Right, and it is not your responsibility to tell spend your days ranting at other people and looking foolish and overbearing to your kids. so, that would be an ineffective way to take a stand. But you would have to take some type of a stand to try to keep your kids from engaging in harmful activities, and every person has their own way. I'm just saying thatI wouldn't want my kids doing anything risky or unhealthy, but I wouldn't try to parent the rest of the world because of it.
1. we have opinions about these things
2. We have the right to have an opinion of these things
3. We have the right to express these opinions
4. Ideal is to find healthy ways to express these opinions so they are effective
So, my answer to the OP is that yes we should take a stand... but we should find the most appropriate way to do it based on the individual situation we are taling about. Everyone's ideas will vary.