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Are you with UN "global" law prohibition the provocation "mock/insult/lie", about all religions ?

are you with UN "global" law prohibition the "mock/insult/lie" about all religio

  • Total voters


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Well, I hoped that he (godobeyer) get it, but from past experiences with him, I doubt it very much. Great efforts though...and worthy enough for some frubals.

To GodObeyer:

Any private message between you and debate slayer
(or anyone else for that matter) SHOULD REMAIN PRIVATE.

So you can't post in public areas, like in this thread for example, especially without consent.
that's your opinion , but i have the right to represent you that he had other opinion in the PM.

because i feel that i fooled here .


Wonder Woman
Merrium-Webster said:
Definition of DOUBLE-TALK

: language that appears to be earnest and meaningful but in fact is a mixture of sense and nonsense
: inflated, involved, and often deliberately ambiguous language

Wikipedia said:
Double-talk is a form of speech in which inappropriate, invented or nonsense words are used to give the appearance of erudition and so confuse or amuse the audience.

Simply because I don't think Godobeyer has a clue what I meant by him double-talking. His use of "soft-beat" and "marital correction" in place of "wife beating" so as to excuse his defense of domestic abuse is indeed a fine example of double-talk. Using his own invented nonsense terms to set aside what he views as acceptable forms of abuse as NOT, in fact, abuse, and therefore okie dokie, is...nonsense.

Now, back to what I have been demanding for a while now.

Godobeyer, address my points.
You have done exactly what you claim you want illegal.
You have done so for certain reasons.
Can you not see how those reasons apply to others and would put others, such as yourself, in jail were you to have your way?

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
no i believe that everyone had the reponsibility what he/she said in PM or thread , when you told me something in PM and told people here something else , i considerate it double stand .

NOW all the world know and witness, who had the hide opinion (double talk PM different than thread)

i am considerate my self a victime of double talk .

this certificate that i have the courage to show the people here (all the world) what i chat/said with you in PM ,evidencely it's proof that i am not lair , when i said there was double stand in PM vs threads about soft wife-beating islamic law.

accualty you don't have any clear position .
and you told me before that you had rebuilt your position twice for this issue .

I think my position is quite clear:

So in case I wasn't clear enough the last few times I said this, I'll reiterate my stance: I think wife-beating is degrading, demeaning, and insulting to both men and women. Feel free to disagree with me, but I think my statements here should ensure that it's entirely clear to you from now on that you and I don't share the same views on this issue.

As for "rebuilding" my position, I recall conversations in previous threads where I assumed the same stance throughout. Do you think there would have been nearly as many arguments between us about this issue if we really were in agreement?

honeslty brothers and sister
i considerate my self a victime of hiding opinion (not clear or not courage )or double talking of some muslims here .

I believe there might be a misunderstanding, but I think I've made myself clear enough.

If you still want to believe that you are somehow being "victimized" by others, no one can stop you, but you can't say that people haven't made themselves clear to you.


The Lost One
draka said:
Simply because I don't think Godobeyer has a clue what I meant by him double-talking. His use of "soft-beat" and "marital correction" in place of "wife beating" so as to excuse his defense of domestic abuse is indeed a fine example of double-talk. Using his own invented nonsense terms to set aside what he views as acceptable forms of abuse as NOT, in fact, abuse, and therefore okie dokie, is...nonsense.

My mum used to warn me: "beware of those who speak with forked tongue."

I'd assume that she wasn't talking about snakes or lizards.


Just Jewish
that's your opinion , but i have the right to represent you that he had other opinion in the PM.

because i feel that i fooled here .

Are you saying you have a right to post someone's PRIVATE message that was sent to you to the public forum?


Question Everything
I think everyone should be allowed to speak their mind without fear of being put in jail for what they say. Sure, some people will say mean hateful things, and they will be shown for who they are - but they do not need to be put in jail for that.

The only place where I think we should somewhat control speech is using R-rated vocab within earshot of minors. If we think they are not old enough to go to that kind of movie, then we should also be careful in what we say around children.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
The only place where I think we should somewhat control speech is using R-rated vocab within earshot of minors. If we think they are not old enough to go to that kind of movie, then we should also be careful in what we say around children.

1.) that's should be the parents' responsibility, not the government's. If don't like my language then keep your kids away from me. The idea of cops issuing tickets over "potty words" is ridiculous.

2.) The notion "R-rated vocab" is completely arbitrary. Why is "poop" acceptable while "s***" is not even though they mean the exact same thing?
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
it is duty by allah for mens and women for obey. wife beating not barbaric, it is rescue for women from hell. wife beat is accept by majority mulsim women, view this topiv http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/quranic-debates/75600-treatments-women.html , what bussines for non muslim in muslim affairs? :facepalm: shame shame
Muslims affairs become the business of non-Muslims when Muslims want the UN to impose worldwide censorship upon all, including the infidels.
These would-be censors would curtail speech which offends Muslims but since the UN would take a more general approach, it also opens the door
to censoring that which offends Xians, Buddhists, atheists, agnostics, Scientologists, Hindus, etc. Many of us find beliefs by some Muslims offensive.
To name just a few:
- Beating of wives
- Requiring that women be fully covered
- Disrespect of infidels
- Issuing fatwas
- Prescribed separate roles for men & women
Should the UN censor expression of these things? Could the UN go even go farther, eg, banning the Koran because of offensive passages?
Be careful what you wish for.....it just might be granted.
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Just Jewish
it is duty by allah for mens and women for obey. wife beating not barbaric, it is rescue for women from hell [youtube]K1FYvtjH5uM[/youtube]
Beating Wife in Islam : Dr Zakir Naik - YouTube

wife beat is accept by majority mulsim women, view this topiv http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/quranic-debates/75600-treatments-women.html , what bussines for non muslim in muslim affairs? :facepalm: shame shame

Yikes, the physical abuse of women and you are saying it is ok? REALLY?
I am stunned, offended, and insulted and horrified. But as what you have said sinks in I am deeply saddened about all the women and girls who face abuse that Muslim men use the quran to justify. Deeply saddened...............

Women do not need men to save them in this world or in the next.

Shame on you!!!
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
it is duty by allah for mens and women for obey. wife beating not barbaric, it is rescue for women from hell

wife beat is accept by majority mulsim women, view this topiv , what bussines for non muslim in muslim affairs? :facepalm: shame shame

Beating another human is and will always be barbaric. If anyone needs "saved from hell", it's people who think that it's okay to abuse women. And it is in fact other peoples' business when innocent people are being victimized. Speaking out against injustice is part of being a decent human being. The shame is upon you and your beliefs, which have no place in the modern, civilized world.

Your garbage brings my blood to a boil. Perhaps I should blow off some steam by drawing some unflattering caricatures of your prophet?
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Well-Known Member
it is duty by allah for mens and women for obey. wife beating not barbaric, it is rescue for women from hell [youtube]K1FYvtjH5uM[/youtube]
Beating Wife in Islam : Dr Zakir Naik - YouTube

wife beat is accept by majority mulsim women, view this topiv http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/quranic-debates/75600-treatments-women.html , what bussines for non muslim in muslim affairs? :facepalm: shame shame

If what you tell us about islam is accurate, it is no wonder that so many people despise islam.