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Any Downside to Atheism?

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Personally, I've never met a single atheist who doesn't celebrate Christmas. I think the angry, curmudgeonly atheist who hates Christmas is generally a myth which gets perpetrated because it appeals to how religious people think about atheists. I'm sure there are a few, but it by no means represents atheists in the US.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Personally, I've never met a single atheist who doesn't celebrate Christmas. I think the angry, curmudgeonly atheist who hates Christmas is generally a myth which gets perpetrated because it appeals to how religious people think about atheists. I'm sure there are a few, but it by no means represents atheists in the US.

well my grandmother is an atheist

she doesnt celebrate anything...but her birthday
but then she was brought up by parents that escaped the russian Tzar's army...
and were commie pinko anarchists, she went to an anarchist high school in the 20's

but if you say so..I can only go by my experience....


Well-Known Member
Seems like atheists in general get painted with the same brush stroke as theists who gripe about how atheists paint them in such a black and white way.

I think for me the only downside is death but is there suppose to be something happy about that? Anyway I've never been a big fan of this groupism as atheism is not a belief but rather a lack of belief. It doesn't add up to much except collective thinking.

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
Atheists don't get to know God and walk with God, or experience miracles from God.
Atheists don't have the promise of heaven.
Atheists don't grow into the image of Christ.
Atheists cannot discern good from evil.
Atheists cannot understand human emotion or experience.
Atheists have to believe that animals are equal to themselves.


Well-Known Member
Atheists don't get to know God and walk with God, or experience miracles from God.
Atheists don't have the promise of heaven.
Atheists don't grow into the image of Christ.
Atheists cannot discern good from evil.
Atheists cannot understand human emotion or experience.
Atheists have to believe that animals are equal to themselves.

Exactly what I'm talking about.....:rolleyes:

But thanks for setting up a good example!!;)


Active Member
Personally, I've never met a single atheist who doesn't celebrate Christmas. I think the angry, curmudgeonly atheist who hates Christmas is generally a myth which gets perpetrated because it appeals to how religious people think about atheists. I'm sure there are a few, but it by no means represents atheists in the US.

but atheists dont follow 'traditional' christmas. i cant speak for everyone but to me christmas is about being with my family, no matter where i was in the world i would try to get home for xmas.(and presents, cos c'mon who doesnt like presents:shrug::D)


Well-Known Member
Our family's decided not to buy anyone presents this year due to our poverty.

Christmas isn't going to be the same anymore.....:sad4:


Active Member
1.Atheists don't get to know God and walk with God, or experience miracles from God.
2.Atheists don't have the promise of heaven.
3.Atheists don't grow into the image of Christ.
4.Atheists cannot discern good from evil.
5.Atheists cannot understand human emotion or experience.
6.Atheists have to believe that animals are equal to themselves.

1. miracles aren't always individual, if a plane crashes with everyone survived its a miracle. but what if 50% of the passengers were atheist? they dont get miracles so why were they saved.

2. we dont need it. we believe this life is it so we try to live it to the fullest, we dont wait to live in our next life we just do it now.

3. humans dont need to become more christ - like. christ is just one of many moral role models why should we choose christ over say buddah?

4. yes atheists can. hitler = evil, humanitarian = good. was that so hard?

5. what does emotion have to do with god. a 6 month old baby can read emotion. this is before they have any idea whether they are theist or atheist.

6. does that mean we treat meat eaters like cannibals? no of course it doesnt:facepalm:.

any more arguments you want destroyed?


I can't think of a down side. I'm a very contented non-theist (and not at all mentally ill, for the record). All I can think of is that it makes life a little too exciting to bear sometimes. There's so much to learn, so much internal and external territory to explore, and so little time! I sometimes feel like if I don't experience rapt engagement with my experience of sentience at some point during the day, the whole day is wasted.

Granted, if I have too many of those days in a row and I do start to feel a little blue.


Atheists don't get to know God and walk with God, or experience miracles from God.

Therefore I have no fear of god, and no desire to please god. I am my own master, enjoying total liberty of spirit and conscience. Would you rather know a god or be a god?

Atheists don't have the promise of heaven.

Therefore I know that this world IS paradise, and I live like I know it.

Atheists don't grow into the image of Christ.

Therefore I am free to grow into the image of my own true nature instead of emulating a long-dead guru.

Atheists cannot discern good from evil.

Sorry, what???

Atheists cannot understand human emotion or experience.

Sorry, what???

Atheists have to believe that animals are equal to themselves.

Therefore I am able to live in humility, wonder and delight, knowing that every living thing in this world is part of who I am, and I am part of it. Because I see the whole biosphere and everything in it as my kin, I am never alone, and never lonely.


Lack of intrinsic meaning. Sure, you can consider things as meaningful, but in the big picture, nothing is really meaningful.

I guess maybe you could argue that Theism has the same problem. All in all, I would say that there's no immediately obvious negative consequences to being an Atheist. However, there's not really a good reason to be an Atheist either.

If we had a good reason to be a theist, we'd be a theists. Our experiences throughout our lives have lead us to look at the Universe and not see a creator or an intelligent influence here on earth or in the Universe. I'd say experiences are a pretty good base for your thoughts about the cosmos and give you a good reason to think or believe what you do, don't you agree?

I can't just throw my skepticism aside at will.


Well-Known Member
Not that I mind discussing my condition, but I'm not referring to myself. I know many atheists through a social group and I was thinking of their opinons when I was answering the question.

Regarding mental illness, I'm no expert at all, but my wife and I both have rather problematic cases, and I don't mind discussing with anyone who is curious.
By all means don't separate from your social group, why would you?

I think you and I are perfect polar opposites, and so much that we are unique on the RF. This will sound strange, but in a glance I could become an atheist and you could become a believer. It is our extreme views that unite you and I.

You are at a point in your life that life and death are resolved in your heart. Yes there is much to learn securlarly, but whatever is learned is minimally important to your grand view of life and death.
I too share this situation, only I choose to believe there is something beyond the grave. Believing or not believing, becomes important only when it effects our health. If for example, you began to study under me and your need for meds disappeared, even if what you believed and followed from me turns out to be wrong, so what? If it makes your life better, that's what is important.

What do you think?

I think your mental state could very well have to do with your position on life and God.

Anyway, maybe we can talk about it more sometime.
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Well-Known Member
Atheists don't grow into the image of Christ.
Theists doesn´t either.

Atheists cannot discern good from evil.
Considering all atheists I know can this I wonder where you get this from... unless you believe that anyone who believes in other concepts of good and evil cannot tell the difference of course, which would include a lot of theists.

Atheists cannot understand human emotion or experience.
It is called empathy. Atheism or theism has nothing to do with it.

Atheists have to believe that animals are equal to themselves.
Some do, some don´t, same with theists.


Devoid of Ettiquette
Atheists don't get to know God and walk with God, or experience miracles from God.
Atheists don't have the promise of heaven.
Atheists don't grow into the image of Christ.
Again, I am waiting to hear any downside.
Atheists cannot discern good from evil.
Atheists cannot understand human emotion or experience.
Come again?
Atheists have to believe that animals are equal to themselves.
How do you figure that?


Devoid of Ettiquette
Personally, I've never met a single atheist who doesn't celebrate Christmas.
Then again, humans have been celebrating Winter Solstice in one form or another for far longer than Christianity has been around. I don't see the problem with calling it "Christmas", particularly since the party is mostly pagan in origin. No reason for Christians to get uppity and claim it as their especial holiday.