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Are crop circles works of art, given to us from from heaven, as signs of warning in these last days?


Veteran Member
Thanks. Yeah, the alien part does sound crazy...it just came into my head one day. :D
I know and that's what most people associate crop circles with, so I completely understand...

Crop circles are real. The beings behind them are not aliens, but are evil spirits, Satan being the head of this evil army of angels, who have been given powers to decieve men. God allows this because of the evil desires of men...

I agree with you that an important difference is that in the ones that are not man-made, the plants continue to live. So whatever is sending a message, is doing so by maintaining the lives of the plants and not destroying them to get their message across.
and this is the only way whereby one can tell the fakes from those that are legit...

Dry wheat circle crops are also bent but not broken, no mortal man can do this...


Veteran Member
I really hope that God has better things to do with his time than make weird symbols in corn fields.
You didn't read the whole thread. You are so predictable. I knew when I saw your post what it said before I even read it.. It was weird. I heard what you said in my mind before I even read this post...

Read the whole thread. I get to the bottom of who's behind these crop circles, that being Satan and his army of angels.

They are working hard to decieve as many men as possible in these last final days before Christ returns and sets up his kingdom and removes all evil from this earth..

Crop circles are Satan's artwork, not God's, I've come to that conclusion in this thread, just posted that opening video because they claimed God was behind these crop circles, which he is not...

Just asked the question to see if we could get to the bottom of who's behind these...

Hope seemed to sum it up very nicely and Hema gave some great imput, which I also agree with..

Hope and Hema, great job !!!


Veteran Member
And thanks to MaddLama for providing this link, did not even think to consult Wiki on this...

This image keeps coming to mind and it makes me laugh... I thought about this today and thought, "the devil must be pretty desperate for our souls, he's even willing to mow someone's lawn, if it means he can drag one more soul down to hell with him" :):):)...

Crop circles will now forever remind me of this image..

Thanks MaddLama for bringing this link to my attention...

From Wiki

1678 pamphlet on the Mowing-Devil.

The earliest recorded image claimed to be a crop circle is depicted in a 17th century woodcut called the Mowing-Devil. The image depicts a strange creature (the Devil with a scythe) mowing (cutting)[5] a circular design in a field of oats. The pamphlet the image appeared in states that the farmer, disgusted at the wage his mower was demanding for his work, insisted that he would rather have "the devil himself" perform the task.


Liebe ist für alle da
I know and that's what most people associate crop circles with, so I completely understand...

Crop circles are real. The beings behind them are not aliens, but are evil spirits, Satan being the head of this evil army of angels, who have been given powers to decieve men. God allows this because of the evil desires of men...

and this is the only way whereby one can tell the fakes from those that are legit...

Dry wheat circle crops are also bent but not broken, no mortal man can do this...

You didn't read the whole thread. You are so predictable. I knew when I saw your post what it said before I even read it.. It was weird. I heard what you said in my mind before I even read this post...

Read the whole thread. I get to the bottom of who's behind these crop circles, that being Satan and his army of angels.

They are working hard to decieve as many men as possible in these last final days before Christ returns and sets up his kingdom and removes all evil from this earth..

Crop circles are Satan's artwork, not God's, I've come to that conclusion in this thread, just posted that opening video because they claimed God was behind these crop circles, which he is not...

Just asked the question to see if we could get to the bottom of who's behind these...

Hope seemed to sum it up very nicely and Hema gave some great imput, which I also agree with..

Hope and Hema, great job !!!

Once again my friend, just because it has nothing to do with your God doesn't mean it has anything to do with Satan or any of his Demons, and if it did, they're good artist ^_^. But in light of sounding crazy myself, I believe that Elementals make create them, not all of them mind you, humans do make them too. But ether way the design the give of rather made by Elementals or humans give off a great energy.


You didn't read the whole thread. You are so predictable. I knew when I saw your post what it said before I even read it.. It was weird. I heard what you said in my mind before I even read this post...

Read the whole thread. I get to the bottom of who's behind these crop circles, that being Satan and his army of angels.

They are working hard to decieve as many men as possible in these last final days before Christ returns and sets up his kingdom and removes all evil from this earth..

Crop circles are Satan's artwork, not God's, I've come to that conclusion in this thread, just posted that opening video because they claimed God was behind these crop circles, which he is not...

Just asked the question to see if we could get to the bottom of who's behind these...

Hope seemed to sum it up very nicely and Hema gave some great imput, which I also agree with..

Hope and Hema, great job !!!
I'll sumarize this thread.

FFH believed that God makes crop circles - they are too beautiful and intricate to be otherwise. I found a bible code that says "All crop circle man made fake". FFH decided that the Bible code trumps all else. FFH did a complete 180 and now believes that the devil makes crop circles. I'm not sure if they are still beautiful.
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Melissa G

Non Veritas Verba Amanda
Do these crop circles show the awesome infinite artistic handiwork of God and are they signs of these last days, sent as warnings or hope of a brighter day on earth ???

Or are they the works of Satan and his angels...

Just looked at some of these and they are beautiful works of art.


I think they are the work of very clever and creative pranksters. Very artistic though,



I'll sumarize this thread.

FFH believed that God makes crop circles - they are too beautiful and intricate to be otherwise. I found a bible code that says "All crop circle man made fake". FFH decided that the Bible code trumps all else. FFH did a complete 180 and now believes that the devil makes crop circles. I'm not sure if they are still beautiful.
Oh, one more thing. After the "Bible Code" evidence surfaced he went back to his OP and edited it so that people would think that he had considered the Satan possibility from the beginning.


Veteran Member
I'll sumarize this thread.

FFH believed that God makes crop circles - they are too beautiful and intricate to be otherwise. I found a bible code that says "All crop circle man made fake". FFH decided that the Bible code trumps all else. FFH did a complete 180 and now believes that the devil makes crop circles. I'm not sure if they are still beautiful.
True, I was swaying heavily in the direction of God having created them, but then you brought up the Bible code aspect of this, yet the Bible code software you reminded me of is just a simple, just for fun English King James Bible code, I recognize that much of course, I then remembered that there was a real Hebrew Bible code, much more complex of course, that claimed crop circles were evil. I agree with this Bible code now, of course, after doing a little more research...

The opening post video was pretty convincing that God was responsible for them, but not convincing enough....

They are Satan's deceptions tied to the Anunaki legend and aliens of course and whatever other myth that seems to fit into these crop circle communications from beings of another world.

Satan and his angels are always busy deceiving mankind and misdirecting them away from the truths of God. He and his 1/3 of the fallen angels of heaven are sneaky, no doubt, and they have incarnated many men on earth who do their will...

Most are influenced by them many are possessed by them...

As for the ones that are beautiful, many of those, no doubt, were probably created by great artists on this planet, but Satan is also a deceiver and he will do whatever he needs to to deceive. He can appear as a beautiful angel of light or creat a beautiful work of art, in a the form of a crop circle if he so chooses, in order to deceive whomever he chooses. God allows him to possess certain powers in order to test man's loyalties as to where they stand. Do we stand with God or with Satan in our choices ???...

We would only know which crop circles were Satan's, by examining them to see if the knods were broken and if the plant was still alive or dead.

Dry plant crop circles with unbroken stem are real, as are the live plant crop circles that are bent 90 degrees without being broken and the plant still living, no mortal man can bend a dry wheat stem without breaking it or bend a live stem without breaking it and killing the plant......

So yeah, good summaration of this thread Soy, here's some frubals, I owe you some for putting up with me for so long too, as I said to Comprehend...


Veteran Member
Just edited that last post a bit to fully represent my views on this thing now...


Veteran Member
I think they are the work of very clever and creative pranksters. Very artistic though,

According to a Wiki link, 80 percent are explainable, 20 percent have no human explanation.

Thousands have been created...

There is a motivation to create very elaborate beautiful imitation crop circles, that being money...

According to Wiki a farmer sold tickets to his crop circle and took in 30,000 pounds, he would have only gotten 150 pounds for his crop...

Did he and many others create a crop circles to make money ??? The only way we would ever know is to examine the bent stems and determine if they were broken and if the plant still alive..an unexplainable phenomenon consistant with those crop circle creations that are deemed unexplainable...


Veteran Member
Oh, one more thing. After the "Bible Code" evidence surfaced he went back to his OP and edited it so that people would think that he had considered the Satan possibility from the beginning.
True, I did do that, not going to deny that.

I need to do this with every thread...I need to present both sides of every situation and be more neutral/objective about it.

I am learning how to create better threads by not being so biased.

You all made me aware of that.

I am too one sided...I need to allow for more opposing imput, in this way I will learn and become better informed...

Yes, I did edit the opening post because of Johnny's response. I don't want any more of those please. Make your own conclusions.

I have concluded these are evil and I want all to know that that's definitely how I feel now.

I was a bit tricked by the opening post video, but I still believe many of them are real, just not from God..

I do still believe very heavily in the Bible code and am watching the new discoveries very carefully.

The Bible codes are very silent until the year 2010, when things start tu go sour for the next three years, then there is absolutely nothing after that..

We'll see how accurate the Bible codes are in the coming years..

There are many that have been discovered prior to major events, such as hurricane Katrina...

Not going to discount the many Hebrew Bible codes that have been found before the actual event..

Exodus 2006


Veteran Member
Now I think this must be a joke.
Right now as this thread stands I am serious, no joke..

I won't touch a thing as it stands now...

All posts on this site are locked down after 24 hours now, no editing can be done, if you have noticed lately...


Lord of the Badgers
Right now as this thread stands I am serious, no joke..

I won't touch a thing as it stands now...

All posts on this site are locked down after 24 hours now, no editing can be done, if you have noticed lately...
I think the crop circles most likely to be genuine are the more simple ones, the basic circles in the corn.

Anything more elaborate looks like it has been planned by a conscious mind, i would think both aliens and Gods have better things to do with their time.


Veteran Member
Satan has been given powers over the water and the wind, we know that from scripture, both in the Bible and in LDS scripture.

Satan has certain powers given to him to manipulate earthly things, including our bodies.

He is responsible for all earthly destructions, disease, death and sin in this mortal life...

God allows him to excercise these destructive powers upon mankind...

Satan can manipulate earthly things, whatever that might be for his benefit.


Obstructor of justice
So, what exactly is Satan trying to do with crop circles? Start an insidious plot to make us all eat sourdough bread instead of white bread?


Lord of the Badgers
He is responsible for all earthly destructions, disease, death and sin in this mortal life...

God allows him to excercise these destructive powers upon mankind...

Satan can manipulate earthly objects, whatever they may be...
Actually, if you go back and read the Bible properly you'll find that God was the source of most death, disease and destruction.