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Are Playing Cards Evil ???


Actually I do abstain from all medicine...

I eat healthy and have not been to a doctor or dentist in over 22 years.

We have no medical or dental insurance. We don't need it and we save a whole boat load of money.

Eat right and you won't have any problems...

What about whne you got in your motorcycle accident?


Veteran Member
What about whne you got in your motorcycle accident?
It wasn't my fault so if I needed medical attention I could go in at any time and get it fixed. The Lord chose to heal me instead, otherwise I would have had to have pins in my foot and I didn't want that.

He (the Lord) literally fixed the bones in my foot that were broken, but my foot was nearly dead, but by a miracle it recovered within a year. There was nothing doctors could do for me, except put pins in my foot, I knew that instinctively, but never went to a doctor, which I refused, and the Lord took care of it and I'm fine now, but it seriously took nearly a year to recover from that and I had pain for a year. Very serious injury, in which my friend lost his leg up to the knee as a result of the same motorcylce injury 20 years earlier, it was sad...

All I ever did was talk to two physical therapists, one said there's nothing they can do for feet and the other was my Elder's quorum president, who is a licensed physical therapist also and he offered to give me free therapy, I asked for a blessing instead and it literally worked and I was soon after able to go back to work...

God heals. He made our bodies, he can fix them.

The Lord literally saved my foot, doctors could not do a thing for me and it was a scarey thing to think of losing my foot, possibly up to the knee. I could not look at it for nearly a year. It was swollen that long. Again, nothing anyone could do for me...

My foot is completely healed. I had several people pray for me, even Dawny on this forum, and had two blessings, one from my Bishop and another from my Elder's quorum president and my neighbor. otherwise I would have still been unable to walk...


Veteran Member
Plus, I need to add, I had plenty of money at the time to pay for whatever medical attention I needed, in addition to the fact that I was covered completely by the other person's insurance.

I still have an uncashed insurance check, I keep as a thanks to God for saving my foot.. That was the deal I made, save my foot and I won't take any insurance money. I was that scared of losing my foot. It was bad...I couldn't look at it...it made me literally ill...

I am fine now.

I did however have an injury 15 years back in which I cut a tendon in my finger, but that was also covered by Worker's Compensation. It took two months to recover from that. Again that was not my fault. Someone broke a glass where I work and did not properly throw it away and I took out the trash and it cut deep into the base of my hand to the bone. It was bad and I didn't have that kind of faith then... I had it taken care of but again the doctors said we can't restore the loss of feeling in your finger.

Only God can fix things properly and completely. Doctors can aid, but cannot fix things back to normal.

I knew this instinctively and asked God to fix my foot and he did, otherwise I would have permanent ongoing problems, like I do with my finger, it still gives me pain, even after 15 years. It sucks...

Laugh if you want, God heals...and he completely healed my foot, which would have given me pain the rest of my life for sure, the pain did not leave until I received a blessing and the many prayers from others..


Veteran Member
Ever hear the story about the guy praying to be saved from the flood...???
I'm not stupid, when I need help I ask for it...that may be in the form of medical attention or prayer. I chose prayer because of the seriousness of my injury.

I knew I didn't want doctors to mess with my foot, like they did with my hand, it bugs/bothers me to this day. It wasn't fixed right...if you were to give me a high five, that would be painful, that's the only way I can describe it, even after fifteen years...

Doctors mess up, Jesus Christ does not and I have proof of that with my foot..

I knew I could live with a messed up finger, but not a messed up foot..

I have enough money to pay for what I need, no need to gamble or pay for doctors when I don't need them.....

You all live your lives the way you want to, this works very very nicely for me.

Would rather invest my money in the stock market, it's a lot safer.


Well-Known Member
I'm not stupid, when I need help I ask for it...that may be in the form of medical attention or prayer. I chose prayer because of the seriousness of my injury.

I knew I didn't want doctors to mess with my foot, like they did with my hand and it bugs me to this day. It's wasn't fixed right...

Doctors mess up, Jesus Christ does not and I have proof of that with my foot..

I knew I could live with a messed up finger, but not a messed up foot..

I guess all the general authorities with medical backgrounds were wasting their time.


Veteran Member
It's certainly possible. I just had remembered him mentioning casts and the such-like and wanted to know if I was mistaken or if he forgot or maybe if that fell into a different category from medicine.
Yeah, I had a foot brace that a co-worker lent me and I continued to work for a week until it became too hard to stand. I was unable to stand because the tissues in my foot were nearly dead and had almost no circulation. I had to lay flat on my bed for nearly a year while the tissue regenerated... that's when I found the forum and started posting...

I seriously never saw a doctor for my injuries, I was that adamant about it. I knew they would mess it up worse than it already was. I didn't want pins in my foot. I had said that to myself years earlier. I said to myself if I ever get that serious of an injury I don't want pins, that's what motivated me to turn to prayer and Priesthood blessings instead of doctors, especially because I have a permanently messed up finger and didn't want a permanently messed up foot or worse a lost foot, which became very apparent that that might be a possibility. I prayed hard for sure during that time...

Okay enough of that....

Now at least you all know me a bit better. Not a freak, just prefer living my life a certain way so as to be as prosperous as possible with the little money I have..

I have had as much as 30 grand spendable cash in the bank, living on a meager 8 bucks an hour...

Not much I know, but for me it was..


Veteran Member
I guess all the general authorities with medical backgrounds were wasting their time.
Dude, this is just way off topic and you started this, don't forget that.

I don't mind going off topic but the rules say no...

Go to a doctor if you don't have the faith. I literally chose to refuse the ambulance when I was injured in my motorcycle accident. I don't know why, I was just adamant about it and drove myself home and tried to go back to work in two days. I worked for a week with a foot brace someone lent me and then I literally could not stand, my foot went numb and was forced to lay horizontal for nearly a year until my foot regenerated itself, with the help of prayers and blessings.

I am stubborn that way and have a high threshold for pain, I also need an excuse to get away from work for a while and had plenty of money to live for nearly three years. I only took a year off...

There was a purpose in it, otherwise I would not have decided to look for a forum like this and start posting on it, I was too rapped up in making money and working sometimes 80 hours a week and was dead tired. That was part of the reason I didn't react in time to see the idiet who pulled out in front of me. He was an idiot !!!

I still ride a bike to work every day. I love bullet bikes. I love doing back flips on skis, going 110 on two wheels, mountain biking, cross country running, water skiing, although all I do now is work 60 hours a week again.. I cut back 20 or even more that was offered to me... I am insane that way...:)


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
I guess all the general authorities with medical backgrounds were wasting their time.
Doesn't it make you wonder why President Hinckley was hospitalized and had surgery just a couple of years ago? He needs to talk to FFH to find out how he could have avoided all that.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't it make you wonder why President Hinckley was hospitalized and had surgery just a couple of years ago? He needs to talk to FFH to find out how he could have avoided all that.

I guess FFH has more faith than the prophet. Maybe FFH should be the prophet. After all, he seems to know things no one else does.


Doesn't it make you wonder why President Hinckley was hospitalized and had surgery just a couple of years ago? He needs to talk to FFH to find out how he could have avoided all that.
nutshell said:
I guess FFH has more faith than the prophet. Maybe FFH should be the prophet. After all, he seems to know things no one else does.

From D&C 46:

11 For all have not every gift given unto them; for there are many gifts, and to every man is given a gift by the Spirit of God.
12 To some is given one, and to some is given another, that all may be profited thereby.

Just because president Hinckley doesn't have X gift, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

19 And again, to some it is given to have faith to be healed;
22 And to others it is given to prophesy;

Everybody has a different gift. I'd say president Hinckley definitely has the spirit of prophecy. FFH might very well have the faith to be healed, and it's no proof against that just because president Hinckley does not.
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Veteran Member
Doesn't it make you wonder why President Hinckley was hospitalized and had surgery just a couple of years ago? He needs to talk to FFH to find out how he could have avoided all that.
Was thinking of that same exact thing.

You failed to mention that he had stated, prior to that incident, he had never spent a day in the hospital in over 90 years.. So far I've spent three hours, in the hospital, getting my finger sewn back together, which had been cut to the bone. If one has faith for that type of injury to be healed then so be it, I didn't, and chose to have someone sew me back up or face permanent disability with that finger. Ever see Rosie Odonnel's finger ???, she had the same exact injury to the same exact finger, yet she cut her tendon all the way and when you do that the tendon springs back so far that they can't get to it and sew it back together so her middle finger stays straight all the time and she cannot use it at all. The doctors can't fix it !!! She makes jokes saying she can now permanently flip people off and get away with it...I came close to that same thing happening to me. The doctors said if you had cut the tendon just a millimeter more you would not be able to use your middle finger ever again. God is good and he somehow spared my tendon, even though I cut the finger to the bone. God is good and I was angry at him at the time and he made me aware that I need to keep that anger under control...

He spared my finger and my foot. I owe him a lot. You don't know how much you rely on these things until you lose them . I could not use my right hand for two months. I could not work. I had to hold my hand up for two months in a metal brace until it healed...

My foot was the same. I could not work for a year and had to have it in a brace in order to walk and had to keep it elevated 23 and a half hours a day. I went to the grocery store, in a hurry, so it did not swell up, as did my finger if I let it down...

Our bodies are fragile and sometimes only God can fix them back to normal. I know the difference between what doctors can and can't do, it was explained to me clearly with both injuries. Don't rely on insurance or doctors to take care of everything. They have limits...

The insurance companies made that very clear to me also, unless I got a lawyer...


Veteran Member
I guess FFH has more faith than the prophet. Maybe FFH should be the prophet. After all, he seems to know things no one else does.
Whatever dude...

The Prophet is the President of the church, that's all. I worked with Joseph B. Wirthlin's son and was able to hear and speak to Joseph B. Wirthlin in my own ward, in Cottonwood Heights, Utah and he is an extremely humble man, as are all of the Bretheren. I can't describe how that changed my life. My bishop insisted on introducing me to Joseph B. Wirthlin, which I was too shy to approach him myself.

They are men just like you and I with human frailties just the same...

They are wonderful men and no better or worse than you and I. They just have different responsibilites than you and I.

Nursery leader is just as important to the Lord as the leader of this church...

God is not a respector of persons. He chastened Joseph Smith, just as much as he's chastened me...

I have felt the pains of hell to a certain degree, read what Joseph Smith went through. He suffered, to a degree, the pains of hell, which the Lord allowed him to suffer, in order to chasten him because he loved him...

All men come short of the glory of God, even the highest ranked officials in the LDS church. No one is immune to the temptations and trials of this earth life.. No one...

Christ suffered all temptations and humiliations and was scourged for our diseases and sicknesses and suffered all physical and mental pains for us so we would not have to go through any of it, if we turned from this wicked world..

He simply took the pain from my foot and allowed me to walk again... I was so stubborn about asking for a blessing and finally my wife called them (Elder's quorum president and a neighbor and then again later the BIship and another person in the ward) for me and immediately I was able to get back on my feet and get back to work. I had, what seemed to be, a dead core of my foot and it stubbornly would not heal...

I had only asked for the bones to be literally put back together, which I literally felt them go back into place, but never thought to ask for a healing for the whole foot and the tissue that makes up my foot was messed up and would not heal on itself. I had to ask for more prayer/blessings until I was able to use it again...

God will give you what you ask, no matter who you are..

Bringing it back around now..

I could easily get into gambling, but I know there is no benefit to it, even having the cards in the home. They have absolutely no value to me whatsoever..


Veteran Member
If you get rid of certain things in your life, the Lord takes care of the rest.

I am very very very blessed...but not immune to attacks by Satan...that takes constant prayer, which I neglect...

Getting rid of cards from my home is just one way I'm saying to Satan, "get out of my home and my life".

I struggle enough as it is and I don't need that causing more problems...


Veteran Member
I remember speaking once with Joseph B. Wirthlin, when he had come to our ward to speak, his son lived in one of my past wards for about 4 years. He had spoken for the third time in a few years and I remember being introduced to him and saying something like, "I love hearing you speak here at our ward, you are so in tune/inspired," which he was, it was incrdible to hear him speak, on three different occasions, in our ward. I really really like him. He answered me by saying something like, "oh, no, I'm nothing special"....my son knows that," as his son was standing right there. His son is like 20 years older than myself and I worked with him (his son) in the young men's presidency as one of his counselors and was able to teach his son, as a 15, 16 and 17 year old, in the Young Men's organization.

I cannot tell you how much that family influenced my life. They are just like any other family, and they know how to have fun, without being stuffy. They have a cabin, they go snowmobiling, ski, water ski and do all the things I grew up with. They were so fun to be around. Many young men and woman activities were held at Joseph B. Wirthlin Jr.'s house and he was so fun to be around. Not what you would expect and his sister was also in the ward and she sings in the Tabernacle choir and she would visit our home, with her husband, who was our home teacher, her first husband had turned out to be gay and she quickly divorced and married another who was sooo cool. I got to visit with them once a month for nearly 4 years...

They, high officials in the LDS church, are no more respected by the Lord than you and I, they just have different responsibilites..

Joseph B. Wirthlin Jr. moved out of that ward and so did I. He's now head of the churches food welfare department... I forget the official term... He gave up a high paying food industry job to serve the church, but I'm sure the church pays him well too, probably the same, who knows..


Veteran Member
From D&C 46:

11 For all have not every gift given unto them; for there are many gifts, and to every man is given a gift by the Spirit of God.
12 To some is given one, and to some is given another, that all may be profited thereby.

Just because president Hinckley doesn't have X gift, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

19 And again, to some it is given to have faith to be healed;
22 And to others it is given to prophesy;

Everybody has a different gift. I'd say president Hinckley definitely has the spirit of prophecy. FFH might very well have the faith to be healed, and it's no proof against that just because president Hinckley does not.
All anyone has to do is ask and the Lord is faithful to give whatever we ask in faith, believing we will receive it. I'm no one special, I just needed my foot back, that's all...

I know that the Lord made us, so he can obviously fix us...

Great scriptures...