UV: yes, it's quite apparent anything sounding vaguely New Age, hippyish , Pagan or Wiccan is up for ridicule.
apart from theology there's not much difference in believing in Crystals/Holy Grail , God/Goddess, Angels/Fairies, Holy Spirit/Force, Mary/Diana , Blood of Christ/Essential oils.
same principles - no reason why they aren't manifestations of the same thing.
In my view, if you dismiss the possibility of any of these things you dismiss them all.
Well, I do see that many incorrect assumptions and associations are being made.
(as differing things are lumped together more by stereotype than anything else)
I personally see "belief" as a hinderance in general.
(and I participate in as little of it as possible, in general--
choosing to live more by "as if's".)
Instead, as the Goddess of My Own Subjective Universe
I bring these things into Being.
They Live in and through the Realm of my own Psyche,
should I choose to concieve of them there.
Now Crystals and Essential Oils exist regardless.
I don't believe much of anything about either,
being neither geologist or chemist,
(informed by first hand knowledge)
but, as essential oils do actually open up my sinuses,
and make for a yummy bath and the like,
I don't like to be without them.
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