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Any Downside to Atheism?


Devoid of Ettiquette
Who cares? It is not possible to know in this world whether there is another, and even if there is another world,nobody ever comes back to tell this one about it, so it's safe to assume two things: 1) those who claim there is another world despite the fact they haven't been there personally are full of hot air. 2) In this world, it is completely irrelevant whether or not there is another since there is no communication between the two, and therefore it is irrelevant whether or not we believe in it.
Whoa now! Let's not start speaking rationally. People will think you're crazy. :cool:


midians mommy!
WOW so what i get from a lot of the responses is that ONLY atheist live their life to the fullest and soooo much more fun than believers.... that is just ignorance i think. most of my family are very successful people and are strong christians and that has helped them become successful. im a believer and know a lot of athiests. pretty sure they don't have all kinds of fun and i don't. ha.

it is true that if you are an athiest you don't know God. fact. you admit that you don't know God and the only way to know that he exsist is to have just a little bit of faith and it will prove it to you.

and why attack God? or Jesus? why is it always that? there are other religions out there. ya know what i think? it's because he is the TRUE God. the one true God and in case you don't know. there is a battle going on between God and Satan. so.... Satan is going to attack God and his followers through anything or anyone.

you think Christians judge athiest? it goes both ways.... i've heard a lot more derogotory things said about christians from unbelievers than from christians about unbelievers.

what is so wrong with following something that promotes being a good person? if you don't believe why worry about it? why critisize? it is a Christians job to witness to people that don't know God.

Matthew 7:14

14Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.


Admiral Obvious
it is true that if you are an athiest you don't know God. fact. you admit that you don't know God and the only way to know that he exsist is to have just a little bit of faith and it will prove it to you.
Nice opinion.
Anything to back it up other than your faith?

and why attack God? or Jesus? why is it always that? there are other religions out there. ya know what i think? it's because he is the TRUE God. the one true God and in case you don't know. there is a battle going on between God and Satan. so.... Satan is going to attack God and his followers through anything or anyone.
You need to get out more.
I have not attacked either.

Oh yeah, more opinion presented as fact.
Again: you got something other than faith to support your position?

you think Christians judge athiest? it goes both ways.... i've heard a lot more derogotory things said about christians from unbelievers than from christians about unbelievers.
So what?
Seems to me that Christians are supposed to have the moral high ground.
It is shame that far to many do not actually walk the walk...

what is so wrong with following something that promotes being a good person? if you don't believe why worry about it? why critisize? it is a Christians job to witness to people that don't know God.
I worry about it because they are trying to get their beliefs made into law.


it is true that if you are an athiest you don't know God. fact. you admit that you don't know God and the only way to know that he exsist is to have just a little bit of faith and it will prove it to you.

Faith can not prove anything. Period.

what is so wrong with following something that promotes being a good person?

Christianity may wish to promote "goodness", but it only stunts one's moral reasonnig. Any form of deontological ethics, such as the christian ones, are absolutist in nature, therefore it is inevitable that they become bselete as the world changes. Christian morality is based on aversion to things that disgust rather than an understanding of the opinions of all involved, a rejection of one's own sentiments of disgust, and a recognition of cultural differences among different individuals. Christian ethics are like kindergarden in comparison. The Christian concept of morality is basically comparable to "look, we don't expect you to think, so here is a small handful of easy to remember rules to make it easy for you". The fact that religious people even think that they make moral decisions based on religious teachings is a testament to the fact that they don't even know the first thing about moral theory.


WOW so what i get from a lot of the responses is that ONLY atheist live their life to the fullest and soooo much more fun than believers....
I've no doubt they do claim that...but let me assure you, plenty of us of perfectly unfulfilled lives, and almost no fun to boot. So i'm with ya on that.

Do bear in mind that atheists are also used to being told about how empty, meaningless and depressing their lives "must" be, so don't get uppity because we're more legitimately emo.

that is just ignorance i think. most of my family are very successful people and are strong christians and that has helped them become successful.
That may be so...but you're family might have been as successful without faith. I reckon the surrounding saturation of christians would be the barometer of how important that fact actually is, though.

im a believer and know a lot of athiests. pretty sure they don't have all kinds of fun and i don't. ha.

it is true that if you are an athiest you don't know God. fact.
Neither do you. Fact.

you admit that you don't know God and the only way to know that he exsist is to have just a little bit of faith and it will prove it to you.
So, i'll use faith to bypass the need of evidence then claim it as evidence?

and why attack God? or Jesus? why is it always that? there are other religions out there. ya know what i think?
I promise you, we get around to them all. Promise.

it's because he is the TRUE God.
How original

the one true God and in case you don't know. there is a battle going on between God and Satan. so.... Satan is going to attack God and his followers through anything or anyone.
Do you suppose god will be very threatened by naughty words and funny pictures?

you think Christians judge athiest?
Boy, i know.

it goes both ways.... i've heard a lot more derogotory things said about christians from unbelievers than from christians about unbelievers.
Maybe...but given the above statements, can you blame them?

what is so wrong with following something that promotes being a good person? if you don't believe why worry about it? why critisize? it is a Christians job to witness to people that don't know God.

...to be honest, kitten, why not criticise? Should we not nitpick on a system that encourages ignorance, advocates immorality, and is pretty intolerant and critical of other systems of beleifs?

From an atheistic, or for that matter, any other faiths' perspective, why should we consider your faith special, and exempt from scrutiny?
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Guardian of Asgaard
and why attack God? or Jesus? why is it always that? there are other religions out there. ya know what i think? it's because he is the TRUE God. the one true God and in case you don't know. there is a battle going on between God and Satan. so.... Satan is going to attack God and his followers through anything or anyone.

..... and you wonder why some Christians beliefs get attacked? Such superstition can't be healthy for you. Do you take a flask of holy water to the letterbox with you every day?

what is so wrong with following something that promotes being a good person? if you don't believe why worry about it? why critisize? it is a Christians job to witness to people that don't know God.

If Christianity wasn't so "in your face" in every western country on earth it would get a break. Its Christians job to respect that people don't give a **** about Christianity and keep their religion to themselves. That means no house calls on a saturday morning while im trying to ******* study, no preaching while i walk down the street to get some food or something, and no invasions of the public education system (in Australia).


Well-Known Member
I think the extreme end of Atheism is death. I think the extreme end of Christianity is death. I think in both parties there are those that more or less are ready to die at ANY second, because life here just doesn't mean much.

Than you have all those in between, that claim a title of sorts, but are still searching and becoming comfortable with the title they have chosen.

Inevitably I think both Atheist and Christian are the same spectrum but opposite ends.

I ask this question a lot. If Atheism is healthy for you, than so be it, if it is not healthy for you, than why choose it? Is it better to live a lie that is healthy, or live truth that is full of pain?


I think the extreme end of Atheism is death. I think the extreme end of Christianity is death.

I think arbitrarily polarizing it as such is boring. Stop being boring.

I think in both parties there are those that more or less are ready to die at ANY second, because life here just doesn't mean much.
I'm presuming you mean that they're willing to die for their faith (or lack thereof) in the above, no?

Than you have all those in between, that claim a title of sorts, but are still searching and becoming comfortable with the title they have chosen.
Perfect world, this would just lead to brownie points. But it don't.

Inevitably I think both Atheist and Christian are the same spectrum but opposite ends.

I ask this question a lot. If Atheism is healthy for you, than so be it, if it is not healthy for you, than why choose it? Is it better to live a lie that is healthy, or live truth that is full of pain?
Ultimately, any ideology will claim that the opposition, non-supportive, suppressive, or uninvolved parties are in "pain", be it the pain of ignorance, of denial, etc. I would largely claim that atheists are something of an exception to this, although they can certainly behave as self-righteously as the faithful (it's just so damn fun!!).

However, in the myriad of world faiths, one of these things is not like the other, and it probably isn't proper to put atheists up against christians, or any religiously minded folks as the opposite of them...they just disagree on this point.


Rogue Theologian
Disagreement is one thing.
Denial is something else.

Atheists don't have anything to look forward to.

The body produces a linear existence, and an individual perspective.

Looks like a futile effort times 6billion....without an after life continuance.


Guardian of Asgaard
Disagreement is one thing.
Denial is something else.

Atheists don't have anything to look forward to.

The body produces a linear existence, and an individual perspective.

Looks like a futile effort times 6billion....without an after life continuance.

Athiests don't need something to look forward to. Why do you? Is this life so boring that you can't wait to hurry up and die? Is so, why are you still here when the afterlife awaits you?

Atheists deny nothing, they simply do not seek truth where it does not exist to be sought.


midians mommy!
well.... that's what im saying! you don't have faith, you don't believe in faith so you don't believe in God. the earth and humans and their conscience proves the existence of God to me but i guess that's not good enough for athiest. just like you don't understand me i dont' understand you. and trust me im NOT what you are thinking... im a very liberal open minded person. i totally respect you for standing up in what you believe and don't believe that's what im doing. i believe in peace. wish everyone did. it's just my job as a Christian to "sew the seed"

[SIZE=+4]If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Romans 12: 18[/SIZE]


Rogue Theologian
Yeah well...picture 6billion people dying within your life time.

If you crossover...so can they.
Without someone in charge?...chaos...total chaos.

Peace...do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Because it will be.


Done here.
Atheists don't have anything to look forward to.
Atheists have exactly what believers have: this life, and nothing more. Some religious huckster makes you a slave and promises you a cookie when you die. Big deal. Believe me, none of us envies your assurance of that promise.


What a silly thread.
What's the down side to being right?
Being right isn't a fashion statement or a trend.
Reverse the question and ask, what is the down side to believing in the Tooth Fairy?
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