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Are there Aliens?

Are UFOs real?

  • UFOs do not exist.

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • UFOs were created only as government projects.

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • UFOs were/are created as joint alien-government projects.

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • More evidence is needed before I can decide whether or not UFOs exist.

    Votes: 9 52.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Obstructor of justice
Does my obsession with Star Trek, and frivolous hope that it's an accurate representation of the future count?


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Seyorni said:
Stories like Mystic's, and even stories of direct contact are actually quite common, 'though rarely reported in the mainstream press. The witnesses are often very credible and the descriptions by unconnected witnesses consistent.
Something is going on, and I wouldn't be surprised if authorities often actively supress reports.

Concluding that such UFOs must be visiting craft which have flown here from other planets, however, may show a lack of imagination.

See, I totally agree with you. I called our local news station to ask if anyone reported a UFO sighting to their station, and when they told me "no," I hung up before they could ask anything else. I would've only gone on camera had anyone else gone on with me to give their own testimonial of the incident.

I also have not answered the poll question basing my UFO sighting and connecting it to a belief in alien life in this universe. I based my belief in aliens on an assumption that the odds work in it's favor, but my sighting is something I can't explain.

Aliens? Can't say.
Experimental aircraft? Don't know, but that'd be cool.
Mass delusion? Fine. Then pass me a bottle of Crown Royale. :rolleyes:



Veteran Member
Premium Member
Accurate representation of the future!? With those hokey banks of flashing lights that pass for computers, and those goofy "communicators?" They don't even have Bluetooth!

They're way behind us in IT.


Obstructor of justice
Seyorni said:
Accurate representation of the future!? With those hokey banks of flashing lights that pass for computers, and those goofy "communicators?" They don't even have Bluetooth!

They're way behind us in IT.

Well, set design aside :p Star Trek isn't exactly a high budget television endeavor.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
True. Star Trek was a low budget, sci-fi program that was expected to be mildly successful for a couple of seasons. No-one was more surprised at its popularity than the producers.


Obstructor of justice
Seyorni said:
True. Star Trek was a low budget, sci-fi program that was expected to be mildly successful for a couple of seasons. No-one was more surprised at its popularity than the producers.

Also, some of the effects in the later seasons were much more convincing. As was the make-up.

Seriously though, I am firmly holding out for the finding of colonies of Klingons and Vulcans in the future. :cool:
I believe aliens are out there and I have seen a UFO with my father in West Seattle when I was 9, other people saw it too. From a distance, no encounters or anything.
I don't believe all the sighting and abductions are 100% real or attributed to aliens though. Though I believe in aliens, I still have a skeptical view of many stories I hear.


Well-Known Member
Lux et Umbra said:
I believe aliens are out there and I have seen a UFO with my father in West Seattle when I was 9, other people saw it too.

I'd love to hear your story if you would feel comfortable enough to retell it.

yuvgotmel said:
I'd love to hear your story if you would feel comfortable enough to retell it.Thanx.

I don't mind. It's not really detailed.

I just want to say that I don't want anyone to try to prove me wrong. I've read that the particular UFO I saw was really a government aircraft and all that. I have some doubt about my own sighting, it's possible I was wrong. Anything is possible, really. Though many other people saw the same thing around the same time period as well as in other countries. I'm just looking to share my sighing, not debate it.

Okay so I was living in west Seattle and I was 9 years old (about 12 + years ago). I have crappy vision now, but then mine was 20/20, so I know what I saw. My dad smoked ciggs then and he had to go outside to smoke (on the front porch) and when he did he told me all the stars were out and to come and look. So I did. It was a clear night. We had an open view of the sky. He was showing me the North Star when we saw something. It was shapped like a triangle with white lights on each corner and a red one on the middle. It was hovering there and we just watched. My father was in the military and he said he didn't know what it was (and usually he can rattle off aircraft stats and stuff), I dont know why he'd lie. It was there for about a minute, pretty far up, but enough to see it's shape and then...it just vanished. There was no trail of lights like an aircraft, no indication of where it went. We heard a man say: "Woah, Did you see that?" to someone else, he was walking his dog.
Anyway years later I found a pic of what I saw online, apparently it was in Belgium too, only a few years before I saw it in the US. Here's a pic.
I also found various UFO reporting sites online where those in WA and where I lived reported seeing this object around the same time. So we weren't the only ones.

Yup. I believe it to be a UFO, but I am aware it might be something else. Though until I see the government unveil an aircrarft that mimics the object I saw I'm not going to stop believing in my UFO theory.


Well-Known Member
Lux et Umbra said:
I don't mind. It's not really detailed.

I just want to say that I don't want anyone to try to prove me wrong. I've read that the particular UFO I saw was really a government aircraft and all that. I have some doubt about my own sighting, it's possible I was wrong. Anything is possible, really. Though many other people saw the same thing around the same time period as well as in other countries. I'm just looking to share my sighing, not debate it.

Okay so I was living in west Seattle and I was 9 years old (about 12 years ago). I have crappy vision now, but then mine was 20/20, so I know what I saw. My dad smoked ciggs then and he had to go outside to smoke (on the front porch) and when he did he told me all the stars were out and to come and look. So I did. It was a clear night. We had an open view of the sky. He was showing me the North Star when we saw something. It was shapped like a triangle with white lights on each corner and a red one on the middle. It was hovering there and we just watched. My father was in the military and he said he didn't know what it was (and usually he can rattle off aircraft stats and stuff), I dont know why he'd lie. It was there for about a minute, pretty far up, but enough to see it's shape and then...it just vanished. There was no trail of lights like an aircraft, no indication of where it went. We heard a man say: "Woah, Did you see that?" to someone else, he was walking his dog.
Anyway years later I found a pic of what I saw online, apparently it was in Belgium too, only a few years before I saw it in the US. Here's a pic.
I also found various UFO reporting sites online where those in WA and where I lived reported seeing this object around the same time. So we weren't the only one.

Yup. I believe it to be a UFO, but I am aware it might be something else. Though until I see the government unveil an aircrarft that mimics the object I saw I'm not going to be forget my UFO theory.

Thank you for telling your story and don't worry; this isn't the "debate" section. I saw something similar in a dream. I find your experience fascinating. Thanx again.
yuvgotmel said:
Thank you for telling your story and don't worry; this isn't the "debate" section. I saw something similar in a dream. I find your experience fascinating. Thanx again.

You're welcome. Did you see a triangle UFO, too? I'd be interested to hear your experience, either here or in a PM...if you want to share that is ;)


Well-Known Member
Lux et Umbra said:
You're welcome. Did you see a triangle UFO, too? I'd be interested to hear your experience, either here or in a PM...if you want to share that is ;)

I had a dream about it...and that dream also pertains to two eclipses that are upcoming in this year 2007. You can read the dream here on this thread: http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=46770

Pay attention to the triangle-shaped with the eye in the middle. It looks very, very similar to the UFO pic that you linked.
yuvgotmel said:
I had a dream about it...and that dream also pertains to two eclipses that are upcoming in this year 2007. You can read the dream here on this thread: http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=46770
Pay attention to the triangle-shaped with the eye in the middle. It looks very, very similar to the UFO pic that you linked.

Ah, thanks for the link, I'll read it.

ETA: Okay I read it, very interesting! The triangle aspect too. Sounds like a powerful dream!


Well-Known Member
It would seem senseless if they was not life on other planets with how vast the universe is. I sometimes wonder how many are more intelligent or less intelligent then us? Is our distance from eachother so great for this reason? What type of religious beliefs do they have?
would be a shame to read all these interesting posts and not give my two centrs worth.
First, any reputable scientist would tell you it is often difficult if not impossible to prove something doesn't exist. But then, the same argument could be used for the Tooth Fairy. However, as to a theological point of view, i would question what spirits in the spirit world could be considered aliens (even if no bodily form exists). For example, the jinn (genies) that certain religious texts refer to could be considered aliens. For that matter aliens could be inhabiting human bodies and walking among us.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Most of the "Black triangles" don't have the lights shown in Lux' link. They're generally reported to be huge, dark, slow moving, low altitude and completely silent.
Seyorni said:
Most of the "Black triangles" don't have the lights shown in Lux' link. They're generally reported to be huge, dark, slow moving, low altitude and completely silent.

Well there are two types that I know of:

1. The one I've seen. If you search "Black Triangle" on Yahoo images that's the majority that come up. See here. In fact most sites about "Black Triangles" show an image of the one I saw or a version very much like it.
2. The UFO/Lights that form a formation of a triangle. Seen in Mexico and some others places. See a pic here.

Mine looked large, it hovered and it was low enough for us to see the lights, but not low enough for any encounters and it was silent...and vanished.

I saw mine in 1994-95, but according to some UFO sites it's been seen a lot more since then, peaking in '04. It was seen in Belgium (where that pic I first posted it from) in '90.

I think it's alien, until I see proof of any government craft that is non-alien to disprove me.


Here is something you may be interested in. It is part of a religious book called THOTH, that is written by Maitreya, a man who lives in New Mexico, USA :

<7>The true spiritual knowledge was entrusted to this Brahmin class, and they guided the new man in their spiritual needs.
And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
(Genesis 11:1)​
...for in his days was the earth divided;...
(Genesis 10:25)​
So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth:...
(Genesis 11:8)​
<8>However, still the humans had telepathic abilities and they could understand each other through these abilities ("...the whole earth was of one language,..."). So they again started to use this great communicative ability and their intellect for their selfish use and mundane desires. <9>This misuse of the powers is always based on egotism and will lead to self-destruction, "...let us build us a city and tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth." (Gen. 11:4).
<10>So they wanted to make a city with great towers to make themselves a name (become famous) and also to stay together, "lest we be scattered abroad...." <11>But God not only wants them to be scattered abroad upon the earth, but also to other planets.
<12>Therefore God took away their telepathic abilities and made them become confused by their different languages, "...every one after his tongue,..." (Genesis 10:5, 20, 31). <13>Also by dividing the earth and destroying the land they were in, "...in his days was the earth divided..." (Gen. 10:25), He forced them to leave their land and they were scattered all over the world.
<14>The spiritual masters who foresaw this destruction left their land before it occurred and took their knowledge with them. <15>One of these groups (Aryans) went to the Himalayas and India, and the Vedas are what is left from their knowledge.
<16>So the first seal (
) in The Greatest Sign is related to the awakening of the spiritual forces. However, it is the first step in spiritual progress.

A. Leaf

I'd say it make the 'Intelligence of Life' a more understandable concept to the big boys..