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Arab/Israeli Conflict



Could you elaborate your point please, or did you just say that based on a hunch?

Sure. What an Arab sympathizer and an Israeli sympathizer sees as "provoke" are radically different. Both sides have launched pre-emptive strikes.


Well-Known Member
Palestinians and their sympathists are professionals at killing people (firing rockets, sending suicide bombers, etc) or supporting these terrorist activities and then whining about the consequences.
Why not whining about my brothers and sisters who are being killed? Why not whining about allowing a racist terrorist entity to continue its massacres to my people? Why not whining about the Muslim weak response to the Zionist terrorism? Why not whining that I don't have any thing to offer to my oppressed brothers and sisters except whining?
Every Muslim should whine and that is the weakest faith.

I have never waited for anything from anyone supporting the racist Zionist terrorists except more disgusting support to their terrorism and racism.


From my signature:
Give the houses back to their owners, the fields back to their landlords, and the homes back to the people. Release the prisoners, and leave us alone to live in this region in security, peace and dignity. And the Palestinians won't resist the Zionist terrorism!!!

good quote only Nasrallah is not Palestinian but Lebanese and his views on jews (he has characterized Jews as the "grandsons of apes and pigs" and "Allah's most cowardly and greedy creatures." (MEMRI: Al- Manar, Feb. 3, 2006) ) but perhaps i am wrong what is the difference in a palestinian and Nasrallah


Why not whining about my brothers and sisters who are being killed? Why not whining about allowing a racist terrorist entity to continue its massacres to my people? Why not whining about the Muslim weak response to the Zionist terrorism? Why not whining that I don't have any thing to offer to my oppressed brothers and sisters except whining?
Every Muslim should whine and that is the weakest faith.

I have never waited for anything from anyone supporting the racist Zionist terrorists except more disgusting support to their terrorism and racism.

Yes, we have suicide bombers and rockets on the one hand, and pathetic whiners on the other. We've been used to it for a while now.


Yeah, right.

If Muslims really cared about the Palestinians, the surrounding Muslim states could broker a peaceful solution. As it is, they help perpetuate the continued bloodshed of Muslims in that area. Seems to me like the brotherhood that Muslims feel toward the Palestinians is little more than lipservice.


If fellow Muslims REALLY want to stop bloodshed, why are they so insistent about funding terrorist organizations. Syria and Iran fund Hezbollah, which is not only fighting Israel, but making Lebanon an unlivable country because they choose to fire weapons from civilian areas (forcing Israel to retaliate rocket fire in those areas). Palestinian forces do the same thing.

Israel's leadership has had a consistent platform of a desire for peace with its neighbor countries, while its neighbors vow to destroy Israel. Who is being racist?


Well-Known Member
Israel's leadership has had a consistent platform of a desire for peace with its neighbor countries, while its neighbors vow to destroy Israel.
A desire for peace by killing the children, what a desire for a peace!!
You know, I am not surprised at all.

Who is being racist?
Who is calling for "a bigger holocaust".


this argument is pointles until people realise two basic truths
Israel is a soveriegn nation hear to stay, its not going anywhere continued attack has just reinforced their will and indeed given them a siege mentality, nothing will remove it and i ,mean nothing.
there is no such thing as a palestinian people this identity was started and used as a pawn to continue an unsuccessful war with israel by the arab states, which banner has now been taken up by every insane sword waving idealist that should by rights be in an asylum.

Statement by Zuheir Mohsein, Member of the Supreme Council of the PLO:

"There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation. It is only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity, because it is in the interest of the Arabs to encourage a separate Palestinian identity in contrast to Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity is there only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new expedient to continue the fight against Zionism and for Arab unity
Trouw (Dutch newspaper) March 31, 1977​

The Jordanian Foreign Minister said (Adwa'min pp. 4-5):
Jordan is Palestine and Palestine is Jordan, and Jordan hails every Palestinian who seeks to do his duty to his cause and his country
Statement by Ahmed Shuqeiri, to the UN Security Council in 1949
It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria
it suited the arabs to put their "brothers in refugee camps" when they had every right to be jordanian or syrian or even Israeli, it is a political propoganda weapon used by a propoganda machine second to none to such effect that now its become fact. the arab israeli war has never ended its just that the "palestinians" are now the weapon of choice instead of the soviet T34


A desire for peace by killing the children, what a desire for a peace!!

Yes, children are dying on both sides for the sins of their parents. Palestinians kill children to get land, Israeli's to get peace. Which is more noble?


Veteran Member
Premium Member



It's junk.

It offered Israel normalization of relations and comprehensive peace agreements with Arab countries in exchange for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from all the Occupied Territories, including the Golan Heights, the recognition of "an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital" in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as well as a "just solution" for the Palestinian refugees.


'Israel is a soveriegn nation hear to stay, its not going anywhere continued attack has just reinforced their will and indeed given them a siege mentality, nothing will remove it and i ,mean nothing.'

'Israel' is a colony, occupying land stolen from its inhabitants, many of whom are living in miserable concentration camps such as Gaza, where they are regularly murdered by the Occupation storm-troopers. The Crusader States also thought they would never go away, but they did, all the same. The McCarthyite dominance of AIPAC over American politicians will not go on forever, and thought the zionists may murder a vast number of people with their nukes, they have no future as a master-race in the Arab world, obviously. It is vital that Jewish opinion work on these nazi-imitators to accept a non-racist state now. Irish hatred of England has lasted many hundreds of years, and the zionist behaviour has been immeasurably more evil than that of the English ever was. The US bears a very heavy responsibility here. Get it to stop supporting these murderous racists while it may still help!


'Israel is a soveriegn nation hear to stay, its not going anywhere continued attack has just reinforced their will and indeed given them a siege mentality, nothing will remove it and i ,mean nothing.'

'Israel' is a colony, occupying land stolen from its inhabitants, many of whom are living in miserable concentration camps such as Gaza, where they are regularly murdered by the Occupation storm-troopers. The Crusader States also thought they would never go away, but they did, all the same. The McCarthyite dominance of AIPAC over American politicians will not go on forever, and thought the zionists may murder a vast number of people with their nukes, they have no future as a master-race in the Arab world, obviously. It is vital that Jewish opinion work on these nazi-imitators to accept a non-racist state now. Irish hatred of England has lasted many hundreds of years, and the zionist behaviour has been immeasurably more evil than that of the English ever was. The US bears a very heavy responsibility here. Get it to stop supporting these murderous racists while it may still help!
