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Are you with UN "global" law prohibition the provocation "mock/insult/lie", about all religions ?

are you with UN "global" law prohibition the "mock/insult/lie" about all religio

  • Total voters


Veteran Member
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I don't know how many times I've asked this, so it'll be the last time:

A wife-beating creed is highly insulting to women - and to men who find wife-beating barbaric.

Because it is insulting to an entire demographic, should the U.N. prohibit the creed because of its provocation?

Yes. Abuse should be banned from the universe.

Oh wait... you weren't asking me. :p
Carry on!


The Lost One
I don't understand why you persist on "soft beat" to be not assault or violence?

And how would one measure what is "soft" or "hard"?

In the case of marriage or live-in couple arrangements, any form of assaults is considered to be domestic violence and abuse. That you would try to justify beating wife using religion only make you and your religion to be nothing more than misogynistic and violent barbarian and faith.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Here's what I can tell you:

If my husband or I ever get wind that some man felt the need to "discipline" one of my daughters, even by "tapping" them with a miswak, suffice it to say that my daughters would no longer be married to that man... and he may have trouble walking. There is no excuse for raising a hand to a woman.

Violence escalates. A light tap becomes a smack, and a smack becomes a punch, and so on, until it becomes a full-on beating because the woman DARED to "go out without asking".

Time to grow up, people.
i advise you , to make a deal (condition) with your futur husbands of your daughters to don't softbeat them .

let's suppose that of one of them told you i accept to live with him even he soft beat me !!!

honesly i know some muslim wives beat their husband !!

I believe the mariage is saint relation should be built in respect , the verse talking about especial statut of the wife Nashiz wife
which had no respect to her husband ...etc , it's not talking about the normal mariage .

btw : what is your explain to the word "Nashiz" ?

This is despicable. Where do you draw the line between "soft-beat" (which is horrible) and abuse? Soft beat IS abuse. 100% ABUSE.

See my post above, please.
it's not suppose and not necessery to insult the other islamic
view ,especialy the first scholars interpretation (Ibn Kathir and Tabari) , and especialy when it's support by correct hadith .

NO it's not abuse when it's good using ,and it's abuse when it's bad using , i can compare it's like a patient need to medical stinger , no one can said it's painful and hurt,to the doctors !!! .

mariage problems need sometimes to this medical stingers ( advise her ,don't touch her in bed -soft-beat - made congress)
if the medical not work the divorce is the final solution .

we all need sometimes to medical stingers , then should be ban it ?

the line is very clear :
abuse is make hurt pain and mark in the body
the soft beat is almost don't hurt and don't make marks in the body .

i want to ask you ,what is your exact meaning to word "Darba" in that verse of Quran ?
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Veteran Member
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Ssainhui advise you , to make a deal (condition) with your futur husbands of your daughters to don't softbeat them .

It's pathetic that one would have to make a "deal" so the husband doesn't (soft) beat my daughter(s). :facepalm:

let's suppose that of one of them told you i accept to live with him even he soft beat me !!!

honesly i know some muslim wives beat their husband !!

I don't think anyone would justify a woman beating her husband either.

I believe the mariage is saint relation should be built in respect , the verse talking about especial statut of the wife Nashiz wife
which had no respect to her husband ...etc , it's not talking about the normal mariage .

Then he should leave her. At least that's more dignifying than beating her.

btw : what is your explain to the word "Nashiz" ?

I believe it is a highly subjective term, and leads to horrible confusion like we're seeing in this thread.

it's not suppose and not necessery to insult the other islamic
view ,especialy the first scholars interpretation (Ibn Kathir and Tabari) , and especialy when it's support by correct hadith .

I'm not insulting it, I just think it's WRONG.

NO it's not abuse when it's good using ,and it's abuse when it's bad using , i can compare it's like a patient need to medical stinger , no one can said it's painful and hurt,to the doctors !!! .

mariage problems need sometimes to this medical stingers ( advise her ,don't touch her in bed -soft-beat - made congress)
if the medical not work the divorce is the final solution .

Nope, still abuse. What are medical "stingers"? Shots? Are you really comparing beating a woman to medical treatment??

we all need sometimes to medical stingers , then should be ban it ?


the line is very clear :
abuse is make hurt pain and mark in the body
the soft beat is almost don't hurt and don't make marks in the body .

Beating is abuse.

i want to ask you ,what is your exact meaning to word "Darba" in that verse of Quran ?

"to forsake or to leave"


Daughter of Chaos


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Thanks, Nix.

Personally, it's vital to understand the nature of consenual BDSM, rather than an institutionalized BDSM. The former being far ethically superior than the latter.


Rogue Theologian
Thought I might repost for those looking for the topic

Sorry I got here late.....

In this country our liberty was founded with certqain principles at work.
Freedom of speech is essential.

Sugar coating a discussion is not the way to go.
And then where do you draw then line?
You can't.

Our founding fathers realized that any expression can be consider offensive....
no matter how eloquent and proper the display.

People seeking control over what comes out of your mouth ( or keyboard) can be offended by any statement contrary to their belief.
No matter how polite, no matter how gentle....
if my belief is contrary to yours.....you will be upset....and offended.

You cannot shelter your faith and belief behind a law that silences opposition.
You cannot promote any belief in such manner.

Mockery and jest are tools of speech.
Yes, such tools can be offensive.....and some people are greatly skilled.

But I would not silence any one of them.
Freedom of speech is essential.
You cannot express your faith without it.

All men must be free to do so.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I won't vote here in this thread because I don't think it is fair to ask me to choose between being called a religious person _or_ an atheist; I'm both.

That said, I sure disagree with such a prohibition. It is no business of the UN (or of any government) to decide which groups should be considered religious and deserve special protection as such. That way unfair repression lies. And there is really no benefit to such a proposal.


The Lost One
What if the Muslim husband is stupid and incapable of determine what is right and wrong? And say the woman is far intelligent and wiser than her husband.

If a husband is wrong, but refused to recognise that he is wrong and beat his wife for arguing with him - to discipline her, because he blindly followed your interpretation of that Quranic verse or Hadith, then how could the husband be right in exercising his duty as a husband?

Your interpretation is utterly moronic, oppressive and abusive. Doing 2 wrongs, don't make it right. (The husband would not only be wrong in their argument or disagreement, he would also bearing to hit her, even lightly.)
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the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
It a coward of a man that feels that he must beat his wife, no matter how hard, to put her into submission.
I mean, seriously, Doesn't "submission" mean to give of yourself freely?
we are agree indeed it's coward a man who beat his wife , or let his wife beat him ,
we are disagree in no matter is hard .

the submission in Islam (and other religions ) of the wife to her husband is religious issue .
it's kind of respect and show love , it's wrong if you understand that she had not an opinion or control or treat her like a slave or abuse her ...etc

for me the feminity of the woman is in her submission ,for me the woman who are not submission to her husband it's lose her feminity. "HE treat HER like man !!! ".

for me " i would not maried a man in shape of woman "
which mean I would not NEVER ever maried a woman did not submission to me .
i can bit 99% of muslims women submission to their husbands here in Algeria and many other muslim countries.

in the end :
it's specific relation and treatment inter female and male in all the creatures (not only the human being ), it's rarely when the female get the control over the male .


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
It's pathetic that one would have to make a "deal" so the husband doesn't (soft) beat my daughter(s). :facepalm:

I don't think anyone would justify a woman beating her husband either.
it's justified in the Quran , when the wife becomes "Nashiz"

Then he should leave her. At least that's more dignifying than beating her.
we are talking about soft beat .

Nope, still abuse. What are medical "stingers"? Shots? Are you really comparing beating a woman to medical treatment??
yes , the mariage problems need treatment.

"to forsake or to leave"
Darab mean in that verse leave . ok
in which translations of Quran you find it ?

and what mean" noushouzhona" ?
"then if they obey you "
they mention to whom ?
you mention to whom ?


Veteran Member
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Did you seriously just :p about the ridiculousness of asking for a deal to not beat one's wife? I will repeat myself: If my husband or I ever got wind that any man (husband or otherwise) even THREATENED to strike one of our daughters, he would have an army of angry men and women on his doorstep.

it's justified in the Quran , when the wife becomes "Nashiz"

This sounds so childish it's sickening.

we are talking about soft beat .

No, you're talking about soft beat. The title of this thread is about banning the mocking/insulting of a religion.

yes , the mariage problems need treatment.

Perhaps, but not "soft beat" or any other physical attack.

and what mean" noushouzhona" ?
"then if they obey you "
they mention to whom ?
you mention to whom ?

Who decides what "obey" means? Who decides what "nashiz" is?

Let me guess: the husband.

That sounds fair. :sarcastic <------ sarcasm

Me Myself

Back to my username
"""Godobeyer"""´s posts should make it incredibly obvious why mocking religion cannot be wrong oh so many times.


Wonder Woman
Argh. There is no freakin such thing as "soft beat"! "Soft" is how you describe something gentle or fluffy. You have soft sweaters. Your daughter's Teddy bear is soft. Your mattress is soft. Hitting is NOT soft! From a light slap to a knockout punch hitting is hitting, beating is beating, abuse is abuse. Stop putting "soft" in front of "beat"! You might as well call a brick fuzzy for as much sense as it makes.

Debater Slayer

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Premium Member
the submission in Islam (and other religions ) of the wife to her husband is religious issue .
it's kind of respect and show love , it's wrong if you understand that she had not an opinion or control or treat her like a slave or abuse her ...etc

I think this is a misrepresentation of Islam, and it doesn't seem that the majority of Muslims would agree with your position either. Submission implies one gender's superiority over the other; is that what you are saying &#8212; that males are 'superior' to females and so should control them?

for me the feminity of the woman is in her submission ,for me the woman who are not submission to her husband it's lose her feminity. "HE treat HER like man !!! ".

Thankfully, the majority of Muslim men don't seem to share that view that has led to the dehumanization and exclusion of women from public life for a long time.

for me " i would not maried a man in shape of woman "
which mean I would not NEVER ever maried a woman did not submission to me .
i can bit 99% of muslims women submission to their husbands here in Algeria and many other muslim countries.

It seems to me that you don't consider women to be equal human beings and therefore feel that you have some kind of privilege to control them. I personally find that idea to be disgusting and vile.

in the end :
it's specific relation and treatment inter female and male in all the creatures (not only the human being ), it's rarely when the female get the control over the male .

Female tarantulas sometimes eat the males once they're done mating, but somehow I doubt that what happens in nature in that case would be so inspirational to you.​
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Well-Known Member
FTR, 95% of the respondents to the poll are against such restrictive free speech laws.

I didn't vote because of the simplistic assumption that one is either 'religious' or 'atheist'. But I'm against such a law. Someone else in the thread said the same thing, I think.