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Any Downside to Atheism?

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Disagreement is one thing.
Denial is something else.

Atheists don't have anything to look forward to.

I have something to look forward to. It's called having kids, watching my hockey and football teams win championships, spending great years with my wonderful wife, enjoying the company of family, friends and dogs, visiting as many other countries as I can, and many other things.


Well-Known Member
Disagreement is one thing.
Denial is something else.

Atheists don't have anything to look forward to.

The body produces a linear existence, and an individual perspective.

Looks like a futile effort times 6billion....without an after life continuance.
We do not live for what happens beyond the grave, you know. I mean, I don´t think there is anything more, I sure hope there is though, but what matters is the time I have. So if there is something more or not, I think it is better to try and make a good life now then to look forward to what happens after death. So really, it is not about having something to look forward to.


Well-Known Member
Disagreement is one thing.
Denial is something else.

Atheists don't have anything to look forward to.

The body produces a linear existence, and an individual perspective.

Looks like a futile effort times 6billion....without an after life continuance.

"Atheists don't have anything to look forward to."

To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd.

Mr. Shakespeare
As much as I love living, it'll be nice to finally turn off the lights.


This explains why theists so dangerous. They have relatively little regard for this fleeting life on Earth. After all, it's just a prelude to the eternal life afterwards. So let's fly a plane into a building; let's blow ourselves up in a crowd, let's do whatever it takes to please our god. Just look at what Abraham was prepared to do to. "Right" and "wrong" are not part of a theist's vocabulary. Only "sin". i.e., "displeasing (their) god" dictates their behaviour.


Well-Known Member
WOW so what i get from a lot of the responses is that ONLY atheist live their life to the fullest and soooo much more fun than believers.... that is just ignorance i think. most of my family are very successful people and are strong christians and that has helped them become successful. im a believer and know a lot of athiests. pretty sure they don't have all kinds of fun and i don't. ha.
I assure you, I would never believe anything as ignorant as that. Fact is I don´t think if you have a good life or live life to the fullest has nothing to do with your religious beliefs, but rather your approach to life itself.

it is true that if you are an athiest you don't know God. fact. you admit that you don't know God and the only way to know that he exsist is to have just a little bit of faith and it will prove it to you.
Well... you don´t know Odin either! So basically, we are in the same boat, depending on what religion you have as a reference point.

and why attack God? or Jesus? why is it always that? there are other religions out there. ya know what i think? it's because he is the TRUE God. the one true God and in case you don't know. there is a battle going on between God and Satan. so.... Satan is going to attack God and his followers through anything or anyone.
Or maybe, just maybe, it could be because Abrahamic religions are the ones that makes most noise, so to speak... even though maybe we should make a difference in debating something and attacking it... besides, this is a debate forum! You don´t start a thread in a debate forum without expecting a debate, if you did and you where right then that wouldn´t be much of a debate forum, would it? There is nothing wrong with debating things, it is actually quite fun :).

you think Christians judge athiest? it goes both ways.... i've heard a lot more derogotory things said about christians from unbelievers than from christians about unbelievers.
No, I think people that judges someone based on their faith are unfair. Lets face it, some people are good people and some are bad, if you are theist or atheist, religious or not religious, is actually not that relevant to that.

what is so wrong with following something that promotes being a good person? if you don't believe why worry about it? why critisize? it is a Christians job to witness to people that don't know God.

Matthew 7:14

14Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Who said it was wrong?
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Active Member
and why attack God? or Jesus? why is it always that? there are other religions out there. ya know what i think? it's because he is the TRUE God. the one true God and in case you don't know. there is a battle going on between God and Satan. so.... Satan is going to attack God and his followers through anything or anyone.

bring us a hindu argument and we will still object to it. just so happens that (some) christians are the stubborn ones who dont accept our arguments and rely on psuedo science and a 2000 year old book.

the egyptian book of the dead is 4000+ years old, does that mean its more holy than the bible, as the books age seems to be a major argument for its authenticity?

you think Christians judge athiest? it goes both ways.... i've heard a lot more derogotory things said about christians from unbelievers than from christians about unbelievers.

nobody said it doesnt. the important thing is that is the minority of both sides, the majority are here for a intellectual debate.

what is so wrong with following something that promotes being a good person? if you don't believe why worry about it? why critisize? it is a Christians job to witness to people that don't know God.

because blind faith on unfounded beliefs is hard for some to comprehend. if you accept religion and science people dont care, but if you only accept religion and refuse to believe science, (ToE, gravity, etc) ignoring all the evidence given and relying on false statements and a book for your answers then people have trouble with it.


Agnostic Pantheist
it is true that if you are an athiest you don't know God. fact. you admit that you don't know God and the only way to know that he exsist is to have just a little bit of faith and it will prove it to you.
There are a lot of assumptions here. I can just as easily say that if the Gnostics are right you dont know God either, and in fact you are worshiping a demonic demiurge. I'm sorry Kimberlee, how do you know many of us did not apply faith on many junctions in our lives, and yet we are still atheist by what we deem to be an enlightened choice.

and why attack God? or Jesus? why is it always that? there are other religions out there. ya know what i think? it's because he is the TRUE God.
Come on Kimberlee, I have no doubt you're an intelligent woman, so im assuming you wrote this out of passion. the obvious reason why so many chose 'Jesus' and the Christian God in their argument is because most people here live under the sphere of influence of Christianity.
the one true God and in case you don't know. there is a battle going on between God and Satan. so.... Satan is going to attack God and his followers through anything or anyone.
in a debate, it is desirable to present facts and valid evidence.. this statement is a personal belief.. if you would write something like that in an academic article, I can tell you it wouldn't end up pretty.

you think Christians judge athiest? it goes both ways.... i've heard a lot more derogotory things said about christians from unbelievers than from christians about unbelievers.
I'm sorry. but I doubt it. on average I think I observed that American atheists are more opened to different people, like people of the GLBT community for example.

what is so wrong with following something that promotes being a good person? if you don't believe why worry about it? why critisize? it is a Christians job to witness to people that don't know God.
Are you saying we should isolate religion as a taboo which should not be criticized? it sounds terribly undemocratic and antagonistic to everything that a free society should stand for.
You claim you have the right to preach your religion, but no one should be able to criticize it? sista puh-leeze!

Matthew 7:14

14Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Often I'm amazed at how proficient religious people are at not applying the gems of the scriptures they claim to adhere to.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
WOW so what i get from a lot of the responses is that ONLY atheist live their life to the fullest and soooo much more fun than believers.... that is just ignorance i think. most of my family are very successful people and are strong christians and that has helped them become successful. im a believer and know a lot of athiests. pretty sure they don't have all kinds of fun and i don't. ha.

I think you're getting confused here. Some believers, like some of those in this thread, say things like "Atheists have nothing to look forward to" and "Atheists have no reason to live. If you don't believe in anything, what's the point in living?". Saying that we have this life to look forward to rather than another one after this doesn't mean that theists don't also also live life to the fullest, but when they're saying this life is just preparation for the next, then they're not living this life to the fullest. That's not what all theists say, though.

it is true that if you are an athiest you don't know God. fact. you admit that you don't know God and the only way to know that he exsist is to have just a little bit of faith and it will prove it to you.

Sure, and if I have a little faith in Allah, I'll be proven right that Allah exists, too. If I make myself believe that Fox News is nothing but truth, then I'll be proven right, too. I don't work that way. I need to be proven right before I start believing, not the other way around.

and why attack God? or Jesus? why is it always that?

Who's attacking anything? Saying "I don't believe in God" or "God doesn't exist" isn't "attacking God", it's just making a statement.

there are other religions out there. ya know what i think? it's because he is the TRUE God. the one true God and in case you don't know. there is a battle going on between God and Satan. so.... Satan is going to attack God and his followers through anything or anyone.

Yup, that's it. You got it all figured out. :rolleyes:

But, back to reality. The real reason people "attack" your God and Christianity more than others is because a great many Christians like to force their beliefs on others. That's why no one tends to attack Buddhism or Wicca in the same way, because they just do their own thing. Plus, Christianity is the vastly predominant religion in the U.S., meaning people have more contact with and knowledge of it.

you think Christians judge athiest? it goes both ways.... i've heard a lot more derogotory things said about christians from unbelievers than from christians about unbelievers.

Sure, and much of that stuff you hear against Christians is uncalled for, too. However, you have to expect some vitriol from people who have been discriminated against and condemned and looked down upon by Christians for a long time for no good reason. That doesn't make it right, but it's slightly better than Christians judging atheists, since most of the time, those Christians don't even understand the atheist's view of things.

what is so wrong with following something that promotes being a good person? if you don't believe why worry about it? why critisize? it is a Christians job to witness to people that don't know God.

Because Christians tend to make us worry about it. I'm fine with letting everyone have their own views and beliefs. The problem is that a very large group of Christians is not fine with that. They think everyone needs to believe what they do. As you say, "it is a Christian's job to witness to people that don't know God". That's inherently arrogant and condescending. Just like you don't want someone constantly telling you that you should change your beliefs and be more like them, atheists don't like it either. It's fine if you believe in God (we could debate whether or not that's rational or based in reality, but that's not the real problem), but when you feel the need to try to get others to believe in God, too, that's where the real problem starts.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
the earth and humans and their conscience proves the existence of God to me but i guess that's not good enough for athiest.

You're right it's not good enough for an atheist, and it shouldn't be good enough for you. Those things don't prove anything other than there is an earth, humans and conscience. The universe doesn't need to have been created by an intelligent being, much less your version of that intelligent being.

just like you don't understand me i dont' understand you.

Well, you might not understand us, but I think I understand you pretty well.

and trust me im NOT what you are thinking... im a very liberal open minded person. i totally respect you for standing up in what you believe and don't believe that's what im doing. i believe in peace. wish everyone did. it's just my job as a Christian to "sew the seed"

That's the problem, the whole "sow the seed" thing. You don't need to sow the seed. If you believe in God, great. Good luck to you. When you start preaching and proselytizing to others is when you encounter problems. We don't want to hear it.


Disagreement is one thing.
Denial is something else.

Atheists don't have anything to look forward to.

Are you KIDDING me? I'm looking forward to my lunchtime walk in the sunshine through naked trees radiant with winter light. I'm looking forward to making beautiful music tonight with friends, and curling up in the arms of the love of my life at the end of the day. I'm looking forward to driving through the Rockies next month to grandma's house to spend another wonderful winter solstice with my extended family.

I'm alive. What more could I possibly desire?

Looks like a futile effort times 6billion....without an after life continuance.

If you need God to give you a cookie at the end of your life in order to make it meaningful and purposeful, I pity you. Honestly.


midians mommy!
Because Christians tend to make us worry about it. I'm fine with letting everyone have their own views and beliefs. The problem is that a very large group of Christians is not fine with that. They think everyone needs to believe what they do. As you say, "it is a Christian's job to witness to people that don't know God". That's inherently arrogant and condescending. Just like you don't want someone constantly telling you that you should change your beliefs and be more like them, atheists don't like it either. It's fine if you believe in God (we could debate whether or not that's rational or based in reality, but that's not the real problem), but when you feel the need to try to get others to believe in God, too, that's where the real problem starts.

well if you are a christian you are suppose to witness to others out of compassion. a christian is suppose to want to help others find God so they have eternal life as well. i don't believe in shoving it down someones throat by no means..... and i'm sorry.... i've never been around an atheist that has been "mean" about the fact that im a christian just mainly on the internet have they been so rude about it. my friends that are athiest and I get along fine. i get criticised by christians also but it's because i go to church on the sabbath and i don't eat the unclean meat in the bible but that's a whole another thing. so I know how they can be too.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure eternal life is not just a cookie.

but it would be so boring. think about it, have you ever done something then got bored and gone done something else, etc. if the afterlife is eternal then you will do everything possibly imaginable and eventually you would become so bored youd hope for armageddon just for something to do.

atheists on the other hand dont have that problem as we only get 80-100 years so have to cram the living in.


Because Christians tend to make us worry about it. I'm fine with letting everyone have their own views and beliefs. The problem is that a very large group of Christians is not fine with that. They think everyone needs to believe what they do. As you say, "it is a Christian's job to witness to people that don't know God". That's inherently arrogant and condescending. Just like you don't want someone constantly telling you that you should change your beliefs and be more like them, atheists don't like it either. It's fine if you believe in God (we could debate whether or not that's rational or based in reality, but that's not the real problem), but when you feel the need to try to get others to believe in God, too, that's where the real problem starts.[/quote]

As a Christian I don't like being catagorized in one big lump as it seems happens in this forum. I have not ever told anyone what they should or should not believe. I have spent most of my life as a Christian trying to be kind to others as much as possible -no matter what their regilious beliefs, sexual preference and anything else that may be different than what I believe. Most of the time I've gone against my religion in doing so.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
well if you are a christian you are suppose to witness to others out of compassion. a christian is suppose to want to help others find God so they have eternal life as well.

Well, that's the most popular interpretation, yes. And that's what I have a problem with. I don't need your help, and neither does anyone else. If God can't do it himself, then he's not worth my time.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
As a Christian I don't like being catagorized in one big lump as it seems happens in this forum. I have not ever told anyone what they should or should not believe. I have spent most of my life as a Christian trying to be kind to others as much as possible -no matter what their regilious beliefs, sexual preference and anything else that may be different than what I believe. Most of the time I've gone against my religion in doing so.

That's why I made sure to say "tend to" and "a large group of Christians" and things like that. I know that not all Christians are like that. My parents are good examples of not being like that. As you say, though, when you don't do those things, it's sort of like going against your religion, meaning that the majority or at least a lot of people of your religion do act like that.

Believe me, I know you're not one of them. ;)


Well-Known Member
"Most of the time I've gone against my religion in doing so."

Doubtless true.
So why do you call yourself a christian?


Devoid of Ettiquette
well if you are a christian you are suppose to witness to others out of compassion.
Compassion is demonstrated by helping fulfill a physical need. The compassion of Christ was always demonstrated in healing, feeding and protecting people from physical harm. This is something that is found lacking among those who simply preach some Christian dogma.

In short, serving others is the only true witness of the heart of Christ. And such "witnessing" is extremely difficult and hardly ever attempted. I would recommend the movie "Entertaining Angels" as a sample of what I am talking about.


I sympathize with you when you write, "...if you are a christian you are suppose to witness to others out of compassion. a christian is suppose to want to help others find God so they have eternal life as well."

During my childhood, my mother raised me to be Roman Catholic. I can still remember feeling so worried for my father who was a nonbeliever. I wanted to "save" him for his own sake. My mother gently reassured me that God would not begrudge him for not having faith. It wasn't his fault he couldn't see the truth, she explained. No loving God, she assured me, would deny such a fine, kind, moral person his deserved place in Heaven.

In grade 7, when rationality finally overtook my faith, I soon realized the implications of her insightful words. A god worth loving certainly would not condemn a person for not believing in Him. There is nothing "wrong" with honestly not believing in a god. Lack of belief is not a deliberate act of defiance that warrants punishment. Further, living a moral life is what is—and ought to be— important. So, unwittingly, my mother was saying that belief in a god is irrelevant. What matters is how we conduct ourselves on this planet. That realization leads to a more profound implication: If there is a moral "right" and "wrong", (a moral absolute, if you will) why would this standard not apply even to a god? It is not sufficient to reply that, since He invented the rules, He doesn't have to follow them. For example, should a god ask me to slay my son as a sacrifice to test my obedience or faith (as Abraham was asked)? The right response is to refuse this request because it is morally wrong and abhorent to murder one's son. What is my point?

As an atheist, who by definition has no belief in any god(s) or any other related supernatural beings like devils, angels, spirits, etc., I do, however, strongly value human rights, truth, knowledge, and this amazing life on Earth. Yes, as a Christian boy, I wanted my father to see Heaven, but now, as an Atheist, I want Christians to see "heaven"—the real one. It's right under your nose and I'm afraid you're missing it.
You are wearing rose coloured blinders and I emplore you to take them off.