David kept the Law until he broke it and was cut off from God, and then he had to repent and return to being righteous, and reconnected to God. Both Daniel and David were anointed by God, and Daniel kept the law as well. If one is righteous and turns from righteousness, they must die, be cut off from God. If they are wicked and repent, and become righteous, they will live (EZ 33:19). The word "Yeshua" means that YHWY saves. It is the Lord God who saves. Yeshua is the son of man, who is to come to take dominion after the heads of the beasts are all crushed (Daniel 7:13-14). No one is "saved" at this time, as the crushing of the beasts all at the same time, the "day of the LORD" is in abeyance. (EZ 33:19) As for your Hebrews 7:25, written by some unknown author, no one is "saved" from dying. (Jeremiah 31:30) King Saul, who was anointed king of Israel, danced among the prophets, yet he became demon possessed, and ultimately died. Guys named Saul, from the tribe of Benjamin, do not have a good track record.
New King James Version (Ezekiel 33:19)
But when the wicked turns from his wickedness and does what is lawful and right, he shall live because of it.