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Are you with UN "global" law prohibition the provocation "mock/insult/lie", about all religions ?

are you with UN "global" law prohibition the "mock/insult/lie" about all religio

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Father Heathen

Veteran Member

If there are women who actually believe that it's somehow "good" or "helpful" for them to be beaten, then they have been manipulated, indoctrinated, brainwashed, and psychologically damaged.

west movies(porn) is lots of abuse women , why cant protest?

Porn that is exploitative is generally condemned, and porn with coerced or non-consenting participants is illegal. However, actors in the porn industry choose to participate in such movies by their own free will. Regardless of what ones opinion is of their trade, they're consenting adults who make their own choices.
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Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
This is disgraceful. It is sad that there is even debate about whether or not men should be allowed to beat their wives.

Until women are at least treated as equal human beings, some societies will only remain in the dark ages and with no hope of any real progress.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member

You have no idea who you were quoting. Maesi wouldn't have taken any crap from any man, no matter how "soft" a beating he would attempt.

That isn't proof.

But it doesn't matter. It has already been decided that all Muslims, men and women, agree to wife-beating. No opinions to the contrary, not even from Muslims, hold any weight compared to men's wife-beating privileges.

I think we may be wasting our time here.


ThrUU the Looking Glass

muslim women agree with soft beat !!!

Yeah, here's the whole post:
(((And it continues!!!)))

Now, as for this part...

As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, great (above you all).

... let me explainify.

Where is says disloyalty and ill-conduct, this does not mean a husband can discipline his wife whenever he feels like it, the Arabic word used refers more to lewdness/adultery...

Now, the first step here is to communicate. You need to talk to your wife about what the problem is. Now if that doesn't work, the second step is basically sleep on the sofa, a cooling off period. As a last result, the word used is "daraba" which is translated as beat- that is a gross mistranslation. That word has multiple meanings, it can mean to separate or to lightly strike- when we wash our faces in ritual cleansing we are to "daraba al-ma' `ala wajhihi"- literally to lightly strike water against our faces. We don't smack our faces silly when we wash our faces in ritual cleansing. The word daraba can also mean "to have make-up sex". That's just part of the "beauty" of the Arabic language- English has a word for everything, Arabic has words that means everything... lol.

Now, we need to look at Muhammad, again. Muhammad never struck a woman or child or slave. Muhammad said that the best among you are the ones who are best to their wives and that the worse among you are those who beat your wives. Muhammad said that he didn't understand how someone could beat their wife and then lay with her at night.

Hm... something isn't adding up here... ;)

Now, if you go by the translation "lightly strike" scholars have said it means just that, it's basically just a symbolic tap with something like a toothbrush.

Now, another thing you have to keep in mind is this, back before Islam was introduced, women were treated horribly. They were just property and no one batted an eye when someone beat a woman or even killed her. To go from being able to severely hurt your wife to just being able to give her a symbolic tap was a huge step. Now, in this day and age, where most cultures have finally accepted that woman have rights too, we've gotten to a point where even a symbolic tap isn't necessary.

Oh, well, I'll give you a gold star for being able to copy and paste from anti-Islamic websites.

I already explained what the verses from the Qur'an you posted there mean, so moving on to the "hadith". That hadith is a fabricated hadith. It has no part in Islam.

Islam is pro-woman! It respects us and gives us rights. :)


Wonder Woman
i dont said it, i only said she is with soft beat.

Quote miner. As Storm has provided you with the whole post, let me provide what she said from her very first post in that thread.

jamaesi said:
In Islam, a husband does NOT have the right to beat his wife in any circumstance. In Islam, a husband does NOT have the right to force his wife into having sex with him.

In Islam, husbands and wives are described as "garments" for each other (They are garments for you and you are garments for them. Qur'an 2.187). That's how close their relationship is.

Your clothing protects you. In cold weather, thick coats keep you warm. In warm weather, loose cotton clothing keeps you cool and protects your skin from the sun. Your clothing protects you from the elements or getting scratched up when walking by a brier bush. Wearing clothing keeps you from humiliation- almost everyone has a dream where they show up at school or work completely naked and full of shame. When you don't feel well, people usually have a soft oversized shirt or such they like to wear that brings them comfort. Most people have one article of clothing or an outfit, that when they wear it, they feel beautiful. When a Muslim wears clothing as directed in Islam, with both men and women covering themselves, it helps them guard their bodies and helps them be modest.

This is what your spouse does in Islam- they protect you, they bring you comfort, they make you happy, they help you guard your modesty (as in Islam, sexual relations are only allowed to married spouses).

There's so many verses in the Qur'an that further explain how their relationship is supposed to be, it is supposed to be one full of peace and kindness and mercy and respect and maturity and compassion and a desire for the other spouse to be happy, even if they have to put their own desires aside for the other to be happy...

In Islam, marriage is not supposed to be where the husband is a tyrant and orders his wife around and all the wife can do is meekly obey. That is not what marriage is supposed to be. Marriage is a partnership. Husbands are considered the heads of the household, not dictators, families are supposed to make decisions together, the man can't just ignore them and their desires and wishes. Muhammad, peace be upon him, asked advice from his wives in all manners, even on topics like military matters, which is a topic that women back then were unfamiliar with. Muhammad used to help his wives with household chores, as well.

Now, would you care to speak for her again?


Wonder Woman
Isn't this thread about a proposed UN law to prohibit 'lying'? Or am I misunderstanding something?

Nope, not misunderstanding, just yet another perfect example of someone who would have criminal charges on them and would probably be going to jail alongside Godobeyer for lying about someone's beliefs/stances were the UN law to go through like Godobeyer wants.

Of course, Godobeyer still has yet to address that fine point.


Rogue Theologian
Sorry I got here late.....

In this country our liberty was founded with certqain principles at work.
Freedom of speech is essential.

Sugar coating a discussion is not the way to go.
And then where do you draw then line?
You can't.

Our founding fathers realized that any expression can be consider offensive....
no matter how eloquent and proper the display.

People seeking control over what comes out of your mouth ( or keyboard) can be offended by any statement contrary to their belief.
No matter how polite, no matter how gentle....
if my belief is contrary to yours.....you will be upset....and offended.

You cannot shelter your faith and belief behind a law that silences opposition.
You cannot promote any belief in such manner.

Mockery and jest are tools of speech.
Yes, such tools can be offensive.....and some people are greatly skilled.

But I would not silence any one of them.
Freedom of speech is essential.
You cannot express your faith without it.

All men must be free to do so.
what about this

in Qur'an there are commands and boundries. boudry means the line you are not allowed to cross. beating wife is not a command. it is a boundry. till you get that point you can find many possible solutions. that is what a boundry is.

draka, storm. End of confusion,jameisi is with soft beat or symblic tap

. If she doesn't repent from it then comes in the procedure of talking, sleeping apart, the symbolic tap...

I think what people are missing here is that this "symbolic tap" is not for the husband to do whenever he feels like it, it is just in this one specific case. .

clear ???