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Are Christians Persecuted In The United States?


Intentionally Blank
U.S. Christians do not suffer persecution like those around the world who are tortured, mutilated, killed, imprisoned, etc. All Christians do suffer forms of persecutions as the Bible warns. Here it may be ridicule, mockery, isolation, etc., but I believe it is and will continue to get worse. Jesus said to be of good cheer, I have overcome the world, and to count it all joy when you suffer for his name's sake, for great is your reward in Heaven.

Yeah, that 80% of the country is terribly isolated. (?)


Well-Known Member
According to the Bible -persecution of Christians will come to the US

Actually the bible never mentions the continents of the Americas. It was not necessary for the age to do so.

Baha`i's believe the bab's declaration was the advent of a new day which fulfilled the prophecies of Islam and Christianity. That declaration was on May 23rd, 1844 AD, a little more than two hours after sunset, in the city of Shiraz.



Active Member
Actually the bible never mentions the continents of the Americas. It was not necessary for the age to do so.
I disagree there is mention in Daniel and Revalation
Baha`i's believe the bab's declaration was the advent of a new day which fulfilled the prophecies of Islam and Christianity. That declaration was on May 23rd, 1844 AD, a little more than two hours after sunset, in the city of Shiraz.

1844 interesting date, The Bible speaks of this date in prophecy as the time when Christ moved from the Holy Place -into the Most Holy Place in Heaven ( the Jewish Annual Sanctuary Service) was a microcosm of the actual event that took place in Heaven - in 1844. So why did the Lord permit the "Millerites" and people around the world -to go through the "Great Disappointment in 1844?"
Truth Can Withstand Investigation


Well-Known Member
There was no Great Dissapointment in 1844. The Bab came to fill that purpose. That the Millerites did not recognize Him was a factor of many things, but largely they were ignorant of the event.

Christ came the first time shrouded in veils. He came the second time just the same.

There were others who recognized Him for what He was.

I would suggest you are reading a reference in Daniel that is not expressed directly. That is the business of interpreting the Book, but interpretation by humans can lead to misunderstanding as often as not.

The Millerites looked to the mountain in the new world. Other groups did not, like the German Templars who actually moved to Palestine and built their homes on the slopes of Mount Carmel. They were still waiting there when Baha`u'llah came to the mountain the year before His passing and pitched His tents just off the land owned by the Templars.

It took time for Baha`u'llah to be exiled to the area of Mount Carmel, and the Templars did not realize their time was not God's time.



Active Member
I can give you scripture but I like this quote:

Is America mentioned in the Bible? Learned and inspired men who have studied the inspired book of Daniel and Revelations more than I and understand them better agree in saying that the leopard mentioned in the Bible meant Grecia and the bear meant Medo-Persia and the lion meant Babylon and the beast of the text coming up out of the earth with two horns like a lamb, and the voice of a dragon means our country because among other reasons it seemed to come up out of the earth when Columbus discovered it, and it has been for the most part of it at peace like a lamb unless assaulted by foreign foes. In which case it has had two horns strong and sharp and the voice of a dragon loud enough to make all nations to make all nations hear the roar of its indignation. Is it reasonable to suppose that God would leave out from the prophecies of His book this whole western hemisphere? No, no.
"I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon."



Active Member
There was no Great Dissapointment in 1844. You disagree with world history The Bab came to fill that purpose. That the Millerites did not recognize Him was a factor of many things, but largely they were ignorant of the event.

Christ came the first time shrouded in veils. He came the second time just the same. That my friend is NO where in the Bible
The Scriptures say Jesus will descend "with a SHOUT, with the VOICE OF THE ARCHANGEL, and with the TRUMP OF GOD." 1 Thessalonians 4:16, emphasis added. David says, "Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: ... it shall be very tempestuous [violent, whirling] round about him." Psalms 50:3. And Jeremiah says, "The Lord shall roar from on high, ... he shall mightily roar ...; he shall give a shout. ... A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth." Jeremiah 25:30, 31. Nothing about it is quiet! Christ will come with a noise heard around the world. Mark this well. If you are living when Jesus returns, you will hear Him come. Your ears will ring with catastrophic noise.
There were others who recognized Him for what He was.
it will be seen by all. All of the angels will come with Jesus (Matthew 25:31). One lone angel appeared at Jesus' resurrection, and his brightness was so overpowering that the entire Roman guard fell to the ground as dead men (Matthew 28:2-4). Consider the staggering brightness of all the angels of heaven! Added to the glory of the angels will be Jesus' own glory (Matthew 25:31) and the glory of His Father (Matthew 16:27). The brightness will be overwhelming. Jesus added, "For as the lightning cometh out of the east, shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:27. Secret? By no stretch of the imagination. In fact, the Bible forever settled this by saying, "Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him." Revelation 1:7. Rest assured, if you are living at Jesus' second coming, you will see Him come!
I would suggest you are reading a reference in Daniel that is not expressed directly. That is the business of interpreting the Book, but interpretation by humans can lead to misunderstanding as often as not.

The Millerites looked to the mountain in the new world. Other groups did not, like the German Templars who actually moved to Palestine and built their homes on the slopes of Mount Carmel. They were still waiting there when Baha`u'llah came to the mountain the year before His passing and pitched His tents just off the land owned by the Templars.

It took time for Baha`u'llah to be exiled to the area of Mount Carmel, and the Templars did not realize their time was not God's time.

Powerful Biblical quotes


Well-Known Member
I agree symbolically powerful Bible quotes.

The symbolism is quite clear to me.

The Trump is the blast on trumpet for the end of the world--which did end and restart without a hitch in the get along. The Qur'an is more detail it calls for blasts on the trumpet, the second following "close upon the first"--which was the Declaration of Baha`u'llah as the promised "He Whom God Will make Manifest" nineteen years after the Bab's announcement.

The bab was taken very seriously in Persia, so seriously that the Bab was publicly executed in 1859, just six years after His announcement.

The Bab's announcement was seen by all--the first mention of it in the European Press dates to 1845.

By the way in Arabic Baha`u'llah means "Glory of God", or "Glory of the Father".



Active Member
I agree symbolically powerful Bible quotes.

The symbolism is quite clear to me.

The Trump is the blast on trumpet for the end of the world--which did end and restart without a hitch in the get along. The Qur'an is more detail it calls for blasts on the trumpet, the second following "close upon the first"--which was the Declaration of Baha`u'llah as the promised "He Whom God Will make Manifest" nineteen years after the Bab's announcement.
The bab was taken very seriously in Persia, so seriously that the Bab was publicly executed in 1859, just six years after His announcement.
The Bab's announcement was seen by all--the first mention of it in the European Press dates to 1845.
By the way in Arabic Baha`u'llah means "Glory of God", or "Glory of the Father".
And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.
And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him.
When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory
When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God.
These texts really sound like symbolism to you?


Well-Known Member
These texts really sound like symbolism to you?

Yup! Metaphor is a wonderful tool for rational thought. The authors of the books of the Bible knew taht as well as you or I.

"We come to the explanation of the words of Bahá'u'lláh when He says: "O king! I was but a man like others, asleep upon My couch, when lo, the breezes of the All-Glorious were wafted over Me, and taught Me the knowledge of all that hath been. This thing is not from Me, but from One Who is Almighty and All-Knowing."[1] This is the state of manifestation: it is not sensible; it is an intellectual reality, exempt and freed from time, from past, present and future; it is an explanation, a simile, a metaphor and is not to be accepted literally; it is not a state that can be comprehended by man. Sleeping and waking is passing from one state to another. Sleeping is the condition of repose, and wakefulness is the condition of movement. Sleeping is the state of silence; wakefulness is the state of speech. Sleeping is the state of mystery; wakefulness is the state of manifestation.
[1 Extract from the letter to Násiri'd-Dín Sháh.]
For example, it is a Persian and Arabic expression to say that the earth was asleep, and the spring came, and it awoke; or the earth was dead, and the spring came, and it revived. These expressions are metaphors, allegories, mystic explanations in the world of signification.
Briefly, the Holy Manifestations have ever been, and ever will be, Luminous Realities; no change or variation 86 takes place in Their essence. Before declaring Their manifestation, They are silent and quiet like a sleeper, and after Their manifestation, They speak and are illuminated, like one who is awake."
(Abdu'l-Baha, Some Answered Questions, p. 85)

"In the universe of creation all phenomenal beings are as letters. Letters in themselves are meaningless and express nothing of thought or ideal -- as, for instance, a, b, etc. Likewise, all phenomenal beings are without independent meaning. But a word is composed of letters and has independent sense and meaning. 155 Therefore, as Christ conveyed the perfect meaning of divine reality and embodied independent significance, He was the Word. He was as the station of reality compared to the station of metaphor. There is no intrinsic meaning in the leaves of a book, but the thought they convey leads you to reflect upon reality. The reality of Jesus was the perfect meaning, the Christhood in Him which in the Holy Books is symbolized as the Word.
"The Word was with God." The Christhood means not the body of Jesus but the perfection of divine virtues manifest in Him. Therefore, it is written, "He is God." This does not imply separation from God, even as it is not possible to separate the rays of the sun from the sun. The reality of Christ was the embodiment of divine virtues and attributes of God. For in Divinity there is no duality. All adjectives, nouns and pronouns in that court of sanctity are one; there is neither multiplicity nor division. The intention of this explanation is to show that the Words of God have innumerable significances and mysteries of meanings -- each one a thousand and more."
(Abdu'l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 154)



Active Member
Yup! Metaphor is a wonderful tool for rational thought. The authors of the books of the Bible knew taht as well as you or I.

I perfectly understand the Bible uses Metaphor, But your saying all of the Bible is Metaphor? I asked you specifically did you think the texts of scripture presented -describing the Return of Christ as Being a "Noisy event"- that everyone will see (according to the Bible) - represents Metaphor? -in correction to your claim that Christ second return would be "Silent"
"We come to the explanation of the words of Bahá'u'lláh when He says: "O king! I was but a man like others, asleep upon My couch, when lo, the breezes of the All-Glorious were wafted over Me, and taught Me the knowledge of all that hath been. This thing is not from Me, but from One Who is Almighty and All-Knowing."[1] This is the state of manifestation: it is not sensible; it is an intellectual reality, exempt and freed from time, from past, present and future; it is an explanation, a simile, a metaphor and is not to be accepted literally; it is not a state that can be comprehended by man. Sleeping and waking is passing from one state to another. Sleeping is the condition of repose, and wakefulness is the condition of movement. Sleeping is the state of silence; wakefulness is the state of speech. Sleeping is the state of mystery; wakefulness is the state of manifestation.
[1 Extract from the letter to Násiri'd-Dín Sháh.]
For example, it is a Persian and Arabic expression to say that the earth was asleep, and the spring came, and it awoke; or the earth was dead, and the spring came, and it revived. These expressions are metaphors, allegories, mystic explanations in the world of signification.
Briefly, the Holy Manifestations have ever been, and ever will be, Luminous Realities; no change or variation 86 takes place in Their essence. Before declaring Their manifestation, They are silent and quiet like a sleeper, and after Their manifestation, They speak and are illuminated, like one who is awake."
(Abdu'l-Baha, Some Answered Questions, p. 85)

"In the universe of creation all phenomenal beings are as letters. Letters in themselves are meaningless and express nothing of thought or ideal -- as, for instance, a, b, etc. Likewise, all phenomenal beings are without independent meaning. But a word is composed of letters and has independent sense and meaning. 155 Therefore, as Christ conveyed the perfect meaning of divine reality and embodied independent significance, He was the Word. He was as the station of reality compared to the station of metaphor. There is no intrinsic meaning in the leaves of a book, but the thought they convey leads you to reflect upon reality. The reality of Jesus was the perfect meaning, the Christhood in Him which in the Holy Books is symbolized as the Word.
"The Word was with God." The Christhood means not the body of Jesus but the perfection of divine virtues manifest in Him. Therefore, it is written, "He is God." This does not imply separation from God, even as it is not possible to separate the rays of the sun from the sun. The reality of Christ was the embodiment of divine virtues and attributes of God. For in Divinity there is no duality. All adjectives, nouns and pronouns in that court of sanctity are one; there is neither multiplicity nor division. The intention of this explanation is to show that the Words of God have innumerable significances and mysteries of meanings -- each one a thousand and more."
(Abdu'l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 154)

I'm not quite sure I understand you


Deviled Hen
I can give you scripture but I like this quote:

I''d rather stick to the scripture, please.

A quote is just some fallible human's opinion, no more or less likely to be correct than my own, thanks.

Last I checked, the U.S. symbol was an eagle, not a dragon.

Maybe the Welsh have something to do with the prophecy...


Deviled Hen
Post #50 has a quote

The Bible Prophecy contained in the scriptures is found in Daniel 7 & Revelation 13

And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

Please excuse me, irvin, but that's the sorriest hermeneutic I've read in years.

Please show me some passages that actually have something to do with America. At least a vague reference to "west" might maybe apply. But this just doesn't make it, sorry.