Ongoing collusion with Russia, egregious and paternalistic mismanagement of post-hurricane Puerto Rico, children wrenched from their parents and put in cages, multifaceted savaging of the environment, the stalwart defense of Confederate monuments, a vicious assault on BLM, grotesque efforts at voter suppression, and 365,000 COVID-19 deaths and now, after Wednesday evening, you've decided to take "a step back" from a compulsively dishonest, narcissistic sexual predator. Tell us, what was your hint that something was amiss?
I don't agree with attacks on freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, the promotion of illegal immigration, and overbearing compulsory policies that affects freedom and liberties of people among many others. That is an overall assessment.
Unfortunately, that means I must 'defend' things that I see as unfavorable or undesirable because those freedoms must apply to everyone. If one disappears and taken away for one group, then the other group loses it too. I will still continue to protect those things as best as one average man can and make no apology for it.
That said, there are many things that violate human rights and dignity that I condem to which I press for reform. That includes unlawful separation , racism, and the like that has assaulted individuals unfairly and unjustly and I had spoken out on those things in the past. Covid issues im not touching on here anymore due to a new forum rule. Lets just say people should be left to make their own health choices, not the government. I leave it at that.
What made me drop Trump was the fact that a red line was crossed that went beyond speech and ideals and resulted in an aggressive action on our institutions of government over an election result.
It made me realize the two party monopoly has now gotten to a point where, In my opinion, both simply have to go because neither is good for the country anymore.