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Arab/Israeli Conflict


'Israel is a soveriegn nation hear to stay, its not going anywhere continued attack has just reinforced their will and indeed given them a siege mentality, nothing will remove it and i ,mean nothing.'

'Israel' is a colony, occupying land stolen from its inhabitants, many of whom are living in miserable concentration camps such as Gaza, where they are regularly murdered by the Occupation storm-troopers. The Crusader States also thought they would never go away, but they did, all the same. The McCarthyite dominance of AIPAC over American politicians will not go on forever, and thought the zionists may murder a vast number of people with their nukes, they have no future as a master-race in the Arab world, obviously. It is vital that Jewish opinion work on these nazi-imitators to accept a non-racist state now. Irish hatred of England has lasted many hundreds of years, and the zionist behaviour has been immeasurably more evil than that of the English ever was. The US bears a very heavy responsibility here. Get it to stop supporting these murderous racists while it may still help!

and rational discussion was lost ----sigh


Israeli human rights organizations admit that Israel is a racist government.
well you will have to show me where they admit they are "racist" but fair play to them here

The firing of Qassam rockets at Israeli civilian targets is criminal and abhorrent. It is Israel’s duty to defend its citizens, but collectively punishing an entire civilian population, of which most are not involved in the hostilities and over half are under 14, is illegal, improper, and immoral.

B'Tselem - Press Releases - 24 Jan 2007: Israeli Human Rights Organizations: End the Siege on Gaza


Veteran Member
Premium Member
well you will have to show me where they admit they are "racist" but fair play to them here

The firing of Qassam rockets at Israeli civilian targets is criminal and abhorrent. It is Israel’s duty to defend its citizens, but collectively punishing an entire civilian population, of which most are not involved in the hostilities and over half are under 14, is illegal, improper, and immoral.

B'Tselem - Press Releases - 24 Jan 2007: Israeli Human Rights Organizations: End the Siege on Gaza

Killing Israeli citizens = criminal

Killing palestinian citizens = improper



Veteran Member
Premium Member
well you will have to show me where they admit they are "racist" but fair play to them here

No problem, kai. I found some for you.

A Jew said:
All Israeli citizens, including Palestinians, have the right to vote in elections for members of the Knesset (parliament) and for the prime minister. But not all rights are citizenship rights. Other rights are defined as nationality rights, and are reserved for Jews only. If you are a Jew, you have exclusive use of land, privileged access to private and public employment, special educational loans, home mortgages, preferences for admission to universities, and many other things.

Many other special privileges are reserved for those who have served in the Israeli military. And military service is compulsory for all Jews (male and female), except for the ultra-Orthodox who get the same privileges as other Jews, but excludes Palestinians, who do not.

Over 80 percent of the land within Israel that was once owned by Palestinians has been confiscated. All told, 93 percent of Israel's land can only be leased or owned by Jews or Jewish agencies. Moreover, despite Israel's booming economy, Palestinian unemployment is skyrocketing--Adalah says it is about 40 percent. In 1996 twice as many Arab citizens (28.3 percent) as Jewish citizens (14.4 percent) lived below the poverty line. Less than five percent of government employees are Arab. And eighty percent of all student drop- outs are Arab.

There are also vast disparities between Arab towns and Jewish towns in government spending on schools, medical systems, roads and electricity, clean water, and social services.

Unlike any other country in the world, Israel does not define itself as a state of its residents, or even a state of its citizens, but as a state of all the Jews in the world.
Jews from anywhere in the world, like me, can travel to Israel, declare citizenship, and be granted all the privileges of being Jewish that are denied to Palestinians who have lived in the area for hundreds of years.

CRG -- Racism Inside Israel

Another Jew said:
“In 1948, in order to create the Israeli state, thousands of Palestinians were displaced as refugees,” she said. “There were also several notable massacres of Palestinians during this time as well. Many of the Palestinians living in Israel today are descendants of those early refugees who survived.”

Such unjust treatment continues today, she said. Jews and Arabs are allowed to live together; however, for the most part, they live in completely separate cities, with Jewish cities located on the hills and Arab ones in the lowlands.

“There are huge discrepancies in funding between Jewish and Arab municipalities,” she said. “Whereas Jewish towns are well developed cities, many Arabs live in towns with unfinished roads, faulty streetlights, where the streets have no names and the houses have no numbers. They are essentially living in refugee camps.”

At times, in order for room to be made for inhabitance by Jews, Arab houses will be demolished without consent from the owners, she explained.

“The police will arrive at five in the morning with bulldozers,” she said. “They will give families twenty minutes to collect a lifetime worth of possessions and leave before their houses are razed to the ground.

Fighting racism in Israel - The Stanford Daily Online

For more information, please check these links below:


Civil rights group: Israel has reached new heights of racism - Haaretz - Israel News

It's discussing some annual reports prepared by human rights organizations about the racism of Israel, the Jewish state!


No problem, kai. I found some for you.

For more information, please check these links below:


Civil rights group: Israel has reached new heights of racism - Haaretz - Israel News

It's discussing some annual reports prepared by human rights organizations about the racism of Israel, the Jewish state!

great posts my friend , i am glad to see free speech alive and well in Israel , as you like to say change starts from within.


Any specific reason for this reaction?

It would be insane for Israel to give up land which will certainly be used to attack them. Giving up strategic land and resources to one's enemy under the lure of peace is just stupid. I don't think that Israel will ever give up the Golan Heights, particularly when Hizbullah will only use it to give their rockets a better chance of killing their children... the same can be said for other occupied territories, just a different terrorist group will be using it to kill Israelis. The land given recently in the Gaza strip is a nice example of such betrayal.


talking about racism , its a pity the Palestinian Authority daily paper , Al Hayat Al Jadeeda prints such racist propoganda such as the recent cartoon of condaleeza rice giving birth to a monkey.


its a pity the Palestinian Authority daily paper , Al Hayat Al Jadeeda prints such racist propoganda such as the recent cartoon of condaleeza rice giving birth to a monkey.



Veteran Member
and elvis is a live and well living on the moon

what's this?

Kai, i expect an explanation. we have people here who actually went to Palestine and lived there to see what's going on. what's your relation with the region? how do you know what you know and what do you know? say it!

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
From my signature:
Give the houses back to their owners, the fields back to their landlords, and the homes back to the people. Release the prisoners, and leave us alone to live in this region in security, peace and dignity. And the Palestinians won't resist the Zionist terrorism!!!
Isn't that what Iran wants too?


what's this?

Kai, i expect an explanation. we have people here who actually went to Palestine and lived there to see what's going on. what's your relation with the region? how do you know what you know and what do you know? say it!

my explanation is this, Hamas is nothing but murdering scum who hold back peace because with peace there is no need for Hamas.

here you will find the Hamas charter

article 13 contains
There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors. The Palestinian people know better than to consent to having their future, rights and fate toyed with. As in said in the honourable Hadith:

article 15 .
It is necessary to instill in the minds of the Moslem generations that the Palestinian problem is a religious problem, and should be dealt with on this basis. Palestine contains Islamic holy sites. In it there is al- Aqsa Mosque which is bound to the great Mosque in Mecca in an inseparable bond as long as heaven and earth speak of Isra` (Mohammed's midnight journey to the seven heavens) and Mi'raj (Mohammed's ascension to the seven heavens from Jerusalem).

Hamas Charter

so its plain and simple as long as Hamas is alive and well the can never be peace.


Veteran Member
my explanation is this, Hamas is nothing but murdering scum who hold back peace because with peace there is no need for Hamas.

defination of peace for Palestine is different from Israeli government's. not so long ago, there was no Israel. they occupied Palestine. everything they did were againts international rules. Palestian people won't leave their land. if they did that would be the exact defination of peace for Israel. if Hamas did cooperate with Israeli government as Al-Fetih did, they wouldnot be named terrorist group. Hamas defends Palestine and people who belong there. if you remember there was election. people of Palestine voted and they chosed Hamas as their government. do you really think all of those mothers of dead kids, all of those grandfathers and grandmothers of killed babies actually want to see thisblood shed go on? they voted for free Palestine. Israel doesnot want that to happen. they want to have entire region. if they could they would kill all of them at once. instead they do it little by little. whenever Palestinian defends you'd see Israel being attacked on higlights. noone seems to remember who actually started this blood. if it was Palestinian people who went there and stole someoneelses' country then this perception would be correct. check out history and see how Israel grew in the map. it goes on and you and people like you expect these Muslims to forget about their country and leave or die.

YouTube - Palestine

have you seen this video before? what reason could justify this? did you ever think how defenders of Palestine feel seeing a family killed for fun? what would you feel? how would you respond to this? how could you know if Hamas responded this act by a rocket or not? if they did, of course you'd see it as an attack not a defense. that is double standarts. probably lack of history. try to see which action comes after what?


defination of peace for Palestine is different from Israeli government's. not so long ago, there was no Israel. they occupied Palestine. everything they did were againts international rules. Palestian people won't leave their land. if they did that would be the exact defination of peace for Israel. if Hamas did cooperate with Israeli government as Al-Fetih did, they wouldnot be named terrorist group. Hamas defends Palestine and people who belong there. if you remember there was election. people of Palestine voted and they chosed Hamas as their government. do you really think all of those mothers of dead kids, all of those grandfathers and grandmothers of killed babies actually want to see thisblood shed go on? they voted for free Palestine. Israel doesnot want that to happen. they want to have entire region. if they could they would kill all of them at once. instead they do it little by little. whenever Palestinian defends you'd see Israel being attacked on higlights. noone seems to remember who actually started this blood. if it was Palestinian people who went there and stole someoneelses' country then this perception would be correct. check out history and see how Israel grew in the map. it goes on and you and people like you expect these Muslims to forget about their country and leave or die.

wake up and smell the coffee , vote for hamas is a vote for war, why does the palestinian authority depend on western aid and not arab aid, because the arab states want palestinians to wage their war for them. not so long ago there was no jordan or iraq either.

i suggest you look at this and you can thank hamas for not delivering peace

Oslo Accords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
defination of peace for Palestine is different from Israeli government's. not so long ago, there was no Israel. they occupied Palestine. everything they did were againts international rules. Palestian people won't leave their land. if they did that would be the exact defination of peace for Israel. if Hamas did cooperate with Israeli government as Al-Fetih did, they wouldnot be named terrorist group. Hamas defends Palestine and people who belong there. if you remember there was election. people of Palestine voted and they chosed Hamas as their government. do you really think all of those mothers of dead kids, all of those grandfathers and grandmothers of killed babies actually want to see thisblood shed go on? they voted for free Palestine. Israel doesnot want that to happen. they want to have entire region. if they could they would kill all of them at once. instead they do it little by little. whenever Palestinian defends you'd see Israel being attacked on higlights. noone seems to remember who actually started this blood. if it was Palestinian people who went there and stole someoneelses' country then this perception would be correct. check out history and see how Israel grew in the map. it goes on and you and people like you expect these Muslims to forget about their country and leave or die.

YouTube - Palestine

have you seen this video before? what reason could justify this? did you ever think how defenders of Palestine feel seeing a family killed for fun? what would you feel? how would you respond to this? how could you know if Hamas responded this act by a rocket or not? if they did, of course you'd see it as an attack not a defense. that is double standarts. probably lack of history. try to see which action comes after what?

So the Israelies should pack-up there things and go?


Veteran Member
wake up and smell the coffee , vote for hamas is a vote for war, why does the palestinian authority depend on western aid and not arab aid, because the arab states want palestinians to wage their war for them. not so long ago there was no jordan or iraq either.

i suggest you look at this and you can thank hamas for not delivering peace

Oslo Accords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

that is because hamas and people of Palestine do not agree to give up their country.

i donot trust wikipedia. donot even make me start about Oslo either. Norway is one the greatest GUN SELLER on earth. they make money out of wars in entire globe. then they make conversations of peace.

as i said before, peace for Palestine is free Palestine. peace for Israel is taken over entire region. therefor bloodshed wouldnot stop.

there is boycott over Palestine because of Israel. Egypt takes a few million dollars to keep its borders closed. it is not easy to send there help. Arafat was in charge for a life time. people of Palestine calls him prince of theifs. cos he took all the money to himself. when he died there were millions in his bank account. now his wife lives in France. that is a shame and another subject. those are people who's bought by Israel. Hamas is the only one who couldnot be bought. and my friend, that is the problem.


Veteran Member
So the Israelies should pack-up there things and go?

i donot offer solution because there is none. if Israel sincerly wanted peace there would be peace. they want land. they won't stop. therefor settlements keep growing. there is nothing we can do about this.

i personally only want to know the truth. it is like watching a huge rock falling off the cliff. i can't stop it. individuals donot have that power. so it is destiny. everyone is witness yet only very little of them truly witness reality under that manuplated surface.