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Are Christians Persecuted In The United States?


Well-Known Member
U.S. Christians do not suffer persecution like those around the world who are tortured, mutilated, killed, imprisoned, etc. All Christians do suffer forms of persecutions as the Bible warns. Here it may be ridicule, mockery, isolation, etc., but I believe it is and will continue to get worse. Jesus said to be of good cheer, I have overcome the world, and to count it all joy when you suffer for his name's sake, for great is your reward in Heaven.


Resident Schizophrenic
how the hell can 80% of the population be isolated?
And is mockery considered persecution?
Because I am a very very bad person if it is.


Do you think that is likely to happen?
Not sure. A good portion of my family is secular and hostile toward religion, so to some extent I tend to see this in others avenues such as this forum, blogs, in college, etc. more so then I'm used to see it. I used to think it was just my family. :D


Premium Member
I can go anywhere and not be belittled or tormented for my faith. I wear a cross and no one ever comments on it. I go to Church and there is no one telling me I can't go in. I can read my bible whenever I please. That is why I said earlier that there is no religious persecution in the USA. There has been way in the past, but it was one denomination against another, such as Puritans killing Quakers (Friends Church) and later Mormons.

The biggest act of persecution in this country had nothing to do with religion- that was against the African Americans.


Liebe ist für alle da
That is why I said earlier that there is no religious persecution in the USA.

Maybe it's not all really bad, but I have known people that are persecuted because of the believes. I've seen people getting pushed around and at times even attack(though VARY rare and usually done by teens to each others) for wearing a Pentagram, and not being Christian, that's not to say that Christians aren't persecuted ether. But I think it's more on a person to person bases.


Premium Member
But I think it's more on a person to person basis.

Probably. No one can be expected to know everything going on. I never witnessed that or ever had anyone tell me of these occasions. Were these incidences you mention things that went on regularly? If they were then that is harassment and should not be tolerated. People seem to be frightened of things they don't understand. Ignorance leads to hate and hate leads to persecution.

There seems to be more persecution in the adolescent world (at school and socially) than anywhere. I was made fun of terribly in school just because of a slight overbite and due to the fact I was incredibly shy. I was attacked physically on occasion and called names every day (I wasn't a Christian then either). I have not been made fun of at all since I left school (well almost never). People are afraid of differences and will act on it. It is a sad fact in life. Sometimes there are people who carry this torment past childhood and still pick on people different than they are even after they have supposedly grown up.


Well-Known Member
Are Christians persecuted in the United States? Are they persecuted in Europe? What about Australia? Other parts of the world?
I would say they are manipulated as much as any other group especially around election time.


Well-Known Member
I would suggest that no one in the United States has the slightest comprehension of what real persecution for religion's sake is.



RF Addict
I hardly think that in America, where a large majority of the population is Christian, do they have any serious claim that they are persecuted.

If you want to change Christian to a particular denomination, that answer may be different.


Obstructor of justice
No. Having people disagree with you, and do things that you consider to be wrong does not amount to persecution (as, that's probably the only examples that could be given).


Done here.
I would suggest that no one in the United States has the slightest comprehension of what real persecution for religion's sake is.
Including you? ;)

For those who believe they are being persecuted when they aren't allowed to impose their religious beliefs on others, or when a retail clerk tells them "Happy Holidays," here are a few examples of actual persecution:

The killers of Fr. Ragheed and the three deacons wanted their conversion to Islam

Persecution of Baha'is in Iran

YouTube - Assyrian Persecution

YouTube -
Assyrian Martyr's Day Video Compilation

Persecution of Assyrians Increases in Iraq

Warning: The YouTube videos are graphic and disturbing.


Well-Known Member
Including me.

But I have in my circle of acquaintance dozens who have escaped from Iran where Baha`i's lives are in danger.













We can swap persecution videos all day, it does not alter the fact that Americans have no first-hand knowledge of what religious persecution means.

The Christians here who fuss about their treatment in the U.S. have no idea. The atheists who say Christians persecute them in the U.S. don't have any idea. I don't have a first hand idea, though I know well many who do.

No one making a rational judgment would say there is religious persecution in the united States in this day and age.




Well-Known Member
"No one making a rational judgment would say there is religious persecution in the united States in this day and age."

This statement is irrational. There certainly is persecutioon of atheism and non_Xian religions in the U.S. Just try to be a politician who publicly claims to be an atheist or a minority religion and see how many death threats you get, or try to set up a private secondary school that would teach freethought instead of some Xian denomination.


Deviled Hen
No. Having people disagree with you, and do things that you consider to be wrong does not amount to persecution (as, that's probably the only examples that could be given).

Well, there are cases of graffiti on synagoges, mosques and other religious buildings from time to time. Also, Muslims do report being abused if they are visibly Muslim in some way, and I would guess Jews have some problems along those lines as well.

But as Popeyesays mentions, it hardly rises to the level of persecution that is experienced in other countries, and the gov't is not active in any of those abusive acts.

Actually, if you look at the figures for tax money spent by our gov't for "faith-based initiatives" you see that a Christian organization is far more likely to receive a grant than a non-Christian organization. That doesn't sound much like persecution or even abuse.


Deviled Hen
This statement is irrational. There certainly is persecutioon of atheism and non_Xian religions in the U.S. Just try to be a politician who publicly claims to be an atheist or a minority religion and see how many death threats you get, or try to set up a private secondary school that would teach freethought instead of some Xian denomination.

Let me know the next time our gov't locks you in jail on a charge of "heresy," executes you, and then won't return your dead body to your family until they pay for the cost of your execution.

No, we don't have persecution in the U.S. We do have abuse, though, and that needs to stop.

But to call that persecution is waters down the meaning of the term greatly. It puts it almost on a par with people who get upset because they are greeted with Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. :rolleyes: (fwiw, I usually smile sweetly and return any such greetings with Happy Kwanzaa, being the smartarse that I am.)

As for the rest of your post, I've encountered abuse at the hands of those who didn't approve of my religion (which I made a point of not bringing up at work). Several members of one particular religious establishment tried to get me fired. It didn't work. I keep good notes. ;) I was denied promotions because I was not a member of a particular denomination. But I would NOT call that persecution, sorry. Not even close.

As for schools, we have several private free-thinking and other secular schools here in Atlanta, in the Bible Belt no less, and no one has threatened them. I know several Baha'i families who sent their kids to these schools. You want a list?

I was an atheist for years, and I never had any abuse over it, and I wasn't especially quiet about my atheism either. Or course I don't live in Texas. From what I hear, it's different there. Apparently it's better in the Midwest, but then the culture doesn't approve of wearing your beliefs on your sleeve there anyway, which might make a difference.

As a member of a minority religion I've seen some abuse, though. So I'm a bit cautious. Big freakin' deal. Anyone who is "outside the norm" in any society can expect to have to put up with a little grief over it.

I don't stay up nights waiting for the gov't to come take my husband away and shoot him, I don't worry about walking the streets and being taken as an "adulteress" because my marriage has been declared illegal. I don't worry about my kids being unable to get an education of any sort because of their religion. I don't worry about the place where my coreligionists meet being razed and turn into a road with no due process or compensation. I don't worry about the cemeteries where my ancestors are buried being destroyed for religious reasons.

Let me know the next time atheists, or anyone else in this country, has to endure these sorts of things.

People in other countries do, and that's definitely persecution.