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Are crop circles works of art, given to us from from heaven, as signs of warning in these last days?


Veteran Member
So, what exactly is Satan trying to do with crop circles? Start an insidious plot to make us all eat sourdough bread instead of white bread?
If Satan can turn a staff into a snake, as God also proved he could do, then he can certainly create a crop circle in order to deceive many men into believing there is extra terrestrial life trying to communicate with us..

They were created by Satan to deceive man. Many believe they are aliens who have created them or the Anunaki...

Aliens and the Anunaki myth is tied heavily to this, which is a counterfeit story to the creation account in Genesis.

Satan tries to cover up the truths of God in any way he can, by creating myths and then baking them up with things like crop circles and alien myths..

This is a widespread belief. Many believe there are extra terrestrial beings similar to ourselves but with many differences and many distortions, this is obviously not true and there is no evidence for this whatsoever but people still believe in aliens/extra terrestrials, it's nothing but Satan playing around with the gullable minds of men and their vain imaginations...


Lord of the Badgers
They were created by Satan to deceive man. Many believe they are aliens who have created them or the Anunaki...

Aliens and the Anunaki myths are tied heavily to this, which is a counterfeit story to the creation account in Genesis.
I'm fairly certain the Anunaki antedate the Biblical Genesis, either way it'd be cool if you gave some links to back up your claim FFH, it makes for more interesting debate :).


Veteran Member
Actually, if you go back and read the Bible properly you'll find that God was the source of most death, disease and destruction.
Right, but that power is given to Satan to excercise upon mankind and the world, that is clearly illustrated in the story of Job...

The power originates from God and is imparted unto Satan to excercise accoriding to what God allows, because sin and death has entered into the world because of Adam and Eve's transgressions..

During the millenial reign of Christ sin and death will be bound in hell, Satan and his angels being the perpetrators of this..

There will be no more disease, death, destruction, sin, etc, because it will be thrown into hell with Satan and his angels who bring this upon mankind..


Veteran Member
I'm fairly certain the Anunaki antedate the Biblical Genesis, either way it'd be cool if you gave some links to back up your claim FFH, it makes for more interesting debate :).
I have given a link earlier, but need to get some more together.

This link is worth watching...it shows an elongated eliptical orbit of a planet supposedly the Anunaki live on, which collided or came near to earth in the past and will come close or collide with earth in the future. An interesting myth, never seen this kind of myth before...

Alien myths seemed to stem out of this ancient myth...

Will post the link here just a minute..


Lord of the Badgers
Right, but that power is given to Satan to excercise upon mankind and the world, that is clearly illustrated in the story of Job...
Job is but one story, look at the plagues of Egypt, the Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the striking dead of the enemies of Israel and the death of David's child as a punishment by God. None committed via Satan.


Lord of the Badgers
I have given a link earlier, but need to get some more together.

This link is worth watching...it shows an elongated eliptical orbit of a planet supposedly the Anunaki live on, which collided or came near to earth in the past and will come close or collide with earth in the future. An interesting myth, never seen this kind of myth before...

Alien myths seemed to stem out of this ancient myth...

Will post the link here just a minute..
You're speaking of Nibiru, the 12 planet, the myth is that the Annunaki created man as slaves to mine gold on Earth. It antedates the Biblical Genesis and has been argued to form its foundation.


Veteran Member
Job is but one story, look at the plagues of Egypt, the Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the striking dead of the enemies of Israel and the death of David's child as a punishment by God. None committed via Satan.
But Satan has been given power over these things; floods (water), earthquakes (earth), hurricanes/tornados (wind) plagues (man and beasts), fire, death, etc...

God allows Satan to manipulate and destroy the earth and it's inhabitants. He has been given power to do this by God...


Lord of the Badgers
But Satan has been given power over these things; floods (water), earthquakes (earth), plagues (man and beasts), death, hurricanes (wind), etc...

God allows Satan to manipulate and destroy the earth and it's inhabitants. He has been given power to do this by God...
No. Go read Job again, he had the power to test Job and only Job in that story.

For the rest of the things i mentioned, it is specifically said that it was God who caused those awful horrors.


Veteran Member
You're speaking of Nibiru, the 12 planet, the myth is that the Annunaki created man as slaves to mine gold on Earth. It antedates the Biblical Genesis and has been argued to form its foundation.
Yes, that's some of what I've gathered from the video I just posted..


Obstructor of justice
If Satan can turn a staff into a snake, as God also proved he could do, then he can certainly create a crop circle in order to deceive many men into believing there is extra terrestrial life trying to communicate with us..

They were created by Satan to deceive man. Many believe they are aliens who have created them or the Anunaki...

Aliens and the Anunaki myth is tied heavily to this, which is a counterfeit story to the creation account in Genesis.

Satan tries to cover up the truths of God in any way he can, by creating myths and then baking them up with things like crop circles and alien myths..

This is a widespread belief. Many believe there are extra terrestrial beings similar to ourselves but with many differences and many distortions, this is obviously not true and there is no evidence for this whatsoever but people still believe in aliens/extra terrestrials, it's nothing but Satan playing around with the gullable minds of men and their vain imaginations...

That doesn't answer my question at all.

My question is, why would Satan spend his valuable time bending stalks of wheat into geometric designs?


Through the Looking Glass
That doesn't answer my question at all.

My question is, why would Satan spend his valuable time bending stalks of wheat into geometric designs?

So that some people could interpret them as signs from Satan and know that they are truly among God's elect. Isn't it obvious?:slap:


Liebe ist für alle da
If Satan can turn a staff into a snake, as God also proved he could do

I will have you know that Satan had nothing to do with turning the staff into a Snake, that was the magic of the Egyptian Priest from there Gods, and they have nothing to do with Satan.


Job is but one story, look at the plagues of Egypt, the Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the striking dead of the enemies of Israel and the death of David's child as a punishment by God. None committed via Satan.

Punishment implies something wrong or evil was done. God has every right to punish evil-doers. This does not make Him evil. You are clearly confused about the nature of righteous justice.


Veteran Member
That doesn't answer my question at all.

My question is, why would Satan spend his valuable time bending stalks of wheat into geometric designs?
Because there are many who believe they were/are created by beings/aliens from another planet, who are trying to communicate with us..

It's all about propetuating ancient myths and creating new myths to discredit the Bible, in my opinion, or in order that men might be distracted and/or misdirected....


Veteran Member
No. Go read Job again, he had the power to test Job and only Job in that story.

For the rest of the things i mentioned, it is specifically said that it was God who caused those awful horrors.
True, God is inderectly involved with things like this..

The alien deception is something God may be indirectly involved with to deceive the world into believing a lie when the first and second rapture happens. For instance the world may believe that it was an alien abduction. Many Bible scholars have posed this scenario and it keeps flooding my mind so I'll post the scripture that goes along with this Christian theory of this scenario..

Here is an example of what I'm talking about...It seems as if God is involved with these sort of things indirectly...but he uses Satan to do the dirty work because of the evil imaginations of men's hearts continually, as they were before the flood of Noah's time..

The same conditions are present today. The flood is a forshadow of the cleansing of fire that will occur on this earth, after the first and second rapture, which was represented and forshadowed in the Noah's ark scenario, where only a few were saved from destruction. They were ridiculed by the world for getting ready for a flood they thought would never happen. The same is happening today, we are ridiculed for believing a rapture the world thinks will never happen and many will believe it was just an alien abduction when it does happen..

Here's the scripture that many Christians believe points to this scenario...

I believe God is involved either directly or indirectly (through Satan) with these crop cirlces. It's part of a delusion God chose because of the unbelief of man in Christ and his gospel.

Just look at these scriptures and see if you can come up with a better explanation.

Satan is called a deceiver and he is behind all deceptions, so these scriptures are puzzling...

The explanation of the "delusion," in these two scriptures is the whole alien thing, with all that goes along with it, abductions, impregnations, space ships, etc...

A "strong delusion" for sure...and crop circles help to reinforce this strong alien deception.

Is God indirectly a part of it all ??? I believe he is, but Satan does the actual work/deception, as is illustrated in Job, in order that men might be tested to see what who they will be loyal to, Satan and his lies or God and his truths found in scripture...

Isaiah 66: 4 and 7
4 I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.
7 Before she (church of Christ) travailed, she (Church of Christ( brought forth; before her pain came (before the final tribulation period), she was delivered of a man child (this is also how Daniel referred to the rapture of Christ's church).

I cannot emphasize this last part of this scripture enough... "She was delivered of a man child"

2 Thessalonians 2: 11
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:


Veteran Member
Punishment implies something wrong or evil was done. God has every right to punish evil-doers. This does not make Him evil. You are clearly confused about the nature of righteous justice.
It's rather a belief. He and many others believe God is behind evil...

He may be confused, but I don't think so, It's a particular belief.

Many Christians also think God is behind disease, death and destruction. Satan laughs when we put the blame on God for all the evils of this world..

It's a common mistake, good to know you don't blame God for all the evils in this world..

They will all be done away with when Christ sets up his kingdom on earth, literally this time...