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Are you with UN "global" law prohibition the provocation "mock/insult/lie", about all religions ?

are you with UN "global" law prohibition the "mock/insult/lie" about all religio

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Admiral Obvious
godobeyer said soft beat, i proved muslim women are with soft beat, so its ok. !! THE END !!
I do wonder though, and please forgive me if you have already addressed this, what is your stance on the OP?

I mean, since the UN has a thingy against beating women and you choose to ignore that UN thingy, why should any one pay any attention to any UN thingy?

Godobeyer has not even acknowledged that I brought this point up.
So I am most curious if you will also completely ignore it.


Wonder Woman
godobeyer said soft beat, i proved muslim women are with soft beat, so its ok. !! THE END !!

No, you quoted one Muslim woman, out of context, which does NOT prove that all Muslim women are with it. Plus, you failed to answer my question.

Jamaesi said many things which you seemed to want to ignore. Things which seemed to point to beating NOT being okay. What she said about "symbolic tap" was in the context of if the wife had committed adultery and there was argument about it and nothing could be done to rectify it and everything had been tried and as a last resort, most likely in the heat of the argument, the man was to "tap" her. When asked about the intensity of the "tap" she defined it thusly:

When you wash your face, like splashing water on it, how much force do you use? That's about it.

Now, is that really what you are talking about when you use the word "beat"? And regardless of all else, just because she said as much it doesn't mean that all Muslim women would excuse even that much. No matter what you may think.
No, you quoted one Muslim woman, out of context, which does NOT prove that all Muslim women are with it. Plus, you failed to answer my question.

Jamaesi said many things which you seemed to want to ignore. Things which seemed to point to beating NOT being okay. What she said about "symbolic tap" was in the context of if the wife had committed adultery and there was argument about it and nothing could be done to rectify it and everything had been tried and as a last resort, most likely in the heat of the argument, the man was to "tap" her. When asked about the intensity of the "tap" she defined it thusly:

Now, is that really what you are talking about when you use the word "beat"? And regardless of all else, just because she said as much it doesn't mean that all Muslim women would excuse even that much. No matter what you may think.
she is with quran verse mean tap. , tap = soft beat.
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Wonder Woman
she is with quran verse mean tap. , tap = soft beat.

I would hardly call the bare touching of my face when I wash it "soft beat". Just what the hell is "soft beat"? I don't know if we've ever gotten a clear definition of that from the proponents of that on this forum. How would you personally describe it? What would you/have you do/done to your wife?


Wonder Woman
Again, though, I reiterate, I am tired of this topic being here and wish it was in a different thread. This thread has gone from ugly to downright disgusting and off topic.


Well-Known Member
All this talking about "soft beat" and "hard beat" got my scientific interest.

What exactly is a "soft beat"? No i dont want unclear words, i want data.

So which Force(F) that results in x Pressure(p) is acceptable? At which point is it too much F and p so that a "soft beat" would be a "hard beat"?


Admiral Obvious
All this talking about "soft beat" and "hard beat" got my scientific interest.

What exactly is a "soft beat"? No i dont want unclear words, i want data.

So which Force(F) that results in x Pressure(p) is acceptable? At which point is it too much F and p so that a "soft beat" would be a "hard beat"?
Would it not be rather subjective?
I mean, some people would consider, lets say 5, a hard and others would consider it soft and yet others would consider it average...


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
All this talking about "soft beat" and "hard beat" got my scientific interest.

What exactly is a "soft beat"? No i dont want unclear words, i want data.

So which Force(F) that results in x Pressure(p) is acceptable? At which point is it too much F and p so that a "soft beat" would be a "hard beat"?

My guess is that the wife receiving the "beat" wouldn't get to say whether it's "soft" or "hard".

It's one thing to have within a relationship power play and sado-masochism as part of an agreement. It's another to realize that those who are submissives within that relationship hold ALL the power because it's entirely their consent. AND power play can shift as the relationship evolves.

Wife-beating as a generality is abusive. There are no safewords. There is no sense of trust or safety, and there is no pleasure derived from it. It is terrifying, not liberating. Make no mistake about it.

Just putting my two cents in as the token domme around here. ;)

Me Myself

Back to my username
Would it not be rather subjective?
I mean, some people would consider, lets say 5, a hard and others would consider it soft and yet others would consider it average...

I think I heard someone sometime saying that it must be a beating that does not leave a mark. That is some measure.

I am still interested in hearing what does the Qran says about Wives beating the husband when he "misbehaves"

I have a hunch about how much it is said about that though :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member

muslim women agree with soft beat !!!


1. You only read the part of the two posts that you found that agreed with you.
2 You seemed to have missed the first part of the first post that said

In Islam, a husband does NOT have the right to beat his wife in any circumstance. In Islam, a husband does NOT have the right to force his wife into having sex with him.

3 You missed the part where she then said
Now, we need to look at Muhammad, again. Muhammad never struck a woman or child or slave. Muhammad said that the best among you are the ones who are best to their wives and that the worse among you are those who beat your wives. Muhammad said that he didn't understand how someone could beat their wife and then lay with her at night.

Hm... something isn't adding up here... ;)
4. But apparently you only saw this
To go from being able to severely hurt your wife to just being able to give her a symbolic tap was a huge step.ore Islam was introduced, women were treated horribly.
and took that to mean that she agreed that Muslim men have the right to beat women because she^ just said so, while missing everything else she said.

5 now admittedly, being a former victim of spousal abuse myself, it is a huge step to go from a down right bloody beating to what she called a basic slap on the wrist. Does that mean she or I or any woman for that matter is going to condone what you call a light beating? No. What that is saying is that progress was made in the male mind on how to properly treat a woman.

Something you have obviously not been taught.


Well-Known Member
godobeyer said soft beat, i proved muslim women are with soft beat, so its ok. !! THE END !!
Not if the law the OP promotes goes through. Then it doesnt matter if they think its ok, since other people would still find it offensive and provocative and would want to ban it.


Well-Known Member
Would it not be rather subjective?
I mean, some people would consider, lets say 5, a hard and others would consider it soft and yet others would consider it average...

It wouldnt be subjective. Force(F) and Pressure(p) arent subjective figures. You can calculate them without a problem.


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
These have to be the most disturbing thoughts I have ever read on a public forum from a fellow Muslim. It's like you get your jollies out of proving a man can beat his wife. How despicable does one have to be to physically attack a woman under the guise of "marital correction"?

wife beating valid only in muslim, non muslim women not obey allah,

You make this sound like it's some great thing! HEY GUYS, ISLAM ALLOWS YOU TO BEAT YOUR WIFE! CONVERT TODAY!!! Leave non-Muslim women out of it.

i 100% agree this. no respect of women in west is evidence in movies

Beating your wife is much more respectful, you're right. :sarcastic:facepalm:

it is duty by allah for mens and women for obey. wife beating not barbaric, it is rescue for women from hell
Beating Wife in Islam : Dr Zakir Naik - YouTube

wife beat is accept by majority mulsim women, view this topiv http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/quranic-debates/75600-treatments-women.html , what bussines for non muslim in muslim affairs? :facepalm: shame shame

Disgusting. Wife beating is barbaric, and WEAK.

we beat our wife. not your. we dont abused your dear one, but you abuse our dear one.

And one wonders why people are leaving Islam. One also wonders why non-Muslims look at Muslims like they're barbaric (see above).

are you in every muslim house? and peak into others private bedroom? not in all family occur wife beat, i told majority muslim agree wife beat is needed for some situation

Are YOU? Perhaps we shouldn't make wide generalizations about other people.

why cant understand?
wife beat is legal if wife believe wife beat is in islam and they permit us. Our prophet not has allowed to insult him. understand?

Well, yippee! Again, you may think so, but the majority of Muslims I know (in fact, ALL of them), DON'T.

muslim women believe wife beating is help, for proof view http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/quranic-debates/75600-treatments-women.html

Pathetic. Did you really listen to the women's responses here?

west movies(porn) is lots of abuse women , why cant protest?

Wife-beating isn't a choice for a woman; participating in porn IS the choice of the woman. Big difference.


muslim women agree with soft beat !!!


No, they don't.

godobeyer said soft beat, i proved muslim women are with soft beat, so its ok. !! THE END !!

No you haven't proven anything.

My name is ssainhu, I'm a Muslim woman, and I do not believe in any sort of beating, "soft" or otherwise.

The fact that you have to qualify the intensity of the word "beat" is proof that the idea of beating is wrong in the first place. Guilt usually drives qualifying actions.

I genuinely feel sick to my stomach after reading these posts.
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Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
it is duty by allah for mens and women for obey. wife beating not barbaric, it is rescue for women from hell [youtube]K1FYvtjH5uM[/youtube]
Beating Wife in Islam : Dr Zakir Naik - YouTube

wife beat is accept by majority mulsim women, view this topiv http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/quranic-debates/75600-treatments-women.html , what bussines for non muslim in muslim affairs? :facepalm: shame shame

Perhaps it'd give your argument more credibility if it didn't rely on a bigoted clown like Zakir Naik for support.


Veteran Member
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Back on topic:

Faith is something that should be able to withstand criticism, mockery, and insult. Do you honestly think the Prophet is insulted by some dumb movie?

I'm going to make this very simple: The rule stating that you may not insult the Prophet is for MUSLIMS, Godobeyer. It's not for non-Muslims, just like the pork-eating rule, etc. Non-Muslims living in Muslim-ruled lands are not held to Islamic laws... you know that. The UN doesn't have any responsibility to coddle anyone from being "insulted". You should be glad too, because if so, all the hateful comments Muslims make about "the evil West", Judaism, and Christianity would have to be banned too.