself right from his own mouth:

That is not the original. For the one with Trump I admitted you were right. Now check the one you posted with Biden. If you then have found the original then look through it and note the time stamp and post it.
You posted an edited video so you have the burden of proof.


My own religion
It is an edited a video clip from the full debate that I posted, but not in any way that I'm aware of that grossly distorts the narrative about what Biden has said. I went ahead and posted the full debate for you (twice) so you could judge for yourself.

I don't do that. You link the time stamp as you claim it is correct. Burden of proof.