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Are there Aliens?

Are UFOs real?

  • UFOs do not exist.

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • UFOs were created only as government projects.

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • UFOs were/are created as joint alien-government projects.

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • More evidence is needed before I can decide whether or not UFOs exist.

    Votes: 9 52.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Sweet n Spicy
Seyorni said:
Sri Jadu is blue, Like Lord Krishna, as if born of Vishnu!

Was this a conscious choice by the Director?

I'm not sure though but I love the way that you are comparing Jadoo to Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna is blue because he cannot be perceived with the human eye (just like the sky is blue because it is too far for the eye to see in totality). Similarly, alien life form is somewhat difficult for the human mind to comprehend. Cool comparison. :) I love Indian movies. Feel free to PM me if you want us to share any info on Indian movies. :D

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
yuvgotmel said:
I agree James, on your last point that is. However, the "lunatic fringe" has quite a large gathering. In fact, the book series "Left Behind" has now sold over 70,000 copies. It is among that group and other such groups that are claiming that there is an "alien agenda" which is hostile towards mankind.

Yes but although the Left Behind books may seem like they represent a large section of American Christendom (and I still think it's a minority), they most certainly don't represent a large section of Christianity as a whole. Personally I think that anyone who believes in pre-millenial Rapture a la the Plymouth Brethren is on the lunatic fringe, whether they espouse ideas about UFOs or not. Compare them to the huge numbers who reject their ideas, the RCC (largest church in the world at 1.1 billion), us (next largest at 250 million), the OOs and even the majority of Protestants, and they're a very minor group. Compared across history (Derby having only come up with the idea in the early 19th century), they are completely and utterly insignificant.



Well-Known Member
Dear James,

Yes, I see your point from that perspective. Indeed, the RCC and other sects within Christianity have larger numbers.

Tell me... How do you think that a revelation of ETs--visiting this Earth--would affect Christianity (in the large percentages)?

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
yuvgotmel said:
Dear James,

Yes, I see your point from that perspective. Indeed, the RCC and other sects within Christianity have larger numbers.

Tell me... How do you think that a revelation of ETs--visiting this Earth--would affect Christianity (in the large percentages)?

I can't say with certainty, but probably a few (those with a more parocial outlook) will be unable to accept that and thus abandon their faith. I even wouldn't be surprised to find a few (and I know we have some amongst our fringe who might take such an attitude) that started trumpeting that the aliens were a demonic deception and were a preparation for the Antichrist. All in all, though, I should think that most Christians would weather First Contact just fine.

Given that we believe that all Creation suffered the efects of the Fall, for instance, and consequently that all Creation attained salvation through the Incarnation, I can't see it being any great stretch for us to fit non-human sentiences into our theology. It may, however, be relatively harder for some groups who hold strictly to some of the more legalistic western doctrines such as Original Sin and Penal Substitutionary Atonement, which often seem to separate man from the rest of creation in a way which you do not tend to find so much in the east. I doubt that, even in these cases, it would be impossible or even very difficult to accomodate them. We'd just have to realise that (assuming they exist), from a spiritual standpoint, they, like us, are man.



Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I don't remember if I'd posted my experience in RF, but I'm a witness to a UFO sighting. The whole sighting lasted around 5 minutes, so there wasn't the possibility that my eyes were merely playing tricks on me. I need to go right now to get kids ready for school, but if I have time later I'll post my experience in this thread and leave all the rest of you to ponder what it all means.

I can't conclude if aliens exist because of my sighting, but I CAN tell you that I have never seen anything like it before or since. I also can't say that my experience gave me a "spiritual" one, but it nearly made me wee in my pants. :areyoucra



Sweet n Spicy
MysticSang'ha said:
I don't remember if I'd posted my experience in RF, but I'm a witness to a UFO sighting. The whole sighting lasted around 5 minutes, so there wasn't the possibility that my eyes were merely playing tricks on me. I need to go right now to get kids ready for school, but if I have time later I'll post my experience in this thread and leave all the rest of you to ponder what it all means.

I can't conclude if aliens exist because of my sighting, but I CAN tell you that I have never seen anything like it before or since. I also can't say that my experience gave me a "spiritual" one, but it nearly made me wee in my pants. :areyoucra


I can't wait. I think I also saw one (I mentioned it in one of my previous posts).


Sweet n Spicy
Do any of you think that aliens or UFOs cause crop circles? I know that some are man made, but in those that are man-made, the stalks of the crops are broken. In the crop circles that are theoretically not man made, the stalks continue to grow because they are not broken, just bent. Some of the circles are very intricately designed and very huge. Some of them represent spiritual concepts eg. the chakras.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Hema said:
I'm not sure though but I love the way that you are comparing Jadoo to Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna is blue because he cannot be perceived with the human eye (just like the sky is blue because it is too far for the eye to see in totality). Similarly, alien life form is somewhat difficult for the human mind to comprehend. Cool comparison. :) I love Indian movies. Feel free to PM me if you want us to share any info on Indian movies. :D

This is not my understanding. I've never heard of Krishna depicted as invisible.
It's my understanding that Krishna is blue because, as an Avatar of the Blue-black depicted Lord Vishnu, he retains some of the colour of his sire.

Of course, he might have been born with a ventricular-septal defect....:sarcastic


Sweet n Spicy
Seyorni said:
This is not my understanding. I've never heard of Krishna depicted as invisible.

I have heard that Krishna is depicted as blue because God cannot be seen with the human eye. Certain things which the eye cannot perceive appear to be blue, eg. the sky and the ocean.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Year: 1993
Location: Fairview Heights, IL
Time of day: roughly 9:00am
Weather: sunny with no clouds in the sky

I was driving to school (student at Southen Illinois University-Edwardsville) at the time from my apartment, and was driving north on Highway 159 through Fairview Heights, a heavily commercial district of Metro-East St. Louis. As passed an intersection next to a local bank and a Mongolian restaraunt, I noticed something "floating" up in the sky on my left (west). I didn't think too much of it, since Fairview Heights is only a couple miles away from Scott Air Force Base, and commercial flights usually pass over the town on their descent toward Lambert Airport in St. Louis. I'm used to things in the sky.

At the next intersection, though, I stopped at a red light. It was then when I noticed the "floating" thing still in the same area of my perspective, which was rather odd, so I looked with more interest. It occurred to me that it was also not making any noise, and simply floating in the air some 500 feet or so above the ground. It was the size of, it seemed, two commercial jets. It was also saucer-shaped, black, and what looked to be three circular "exhausts" (that's how they looked) on it's bottom.

It was at that moment when I was completely awestruck. The stoplight had turned green, and I didn't budge, but I was not the only one who'd noticed. Other cars had completely stopped in the street, and people were getting out and pointing up at the craft. People were yelling out exactly what I was thinking.........like "Holy ****!" And "What the **** is THAT?!?"

I started driving, and for some reason began to follow it while it started to "glide" northward, the same direction I was driving. I was trying very hard to keep my eyes on the road while trying to decide if what I was seeing was real. I had the windows rolled down, and there was no noise coming from it. Nothing. Silence. I kept driving at the same pace, which was around 35-40 mph.

Once I almost reached the highway's intersection with Highway 64 (east-west), I'd stopped at one last red light. Where I was able to see with my own eyes the craft stop in the air once again with perfect ease over the intersection, then fly off into the sky toward the stratosphere with almost a cartoon-like speed. It was there right in front of me, and then it flew off out of sight in perhaps 2 seconds. It didn't go straight up, but accelerated eastward and upward.

I've had mixed reactions from people I've told the story to. Some think it's the coolest thing ever........as if I've witnessed some cosmic Sermon on the Mount. I was absolutely paralyzed with a kind of fear and awe that I can't describe to this day. Others who have had sightings like mine just kind of shake their heads and relate their stories without going into conjecture about the existence of aliens. And then there's others who think that I somehow didn't see what I really did............those are the kinds of people I just want to pinch really hard. :rolleyes:

My story hasn't changed one bit since that day, and I'll remember it until I'm dead and gone.



Sweet n Spicy
MysticSang'ha said:
Year: 1993
Location: Fairview Heights, IL
Time of day: roughly 9:00am
Weather: sunny with no clouds in the sky

I was driving to school (student at Southen Illinois University-Edwardsville) at the time from my apartment, and was driving north on Highway 159 through Fairview Heights, a heavily commercial district of Metro-East St. Louis. As passed an intersection next to a local bank and a Mongolian restaraunt, I noticed something "floating" up in the sky on my left (west). I didn't think too much of it, since Fairview Heights is only a couple miles away from Scott Air Force Base, and commercial flights usually pass over the town on their descent toward Lambert Airport in St. Louis. I'm used to things in the sky.

At the next intersection, though, I stopped at a red light. It was then when I noticed the "floating" thing still in the same area of my perspective, which was rather odd, so I looked with more interest. It occurred to me that it was also not making any noise, and simply floating in the air some 500 feet or so above the ground. It was the size of, it seemed, two commercial jets. It was also saucer-shaped, black, and what looked to be three circular "exhausts" (that's how they looked) on it's bottom.

It was at that moment when I was completely awestruck. The stoplight had turned green, and I didn't budge, but I was not the only one who'd noticed. Other cars had completely stopped in the street, and people were getting out and pointing up at the craft. People were yelling out exactly what I was thinking.........like "Holy ****!" And "What the **** is THAT?!?"

I started driving, and for some reason began to follow it while it started to "glide" northward, the same direction I was driving. I was trying very hard to keep my eyes on the road while trying to decide if what I was seeing was real. I had the windows rolled down, and there was no noise coming from it. Nothing. Silence. I kept driving at the same pace, which was around 35-40 mph.

Once I almost reached the highway's intersection with Highway 64 (east-west), I'd stopped at one last red light. Where I was able to see with my own eyes the craft stop in the air once again with perfect ease over the intersection, then fly off into the sky toward the stratosphere with almost a cartoon-like speed. It was there right in front of me, and then it flew off out of sight in perhaps 2 seconds. It didn't go straight up, but accelerated eastward and upward.

I've had mixed reactions from people I've told the story to. Some think it's the coolest thing ever........as if I've witnessed some cosmic Sermon on the Mount. I was absolutely paralyzed with a kind of fear and awe that I can't describe to this day. Others who have had sightings like mine just kind of shake their heads and relate their stories without going into conjecture about the existence of aliens. And then there's others who think that I somehow didn't see what I really did............those are the kinds of people I just want to pinch really hard. :rolleyes:

My story hasn't changed one bit since that day, and I'll remember it until I'm dead and gone.


Oh my God. That is so amazing! I don't know what to say!


Well-Known Member
Dear MysticShag'ha:

You sound like someone that I'd love to spend a couple of hours with over some coffee. You seem to have such an open mind. That is wonderful. Your siting is awesome.

If you would ever like to report it, you can do so at this link (even if it was years earlier): http://www.nuforc.org/

Or you can look up sitings in your area, which are categorized by state: http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/ndxloc.html

International sitings are also recorded on that website as well.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Stories like Mystic's, and even stories of direct contact are actually quite common, 'though rarely reported in the mainstream press. The witnesses are often very credible and the descriptions by unconnected witnesses consistent.
Something is going on, and I wouldn't be surprised if authorities often actively supress reports.

Concluding that such UFOs must be visiting craft which have flown here from other planets, however, may show a lack of imagination.


Seyorni said:
Concluding that such UFOs must be visiting craft which have flown here from other planets, however, may show a lack of imagination.

Ha! That's true.

I'd love to hear alternative theories.:yes:


Seyorni said:
Concluding that such UFOs must be visiting craft which have flown here from other planets, however, may show a lack of imagination.
As does saying that they can't have flown here from other planets because the distance is too great. :D


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The most prevalent theory is of interdimensional "travel." Sections of worlds existing in dimensions other than the three we experience being pinched off or phase-shifted to pop into our familiar reality, sections of (String-theory) branes bubbling off and merging with other branes, &c. The technological capability to shift intentionally into alien dimensional universes may account for the uniformity of UFO types.


Sweet n Spicy
Seyorni said:
The most prevalent theory is of interdimensional "travel." Sections of worlds existing in dimensions other than the three we experience being pinched off or phase-shifted to pop into our familiar reality, sections of (String-theory) branes bubbling off and merging with other branes, &c. The technological capability to shift intentionally into alien dimensional universes may account for the uniformity of UFO types.

I saw on TV, that they most likely travel through worm holes, which allow for a shortcut through space. Some folks even theorize that there is a worm hole over the Bermuda triangle which sucked in all those missing aircrafts.