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As of this moment, who would you vote for in the Republican nomination?

RF Republican Primary Poll. As of now, who would you vote for in the RNC primary?

  • Donald Trump

  • Jeb Bush

  • Scott Walker

  • Marco Rubio

  • Ben Carson

  • Ted Cruz

  • Mike Huckabee

  • Rand Paul

  • Carli Fiorina

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
how? he got rich by costing people there jobs. hes an idiot. mexico is not sending illegals, he is a disrespectful *** hole who would turn the world against us.

does he even have a viable plan? no
The other responses supporting Trump hit the mark pretty well. It would be nice to see how exactly he cost people jobs. You get rich by hiring people, and keeping them employed as long as possible.

Illegals are a huge problem overall no matter where they come from. Trump is vowing to keep those who refuse to go through the proper channels out. As far as the world goes in hating us, it's really a smaller number than the media plays out I think. I would say the Middle East and North Korea would top the list. Not much to add past that other than Trump likely would not back down if the US is challenged in a certain capacity unlike Obama who pretty much is now a laughing stock on the world stage. Just ask Russia's Putin.

Additionally on the domestic front, private sector does and sorely need the government to essentially stop all the crazy over regulating and controlling the private market to the point where literally drives corporations out of the country and ceos to expatriate, and stop the imposed excessive costs required by private corporations for compliance standards and consequently passed on to the general public making it all but impossible for people to even make ends meet.

I think Trump's political interests not only serve to benefit him, but everyone that essentially depends on private busineses for their livelihood and bread and butter.

We need someone with Trump's disposition to actually get the job done come hell or high water.

I'll definitely do my part to vote the man in.

Can't be any worse than what we got now.


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
Trump wants to raise taxes on the very rich

There are some attack dogs on FOX, not all but some, who on behalf of the Bush operation and their anti-Tea Party, pro establisment, Karl Rove operatives and toadies of the Chamber of Commerce crowd of pro-amnesty WSJ do-nothings but "buy low, sell high", are constantly saying Trump only talks about his high poll numbers "but not the issues".

In fact, he is on top of and discussing the issues like nobody's business, and in fact no one in the Republican field other than 2 others would even be talking about criminal aliens or the many other issues of concern to the American people if it weren't for Trump. Bush is the one who doesn't discuss the issues, all he does is attack Trump. But because of Trump's command of the issues he is on top of the polls. And he should also talk of his great polling numbers, he should be proud of this as I am of my fellow Americans supporting him.

Now the McConnell Rep establishment behind Bush and through operatives such as Karl Rove and FOX's Megyn the monkey Kelly will be launching two massive campaigns against Trump because part of his Make America Great Again includes raising taxes on the very rich.

Normally, I am against raising taxes. But what I really hate is phonies such as from the Bush family talking about not raising taxes - and then they do, they tax the crap out of me and grow government and tax and spend.

But in this case, I support Trump, he isn't a phony liar lie the Bushies. He tells it straight and the truth, that is what I want. He says he is going to raise taxes on the very rich to, in these shaky times, reduce taxes on the middle class. And if there is anyone I can trust to implement this without corruption and to put the money to good means for America, it is Trump, so I will support him on this even though I am anti-tax.

He is the only one I trust when it comes to raising taxes in the right way for the best result. No one else, and Bush will say he opposes this but in power Bush will raise taxes and use the money for his own power interests and all the wrong ways.

Trump will be viciously attacked now for telling the straight talk regarding taxes - it will come from the Bush-WSJ-Kelly-Rove chamber of losers.

Let them attack. I will tell you right now, the Republican base loves Trump and will support his no joke tax policy. His poll numbers will go up even higher.

In addition, Planned Parenthood. Trump is against these body parts business - he will stop it.

But he also supports the needed healthcare for women via programs to assist.

So do I.

He is about to be viciously and falsely attacked as a pro-planned program guy. He is NOT pro-Planned Parenthood, he wants to reform it but keep other programs for women.

I predict the base will support his realistic program. His poll numbers will go up more.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
He says he is going to raise taxes on the very rich to, in these shaky times, reduce taxes on the middle class. And if there is anyone I can trust to implement this without corruption and to put the money to good means for America, it is Trump, so I will support him on this even though I am anti-tax.
He is the only one I trust when it comes to raising taxes in the right way for the best result
Has he elaborated on the structure of his tax increase?
If it's just raising the marginal rates, then he's dog **** in my book.
But he also supports the needed healthcare for women via programs to assist.
Just women?


Well-Known Member
The other responses supporting Trump hit the mark pretty well. It would be nice to see how exactly he cost people jobs. You get rich by hiring people, and keeping them employed as long as possible.

Illegals are a huge problem overall no matter where they come from. Trump is vowing to keep those who refuse to go through the proper channels out. As far as the world goes in hating us, it's really a smaller number than the media plays out I think. I would say the Middle East and North Korea would top the list. Not much to add past that other than Trump likely would not back down if the US is challenged in a certain capacity unlike Obama who pretty much is now a laughing stock on the world stage. Just ask Russia's Putin.

Additionally on the domestic front, private sector does and sorely need the government to essentially stop all the crazy over regulating and controlling the private market to the point where literally drives corporations out of the country and ceos to expatriate, and stop the imposed excessive costs required by private corporations for compliance standards and consequently passed on to the general public making it all but impossible for people to even make ends meet.

I think Trump's political interests not only serve to benefit him, but everyone that essentially depends on private busineses for their livelihood and bread and butter.

We need someone with Trump's disposition to actually get the job done come hell or high water.

I'll definitely do my part to vote the man in.

Can't be any worse than what we got now.

Illegals are not a huge problem anymore. (at least not of the type that his wall would help with) The numbers are almost insignificant these days.


There are roughly as many leaving as coming in. Most illegals come here legally via temporary work visas that run out.


Premium Member
The reason the Republicans lost the white house in the last two cycles is that the establishment nominated both times establishment politicians who were too afraid to speak up and speak out. Both McCain and Romney were duds; no fire, no passion, did not inspire. Donald Trump could very well win the Republican nomination and the white house because he is not an establishment politician, and is fiery, passionate, and inspiring, and is not afraid to speak up and speak out. Plus he is a smart, successful businessman who knows the issues, who understands politics and has mastered the art of diplomacy as a career deal maker, and he is a money maker and an employer of thousands. Trump understands economics and knows how the real world works. Please, no more "Mr. Nice Guy" candidates. :smileycat:
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Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Illegals are not a huge problem anymore. (at least not of the type that his wall would help with) The numbers are almost insignificant these days.


There are roughly as many leaving as coming in. Most illegals come here legally via temporary work visas that run out.
I've been hearing about that. Not much anymore in the land of plenty. More like the land of what's left.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
The reason the Republicans lost the white house in the last two cycles is that the establishment nominated both times establishment politicians who were too afraid to speak up and speak out. Both McCain and Romney were duds; no fire, no passion, did not inspire. Donald Trump could very well win the Republican nomination and the white house because he is not an establishment politician, and is enflaming, passionate, and inspiring, and is not afraid to speak up and speak out. Plus he is a smart, successful businessman who knows the issues, who understands politics and has mastered the art of diplomacy as a career deal maker, and he is a money maker and an employer of thousands. Trump understands economics and knows how the real world works. Please, no more "Mr. Nice Guy" candidates. :smileycat:
i liked mccain over obama


Premium Member
Those who say that Donald Trump's plan of deporting all illegal immigrants is not doable and will cost billions of dollars are absolutely wrong. He is not saying that it will be done over night, but it will be an ongoing process for years to come. Illegals who refuse to go through the legal process of becoming US citizens should be put on notice that by coming here illegally they are gambling with their own lives. And not be surprised or complain, "not fair", when they are eventually found out and they, and if they have family, are all gathered up and deported back to their country of origin. I also agree that this so-called "anchor-baby" loop hole in the 14th Amendment should be addressed and closed. Perhaps then people will take heed and respect our laws and go through the legal process of US citizenship instead of trying to take advantage of flaws in our laws. It is time to get tough folks, no more ***** footing around. Furthermore, just enforcing the immigration laws already on the books would be a great start, as would be penalizing those American companies that higher illegals as cheap labor with a hefty fine. Other notable and respected countries like Mexico and Australia enforce their immigration laws, why the hell shouldn't we?
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yawn <ignore> yawn
Furthermore, just enforcing the immigration laws already on the books would be a great start, as would be penalizing those American companies that higher illegals as cheap labor with a hefty fine.
Honestly, I am confident that this right here would resolve the problems pretty quickly. But Wall Street doesn't want to give up the hugely profitable status quo.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I am confident that this right here would resolve the problems pretty quickly. But Wall Street doesn't want to give up the hugely profitable status quo.

Immigration is a popular issue among those who don't hire them. But most of the rest of the world laughs when we talk about it as a huge problem. Europe has serious immigration problems. What we are dealing with is small potatoes.


yawn <ignore> yawn
Europe has serious immigration problems. What we are dealing with is small potatoes.

Europe has serious problems. But ours are not small potatoes.
I don't claim to know enough to have a useful opinion on European issues. But the USA I do know about.

Trump's premise that the Mexican government is sending undesirables and we can keep them out with a wall is not just inane. It is the lowest form of pandering.

If every big employer, starting with the companies whose sole product is screened workers(like Manpower), were given notice that their employees were going to be scrutinized. On Sept 15, 2015, they would have to turn over a list of employees and would get fined or jailed for every illegal worker on their books. They would find a way to be sure that they were following the law.

Real wages would shoot through the roof and unemployment would drop like a rock. The "jobless recovery" from the Republican Recession of 2008 would be over and the majority of US citizens would benefit hugely.
The Dow would drop by thousands of points. Darn.

But nobody is going to do that because the billionaires find the current status quo too profitable. The illegals keep wages down and consumption up. That is what is best for Wall Street.


Well-Known Member
Europe has serious problems. But ours are not small potatoes.
I don't claim to know enough to have a useful opinion on European issues. But the USA I do know about.

Trump's premise that the Mexican government is sending undesirables and we can keep them out with a wall is not just inane. It is the lowest form of pandering.

If every big employer, starting with the companies whose sole product is screened workers(like Manpower), were given notice that their employees were going to be scrutinized. On Sept 15, 2015, they would have to turn over a list of employees and would get fined or jailed for every illegal worker on their books. They would find a way to be sure that they were following the law.

Real wages would shoot through the roof and unemployment would drop like a rock. The "jobless recovery" from the Republican Recession of 2008 would be over and the majority of US citizens would benefit hugely.
The Dow would drop by thousands of points. Darn.

But nobody is going to do that because the billionaires find the current status quo too profitable. The illegals keep wages down and consumption up. That is what is best for Wall Street.

I think you overestimate the impact. Upper middle class women would have to clean their own homes and marginal bargain-basement contractors would go out of business, unable to meet their obligations. Otherwise... business as usual.

But I could be wrong. Where I live, illegal immigration as a problem doesn't exist.


Veteran Member
I think you overestimate the impact. Upper middle class women would have to clean their own homes and marginal bargain-basement contractors would go out of business, unable to meet their obligations. Otherwise... business as usual.

But I could be wrong. Where I live, illegal immigration as a problem doesn't exist.
Just because your area is not having a program with illegal immigration does not necessarily mean that there isn't a problem. So how about examining a small group of articles


Well-Known Member

I've done more than my share of reading on the topic. I'm not claiming it is not a problem, only that Trump is vastly overestimating the problem (as does at least a couple of your sources).

I certainly don't buy the notion that booting all the illegals would create a panacea of economic bliss. It would open up some jobs at the extreme bottom of the market, which we have no shortage of now. It may marginally increase wages, but we have seen employers towing the line on wages even while demand increases. At the same time increased labor cost would increase inflation in markets where their labor is used so I suspect most of the advantages would be offset by the disadvantages. For example the money flowing into Mexico from illegals to their families would mean a economic shift in Mexico. I don't know exactly how large it would be right now, but I know 10 years ago that it was calculated to be sizable.

But it is easier to blame the countries problems on illegals than to understand the fundamental problems we are facing. The reality is that our economic woes are the result of increased efficiency, under-capitalized spending at every level from the government right on down to freshman college students, and free trade. Probably in that order. The true impact of immigration might edge into the top ten on a sensible list of economic woes we face. But it is the easiest to 'solve' so gets the most attention.

But his wall is just a joke. Statistically most illegals come here legally and simply overstay their welcome. If the wall has any use it is to deal with border crime. But the cost would be staggering. And not just to build it, but to man it, to maintain it. It would be cheaper to just quadruple the border guard, something that would have to happen anyway in order to properly maintain a wall of that staggering size.

Obama has already doubled the border guard, as did Bush before him. Last I knew there were National Guard troops stationed there as well.

I say the logical choice is to just invade Mexico. Our army needs something to do. They all want to be Americans anyway. Wipe out the cartels with bunker busters and special forces. We could add five states to the country and put in a itty bitty wall on their southern border manned by ex police officers accused of brutality.

Don't ever claim I'm not a problem solver.


I believe in one God, and the equality of man.
There are three Republicans I could vote for; Abrahan Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Dwight Eisenhower.