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Are crop circles works of art, given to us from from heaven, as signs of warning in these last days?


Obstructor of justice
Because there are many who believe they were/are created by beings/aliens from another planet, who are trying to communicate with us..

It's all about propetuating ancient myths and creating new myths to discredit the Bible, in my opinion, or in order that men might be distracted and/or misdirected....

What ancient myths have to do with crop circles?


Lord of the Badgers
Punishment implies something wrong or evil was done. God has every right to punish evil-doers. This does not make Him evil. You are clearly confused about the nature of righteous justice.
Hope, you're not suggesting that killing a child to punish the parent is righteous or just are you?

FFH said:
It's rather a belief. He and many others believe God is behind evil...
Just to clarify, i don't believe God is behind evil, i don't believe in God in the way you guys do. All i'm telling you is what is in the Bible.


Obstructor of justice
Counterfeit tree of life myth: The Tree of Life Crop Circle Formation

Crop Circles, their Meaning and Connection to Dreams
In-depth articles about specific crop circle formations and the apparent meaning. Dreams and coincidences and how they relate to ancient symbols from myths and religions are major factors in the interpretations.

That's a modern crop circle based on ancient myths.

I'm asking you what ancient myths recorded, say from the Greeks or Celts, mentioned anything about crop circles that Satan would want to use?

Straws. Grasping. The end.


Veteran Member
Hope, you're not suggesting that killing a child to punish the parent is righteous or just are you?
Of course she doesn't, we cannot begin to understand the mind of God...

All we are saying is that all evils in this world are a result of Satan, his fallen angels and his followers on earth...

Just to clarify, i don't believe God is behind evil, i don't believe in God in the way you guys do. All i'm telling you is what is in the Bible.
Okay, thanks for clarifying that...

You've brought up a great subject that Christians need to discuss...

Who's responsible for earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, floods, death, disease, starvation and all other sufferings, not to mention all deceptions and lies taught in this world ?????


Veteran Member
That's a modern crop circle based on ancient myths.

I'm asking you what ancient myths recorded, say from the Greeks or Celts, mentioned anything about crop circles that Satan would want to use?

Straws. Grasping. The end.
You want proof, modern or ancient, that Satan is behind crop circles, that's like asking proof that God is behind the creation of the earth. It's a matter of faith and only the spirit of God can testify this truth to you, there's nothing more I can do for you...

Crop circles and the like are nothing new, in my opinion, just Satan's old trick's it seems, to try and misdirect men into believing certain myths/lies taught by him, through evil men in this world....


Obstructor of justice
You want proof Satan is bihind crop circles, that's like asking proof that God is behind the creation of the earth. It's a matter of faith and only the spirit of God can testify this truth to you, there's nothing more I can do for you...

Crop circles are nothing new, in my opinion, just Satan's old tricks it seems to try and misdirect men into believing certain myths...

The proof can't be that obvious if two days ago you were going on about how wonderful God is to be sending messages through beautiful crop circles.

Credibility. Toilet. Down.

There's really no saving this, and not making yourself look like a lunatic.


Veteran Member
The proof can't be that obvious if two days ago you were going on about how wonderful God is to be sending messages through beautiful crop circles.

Credibility. Toilet. Down.

There's really no saving this, and not making yourself look like a lunatic.
Whatever MaddLama, I'm an evolving person, not as stubbornly set in my ways as you are...

I can recognize truth when I see it and correct my mistakes, which I've done in this thread..

It seemed God might have been behind these, just left my true senses temporarily in this thread, thinking they were possibly from God...

"Even the elect will be deceived".


Mother Heathen
If Satan can turn a staff into a snake, as God also proved he could do, then he can certainly create a crop circle in order to deceive many men into believing there is extra terrestrial life trying to communicate with us..

They were created by Satan to deceive man. Many believe they are aliens who have created them or the Anunaki...

Aliens and the Anunaki myth is tied heavily to this, which is a counterfeit story to the creation account in Genesis.

Satan tries to cover up the truths of God in any way he can, by creating myths and then baking them up with things like crop circles and alien myths..

This is a widespread belief. Many believe there are extra terrestrial beings similar to ourselves but with many differences and many distortions, this is obviously not true and there is no evidence for this whatsoever but people still believe in aliens/extra terrestrials, it's nothing but Satan playing around with the gullable minds of men and their vain imaginations...

In truth, I don't have much of an opinion on crop circles. And anyone who knows me know that the idea of aliens gives me heebie jeebies...:D.

I agree with you that Satan enjoys distracting mankind and I also believe that Satan is capable of creating crop circles (as is God).

I'm just not quite sold on the idea that he is creating crop circles.

Whether made by the hand of Satan or our God Almighty or just some dorks playing pranks...they are beautiful. Evil...who knows? They don't really mean anything unless you give them meaning.


Liebe ist für alle da
Whatever MaddLama, I'm an evolving person, not as stubbornly set in my ways as you are...

I don't know about this, you don't seem to understand thing about others religion and just call everything you don't like Satan. You don't even try to understand when some one tell you, that seem pretty Stubborn to me.


Veteran Member
I don't know about this, you don't seem to understand thing about others religion and just call everything you don't like Satan. You don't even try to understand when some one tell you, that seem pretty Stubborn to me.
No more stubborn than anyone else on this forum...

All things can be attributed to either God or Satan and their followers in the spirit and on earth.

Edit: attributed


Liebe ist für alle da
No more stubborn than anyone else on this forum...

All things can be aquitted to either God or Satan and their followers in the spirit and on earth.

But who God is real question now is it not. But blaming thing on Satan is just a Scapegoat when some one can't take responsibility. Satan doesn't care about what goes on here. He's not that bad of a guy.


Veteran Member
The proof can't be that obvious if two days ago you were going on about how wonderful God is to be sending messages through beautiful crop circles.
We've all obviously seen crop circles before, but some of the more recent ones I've checked out are beautiful works of art, whether they are man made or not, they are stunning to look at, some of them...

They are deceptively beautiful, just as Satan can make things appear good, which are actually very evil. He's good at making things look like something they are not...

Credibility. Toilet. Down.
Not interested in being a scholar in any one field, just interested in touching on a variety of subjects. This one I may go much deeper into, just because I love art and symbols and the meanings behind them...

This is something I've wanted to get into but have put it off, but it seems all other subjects have been exausted on this forum, so hey why not look into this a bit deeper...

There's really no saving this, and not making yourself look like a lunatic.
As if the Bible codes have not already done that. I've obviously got nothing to lose, that's why I started a thread like this, I don't really care what ya all think of me, never have...

Not interested in credibility, only the truth...

Let's see if I can get a really good shot of one of these...


Veteran Member
BTW these links are pretty good ones. I'm going to look into all the links within these links to see what's there...Have been busy lately haven't had time to do much...

The Tree of Life Crop Circle Formation
Counterfeit tree of life myth.

Crop Circles, their Meaning...
In-depth articles about specific crop circle formations and the apparent meaning and how they relate to ancient symbols from myths and religions are major factors in the interpretations.


Veteran Member
Whether made by the hand of Satan or our God Almighty or just some dorks playing pranks...they are beautiful. Evil...who knows? They don't really mean anything unless you give them meaning.

No truer (is that even a word) words spoken on this thread. :)


Veteran Member
Just a cool link to some of these: http://www.ufoarea.com/main_crop.html

"In some cases, even after several ploughings after the crop has been harvested the shape of the formation has remained in the soil for at least six months afterwards in some cases, This can not be obtained by man-made crop circle techniques."

"It's also known that in some of the formations, compasses rotate indicating a presence of magnetic anomaly."

"Crop outside of the formation has different characteristics than the crop found inside."

"There is evidence that if no human beings go into a formation the crop will continue to grow and the farmer will not lose any crop."


Veteran Member
No truer (is that even a word) words spoken on this thread. :)
If that were true then why does our church not want crosses on our buildings, because it is a symbol of death not life..

Symbols are just symbols but they have meanings to certain religions, political group, etc....

So the American flag is just a flag, no meaning to anyone whatsoever. See what I mean. they are used to communicate a certain message, meaning or value system...

Crop circles are no different, the symbols or renderings are tied to ancient religions, symbols, teachings, etc...


Veteran Member
They're definately evil, as evil as playing cards.
Seems Willamena foreshadowed the way this thread would eventually go...

Really didn't intend it to go this direction at the time I started this thread and when she posted this...but it seems as if she was right on...


Veteran Member
This guy is also trying to make a God/crop circle connection.

Is God indirectly involved with these for some higher purpose unknown to ourselves, like I've posed earlier, in order to send a "strong delusion," upon the inhabitants of the earth, that they might "believe a lie," so that the real explanation of the rapture, when it happens, will be concealed/kept from the inhabitants of the earth ???

Many Christian scholars have stated this same scenario which I've just presented here and earlier in this thread...

God may be indirectly involved with Satan as the executer of this plan, he being the deceiver and a liar..

Crop Circles and Sound (Part 1)

This part is especially interesting, just check it out, it explains a possible significance of one of the crop circles...

Crop Circles and Sound (Part 2)

Again, it's part of a delusion I believe God is indirectly involved with, because he's chosen it and Satan is executing it for him, because of the unbelief of men on earth...

That's my general understanding based on scripture and what I've heard from many Christian Bible scholars and just because of the nature of these....which is so highly connected with supposed alien interaction, which is an ancient belief also tied to ancient symbols in many cases.

The reason I brought up the Anunaki is because it seemed that the whole alien myth started with that type of myth. Obviously we have no evidence of ancient crop circles, since the longest they last would be about 6 months of course..

So to ask me if I have any evidence of any ancient crop circles is just ridiculous and to ask if there are any records of ancient crop circles is equally ridiculous...

This video says it all by trying to make an ultimate God/crop circle connection...

This is as close as you're gonna get to seeing these formed...

I'll replace UFO with Satan...

Just look at it and decide what it is, don't try and debate it, it's fruitless, since we don't know if it's legit or not of course...

UFO Forming Crop Circles